Beautifully Twisted (44 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Beautifully Twisted
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A man wearing a chef’s jacket approaches our table. Enzo stands and hugs the man, briefly kissing him on both cheeks. Ah, so very Italian.

“Ciao, fratello. Come stai?” Enzo speaks in Italian. A little thrill courses through me. That is sexy.

“Tutto bene, sto bene. Tu?”

I’m grinning like an idiot, staring at them as they speak.

“Bene, bene. Ava, this is the chef and my brother, Paulo. Paulo, my new friend Ava.”

Paolo extends his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Ava.” He says, in even thicker accented English. Studying him, I see a resemblance but notice he is shorter and heavier set than Enzo. But he has the same sterling blue eyes and thick black hair. They continue their conversation in Italian for a moment. From what I can tell, they are discussing the menu. I watch Enzo’s hands move through the air as he speaks, his demeanor considerably softer and familiar with his brother.

“Va bene. Vino, er, wine, Ava?”
Enzo asks, switching back to English. I start to speak when Enzo waves his hands and turns back to his brother.

“Chianti, per favore.”

His brother nods and leaves us.

“I don’t know if I should have any more wine after this morning.” I frown.

“A little wine will be okay. You’ve adjusted to the heat now. Just sip it.” He grins.

I nod. A silent moment passes.

“I like hearing you speak Italian.” I blurt out.

That was smooth.

He looks at me, and I feel all squishy inside, like I’ve never been on a date before.

Who said you were on a date now?

“So you like the Italian language?”

“Well, I like what I just heard. It’s beautiful. Sexy even.”

Cut it out.

“Yes, Ava, it is beautiful.”

So are you. He could talk about dog shit and I would think it was hot.

What am I doing here? How can I keep a man like this interested? What do we have in common? He’s rich, devastatingly handsome, mature, established. I’m a girl stuck in mid-flight. What would he possibly want with me?

“What are you thinking, Ava?”

I shake my head and… oh no! My parents! I forgot to call. I dig my cell phone out of my handbag, panicked. Eight missed calls, four voicemails. Shit! I never turned it back on after the flight.

“I forgot to call my parents. Give me a minute okay?” I step away from the table into the courtyard.

“Dammit Ava, we’ve been worried sick! We called the airport and the apartment office. They said you came and got your key, but that was it. Where were you?” My dad is so mad, and I don’t blame him.

“Daddy, I’m sorry. I forgot to turn my phone on after the flight.” Something tells me I shouldn’t fill in the rest of the day.

“How could you forget?”

“I just got caught up, dad, sorry. I’m fine really.”

Softening, he says, “Okay, Ava, just don’t do that again. As it is your mom’s a mess.”

“I know. Can I say hi?”


“Hi mom. I’m sorry I made you worry.” My mom has been high-strung and prone to crying jags since I announced I was moving.

“Are you okay?” She asks.

“Yes, just grabbing a bite to eat.” I look at Enzo, who sits comfortably waiting for me. He’s so handsome, he looks like he is part of the scenery.

“Tell dad I love him. Love you too.” I hang up and walk back to the table. Enzo’s eyes are on me the entire time.

“Everything alright?” He asks.

“Yes. My parents worry. I’m an only child, and I’ve never moved away before.”

He nods. “Have some wine. Dinner will be here soon. Then I’ll get you back to your room.” He pauses. “To sleep.”

He knows he’s messing with me doesn’t he? I sit back in my chair and try to relax. I take a sip of wine. It’s smooth and rich, just like my dining companion.

“So, Ava. Did you move here for a specific reason?”

I look up and feel flustered when my eyes meet his. “I always have a reason for the things I do.”

He smiles. “Yes, I would imagine you do. Are you going to tell me the reason or do I have to coax it out of you?”

His tone shifted to pure seduction, and I feel a little flutter in my stomach. “I needed a change. This seemed like a good place for it.”

“Interesting. Tell me, do you have a man in your life?”

I almost spit my wine across the room.

My heartbeat quickens. “No, I don’t.” I don’t elaborate. I have no idea what else to say.

He sits back in his chair, blue eyes surveying me, saying nothing. A hundred years pass or so it seems before he opens his delectable mouth.

“That’s a shame.”

What? Is that a compliment? Or an offer? I’m clueless. Enzo pours himself another glass of wine and grins.

“Is it?” I ask.

“Well yes, a beautiful woman like yourself should be fucked nightly. But every day is a new opportunity, no?”

My body prickles with heat like I just walked into a burning flame. The bluntness of his comment shocks and excites me all at once.

“So is that what this is all about? You want to fuck me?” I can be blunt too. He doesn’t flinch.

“Of course I want to. I expect every man that sees you would like to as well.” He delivers this comment as casually as discussing the dinner menu. His eyes shift up and that intense stare of his burns through me. “But I’m not going to. Not yet anyway.”

I glare at him. What the hell is this game? I don’t know if I should feel insulted or relieved. He knows what he’s doing, and it’s pissing me off. He’s not even looking at me, which pisses me off even more.

“Have you considered that maybe I don’t want you to fuck me so it doesn’t really matter what you want?”

He runs the tip of his finger over the rim of his wine glass. “Why don’t we just see how it goes?”

Bastard. He knows damn well I’m bluffing. I lower my head when the server appears with our food. I know my face is bright red from anger and lust. Damn him. He’s obviously not gay.

I’m starving so I’m thankful for the distraction as a variety of small dishes, all tastier than the one before it, arrives at the table.

I don’t even know what to say at this point. My mind races thinking of how the rest of this conversation is going to play out. How dare he talk to me like that? Still, it’s so sexy. I want to be mad, but it’s hard when I’m so turned on. Dammit.

I distract myself from the tension by focusing on my food. I look up, and Enzo is watching me stuff a fried rice ball in my mouth. It has melted mozzarella cheese in the middle, and it is gooey and creamy goodness.

“What?” I ask, my mouth full as I chew.

“Nothing at all, Miss Bradshaw.” He sits back in his chair chewing a small olive and holding his wine glass in the other. Feeling self-conscious, I swallow and sit back.

“Please don’t stop on my account.”

“I think I’m full now.”

He leans across the table, grabs a small rice ball, and pops it in his mouth, chewing slowly and deliberately. My my my.

“Please have another one.” He hands me a rice ball. I reach for it, but he stops.

“Open your mouth.”


I open my mouth as instructed. He reaches over and puts the rice ball in my mouth. I chew slowly, keeping eye contact with him, feeling electricity shoot through my body.

“There’s nothing sexier to me than a woman enjoying her food.” He holds my stare for a moment.

He sits back in his seat and takes another drink of wine. He’s completely calm, and I am practically jumping out of my seat with excitement.

This man is so frustrating. He knows he’s seducing me yet he tells me he’s not? If he keeps this up, there will be no way I can stick to my plan. Not sure I want to at this point even after his earlier comment.

Paolo returns, interrupting our food play, and we enthusiastically praise the dinner. After saying our goodbyes to Paulo and Sylvia, we rise to begin our short walk back to my room.

I try for lighthearted, non-sexual innuendo conversation.

“Where are you staying, Enzo?”

“Next door to you.”

Oh. He stops at my door and opens it for me.

“Ava, what I said earlier, I do hope I haven’t upset you. I always just say what I mean. It avoids confusion.” His tone still smacks of arrogance. He’s not really apologizing as much as just explaining himself.

What do I say to this? I don’t even know if I am upset. I’m a jumble of emotions right now.

“I can handle you, Enzo.” I’m not at all sure that’s true.

“Yes, I believe you can. I do hope you sleep well, Ava.”

What? No kiss? After all that. Wait, I shouldn’t want a kiss. Oh Lord, this is so confusing.

“I’m sure I will. And thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He takes my hand and plants a chaste kiss on both cheeks. I inhale his closeness. Man, he smells good.

“If you need anything, I’m right next door.”

He pauses and stares at me, holding my hand a moment too long.

“You know, Ava, you’re really quite stunning. Buona notte.”

He watches me go inside my room. I’m stunning? Enzo thinks I’m stunning. And beautiful. And fuckable!

I can’t stop thinking about all that happened today and the things this man said to me. Maybe he wasn’t trying to seduce me, maybe that’s just how he talks. Still, he did ask me if I had a man so that must mean something, right? I don’t know what to think.

What I do know is that this man is probably trouble, capital T for me, and I should avoid him. Tomorrow, if I even see him, I’ll just make it clear that nothing is going to happen between us, and I’ll be gone by Monday morning. Yes, that’s a good plan.

I settle into bed, satisfied with my clarity

Dinner with Ava from Enzo’s point of view

Standing in front of the door to room 115, I imagine for a moment just what the night has in store for me. Knocking softly, I find myself looking forward to dinner with the beautiful girl inside, and even more interested in getting her in my bed later. Ava opens the door and I grin as she steps back a bit, obviously taking me in with her eyes. She’s such a sexy woman, in a very natural way that I find quite appealing. Even her choice of clothing is refreshing. My eyes run over her body, admiring the way her purple summer dress drapes over her petite frame, casual and sexy. My eyes linger for a moment over her supple cleavage, and I hold back my urge to reach out and stroke her soft flesh.

“Ready, Miss Bradshaw?”

“Yes, Enzo, I’m ready,” she says in her lovely voice that sounds like it’s coated in honey. I hold my gaze with hers for a moment before speaking.

“Good. We’re going to a restaurant on the grounds. I do hope you like Italian.” I plan to find out just how much she does.

“I do.”

She looks away, almost like she’s afraid to make eye contact with me. I definitely want those beautiful eyes to look at me again. “Ava, that’s an Italian name, no?”

“Yes. It was my grandmother’s name, on my mom’s side. She was from Italy.”

“Oh?” I turn towards her. “What part?”

“Calabria. In the South.”

Her answer makes me stop in my tracks. Impulsively, I swing around and grab Ava’s shoulders. “My family is from Calabria.” I stare into her big brown eyes but she looks away again. I realize I must be making her uncomfortable so I release her and smile gently. “Excuse me, Ava. I get excited when I think of Italy.”

“No problem.”

I’m finally rewarded with a warm smile from this charming creature. “Come on, dinner.” We continue walking and reach the restaurant’s open-air patio. Ava absorbs every detail with her eyes and has an odd expression on her face when she sees the restaurant name.

“Come, Ava.” I usher her through the door and see my darling niece at the front, who sees me and bounces over, her abundant energy on display.

“Enzo!” she squeals and throws her arms around my neck. I glance at my dinner companion, who appears very interested in the young woman wrapped around me. I suppress a grin as I realize Ava is jealous.

“Ciao, Silvia.” I kiss my niece on both cheeks then pull Ava’s arm towards us. “This is Ava. Ava, Sylvia.”

Sylvia’s face lights up. “Welcome to Milano, Ava,” she says with a wink.

Ava smiles softly in return. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Sylvia is my darling niece.” I inform Ava, and see her visibly soften. “My first. She’s starting her last year of college in August.” I softly pinch Sylvia’s cheek but she brushes my hand away. “I’m so proud of her.”

“Zio, you’re embarrassing me.” Sylvia giggles, even though I know she’s quite fond of me. “Your table?” she asks.

I nod and Sylvia walks us towards the corner overlooking the massive courtyard. I look around for a moment, pleased with the tropical landscape that transports the grounds away from its desert location.

I hold the chair out for Ava, the pleasant scent of her hair wafting around me. “Was the room to your liking, Miss Bradshaw?” Her face settles into the slightest of frowns and I wonder what I’ve said to upset her.

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