Attracting Anthony (4 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Attracting Anthony
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his shirt, exposing a lightly furred, olive-skinned chest with

ripped muscles, probably from running as a wolf. All the

shifters he'd ever seen were fit like Silver. Hunger for the

handsome man flared like an inferno in his stomach.

When his large lover lowered his zipper, Anthony

barely resisted the urge to lunge. He wanted to attack the

other man with a ferocity that surprised him.

A low chuckle filled the air as Silver walked closer

before stripping completely out of his remaining clothes.

"Eager are you?"

"Yes, so fuck me."

"You forget who's in charge here, my sweet."

"Not me?" Anthony asked, blinking innocently.

Silver's mouth quirked in a half smile, flashing his

white teeth in the dim light. "Not you." He slid one finger across Anthony's skin from shoulder to stomach, distracting

him from his thoughts.

Anthony sucked in his breath as goose bumps rose

along the finger's path. Need ate at him like a hungry beast.

"Please fuck me," he pleaded.

Silver quirked one dark brow. "You think you're


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

worthy of my dick?"

"No, but fuck me anyway."

"Oh I will my sweet, but later we're going to have a

session that involves your fine ass and the heat of my


"Sounds like a deal." Anthony gave Silver a look

from beneath his lashes, a coy expression that used to bring

Drew to his knees. It would probably be more effective

without the suppression spell. For the first time he regretted

casting it.

* * * *

Silver looked down at the feast lying on his bed and

almost prematurely ejaculated for the first time in his life.

Never had a man looked so damn good.

He could tell Anthony was going to blow as soon as

he entered, but hell, there was no way he could make the

kid wait any longer. As much as he loved to exquisitely

torture his bed partners, Silver wasn't into denying himself.

They would have time later to draw out their pleasure, but

first he needed to take the edge off.

"I changed my mind. I'll make it up to you later,

baby, but this one's going to be quick."

Even though he knew he didn't need one, he slipped


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

on a condom so as not to worry his sweet mate. Silver

didn't want their first time to cause any shadows in those

beautiful caramel eyes. Later, when Anthony knew for

certain what he was, they could go without.

Lubing up two fingers, Silver plunged them into the

sleek, elegant body grinding beneath him.

"Ahhhh," Anthony screamed, instinctively lifting

his legs so his lover could get better access.

Found it.

Silver grinned knowing his expression was probably

more wolf-wicked than reassuring. He brushed against the

same spot again, watching with satisfaction when the

smaller man let out another yell.


"My pace, sweet. My pace." Removing his fingers

Silver replaced them with his cock, slowly pushing his way

into the hot willing body beneath him.

Gasping, Anthony flashed a taunting smile of his

own. "Don't be shy, baby. Come on in."

Silver pushed all the way into the hot, silky body

until he was balls deep. "I'm. Not. Shy." With each pump of his body he slammed against Anthony's prostrate, making

him scream. "I just like to be certain of my welcome.

His mate's slim form bucked beneath his body, the

friction amazing.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

"Come," Silver whispered as he continued to nail

the man's prostate over and over.

Instantly obedient, Anthony exploded. Cream burst

from him in great, body shaking spurts. A moment later

Silver gave a cry and collapsed on top of him before

quickly moving to the side, unwilling to harm his young


He wrapped himself around his smaller mate,

nuzzling the fine hairs on the back of Anthony's head.

"Mate," he whispered before falling asleep.

* * * *

Panic raced through Anthony's mind. Maybe

he'd heard wrong. Hopefully he'd heard wrong. Every nerve

in his body screamed at him to flee.

Silver was too intense.

He wasn't ready for another relationship. Excuses

for leaving ricocheted like bullets across his mind.

Wiggling, he tried once again to free himself of his

bigger, stronger, bedmate but Silver's hold tightened and he

dragged Anthony closer until he was half lying beneath the

larger man.

"Sleep, sweetness," Silver mumbled in a sleep-

roughened voice.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

There was no way he was going to escape before


With a sigh, Anthony settled into the warm cocoon

created by the werewolf, letting the comfort of heat and

good sex relax him into sleep.

He could worry about the implications tomorrow.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Chapter Three

Anthony woke when a stream of sunlight heated his

cheek. The empty, rumpled sheets told him his bed partner

was missing, and the bedside clock revealed it was still

early enough he wasn't running late.

Blinking wearily he slid out of bed and picked up

his pants from the night before. Memories of Silver

whispering 'mate' caused shivers, only partly brought on by

the coolness of the air against his shirtless skin. He doubted

the possessive wolf would let him sashay out of there

without a goodbye or two.

After a quick sniff, Anthony decided a shower was

called for. He might have to leave wearing yesterday's

pants but he didn't have to smell like sex, especially if he

ran into other werekin. He wondered how Steven fared the

night before. He hoped his friend had found someone to

spend the night with. When Silver had dragged him from

the club the last thing on his mind was his friend. He felt a

pang of guilt over the desertion even as he knew Steven

wouldn't mind a bit. If he was getting sex then his friend

would be happy for him.

A fast shower and a stolen shirt later, Anthony left

the room in search of Silver. He might not be completely

sure of this mating thing, but it was impolite to leave

without saying goodbye. His folks raised him better than


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell


Was that bacon he smelled?

Hunger lured him down the stairs and toward the

sounds of people talking.

* * * *

Silver knew the moment his lover entered the room.

Inhaling deeply he wallowed in the combined smell of his

delicious mate and spicy soap, an addictive combination.

"I hope you don't mind, I borrowed your shower

and a shirt." Anthony's smooth tenor flowed across him,

spiking his hormones like a triple shot of caffeine. He

resisted the urge to turn around, throw his lover onto the

table, and fuck him good morning. The only reason he

wasn't still in bed with his mate was an early morning

problem with a distributor. The man was lucky he didn't

have his throat ripped out when he tried to get more money

out of Thomas.

"Hell, if Silver minds, you can borrow my shirt,"

Thomas piped up from the seat opposite Silver.

Anthony was behind him, but Thomas smelled of

hot need and his voice was rough with desire.


"He has my shirt," growled Silver, his


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

possessiveness coming forward. If anyone was going to

provide for his mate, it was him. "Come sit beside me,

baby, and have some breakfast."

Need scented the air.

It took the alpha a moment to realize it poured off

of all ten of the pack members sitting around the table,

male and female, as they stared at the man behind him.

"Stop staring," he snapped.

Instantly obedient, the pack members looked to one

side, no longer looking directly behind him. "But he's sooo

beautiful," Shara said in a dreamy voice.

Silver snorted and pulled out the chair beside him.

"I don't think they've all had their coffee yet, my sweet.

Have a seat. Shara, get my mate some breakfast."

The blonde jumped up and quickly assembled a

plate brimming with more food than a werekin could eat

after a full moon hunt.

"Thank you," Anthony said, his sweet voice running

down Silver's spine and settling in his balls.

The flash of gold drew Silver's attention to the man

beside him. He choked on his toast.

"Hey darlin', you all right." A firm pat on the back

helped move his bite of bread along.

"Who are you?"

The sunburst eyes narrowed. "Sorry if my


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

appearance isn't as appealing in the morning light."

He started to rise but Silver stopped him with a

hand on his wrist. "I didn't mean that. Why are you so…"

He couldn't finish under the glare of those beautiful eyes.

He thought for a moment Anthony was going to

jerk out of his hands, then a flash of knowledge glowed in

his remarkable eyes.

"It was a suppression spell." His mate's cheeks

blushed red. "I gave myself a glamour so I wouldn't

outshine Steven."

A glamour? That meant…

Thomas beat him to it. "Holy shit! This is what he

really looks like?"

Silver felt everything in him tense. He looked at

Anthony one more time to confirm the horrible truth; his

new mate wasn't just a pretty boy, he was an obscenely

beautiful man. Never in three hundred years had he ever

seen anyone, male or female, more beautiful.

He was totally fucked.

Thomas started laughing like a loon.

Silver wanted to kill something, preferably his


"Is there a problem? I'm sorry if you felt I misled

you. I didn't do it intentionally. I didn't really think I'd be

with anyone the next morning."


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Anthony's sweet face turned to his and Silver gave

in to the need to kiss him good morning. Plunging his hand

into the silky gold of his mate's hair, he controlled the

depth of the kiss with a masterful touch. Slowly he parted

from the man, forcing his reluctant fingers to release him.

"No baby. It just means you're a little more than I was

expecting. Since you can cast a glamour, does that mean

you have wizard blood in you?"

Anthony nodded his head, sending a cold feeling to

the bottom of Silver's stomach. Wizards notoriously hated

other supernaturals.

"Forest witch on my mother's side."

Everything fell into place in Silver's mind; the rich

forest smell, the golden gleaming skin and hair, and the

brilliant eyes. He relaxed a bit. Forest witches have always

bonded well with werekin. Maybe it would work out fine

after all.

Just as he was going ask what Anthony's father was,

Parker, the newest member of the pack, sauntered in. Dark-

haired, with six feet of lean muscle and attitude, the young

wolf swaggered into the room only to stop in the doorway.

His usual cocky expression changed to bliss. "What is that

amazing smell?"

Silver could pinpoint the moment the younger wolf

spotted his mate. Parker's entire body seized up as he


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

looked Anthony up and down like he was a deer the wolf

was about to cull from the herd.

"Who are you?" Parker walked across the room and

dipped his nose into Anthony's neck, inhaling his scent.

His mate giggled.

Silver growled, baring fangs. "Get your fucking

hands off my mate before I rip them off and beat you with


Parker jerked back, losing his confidence beneath

his alpha's gaze. "S-sorry. He just smells so good." The werewolf's nostrils flared as he started to instinctively lean

towards Anthony.

Silver's hand whipped out, grabbing the other

werewolf by the neck. "Don't make me repeat myself,

whelp. Touch my mate again and I'll snap your fucking


"Whoa. Easy, baby." Anthony's gentle voice floated

across Silver's skin, easing the fury to a manageable roar.

"He didn't mean anything, he's just a curious pup."

His mate's hands slid across his back in long,

soothing strokes. "Let him go baby. I need to eat my

breakfast before I leave, and I'm starving."

Silver shoved Parker away, watching

dispassionately as the younger wolf fell to the ground.

Nothing fired a wolf's instincts more than the need to


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

protect his mate. Giving Parker one last glare as the other

were rubbed his neck, he slid his fingers beneath Anthony's

hair and pulled the smaller man forward to claim his lips in

another kiss. Unlike the hot passionate kisses from the

other night, this one was purely an act of possession. He

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