Attracting Anthony (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Attracting Anthony
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wolf lunge at the reins.

"I'm so glad you came back, baby." He couldn't put

into words the fear he'd had that his beautiful boy would

never return. "Let's go to my room so we can talk."

Anthony gave a dirty chuckle that shouldn't be able

to come out of such a sweet looking mouth. "Yeah, let's go


* * * *

Anthony waited to speak until they entered the

privacy of Silver's room.

"It wasn't you, love. It was me," he gave a broken

laugh. "I've become a cliché. I can't stand the thought of

losing someone else I love."

Silver looked at him, stunned. "You love me?"

Anthony felt the blush burn his cheeks. Shit. Maybe

he spoke too soon. He didn't know how it worked with


He walked past Silver to sit on the bed. Once

seated, he patted the spot beside him. "Come here, honey."

"Honey?" Silver gave him the quirky smile he so


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

loved. "I don't think anyone has ever called me by a pet

name before."


Silver gave a soft chuckle. "No."

"Is it because you're Mr Alpha Wolf?"

Anthony watched with amusement as Silver's eyes

went wide with surprise. "How did you find out?"

Anthony ticked the points off with his fingers. "You

growl and make people jump, all the others defer to you,

and the vampire I met told me you were the strongest wolf

in the States. It wasn't that hard to put together. Besides, I

heard what you told Mr Smooth out there."

"Mr Smooth." Silver chuckled. "I'll have to

remember that one, but you should stay away from


"I can't. I'm going into business with Alesandro."

Silver narrowed his eyes. "Alesandro, as in the

leader of the vampires Alesandro? Darian told me you met

with a vamp but didn't tell me which one."

Damn, he hoped he didn't get the werewolf in


"That's the one." He didn't mention he was unaware

Alesandro was the vampire leader. He'd thought he was just

a businessman who also happened to be a vamp.

"I won't change my business to suit you. You'll have


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

to trust I know what I'm doing." He thought for a moment

Silver was going to argue but Anthony slid to his knees,

maneuvering between the alpha's feet until he pressed his

body up against the man's thighs. "Do you trust me?" He

looked up to meet the eyes of his lover.

Silver cupped Anthony's cheek in his large hand.

"Of course I trust you. It's the rest of the world I can't trust.

Would you mind if I wrapped you in bubble wrap and put

you in a sealed room?"


"Damn, I was afraid you'd say that." Amusement

sparkled in the alpha's eyes.

From his place on the carpet, Anthony slid off

Silver's left shoe and sock. "You're going to have to let me

make some decisions on my own." He slid off Silver's right

shoe and sock. "And I'll let you be protective as long as

you're not overbearing." He looked his lover straight in the

eyes. "Besides, I don't think I can live any longer without

you. I dream about you at night, I think about you during

the day, and I come thinking about you both of those times.

If we don't do something soon, I'll never be able to

concentrate again. I figure you're just the man to take care

of that problem."

Silver reached down and lifted Anthony's chin.

"Baby, I'll take you any way I can get you." The alpha's 66

Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

grey eyes met him with such serious intent, Anthony knew

if he said he needed more time, this wonderful man would

give it to him.

"No more hiding Silver. I'm ready to be yours."

He looked up to see a wide smile on his gorgeous

mate's face that matched the welcoming light in Silver's


Strong hands lifted him to his feet.

The werewolf stayed sitting. "Will you allow me to

mark you as mine?"

* * * *

"Absolutely," Anthony said with a smile. "Will you

be mine also?" His beautiful boy couldn't meet his eyes

when he asked. Silver knew this was important to his shy

lover. Anthony was asking for exclusivity in their

relationship. It wasn't uncommon for werewolves to have

communal sex due to their pack nature, but the thought of

another touching Anthony caused Silver's fangs to drop.

There would be no sharing this one. "Yes, I'll also be

completely yours. Agreed?"

He saw the relief in his beloved's eyes as Anthony

nodded. "Agreed."

Gentle hands reached up to unbutton his shirt. He


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

grabbed his mate's wrists. "I don't think so baby. Strip and

then lay yourself on the bed."

He saw Anthony swallow. "Am I your mate and

master, or not?" he demanded.

His mate nodded and started removing his clothing.

"Don't think this gets you out of a full pack

wedding. I want to make sure everyone sees us bond."

There was no doubt in Silver's mind that if he didn't make it

clear to everyone they were mates someone would take it

into their head to challenge him. Parker was most likely the

prime candidate. "Wait there. I have something for you."

Anthony's face lit up. Oh, he could see the way to

his pretty boy's heart was presents. He would have to make

sure his baby got them on a regular basis. Chuckling, he

walked over to the dresser, pulling a key out of his pocket

as he went. He unlocked the top drawer and removed a slim

bamboo box. Smiling, he brought the box back to the bed

pleased to see an obedient lover lying on the bed waiting

for his next command.

Silver's cock went as hard as steel. "Damn you're a

beautiful man."

He watched with pleasure as Anthony crawled with

sensuous grace to the end of the bed before kneeling again.

Damn, if he weren't hard before, that would've done the



Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

"You have something for me?" He heard the

satisfaction in Anthony's voice but he let it slide. The man

had a right to be proud.

He turned the box so the clasp was facing his lover.

A flick of his thumb popped the latch free. He opened the

box towards Anthony, exposing a burnished gold collar

encrusted with diamonds and emeralds lying on a bed of

red velvet. The width of the band gave it the look of a

torque from Ancient Egypt. Despite the jewels, it exuded

luxurious masculinity.

"Wow." Anthony reached out with one finger,

brushing lightly across the jewels as if afraid to touch it


"You can hold it, baby. It's yours." Silver lifted it

from its velvet bed, dropping the box gently on the carpet

so he could slide the necklace around his mate's neck.

Murmuring a few words he engaged the locking spell.

Without the counter spell and a drop of Silver's blood the

collar was impossible to remove. It would also provide

Anthony with some magical protection, but he told his mate

none of that. Instead he brushed back his boy's long hair

and admired the glowing gold and jewels against the

flawless skin.

"Perfect," he declared. It wasn't because his mate

was so incredibly beautiful, but because the look in


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Anthony's eyes said he thought Silver was.

"I should get my hair cut," Anthony grumbled, as

his fingers brushed the collar with a reverent touch.

"No. You're perfect just as you are." Silver wasn't

going to be the one to tell the man that the long hair made

him look like an angel. There was a limit to how romantic

he could get and still keep his image as the pack badass. He

helped Anthony off the bed and led him to the dresser

mirror. "See."

"It's beautiful," the sleek blond said in a hushed

voice. Silver noticed with amusement that Anthony didn't

even look at his own reflection. His eyes were on the


"Yes, it is," he agreed, watching Anthony. He'd

saved the collar for two hundred years to give it to the right

man and now he'd found him. The presence of the collar

would tell everyone that this was his man. To touch him

would mean death or dismemberment.

Silver felt a thrill of possession as he led his mate

back to bed. Anthony lay down beside him snuggling into

his embrace.

"Come live with me."

He felt Anthony's body jerk beside him. "I don't

know Silver." His mate's heart hammered beneath him.

Fear scented the air with a sour smell.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Silver laughed, he couldn't help it. "So, my being a

were doesn't even stir your pulse, but moving in with me

causes a panic attack."

A flush ran up Anthony's body, Silver could almost

feel the heat. Enchanting.

"I… I just think it's too soon."

Silver brushed a finger across a strip of bare flesh

above the collar on Anthony's neck. "I have already chosen

you, may I mark you?"

Anthony tilted back his head. "Please."

He lapped at his mate's neck, absorbing the scent

and taste of the only man he would ever be with again.

Fangs knifed through his gums. Unable to ignore his wolf's

need to mark what was his Silver plunged his fangs into the

smaller man. Wet heat, hot spice, and something that was

inalienably his mate rolled across his tongue. After a few

more swallows he removed his fangs from his lover's

delicate skin, licking carefully at the marks and knowing

that while in a few hours they would completely disappear,

his scent would remain embedded in his lover for several

weeks, weeks where his scent would scare off any werekin

who wandered too close to his man.

"That was amazing," Anthony said, his eyes wide

with rapture. "You can bite me anytime."

Silver laughed with relief. He'd learned from other


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

werekin that not all mates appreciated a good mating bite.

He was pleased that his mate wasn't one of those. "I'll keep

that in mind baby. I'll keep that in mind." Now probably

wasn't the time to tell his mate that he would be marked

regularly to keep mate poachers away. There were a few

werekin who focused on trying to lure away those who

were already mated.

He hoped Anthony didn't mind having his freedom

curtailed by bodyguards. There was nowhere he was going

alone now, except Silver's bed.

"Now bend over my knees and present me with that

gorgeous ass of yours."

Anthony gave him an anxious look beneath his

lashes, so pretty.

"Come on baby. Don't make me wait. You made me

wait a week before agreeing to be my mate, you deserve

punishment. That collar says that I'm the only one allowed

to discipline you."

In one smooth, well-practiced motion his baby lay

across his lap.

"Someone is used to being spanked."

"Not for a while," Anthony gasped.

Silver smoothed a hand over his mate's sweet ass,

the one he'd noticed that very first night. His palm absorbed

the smooth texture of his Anthony's silky skin wrapped


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

over a tight muscular butt. "How often do you work out,


Silver could feel his lover's cock growing hard

between his legs.

"Every morning."

"Keep up the good work. This is one of the finest

asses I've ever seen." And he'd seen a lot. Not that he was

going to share that information with his mate. "I want you

to count. I'm going to give you ten smacks and if you miss I

won't fuck you." It was a baseless threat. Nothing would

stop him from fucking that fine ass, but he wanted Anthony

to try. This was the tamest of the things he would do to this

beautiful creature as he learned his mate inside out.

He swung down his arm connecting to the pale, firm


Lightning crackled around the room. He didn't

know a storm was moving in.

"One," Anthony grunted.

Silver smacked his ass again. He flinched when a

bolt of electricity crackled by his foot.


"You want to tell me about that, baby, before I get


"I usually have better control. I told you it's been a



Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Silver flipped Anthony over until his bare ass hit the

bed. Tilting up his lover's face he saw lighting flash in his


"That's incredible." A sense of awe came over the

alpha. His mate wasn't just a wood witch-fae, he was a

force of nature. "Why do you do that?"

Anthony looked down at his feet. One shoulder

came up in a half-hearted shrug.

"Don't lie to me or I'll turn your ass into a ball of


"My grandfather is Zeus," he mumbled.

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