Attracting Anthony (2 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Attracting Anthony
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Drew and he doubted he'd ever be able to reclaim it. He

worried that Steven's hopes of hearts and flowers would

end in tragedy like his own love affair. It wasn't better to

have loved and lost, it was fucking unfair.

Still, his friend was right, he couldn't stay alone for

the rest of his life, and werewolves were known for taking

charge in the bedroom. There was nothing he loved more

than a firm hand.

With that thought in the forefront of his mind,

Anthony looked the room over with new eyes. Instead of

trying to keep hidden, he assessed the others to see if any

would appeal to either him or to his not-so-discerning


As if catching onto Anthony's thoughts, Steven


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

shared a wicked smile and the pair prowled the room with

new intent.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Chapter Two

Silver entered the club from the manager's suite.

Thomas, his lieutenant, joined him a moment later.

"It's a good crowd tonight," the wolf said with

justifiable pride. Converting the old bar to a safe mating

ground for werekin was his idea, a brilliant notion that

brought the pack surprisingly large profits.

Silver nodded, giving Thomas a pat on the shoulder.

"Profits and memberships are skyrocketing even with our

strict entrance restrictions. Both humans and weres like the

idea of a forever mate."

"Humans like it because there's too much cheating

among their own kind, and weres are genetically coded to

search for their other half." Thomas brushed his dark hair

back from his face with one elegant hand before giving his

boss a reproving look. "You spend too much time alone,

Silver. It's time you found a pretty boy and settled down."

The alpha gave a disdainful sniff. "I don't like pretty

boys. They need too much attention. Give me a grateful

average looking guy any time. Besides, you don't have a

mate either."

"Don't change the subject. At least I'm looking. If

you really wanted average you could go down to the dance

floor, crook your finger, and just grab the first in the



Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

The alpha wolf's quicksilver eyes flashed

amusement. "I said I liked men, not sluts."

Silver restlessly scanned the crowd. Something felt

different this evening. There was a tingle in the air, a

feeling of magic. The sizzle along his spine warned him of

great events hovering in the horizon; a touch of sight

descended from his father's line.

He looked towards the dance floor again; making

sure everything was flowing smoothly and trying to

identify the source of his unease. He saw no fights breaking

out, no unwanted touching occurring. Out of habit Silver

closed his eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scents

of the club. His senses first located members of his pack in

the dense crowds. A few dozen were there to keep the club

moving smoothly, a few others were hunting for mates of

their own.

For several minutes he couldn't find anything

different or new. Certainly nothing that demanded his

attention. Silver was about give up when he smelled it; the

scent of a deep, cool forest drifted up to him from the



Longing filled him. Silver yearned to run under the

full moon with rich dirt flying under his clawed feet, to run

to the source of that smell. His wolf howled inside him,


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

aching to get out. With a great deal of effort he snapped

back to reality.

There wasn't a patch of good running land for miles.

Silver closed his eyes and inhaled again, turning his head as

the smell drifted past. Unable to help it, the alpha growled.

Someone in the club smelled irresistible.

"What is it?" Thomas asked, his eyes riveted to the

expression on Silver's face.

"Don't you smell that?"



Silver's gaze landed on a dark-haired man in tight

jeans and a red shirt who swaggered across the floor

followed by an unremarkable looking man with dull blond

hair, a sweet ass, and a scent from Silver's hottest dreams.

The blond's movements were more like a graceful dance

than a walk, as if the music itself pushed him across the

floor. Without a shirt, he got a good look at the man's

smooth tanned skin poured over sleek muscles by a

generous creator. The leather pants he wore outlined an ass

so fine moisture pooled in Silver's mouth. He had never

met Mr Sweetass, but now was the time. It had been too

damn long since someone caught his attention.

"I think I just found the Mr Average of my dreams,"

Silver muttered to his lieutenant. Placing his hands on the


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

wooden banister, he gripped it firmly before flinging

himself over the balcony. With their enhanced senses, the

dancers fled with seconds to spare. Silver landed on the

recently vacated space and strode through the quickly

parting crowd to reach the pair now talking in the corner.

The blond faced away from him, giving Silver a

view of the tattoo across his upper back. His enhanced sight

let him make out the word

Fury rushed through Silver at the thought of

someone else touching the sleek blond. If his splendid

smelling man already belonged to another, there would be a

murder tonight. No one else could own the man who would

soon belong to the alpha.


The possessiveness he felt towards this one man

took him by surprise, but it didn't stop him from

approaching the pair.

"Good evening gentlemen, I'm Silver Moon, the

owner of this club. I don't believe I've had the chance to

meet you. Are you new members?"

He was rather proud of the fact that he didn't just

grab the blond and drag him back to his lair.

See him use restraint.

Both men turned to face him but Silver's eyes

locked onto the blond.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

The dark-haired man stepped forward, drawing his

attention. "Nice to meet you, Mr Moon. I'm Steven Dell, a

new member, and this is my friend Anthony Carrow who's

come as my guest. I'm trying to talk Tony here into getting

back into the dating pool."

"No." The objection burst from his lips without a

filter. Silver quickly followed it with a charming smile; he

didn't want to scare away the splendid smelling man.

Anthony looked up and saw the color of the other man's

eyes for the first time. Amazing. This ordinary looking man

had extraordinary golden eyes that sparkled like they were

made of trapped sunlight.

"Is there something wrong with the men here?"

Anthony asked in a smooth tenor, a sweet, dimpled smile

lighting his plain face.

Silver cleared his throat to come up with something

plausible. He concentrated on the brunet because he

seemed to be the spokesman for them both. "There's

nothing wrong with the men here, but you don't want to

jump into anything. Why don't you two come back to my

table? I'm always happy to get to know new members." Not

a complete lie. "And that way the two of you will be able to

see everyone and be seen." He darted a glance at the blond.

"I'd feel bad if you chose the wrong man on your first



Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

Of course Silver didn't tell the shy Anthony that the

wrong man was anyone but him. Instead he held out his

hand and bit back a moan when the blond's palm slid across

his to shake.

There were many moments in Silver's life that made

up special memories, but this one eclipsed them all. It

wasn't every day you touch your mate for the first time.

Heat ran up his arm as he took the younger man's

hand. Instead of shaking it he lifted it to his lips, placing a

soft kiss on the back. This was
the one
. He knew it as well as he knew the phases of the moon and the joy of a good


"Welcome to my club," he growled.

Steven gave a rueful laugh before turning to his

friend with an easy smile. "Tony, why don't you stay with

Silver here, I think I see someone to my taste and I don't

want to worry about you."

Silver could've kissed him.

Anthony flashed him a cautious look before turning

to his friend. "Are you sure Steve? I know we brought

separate cars, but I don't want to abandon you when we've

only been here a few minutes.

Someone without enhanced senses wouldn't have

heard the tremor in Anthony's voice or felt the nerves

pouring off of him in waves. The predator inside Silver


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

wanted to take the sweet boy down like a wounded deer

and devour him in the soft comfort of his den.

As it was, it took all his strength to hold back a

snarl when Steven placed a soft kiss on his friend's cheek

and whispered, "I'll be fine. Call me if you run into any

trouble." Silver didn't miss the warning look in Steven's

eyes, but he did give the protective werewolf a nod to let

him know he would watch out for his friend. The other man

didn't need to know exactly how closely he would be

watching Anthony.

The timid blond flashed him a nervous smile.

"Umm. I guess I'll have that drink then."

Silver tried to look harmless, which wasn't easy for

a strong pack alpha. What did you say to a man who

smelled so divine you wanted to pounce?

Gently he guided his future mate to a table set on a

dais apart from the dance floor. Currently empty, the table

was reserved for him and his pack mates. It was high above

the others so you could see what was going on around the

club. Silver often used it as a lookout point when he was

making sure no one was causing trouble.

He pulled out a chair for Anthony before seating

himself to Anthony's left.

"So sweet, who is the tattoo for?"

Caramel eyes blinked rapidly. "My lover, Andrew.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

He died three years ago; I was with him for two."

Unable to resist the urge to comfort the smaller

man, Silver stroked a hand down his arm. He was so

fucking sweet the alpha wanted to gobble him up, in the

best way possible, but the thought of scaring him off kept

his wolf at bay despite the fact both halves of him wanted

the other man with an unprecedented level of desire.

Luring a mate was a tricky business.

"Did you really come here to find a new lover?"

Silver was careful to make his voice inquiring not accusing.

He wanted Anthony to confide in him but he didn't want to

appear pushy.

"I came here to support my friend, and I wanted to

sort of shop around." Anthony blinked moisture out of his

beautiful eyes, wringing Silver's heart in the process. "I'm

so tired of being alone, and Steve thinks I should get out


"I'm sorry you lost your lover." He wasn't really

sorry, but the sweet boy was obviously upset. Usually it

was important to appear strong and unfazed, as wolves

would attack the weakest of the pack, but he wanted to let

this young man know he felt for his pain. Not sympathetic

enough to want Anthony's lover back in the picture, but

sympathetic nevertheless.

The sweet man nodded as he gulped back tears with


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

obvious effort. "It's been three years. Steve's right I need to move on."

"He sounds like a good friend."

Anthony nodded. "He saved me after Drew died. I

really wanted to go with him."

Silver gave Anthony's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm

very glad you didn't."

The younger man gave him a tremulous smile. "Me


Silver didn't waste any time. With one smooth

movement he wrapped his arm around Anthony, pulling the

other man closer.

Surprised, the blond almost tumbled off his seat.

"Careful, baby. I just want to get a feel for you."

Anthony glanced down. "Yes, I can see that."

Silver laughed; a loud, booming sound that carried

over the club and attracted the attention of one of his pack.

Farro, a slim man with auburn hair and third in pack

hierarchy, approached them. His eyes held a teasing light as

he looked at them. "Hello Silver, who's your friend?"

"Farro, this is Anthony who is getting over the loss

of his lover. Anthony this is Farro, one of my oldest

friends." He only told his friend of Anthony's distress so

that he would know Silver wasn't the source of the younger

man's tears. He didn't want word getting around that he'd


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

made the sweet man cry. The pack was filled with

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