Attracting Anthony (3 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Attracting Anthony
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merciless teasers, and even their alpha wasn't completely

off limits.

The light in Farro's eyes dimmed and compassion

filled his eyes. The werewolf had also lost a family member

in the past year. "I'm sorry to hear that, Tony. How long

ago did he die?"

"Three years." Although they didn't fall, Silver

could still hear the tears in his voice.

Farro gave the human a sympathetic smile, but

when Anthony turned his head the wolf flashed a wicked

grin at his alpha. "If you're looking for a new lover I'd be

happy to vet them for you. I know most of the people at this

club." Farro stepped forward and stroked Tony's hair in a

soothing gesture.

A low growl vibrated Silver's chest as someone else

touched what was his.

The other wolf paled and, giving a hasty bow with a

submissive tilt of his head, he hastily added, "On the other

hand, Silver can watch over you. He's very protective of his

friends." With a quick smile and an apologetic look at his

alpha, the man hurried on his way.

Smart man.

There was teasing and then there was getting your

throat ripped out by a rabid alpha. Silver took the extra


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

effort to hide his feral grin when the sweet boy looked his


"He was certainly in a hurry."

Silver shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he

remembered something he had to do."

He dipped into the other man's mind, pleased when

he found that despite Anthony's puzzlement at Farro's

behavior he didn't regret the man leaving. Only alphas

could read minds, and it was times like this that he enjoyed

what a handy talent it was.

Caramel eyes blinked up at him as if sensing the


"Let me order you a drink, sweetness. I promise to

mostly behave."

Anthony's mouth twitched with the beginnings of a


Silver made it his goal of the evening to see that

smile in its full glory.


"Well, I can't promise the impossible." He let his

eyes rake over all that exposed skin. "After all, there is only so much temptation a man should be asked to resist."

Wow, dimples.

Silver basked in the glory of Anthony's beautiful

smile, his body going hard at the sight. He closed his mouth


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

quickly before his fangs could poke through. Passion

sometimes brought out his mating fangs and he didn't want

to scare off the sweet, sweet man who would soon be his.

Oddly enough, the more time he spent with him, the less

plain the younger man looked.

"Evening sir, may I get you something?"

A young man dressed in the club colors of red and

black approached.

"Evening, Kevin," Silver greeted his employee with

a flicker of a glance before focusing back on Anthony. "I

would like a shot of whiskey. What would you like, baby?"

"Two tequila shots with lime and salt, please,"

Anthony said to the waiter, flashing another dimpled smile.

Silver resisted the urge to growl. Dimpled smiles should be

exclusively his.

"Make that one shot and a beer," he countermanded.

"I don't want you drunk."

Anthony glared, his amazing eyes sparkling in the

light. "You aren't my boss to tell me what to do."

Kevin discreetly left while they argued.

Silver gripped Anthony's chin in a gentle but firm

hold. "But I will be. It's important we start as we plan to


Jerking his chin out of Silver's grip, he said in a

deceptively quiet voice, "Who says


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell


"Call it a hunch." He slid his hands into the human's

hair, jerking him close. Without giving Anthony a chance

to object he took the other man's mouth in a gentle


* * * *

A rough mashing of lips Anthony could have

resisted, but not the tender brushing of skin against skin,

sweet and coaxing beneath his tongue. Heat whipped

through his body, like an inferno as he burned with need for

the gorgeous man. When Silver pulled him closer, pressing

his naked chest against the other man's mesh shirt, he let a

low moan rip through him.

Need filled him. With Drew the passion was flash

hot, not this gentle yearning that clawed at him with the

sharp talons of hunger as if his body would die if deprived

of this one man's touch. When Silver lifted his mouth,

Anthony followed, determined to get more of those lips

flavored like paradise.

Hard hands held him back.

"Please," he whimpered in a broken voice he barely

recognized as his own.

Silver's lips brushed across his, eliciting another


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

soft sound. "Take it easy baby. You can have all the kisses

you want," the deep, velvety voice promised. "Just say

you'll be mine."

Anthony snapped back to reality. What was

he doing? Almost having sex with a complete stranger

seconds after meeting? He wasn't ready to belong to anyone

anytime soon. It might have been a while since Drew died

but he remembered the process being slower, more

meaningful. A careful dance to see if two people would

mesh in and out of bed. Silver's strange grey eyes held his


"You want to belong to me. I know it," he said, his

voice mesmerizing in its conviction.

"Your drinks." The cheerful tone of the server broke

the trance he was falling into.

What the fuck was that all about?

Anthony spared the server a smile. "Thank you." He

licked his skin, salted it, licked the salt, took the shot, and

bit into the lime. The combination of flavors went to his

head in a fine buzz as he slowly sipped the classy imported

beer. "I'll take another shot," he told the waiter who was watching him with a wide smile.

"No, he won't," Silver countermanded once again.

"Go serve someone else."

The waiter abandoned them without a backward


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell


Anthony almost objected, but the look in the other

man's eyes held him back.

"You've been too long without a master my sweet.

You keep trying to think for yourself."

"Who said I needed a master. I'm not some silly

little sub who wandered in off the streets looking for

someone to take care of me," he challenged. He wasn't

going to give up control to this total stranger without a few

answers. Silver may be the hottest thing in the club but

Anthony was a more cautious soul. Unfortunately, that

caution vanished before molten silver eyes and the set of

hot muscled abs he could see traced lovingly by the large

man's shirt. He wondered if the hot werewolf was big

everywhere; from the bulge in his pants, he thought it was a

foregone conclusion. His mouth watered at the thought of

finding out firsthand. Nerves thrummed through his system

as he tried to decide if he was willing to give up his

freedom for the chance to find out. He had a feeling that

once he gave in to the gorgeous man's demands he would

lose his independence forever.

"I can tell you need someone to take charge by the

look in your eyes." Silver leaned forward and took

Anthony's lips in a commanding kiss that demanded

everything and gave even more. Fire licked down his spine


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

as need burned in him like a bonfire.

He pulled back, reluctantly removing himself with a

gentle tug from Silver's tight grip.

"I might like a man to control me, but I'm not

looking for something long term. Drew was my soul mate

and I don't think I'm ready for a replacement.

Silver's handsome face drew tight. "I would never

try to, my sweet. No one can replace someone once they're

in your heart." One large hand pressed across Anthony's

chest. "But I would be honored if you would consider

placing me beside him. We don't know each other yet, but I

would be happy to be your first dip into the dating pool."

Anthony snorted, trying not to choke on his beer. "I

can't believe you said that with a straight face."

"Too sappy?" Silver's eyes lit with laughter.


Looking at the other man's handsome, stern face,

Anthony wondered if he could stand to put himself in the

care of a Master again. Since Drew, he hadn't trusted

anyone enough to give up control. Despite what Steven

might think, he didn't abstain from sex he just settled for

anonymous trysts and one night stands. Letting someone

close took more nerve and courage than he had before

tonight. For the first time in a long while, he was tempted.

"Can you give me what I need?" They both knew he


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

meant more than sex. He wasn't stupid, he knew he could

sex from anyone. What he really needed was someone who

could support and guide him. Anthony didn't need someone

to tell him what to do every second of his day. He needed

someone to make it safe for him to give up control and

know he would be taken care of. Someone he could trust.

There was no hesitation in the other man's answer.

"Absolutely. Will you give me the chance?"

Here it was; the decision. He could toss it all away

now and go back to his successful but empty life yearning

for something just out of reach or he could take a chance on

the gorgeous man beside him. "Okay." If his voice

trembled a little in the end they both pretended not to


As if worried he would take his agreement back,

Silver grabbed him by the wrist, pulled him out of his chair,

dragged him through the dance floor, across the lobby, and

up a short set of stairs in the back hall. Thoughts of sitting

and getting to know the handsome man better were

subdued beneath the rush of being dragged away by a

passionate stranger.

He got vague impressions of cream-colored walls

and fine wood before he was rushed through a doorway and

sent airborne. He landed with a gasp on a decadent pile of

fluffy and silky coverings. Anthony sank into the soft bed


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

further when a hard body covered him from chest to toe.

The contrast between the two sensations revived any of the

excitement lost during transit.

"I thought we were going to get to know each other

first," he said once he gathered his scattered thoughts

enough to form a sentence.

Silver gave him a wicked smile and a smoldering

kiss. "Oh, we'll get to know each other very well soon," he promised. He slid to his feet at the bottom of the bed and,

with gentle hands, removed Anthony's shoes, socks and,

with a rougher touch, his pants.

He imagined he looked like he felt; a man about to

be ravaged.

"I think the best way to decide if we're compatible

is to do a taste test," his lover murmured.

Before he could object, Silver's mouth swooped

down and swallowed his cock in one smooth motion,

forcing all thoughts from his brain. He became a creature of

pure sensation as wave after wave of desire rocked him to

the core. Just as he was certain to shoot, the evil man lifted

his mouth.

"Nooo," Anthony cried, frustrated tears filling his


"Not yet, baby. Not until I tell you." Silver's hands

stroked his thighs, bringing him down from the edge.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

"I changed my mind."

Silver froze.

"I just want someone to fuck me. I don't need a


His dark-haired nemesis chuckled. "Don't worry

baby, I'll fuck you. But you're mistaken; you most

definitely need a master. And I'm it."

"Sure of yourself are you?" he taunted from the

comfort of the bed.

"Most definitely."

The lust in Silver's eyes made him so hard he was

certain he could pound nails with his cock.

"Don't worry baby, I'll never ask you to risk this

beauty on some nails," Silver's right hand slid up and down

Anthony's erection, sending warning tingles up his spine.

Fuck, the man could read minds. Anthony's body

thrummed with the contact, making it difficult to form

complete thoughts. Touch starved. That's what he was, but

his body remembered the joy of another against his. The

sensation was too much.

"I'm going to come," he warned.

"No you won't." Silver's hard voice demanded


Miraculously, the burning urgency dampened to a

slow fire instead of the incessant need riding his spine.


Attracting Anthony/Amber Kell

By his voice alone, Silver controlled him.

What a man.

"That's it baby," the werewolf crooned. His cock

was released as Silver stood over him, slowly pulling off

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