Angels Blood (78 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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I will leave you lot to take care of things.  I’m going to go see Dark for a while.  When I return I would like to arrange a meeting between Lord Raz, Madeira and myself to decide on our next course of action.  I am sure it will involve teleporting directly to the Elven Kingdom up north.” Then he turned away again and left them.

Madeira looked at Night. 

I am at your disposal.  I have no idea of this place or what to do or where to go.” Night smiled. 

You can come with Loranda and I. The two of us plan on having dinner together and then having a few drinks.”

Oh I’m afraid I don’t drink.”

Is that a part of your religion?”

Well no, um, just never been allowed.” Loranda looked at Madeira. 

You are in Port Volarus now and you are free to choose what you wish. So, what would you like Madeira?”

Oh, I think I would like to try a drink.” Loranda grinned. 

Perfect! Let’s get smashed!”

Madeira gave her another questioning look. If she knew what she was letting herself in for she may have said no. 

Later that evening the three of them were lined up at the bar. Night and Loranda were on either side of Madeira and getting her to try shots of each of the types of alcohol and seeing what she liked. They had arrived a half hour after finishing dinner and Madeira was feeling a little light headed.

So this is what it’s like to get drunk huh?” Night shook her head. 

Oh no, this isn’t drunk yet, you are only a little tipsy.”

Mm, I think I like it.” smiled Madeira, “What else do you have?”

The three of them giggled. They were all having shots and getting quite jolly together. They would spend another hour or so before heading back to their quarters.

Madeira needed to be supported on the trip.  Her legs just weren’t doing what they were supposed to. 

Oh what is wrong with my legs? I can’t feel them!” The other two giggled.

I think you can say, yes, you are drunk now Mads.” Night gave her a drunken kiss on the cheek as a reward. Madeira responded in kind. 

You know I like this, I think I might do it again, it’s almost as good as sex.” Loranda looked her up and down. 

Oh yeah from what we have heard of your ways over in Isogorr, you wouldn’t know what that is would you?” Madeira gave a sly smile. 

Well I might know.”

She motioned for them to get close and she spoke what she thought was quietly.

Wollfen and I did it,” They looked at her in surprise, “Yup he took my virginity and it was great.” The two of them looked at each other incredulously.

You have got to be joking! Wollfen did you?” Night and Loranda exchanged looks. 

Yes he did and now I’m a convert.  I want more, I admit it.” Loranda turned to Night. 

That dirty dog! He never said a thing, here he is porking every girl he runs into.”

Night shook her head, how could Wollfen have done that? What about Dark? She didn’t mention her concerns straight away but responded to Loranda’s statement firmly,

Don’t be silly Loranda, you are with me.” Loranda pouted and Madeira gave a funny look. 

You two are together? You mean like partners?” They turned to her. 

You didn’t know?” She shook her head. 

How is that possible, you are both girls?” They rolled their eyes. 

There’s more than one way to have sex you know.”

Madeira was getting confused, this was all new to her and as they reached the door of the girls’ quarters and they went in she went on.

No I don’t, I thought you needed a man and a woman to have sex?”

Well imagine what happens when you are by yourself.”

Sorry, you have totally lost me.  What’s a person supposed to do by themselves?” Both Night and Loranda looked at each other again. 

You are serious aren’t you? You don’t know how to masturbate?” Madeira shook her head, Loranda turned to Night. 

I think this sister of ours needs an education.” Night nodded as well and Madeira piped up. 

Well I’m game, tell me what to do, you girls are the greatest.”

They kicked their boots off and told Madeira to do so too.   Then Night and Madeira got onto the bed while Loranda added some logs and stoked an embering fire. She then clambered onto the bed as well after stripping down to her underclothes. Night grabbed a bottle of wine and poured everyone a drink. 

A toast to a pleasant educational evening.” They all giggled and drank up. Unfortunately Madeira wasn’t up to the task and quickly passed out between them. Night looked to Loranda, “I guess it's just you and me darling.” Loranda gave an impish smile in return.

Wollfen sat by Dark’s bed in the infirmary. She was still in a sad state, the time in the cell had really knocked her about and she was going to take a lot longer to recuperate. Wollfen looked over her sleeping form and wondered what else he could do.  The crystal he had used to bring her back when she was dead was totally spent and beyond that he couldn’t think of anything other than rest and comfort for her now.

He really wanted to stay with her and see Dark through the next couple of weeks but the war was about to enter a crucial stage and there was no time to waste. But right now, he would stay the night by her side and keep watch, one night wouldn’t change anything.

Lord Raz looked in at one time and saw Wollfen asleep beside Dark.  He stood there for a minute knowing exactly how he must be feeling.  These two had brought back so many memories for him of his old life. The two of them were just starting out together and already they had been through so much.  He wished them all the best.  Both of them had made a big impression on him and he considered them very good friends.

The next morning Wollfen approached Raz in his office. 

Good morning Raz, I hope you are well.” Raz greeted him in return and Wollfen went on,  “I will be leaving soon. I would rather stay but there are things that have to be done.”

Don’t worry Wollfen, I shall watch over Dark and make sure she is comfortable until you return.  You have my word on that.”

Thank you Raz, that means a lot to me.” Raz waved his hand at him dismissively, “ I expect Vaughn will take time to recover too. Let me just say, I am sorry about Burkhard.  I accept full responsibility for him.  He was under my charge when it happened.”

You cannot blame yourself.  There was nothing you could do.  I know you did whatever you could.  He will be missed, yes, but he died doing what he wanted and that was serving his country.” Wollfen bowed his head, it didn’t make it any easier hearing the words. 

He was a good man, I am sure many people will attend the service for him.”

There will be.”

Well I had better go. I will see you when I get back.  Until then let us hope for the best.” Raz nodded. 

Godspeed Wollfen.”

He went to pick up Madeira at the quarters of Night and Loranda.  When he got there Loranda let him in and he could hear someone being sick in the sink. 

Who is sick?” Loranda looked back at the other room while speaking. 

Oh that would be Madeira.  She had a bit much to drink last night.” Wollfen was surprised. 

I didn’t realize that she liked to drink?” Loranda giggled. 

Yes she didn’t know that either until last night.” Wollfen gave her a little glare. 

This is all your doing isn’t it?” Loranda smiled. 

No, Night was in on it just as much as me. I can’t claim all the credit.”

Wollfen stalked over to the door and opened it to see Madeira once more leaning over the sink and being sick again. 

Well this is just great.  She is supposed to accompany me to the Enchanted lands this morning. I don’t think she will be up to it now will she?” Night walked in from the other end of the room.

Good morning Wollfen. I am sorry for what we have done, we didn’t think that far ahead. I do remember you saying something about wanting to move today, could you leave it until this afternoon? I am sure we can have her functional by then.” Wollfen turned to go. 

I will be with Dark then.  Let me know when you think she may be ready okay?”

Night nodded and Loranda saluted with a grim look on her face. He couldn’t help making a comment. 

Have a bite of an orc’s ass Loranda.” He didn’t wait around for her reply and he was out the door before she could respond.

In the infirmary Wollfen sat down next to Dark whose eyes fluttered open.  She gave a little stretch and saw him there. 

Good morning my darling, nice of you to wait until I awoke,” she smiled. Wollfen leaned down over her and they shared a soft lingering kiss and then she hugged him.

How are you feeling?” He whispered. 

Mm much better than yesterday.  I felt very poorly.  I am still weak though, I can feel it.”

Wollfen hopped up onto the bed beside her. 

Weren’t you supposed to go off to see the elves or something? I’m not quite sure of what I remember you saying to me yesterday.”

I tried to pick up Madeira on the way out, but it seems Loranda and Night led her astray last night and got her drunk for the first time in her life.” Dark giggled at the thought. 

I bet she is regretting it this morning.” Wollfen chuckled too, in retrospect it was rather funny.

The entire time I was there she was being very sorry into a sink,” Wollfen winked. 

Dark changed the subject.

How long do you think you will be away?”

I wouldn’t say any more than a week at the most. I think by then a lot of things will be set in motion then you and I can have a couple of days off together.” Dark looked at him in mock shock.

No, you and I having some time to ourselves? Bullshit!” He grinned at her comment. 

It’s true I tell you, it will most likely happen.” Now she pouted. 

Oh, when you say most likely you are hoping for an excuse to cancel.”

No, no, I want to take some time off, honest!” Dark smiled at him. 

She didn’t often have him protesting, but when he did he always sounded so earnest.  She leaned across and gave him a warm kiss. 

That’s alright my dear, I know sometimes things get in the way.  After all, there is a war on you know.”

Oh? You don’t say? Where would that be?” She gave him a light smack on the shoulder while smirking.

They spent the rest of the morning in idle chat but not mentioning their ordeal.  It was still too fresh and there really wasn’t anything to go over.  Though at one time Dark did express her regrets about Burkhard.  He had been a quiet fellow and it didn’t hit them until he was gone just how much he meant to them.

The two had lunch together on Dark’s bed and after they managed a nap in each others arms. Wollfen awoke after Dark to find her studying him closely.

Anything to report of your investigations there?” She shook her head. 

No I’m afraid not, still deeply in love with you.”

He kissed her and smiled.  Wollfen sighed, he didn’t want to go but it was getting late and he really wanted to get the meetings with the elves over and done with.  He was sure they would be short, but at the pace elves operated at it would take a week before things were decided and acted on. He kissed her again and held her face. 

I have to go my love.” She looked deeply into his eyes. 

I know, thank you for staying as long as you have.  It has been wonderful having you by my side.” He touched his forehead to hers and then gave her one last kiss. 

I will be back as soon as possible.” She nodded. 

Take care okay? I know you won’t be in danger, but I worry about the things we can’t foresee now. The garrison experience has taught me that.”

Mm, you are right, it is well worth taking note of, alright, bye then.”


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