Angels Blood (37 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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So there they are staring at each other and the sorc starts hurting.  You can see it in her face and then I realizes this Wollfen guy, he’s got the power eh? And not just a little, lots cos not only is he holding the soldiers but he starts making her talk, making her say things and she cant do shit about it eh? She is fighting and starts crying.  She is doing her best but you can see this man he has got her over a barrel and it's only a matter of time before her brain is fried. 

But then something happens cos one of the soldiers manages to swing his sword and hit him in the side of the head and wham he goes down for the count and even then he is fighting not giving up.  But the sorc is free and she steps forward and blip, it's over, they got him.  They didn’t hurt him a bit.   There was no blood, nothing and he wasn’t even wearing a helmet.”

Eldoron sat there letting it all sink in. 

They took him?”

The barman nodded. 

Yeah they took him straight to the wharf and a one way ticket to Isogorr.  Don’t think we will be seeing him again.”

Eldoron took his hand away and let him take the gold piece.  Well at least he knew where Wollfen was. 

Mind you those associates of his, they gave this place a hiding eh?” Eldoron looked up. 

Oh? Tell me more.”

The barman looked at him in the eye. 

Damned if it isn’t big news worth a pretty penny.”

Eldoron took another gold coin from his pocket and placed it on the table with his hand over it as before.  The barman licked his lips again. 

The word out around town is that a couple of days later they went after this Wollfen guy even though they didn’t know he was already gone and anyhow they ended up burning half the wharves area out looking for him.  Then during all the excitement they all just up and disappeared.  No one has heard a thing since. Mind you word is that they just trotted straight out the main gates and headed south after they were satisfied with their work. Now this may have nothing to do with them but knowing what a class act these fighters were, it turns out since then the Isogorrean navy has been losing plenty of ships in that same southern direction.  No coincidence if you ask me.”

Eldoron stood back.  If the others were south and organizing resistance, then there really was nothing for it but to head south.

I thank you for you time my good man, I will bid you good day.”

Eldoron walked out to his horse and mounted up, turned about and headed straight back the way he had come. His next destination was Port Valderus and see if he could pick up the three’s trail there.





Two thousand heavy horse stood on the open ground.  High Lord Urroz of the Kingdom stood with his entourage looking out at the Isogorrean base.  It was a heavily fortified structure using earthworks and logs built into walls. Urroz thought it to be a curious structure considering it was isolated here in the middle of the land with no visible means of logistical support. But with what was considered to be a five thousand strong army within the walls he couldn’t afford to bypass it and continue on his way. 

There was no way he would leave a force that strong at his rear. He kept looking it over, it was simply huge. The width of it was a good six hundred yards wide and the walls looked quite strong.  Fortunately the archer’s towers were placed too far apart at the edges to have accurate effect at the center of the wall.  That would be the point at which they would have to hit and hit hard.  Right at the spot where two towers were obviously still under construction but as yet unusable.

Urroz turned to one of his subordinates,

Lord Cathan, what is your take on what you see?”

Cathan moved forward and looked once more at what he was seeing, then turned to his superior. 

I am of the opinion that it is a trap your highness.  I do not believe we should waste our time here and should continue on to Port Cholandra.”

Lord Urroz wasn’t impressed.   

So you would have me leave a force of over five thousand enemy soldiers at our rear as we went to attack our main target would you? I think not Cathan.  This is something that needs to be dealt with.  There are no other Isogorrean forces within a day’s ride of here and we will dispatch this base before moving on.  There is no other option.”

Cathan was a little angry but kept his composure. 

Please my lord, consider the circumstances.  Having this base here makes no sense.  Why build it in the middle of nowhere.  This place has no strategic value, they have no ability to patrol beyond half a day’s ride of here, which also gives them nothing.  I am highly suspicious of this and would suggest very strongly we use the utmost caution in dealing with this threat.”

Urroz paused a moment.  He felt like he was dealing with a boy.  He needed to be patient with him after all, Cathan had never commanded such a large army before. 

I can understand your reluctance to attack immediately Lord Cathan but we have a full sized army here of eight thousand men and not a small mobile band as to what you would be used to using in the north west. In fact, I think it would be best if you took up the rear and guarded there if you have so much concern.  Those are my orders, you may leave.”

Cathan saluted and turned his horse around. A couple of the entourage smirked at him as he rode back. Let them, they won’t be smirking anymore by evening Cathan thought.

At the rear of the column Cathan moved into a position that would bring him near his own soldiers he had brought down from the north.   As he waited many more thousands of horsemen entered the open area and began staging in squares, four to each side of the heavy horse battalions and another two to the rear. In the center between them came a dozen catapults pulled by horse teams and they began setting up in preparation for firing.

The orders came through from the front.  They were to sling flaming pots directly at the center of the wall to create a breach. Within minutes they were ready.  Then the final orders came, attack the main wall facing them and also set alight the guard towers at each corner.  From this range it wouldn’t take too long to do at all. The officer in charge barked his orders, 

Five shots apiece quick time!”

He raised his hand and when all were ready down it came, a dozen flaming balls sent on their way with all the men scrambling to reload and fire again.

It took five minutes to send the entire salvo off and from this distance it was obvious they had been entirely successful, the two towers were burning furiously just as was most of the main wall facing them. And yet the Kingdoms forces did not move, one of Cathan’s officers turned to him. 

What is the High Lord doing?”

Cathan shook his head. 

Who knows? Maybe he doesn’t want his shiny heavy horse battalions to get soot on them.”

Cathan thought about their leader, he had been hand picked by Lord Ercanbold to lead this army to quash the invading forces, he knew the man had never fought a battle before or even been in a war game. As far as Cathan knew he had spent most of his career discussing tactics with Lord Ercanbold the supreme commander of all land forces.

Cathan had been fighting and defending the north west border of the Kingdom against orcs in the mountains.  They certainly weren’t human in the way they thought but still, Cathan had a better idea of practical tactics than this buffoon. He just hoped this engagement didn’t prove too costly.

After about twenty minutes the wall facing them had collapsed and very quickly became smoking ash.  It was now that Urroz ordered his heavy horse forward.

Charge!! Crush the dogs inside!!”

An entire unit of one thousand Knights charged forward. The horses pounded out a low rumble as the men attacked the smoking ruin, yelling and screaming their battle cry.  It had been twenty years since such a sight had unfolded and Lord Urroz had every intention of striking fear into their enemies once again. 

The horses careered on, their armored coats flapping at their legs, the knights seated and carrying lances aimed low to catch anyone silly enough to be standing their ground on the other side of the smoke.  Through they crashed, a couple of horses losing their footing but the rest continued on without slowing.

From the outside Lord Urroz was back with the main contingent of men watching on from a vantage point he had picked.  It was a small rise on the open field and gave him a better sight of what was happening.  He wondered  what carnage was being visited on the hapless Isogorreans inside. More and more of his heavy horse flew through the smoke and disappeared from sight. From beyond that smoke and flame he could hear the crash of battle as horses whinnied and snorted, the cries of men fighting and dying.

Within the walls the first rank of horsemen a hundred wide had flown in to find abandoned wagons and numerous barrels strewn about.  On they had charged looking for the retreating soldiers. They spotted men behind hastily assembled barriers two hundred yards on and the ranks of Kingdom knights charged on certain of inflicting a telling blow on the enemy.

Off to one side the Isogorrean General Marcellus was on a rampart watching on impassively.  He raised his hand, a flagman watched him and waited.  Marcellus did nothing, he saw the Kingdom horses crash into the barrier and he could see his men were taking heavy losses but he was not concerned, then when he saw most of the knights had entered he waved his hand and yelled. 


The flagman waved his flag and all around the base of the three intact walls panels fell down and ballistas opened fire, too numerous to count.  The ballista bolts dealt a devastating blow. Hundreds of men and horses were cut down in the first volley of bolts.  And then more ballistas in similar numbers fired after waiting five seconds.  The first ones already reloading, a second flight of bolts flew out and cut down even more knights.  There was no defense against such a heavy weapon at close range and some bolts even passed through one knight and would impale another. 

Now the knights realizing the dire straights they were in, reassembled in the center of the ground. Another flight of bolts hit them and more horses and men screamed in agony.  All about were the dead and dying in all their finery and shiny armor. The fourth flight of bolts hit the knights who were crowding in the center for protection and then an officer called out. 


A contingent of one hundred knights followed as he led an attack on one wall.  The ballistas opened fire again and he was cut down, as was the entire front rank of knights. But still they came on.  Then as they got within 80 yards of the internal secondary wall, the men standing on the ramparts were ordered to open fire by an officer there and over 50 knights dropped from their horses.

The walls inside here were lined with a thousand Isogorrean crossbowmen and they took down any knight within range.  A further one hundred knights were killed by the next flight of ballista bolts and then finally a retreat was called.  They had been cut down to three hundred men on horseback and just over a hundred on foot having lost their horses.

Unfortunately for them, Lord Urroz had ordered the second and remaining contingent of a 1,000 heavy horse into the fray and before the retreating knights had reached the wall of smoke, the new column of horsemen came crashing through and were aimed directly at them. What followed was nothing short of mayhem with the large entering column coming into contact with the much smaller but still heavily armored retreating column. 

The first ranks crashed into each other at the center and the flanks of the attacking knights swung wide to avoid crashing into each other. They could not slow though as so many more were entering through the smoke from behind. 

The column was fanning out away from the center.  This in turn made it easy for the Isogorreans on the ramparts to fire down on the knights as they rode by.  The ballistas simply had to load and fire now with almost every shot finding a target or two.  In the center men and horses were stumbling and milling about. There were  knights trying to pick themselves up off the ground and many got trodden underfoot.

Finally some of them were able to organize and retreat managing to get past the smoke.  A paltry one hundred fifty heavy horse got out of the fort. It was a rout. Isogorrean soldiers ran out from behind the ballistas now and cut off the retreat of the knights’ left on foot.  They put up a good fight but overwhelming numbers soon cut them all down. Then the Isogorrean soldiers retreated behind their barriers at the foot of the walls and waited.

Lord Urroz outside on the rise saw the retreat of his heavy horse and sat there on his mount in a state of shock.  What had happened behind the smoke? He decided to wait as the fires were burning out and the smoke was clearing.  What met his eyes made him stare with horror. 

In the middle of the enemy fort covering an almost six hundred yard diameter circle was a scene of total destruction.  Dead knights littered every part of the ground and almost as many dead horses too.  Many of the bodies had arrows or bolts sticking out of them. There was some riderless horses milling about in there but not a single knight was left standing. Urroz thought quickly. 

We need another attack.  This time I want one thousand horsemen to move forward to give cover to another thousand mounted archers.  They are to split into two groups each and the archers to lay covering fire on each of the flanks making sure that their archers take cover while I have another two thousand horsemen ride in through the center.  Once inside carry the fight to the enemy either by horse or on foot. I will give the order to attack after I see a signal from each contingent leader once they are in position. Now send out the word to each of the commanders!”

The messenger nodded and moved quickly off on his errand. It had been a mistake to send his men in without checking first, but now he could see what they were up against, it wasn’t a mistake he would make again.

Lord Cathan in the rear was getting agitated, he had just seen their leader throw away the lives of two thousand men and he was flying back in before he even got word from the retreating Knights on what exactly they were up against.  Turning to his lieutenant he ordered to stay the men and not let them move.  Galloping to the High Lord’s entourage he made his way to Lord Urroz.

My lord if I may?”

Urroz sighed. 

Yes what is it Lord Cathan.  I am a busy man.”

Cathan bit his tongue and decided it was best to stick to the facts.  This man would most likely go against any advice he gave if Urroz felt in any way it was a criticism of his command.

I wish to implore your highness to give yourself time to consider any information from your retreating knights.  We don’t know what they have in there my Lord.  It would be prudent to seek  more information before committing any further troops.”

Cathan was trying to be as supplicating as possible, men's lives were at stake here. Urroz on the other hand was getting annoyed. 

I am fully aware of what I can see in there Lord Cathan.  I do not need to have anything pointed out to me by the likes of you!” 

My Lord I cannot stand idly by while you send men to their deaths!”

Lord Urroz turned to him. 

Tell me Lord Cathan, how many of your men are here on the battlefield?”

Taken a little aback Cathan replied, 

Why, five hundred horsemen my Lord.”

Urroz fixed him with a cold stare, 

In view of the fact that I can see you have a very real reluctance to actually fight and defend your nation, I hereby dismiss you from your charge and order you to return to Kassandrea to be dealt with by Lord Ercanbold.  Good bye Lord Cathan and good riddance.”

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