Angels Blood (76 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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Again they laughed, so that’s why Wollfen hadn’t shown up? Walerian had told them to rendezvous near the fort, but they had not heard of any word that some people had been captured.  What was the Lord there thinking and why didn’t he check them out? It didn’t matter.  Something had to be done.  They would have to deal with this Dimarus first.

Well I have to say, you have outdone us with that story Dimarus and on that note I think we will retire for the night as we will be taking off in the morning yes?” Dimarus nodded with half closed eyelids. 

Yes I suppose.  Do you guys know a place to stay around here?” The twins looked at each other, could he make it easier for them?

Of course we do, just follow us and we will show you.”

They got up slowly and Dimarus staggered a little as they made their way out.  Rhys nodded to the barman who acknowledged the exchange.  He understood this was a person who needed to be dealt with. If anybody asked of Dimarus the barman would plead ignorance.

Outside they collected his horse and walked down the street, reassuring Dimarus their place was near and they continued walking him along until they got to the warehouse area where all the buildings were shut for the day.  Then they ducked down an alley with Dimarus in tow.

Demetrius’ soldier had shadowed them all the way and as soon as he saw them duck in behind a building he immediately took off to report to his superior officer.  It only took a few minutes for him to return. Demetrius and his men approached the alleyway.  As they turned the corner their greatest fears were confirmed. A pair of boots stuck out from behind a waste bin and they ran over.  It was Dimarus and his throat had been slit. His horse was gone too.  Now he turned and barked some orders. 

Fan out! We need to know where those two men went!”

The two were thieves in Demetrius’ mind and they would have to be dealt with, they had all of the gold. In fact, the twins had no idea of the spoils they had riding on their new horse.  They were simply returning to their quarters discreetly to avoid suspicion. They would unload whatever was in the packs on the horse soon enough and leave the horse behind.  They didn’t need something like that hanging around as evidence.

After going a few hundred yards they pulled up in another secluded alleyway and began going through the packs.  Upon finding the chest and shaking it they left quickly with a pleased look on their faces.  This was turning out to be ample compensation for what this Dimarus had done. They would also be able to put together a posse to go rescue Wollfen. 

As soon as we get this stuff stashed away we should go report the situation dealing with Wollfen.  By all accounts he will have been rotting in that dungeon at the garrison fort for four weeks now.” Kai nodded.

I agree, we can’t just leave him there.”

The twins were sure if they picked up Kels at his tavern in Dark’s village along the way things could be straightened out quickly.

Demetrius surveyed the street and the quarters before them.  There were people moving back and forth at the moment and for now he was happy to sit and wait.  They had found the horse pretty quickly and managed to work out the direction the twins had taken.  The trail had gone cold but it hadn’t been hard to find where the twins had been staying. Bribing a couple of street urchins had managed to get the information they needed.  The kids had definitely noticed two men looking exactly alike and knew where they lived, perfect.

It was about ten minutes before Demetrius signaled all of his men to go in.  He decided to stay out and stand watch.  Anyway he wanted to blood his new junior officer who was showing promise.  They were to go in, kill the two men and return with the chest of gold, simple enough.

He stood there as the minutes ticked by.  He wondered if they were having fun with the two? If they were, he would have a few words to say that was for sure.  He didn’t like his orders not being carried out to the letter and quickly. After a few more minutes he began getting edgy and just before he decided to go in, they started coming out. One was limping, it was the junior officer and there were only three? Damn. One of them was carrying the chest so that was good.

Once they were on their horses riding out and away from Windere he began questioning his officer. 

So what happened in there?” The man shook his head. 

They were good, that’s all I can say. They put up a strong fight before we managed to get the upper hand and take them out. It was touch and go in there for awhile, I’m surprised you didn’t hear the ruckus.”

Demetrius looked down at the officer’s thigh where the man had his hand on.  It was bleeding rather badly, he quickly surmised he would need medical attention soon. That wasn’t going to happen, there was no place to go,  they were heading back towards Kassandrea. With a sigh he eased out his dagger discreetly and slid it quickly across the officer’s jugular on his neck before the man could react.  The officer cried out and clutched the fresh open wound, but blood spurted out in great jets even so and the look of utter shock faded on his face before he slid from his saddle dead.  Demetrius turned to the two remaining men who were looking on in silence. 

Anybody else wounded?” They shook their heads quite vigorously. “Very good, let’s get back to Kassandrea with the bad news.”

A chance for Wollfen to be rescued had materialized and disappeared again within a space of a few hours, he would never be the wiser and that was probably a good thing. Hopes being raised and then dashed again could have a worse affect than not having them raised at all and Wollfen was starting to feel the pinch. He had been in there for what felt like an age.  He and all the others had lost all sense of time. They had been in total darkness for well over a month and they were growing weaker by the day.  The paltry amounts of food they were fed were hardly enough. The bugs had bitten them so much they were covered in small sores some of which weeped with pus. Scratching the sores certainly didn’t help. 

Wollfen knew if they didn’t get out soon they wouldn’t all survive, he was sure of it. Dark was faring badly. Her mind touches were getting shorter and shorter with each passing day.  It felt like she was fading away and it broke Wollfen’s heart to think of her lying in that same squalor dying with him so close and not able to do a thing. He hadn’t ever thought of killing himself but if Dark died in that blackness without any hope he would be taking a path that in the past four hundred years he would never have contemplated before. He wondered how each of the other men were doing too? They had no contact with anyone at all and he could not imagine how they would be faring. Lying there in the dark, nothing to do, staring and vacant, Wollfen was losing his faith slowly but surely.

A couple of days later a little orb of light glowed in his room and to Wollfen it was a dazzling brightness that he had to shield his eyes against. It was a portal opening up and there before him in the light glow of the teleport crystal stood Madeira.

Madeira? What are you doing here? How did you get here?” She looked at him in shock, he was filthy and gaunt, nothing like the striking male she knew. 

Wollfen, are you okay? What has happened?”

She crouched next to him even though he stank.  She touched his face and held it. 

You are a mess my dear, we need to get out of here now.” Wollfen shook his head,  

No it’s not as easy as that. Dark and the others are in separate cells here.  We need to get them all out. But tell me first before we work out what to do, how is it you managed to get here?” She waved the crystal at Wollfen. 

It turns out Drexus has been holding out. She had another of these in her possession.  You know you have made her very upset. She went into a rage yesterday after using the seer crystal again and guess what? She threw it against a stone wall and smashed it. Since then she has been ordering the deaths of men and sorcs alike for god knows what betrayals.  She came to me and ordered me to find you, to kill you.  She still has no idea of you and me eh?” Wollfen looked on in surprise. 

I guess she saw I didn’t release Vincent?” She nodded. 

It would seem so. I couldn’t refuse leaving on the mission so I had to come, but what do I do now? I was kind of hoping you could give me sanctuary,” She looked about the room, “But I’m afraid I don’t think you are up to it?”

Actually you would be surprised how easily now that you are here we can set this to rights.”

Wollfen thought quickly.  He would need to get back to Lord Raz via Nightwing and then have an envoy accompany him once they smashed this door down.  A high-ranking officer appearing in their dungeon would surely set the cat amongst the pigeons.

May I have the crystal?” Madeira handed it over without hesitation. 

Okay hold my hand we are making a very short jump.”

They appeared in Dark’s cell next door and Dark jumped up at seeing Wollfen but couldn’t stand and collapsed into his arms. 


He held her close then lay her back again.  She was in a bad way.  Turning to Madeira he told her what he wanted to do. 

We need to get her out of here and now, but I also need one I can focus on to stay for me to return. I have to get the other two out as well.  Will you stay for a couple of hours Madeira?”

Of course my dear, you know I will.” He gave her a kiss. 

Thank you, I owe you a big one.” She smiled at him and waved as he took Dark’s hand and was gone. 

No wait!” But it was too late.  She forgot to tell him, she was afraid of the dark.

Wollfen and Dark appeared falling to the floor of the main hall in Port Volarus.  Nightwing and Loranda were in a conference with the leaders of the city. Lord Raz jumped up and ran over to them as Night bent down. Loranda was already calling out for help. Raz was shocked. 

By the Gods! What has happened to them?”

A crowd gathered as Night checked them over.  Dark was unconscious and Wollfen was lying back panting now.  For some reason the trip took a lot out of him.

Raz, we need help and fast, three others are still trapped,” Raz bent down to Wollfen. 

What is it you need?” Wollfen looked up and replied. 

The others are trapped in the dungeon of the Garrison fort.  They have been holding us captured since about a week after I left here. The Lord thinks us spies, we need an emissary.” Wollfen lay back now again to regain his strength.

Raz thought on it fast.  Yes, Admiral Marcos would be perfect, he had come from the court and would know that Lord surely? 

Tell me Wollfen, where did you teleport from?” 

From within the cell, we still need to break out of there when we get back.”

Raz  realized Wollfen would need more than just Admiral Marcos.  A few burly soldiers with heavy axes would have to go too.  He stood up and gave some orders while Dark was carried off on a stretcher with Loranda by her side.

Get me Admiral Marcos and a couple of strong men who can swing axes!” An attendant ran off to do as he was bid. Raz turned back to Wollfen who they were lifting to a chair.  His entrance was nothing like the grand one he had seen months ago.  He looked at Wollfen and his disheveled appearance. 

Do you want to clean up first before going back?” Wollfen shook his head. 

No both Sergeant Burkhard and Vaughn have been locked up. I don’t know how well they are holding up, there hasn’t been a single word filtering back from their cells. How long have I been gone?” Raz did a calculation on that. 

Including the week you spoke of it would be over six weeks. That means you have been interred for over five weeks.” Wollfen couldn’t believe it, it had felt like so much longer. 

I need a drink and something to eat too, I am weak.”

Raz waved his hand and another attendant ran off. Admiral Marcos came in and looked over the forlorn figure sitting down. 

You called me my Lord?” Raz turned and spoke quickly. 

This man here is Wollfen.  He just arrived from the Garrison fort.  They have been keeping him captive as a spy.  What I need you to do is return with him at once.  His friends are in dire straights including Sergeant Burkhard who is a good friend of mine.  They need to be released immediately so Wollfen can get them back here.”

Raz turned to Wollfen hoping he had got it all correct. Wollfen nodded in agreement to the story. Admiral Marcos looked Wollfen over. 

Do you really think he is up for such a journey?” Raz enlightened him. 

It won’t take long. Wollfen will be teleporting, you will be in the fort in a few minutes.” Marcos’ eyes widened, he was going to teleport?

A few burly soldiers arrived carrying big axes in addition to their normal weaponry, Raz addressed them, 

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