Angels Blood (80 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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You mean they are ready now?”

The King nodded.  It was the elven idea of a joke to make Wollfen sweat on something they had already decided on.  He didn’t think it that funny at all. Eldoron had given them a lot of information many weeks ago and they had already decided on their course of action.

Aerassis, seeing I have given you so much grief, shall we discuss the other matters over a meal? I would hope such an offer would soothe your breast.”

Wollfen could only nod, he had enough stress in his life right now, elves were funny beings.

They all sat at a large dining table with Wollfen and Madeira sitting opposite the King, Queen and Luthein.  They had been quietly eating and now their meals were finished, King Elyssur motioned for fresh wine to be poured. Wollfen sat back and looked at Madeira who had not finished her meal. 

It does take getting used to, elven fare is very different from the meals that humans are familiar with.”

Madeira agreed, the strong flavors were still in her mouth even though she had stopped eating a good ten minutes before.  Luthein spoke up on behalf of the King. 

Aerassis, you met personally with Drexus when you were in Isogorr and we understand you noted she has some brain damage.  Do you believe that this alone will explain her bizarre behavior?” Wollfen didn’t think so, he had given it much thought. 

I think it is a number of factors.  She wears boots and does not have contact with the natural forces of the earth.” 

Where does she draw her magical energies from then?”  

I have learned that she has developed a method where magical energy can be drawn from a willing giver without physical contact.  I think it is also why she has created such an isolationist and elitist movement of 'magic only' followers.  It allows her to draw great power from them all at once.”

Luthein sat for a while considering Wollfen’s words.  If what he was saying were true, it would take a fairly large number of magic users to bring her under control. 

How do you suggest we get the drop on her? Once we show up, she will spring defenses up within an instant.  With that much magical energy behind Drexus, I doubt we could defeat her.”

I suggest we use Madeira here for that.  She will be expected back to report on her success in killing me.”

Madeira looked at Wollfen with wide eyes. He never said anything to her about facing the Queen again.

You see, she was sent to kill me off after I failed to carry out my task.  With her seer stone it was simply a matter of time before she found out what I was really up to.” Madeira couldn’t help but interrupt. 

If I may? I have to say I’m a little surprised by what seems to me to be the obvious.”

They all looked at her and Wollfen motioned for her to go on.

If she has had the seer stone all along wouldn’t she already have known before Wollfen left that he would betray her? And with that in mind also know of me?” Wollfen shook his head in response. 

It doesn’t work that way.  The seer stone throws up random images and cannot be controlled to that extent.  There are so many things happening at any one time in all places across the world that for you to reach out and grab a single moment of what you want to see is virtually impossible.  What you can do is watch trends as they grow.  Usually that doesn’t become firm either until it approaches close to the time of the actual event.  You see the further you look forward the less sure you can be of what you are seeing.  Each time a person makes a decision to do something and takes a path to follow it changes the consequences in the future. That means a lot of events you can see in the future won’t necessarily happen.  They are for the most part only possibilities dictated by all the right things happening.  A lot of the time it does come to fruition but there are almost as many times it doesn’t or there is a variation.”

Madeira had to sit back and give that a lot of thought; it was a complicated and involved idea. 

It is true to say that seer stones are of only partial value.  That is why I wasn’t so surprised to hear that Drexus threw hers against the wall and shattered it.”

Okay I see what you are saying, the future is not a set thing then?” Wollfen nodded. 

Yes that is exactly true.”

Madeira felt buoyed.  Up to now she dreaded the idea of going back for any reason thinking that Drexus would surely know of her betrayal but now it was different. 

May I make a suggestion?” They all nodded. “I am the second most powerful sorc of the entire clique.  Now whether Drexus ever actually had any intention or not of handing power over to me, that doesn’t matter. You see as far as the rest of the sorcs are concerned since I am the anointed one, they naturally will see me as the future of their order.”

Wollfen urged her to go on after she paused, 

The point is, after I got back from my time away in the Kingdom which was over a year I expected my position to be weaker when in fact it turns out it is much stronger.”

They all listened more intently, she had gotten their undivided attention with that last comment. 

It turns out that during that year Drexus had been acting more and more erratic with the anticipation of achieving her goal and many of the sorcs turned to me after I got back to seek guidance. I can say right now, if there is a challenge to her authority many of the sorcs will not support her and if I am the one in opposition to her, they will support me.”  Luthein turned to Wollfen. 

It seems a solution to our problems has been handed to us on a silver platter by Drexus herself. We can simply allow Madeira here to deal with Drexus and our problem there is at an end.” Madeira had to interject on that point. 

Wait, I didn’t say I could defeat her. I just said I would get a lot of support, that doesn’t guarantee anything.  I would need something much more to make sure we could kill her.” Wollfen spoke up, 

Hang on, no one is talking of killing Drexus here. I am sure she can be captured and brought back to the enchanted lands. Here she could get the treatment she needs to bring her back to health.” The King spoke up,

She will not be captured and she will not be allowed back into these lands. Madeira is right, Drexus has to be killed.” Wollfen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 

Surely you can’t be serious? We are talking about a woman who was one of your most faithful and through no fault of her own is now injured and lost.  She may be doing evil things but she doesn’t know any better.  She needs to be helped and nurtured back to health. Why are you considering such a harsh action?” The King looked at Wollfen and spoke once more,

There are things you don’t know of, Aerassis.  You mentioned your concerns about the orcs earlier.  I can tell you that we too have many concerns on that matter and that the problems with Drexus and the orcs is directly related.”

I’m not sure that I understand, how can they be related at all? Orcs have been around for over a thousand years and have never set foot in the lands of Isogorr from what I understand.”

Yes that is all true, but since Eldoron informed us a few weeks ago of what is happening with Drexus; we have been doing a fair amount of research from our end in the archives and also by chance made some relative discoveries dealing with the orcs too.” Wollfen still wasn’t seeing it. 

I am afraid you will have to go into greater detail on the matter my Lord.” The King looked to Luthein to explain. 

As you know I have been involved with the archival records here for over a hundred and fifty years and I have, with the help of my researchers, managed to piece together some of the puzzle.  The original records of the emissaries to the poisoned city have proved to be quite useful of late.  It was not until this past year that a pattern has emerged that reflected the original findings.” Luthein paused for a moment before going on,  “It has come to our attention that the original orcs that were driven from the city migrated in those first years towards the west, in particular the north west before being driven back into the high mountains where they have stayed the last thousand years. As you know the orcs over the last eighteen months or so have been venturing out back towards the west once more and it just so happens that this correlates with when Drexus set things in motion to attack the Kingdom and drive on to Kassandrea.”

Wollfen felt what they were suggesting was a bit of a stretch. 

You don’t really believe Drexus is responsible for the orcs converging towards the west?”

No, I am not suggesting that at all, but we have been studying a map of the land and noted all sightings of orcs that we can ascertain and taking their direction into account and marked it down. Then we also marked down the direction of the Isogorrean armies to Kassandrea.  When you put the two together, the final destination is Kassandrea.  It is too much of a coincidence to believe that both groups are moving towards the same spot at the same time without a common goal.”

Luthein looked to Wollfen who while looking back wasn’t seeing him.  He was away in his mind’s eye thinking about what he had just been told. 

If you are not suggesting Drexus is the instigator then someone or something else is.  Do you have any idea as to what that may be?”

Luthein shook his head in response and then Wollfen had an idea, he reached into his pocket and took out his original teleporting crystal. 

When I saw Drexus in Isogorr she gave me this crystal to teleport into Kassandrea and find a way down a tunnel to a portal buried deep below it.  She also allowed me to search for what was emanating from this source.  What you find in here is what she claimed to be her goal.  Please take it and test it now Luthein.  I will not tell you what to expect for I don’t wish you to be influenced by my words.  I want you to make your own observations.”

Luthein took the crystal offered to him and sat back in his chair.  He felt it for a bit then closed his eyes. They all watched on as he sat there silently and unmoving.  It seemed like ages before his eyes flickered open again and he made a small exclamation. 

Lord Vincent?” Luthein turned to his King and Queen.  “I get the distinct feeling that this is a portal of the Gods and that for whatever reason Lord Vincent, one of the creators of this world resides there still.  He has not passed all the way over.” Luthein turned back to Wollfen now. “Was Drexus able to shed much light on this?” Wollfen shook his head. 

No not really, she simply stated that I was the key to opening the portal and setting him free.”

Wollfen reached into his pocket once more and took out a small scroll,

While I was in Kassandrea I did some research on the origins of the city seeing if I could glean any information on a staircase below it. I came up with this.”

Wollfen handed over the handwritten note that he had jotted down when in the library of Kassandrea. Luthein accepted it and read it out loud for all to hear.

Down, down, down, dark is the way and sure is the path for here lies the way of the ancients, hearken all mortal souls for travel within will spell your doom.

Let it be known for only those blessed with the blood of an angel may tread and be free, all are blessed but only few are guaranteed. Find ye the stairs near the waterless flow, do not hesitate in passing from in to out for only from in may you pass.

Take no heed of the dragons bite in the night sky and you shall see its reflection on the face of your desire.”

Luthein gave it serious consideration.

This is not of elven origin.  It is human speak, but where would they have gained such knowledge? Elves are the first of the races on this land and I cannot recollect any such verses in our own archives.”

If that is true Luthein, then the record was removed,”

Wollfen knew the seriousness of what he was saying.  All elven records were sacrosanct and it would have meant high treason to tamper with the historical records in any way.  But it had to be said. Luthein shook his head,

I cannot believe that it would be so. I have a number of protege’s that I will set to task immediately focusing on the oldest of our records to seek out any reference to pathways to the gods.   If there is anything at all we will find it.” The King bade they return to the task at hand. 

This is something that can be dealt with in due course.  For now let us focus on the question of Drexus.  You Aerassis are against Drexus being killed and in view of this information you have given us, it does give us pause to consider different possibilities in dealing with her.” Luthein added his bit too at this point. 

We have been considering the possibility that whatever destroyed the enclave in the east and from what the orcs originated from may well be the being that has influenced Drexus to date.  As you have mentioned she has an injury to the mind.  This may be the path by which that entity has managed to gain access.” Wollfen still wasn’t buying it. 

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