A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (17 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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It wasn't
long before she was given an idea of what was going on. After just a few
minutes Jason walked down the stairs and into the dungeon; he was dressed in a
black tuxedo, with a red bowtie and when he smiled at her he revealed a pair of
prominent fangs.

She had to
resist the urge to laugh at the sight of the fangs, at the same time she felt
herself grow moist. She knew the fangs were fake, but they looked real, and the
overall image could have convinced her that he was a vampire. He made a very
sexy vampire, she thought.

beauty should not kneel; you shall serve me with your blood tonight, not your
knees," he said when he reached her, smiling at the look of surprise that
covered her beautiful face. "Are you prepared to offer your body to me
freely tonight, my dear?" he asked, an accent to his voice as he strove to
pull her into the fantasy he was weaving.

didn't hesitate. "My body is yours, Sir, do with it as you wish," she
told him, deciding that if he wanted to play a game, she was happy to go along
with him.

Nodding in
satisfaction he took her hand and led her to the table in the center of the dungeon.
"If you are truly prepared to offer yourself up to me then climb up onto
the altar and lay your life in my hands." His dark blue eyes filled with
heat as he thought of the game, which was only just beginning.

herself to sink into his world of make believe, Carla climbed up onto the table
and laid back. She shivered in anticipation of what was to come, which she
could only guess at, as she lifted her hands above her head and clasped them
together, wanting to appear like a perfect sacrifice.

He walked
around the table, enjoying the shivers that ran through her delectable body. He
was glad the roleplaying was turning her on, and made a note to do it again
with her another night. "We must lose this dress, my dear," he told
her, "I wish to see what you have to offer me."

Pulling a
dagger from a holder in his sash, Jason held it up before her, turning it so it
picked up reflections from the candlelight. Her trembling increased, magnifying
his arousal, and lowering the blade he traced the point of it over her skin,
making her flinch. "Don't move an inch, dear one; I would hate to make you
bleed too soon." Her eyes widened and she struggled to keep herself still
as the blade trailed up her arm, across her shoulders and down the other arm.

Jason moved
the blade back up her arm and then lightly ran the point down her chest. She
flinched again as the blade moved between her breasts, but quickly froze.
Seeing her reaction he smiled in pleasure before slowly tracing the blade back
up to her throat. The fear in her eyes was a tremendous aphrodisiac, but he
knew it was time to move on and he slid the blade under first one strap and
then the other.

The flimsy
material parted easily under pressure from the razor sharp blade and with the
straps cut he once more traced the blade down between her breasts. He didn't
stop that time though; instead he kept the blade moving, slicing through the
gown from the straps that hid her breasts to the hem.

the knife on the 'altar' Jason took hold of the two halves of the gown and
pulled them apart, leaving her bare to his gaze. The cool air made her nipples
rise, hardening them to stiff peaks, while the dampness between her thighs told
him how much she was enjoying what he was doing.

sacrifice has a beautiful body," he said, before lowering his head to
trail his tongue down the same path the dagger had recently taken. "You
have no idea what I long to do to you tonight."

noted the laugh he gave then wasn't his usual one; it was high and held a touch
of evil and she felt a frisson of fear move through her as she became lost in
the world of make believe he was creating. She was brought out of it for a
moment as his tongue delved into her navel, making her wriggle and laugh at the
tickling sensation.

will never do, my dear," Jason told her. "I know you want to please
me, but my desires run dark tonight so I must bind you. You must not move
without my permission." He stepped away from the table to retrieve several
red silk scarves.

She was
aching to have him touch her; the play was more intense than she would have
ever believed and it left her filled with desire. Moaning softly she lifted her
hips off the table. "Please, Sir," she whimpered, her need obvious.

he moved to the head of the table, where he tied one end of a scarf around her
wrist, and then secured the other end to a small metal loop at the top of the
table. "You will be begging to end this before we finish, my dear,"
he said as he bound her other wrist.

Carla felt
her body tense at his words. She was suddenly afraid, and couldn't help
wondering what he meant. Feeling oddly like she wasn’t in the same time and
place any longer, she struggled against her bonds.

she watched as Jason pulled metal stirrups from the ends of the table. They
looked very much like the ones in her gynecologist's office, and her face
burned at the thought of how humiliating those visits were. What did he plan to
do to her? She wondered nervously, biting her lip.

her legs into the stirrups one at a time he tied her thighs to the cool metal
of the stirrups. A second scarf secured each ankle to the stirrups, leaving her
with her legs spread wide.

When he
was finished tying her up Jason reached beneath Carla to drop the end of the
table below her legs. It left her with her ass hanging half off the table,
which she was uncomfortably away of.

beautiful, my dear; I'm itching to drink from you here." He stroked his
finger down her thigh until he reached her womanhood, where he tapped her clit.
"I can't wait to see your reaction to the feel of my teeth as they pierce
your skin."

Was he
going to really bite her? Her heart raced, and she wasn't sure if it was in
terror or longing. He pushed a single digit deep inside her and her thoughts
moved away from terror and centered on her desire; she didn't care what he did
as long as he let her cum.

This was
their wildest night yet, she thought with a groan of longing as he began
fucking her with his finger. When he pulled his finger from her aching flesh
she cried out softly in disappointment.

He walked
back to the head of the table, smiling evilly, she would not soon forget this
night, he was going to make sure of that. "I love the emotion in your
beautiful eyes, my dear, but now I must hinder your sight." He pulled out
the last red sash and secured it over her eyes. "I would never want your
eyes to be disturbed by my hideous nature." Lowering his lips he kissed
her cheek.

the sash was thick enough to cut off most of her sight, she could see he had
turned on the lights in the dungeon. That made her think things were over, which
seemed very sudden, but when he made no move to free her she realized he must
have something else in mind.

She could
hear all sorts of noises, but lacked the ability to identify them without her
eyes to help her. All she could do was lie there, and wait nervously to find
out what was going to happen.

Jason left
her on the table, knowing that without sight she would have no way of knowing
what he was doing. He couldn't help wondering how she was going to react to the
lack of input to her senses, not to mention what he was about to do to her.

into the changing room he washed his hands thoroughly in steaming hot water,
and then dried them. That done he returned to the main room, where he collected
the things he would need. A stool went between Carla's parted thighs, and
within easy reach he set up a tray on another stool.

The site
of her pink flesh had his tongue aching to delve deep inside and he allowed
himself the pleasure. He suckled her clit, biting down lightly, pleased by the
soft moan that escaped her lips. His tongue darted in, wanting her body to be
aching with desire before he finished their play.

unhurried movements his tongue teased and retreated, keeping her just on the
brink of orgasm without letting her find release.

stopping he took a small q-tip from his tray and slowly slid it under the hood
of her clit, pleased at the amount of tissue there. She arched her hips off the
table, thinking he was still pleasuring her. "Do not move, my dear, or I
will be forced to punish you. Do you understand?" His tone was harsh, not
because he was displeased by her reaction, but because it was imperative she
remained still.

Sir," she whimpered, knowing it was going to take every ounce of
self-control she possessed to keep herself still. Her body was strung so tight
with the need to release that she was ready to cry.

He opened
the bottle of Betadine and slowly began squirting it over her tender folds. She
gasped at the coolness, but he was impressed to see that her hips remained
still. "Good girl," he said, dropping out of character and speaking
in his normal voice.

He had
been trained to do what he was preparing Carla for by a Master, many years ago.
While it was not a difficult task, it did require skill, and the co-operation
of the person it was being done to.

going to bite you now, remember to keep very still." He had no intention
of actually biting her, but since she would feel what he was about to do he wanted
her to think he was biting her.

Taking the
NRT off the sterile tray he lifted the hood of her clit, and with one quick
movement pierced her. Her cry of surprise was not one of true pain, and he was
pleased he still had the ability to do it with precision; it had been a while
since he had done it.

couldn't believe he had actually bitten her; the pain was minimal, and faded
quickly, but it still wasn't a pleasurable experience. There was a burning
sensation in her clit, and she felt as though there was some strange foreign
object attached to her.

She was a
little bewildered by his strange idea of play, and more than a little curious
to know what he had actually done to her.

were such a good girl, sweetheart," he told her. Taking up a q-tip he drenched
it with antiseptic and then cleaned the new piercing carefully. She would be
thrilled by the way it felt when they made love, he was sure; several
submissives over the years had told him it was one of the best things they'd
ever had done.

Carla wiggled
her hips at the strange sensations Jason was generating down there. She didn't
know what he had done, or what he was doing then, but she felt as if there was
something lodged in that part of the body. She wanted to tear the blindfold off
and look to see what was going on, she couldn't though, not with her arms

When he
had finished cleaning her Jason took off the scarf covering her eyes. "I
want you to look at something, sweetheart." He smiled and moved back to
the bottom of the table, picking up a large mirror from the tray he positioned
it between her legs.

her head so she could see what Jason was showing her, Carla could only look in
stunned disbelief at the curved jewelry that was now embedded in the hood of
her clitoris. Seeing the piercing she found herself wondering if she wouldn’t
have preferred it if he had bitten her instead. "What have you done,
Sir?" she asked, stunned.

me, sweetheart, you'll love how this makes you feel, and if you don't, we'll
take it out; it will heal quickly and no-one will be able to see that you had
it done." He could see by the look in her eyes that she didn't quite
believe that she would love it. To prove his point he lightly tugged at the
piercing, making her gasp in pleasure and pain. "It will be nothing but
pleasure in a few days, baby."

She was
floored by the sensations brought on the slight tug, and had to admit that it
did feel good, despite her doubts. "So will we be able to, well you know,
Sir?" The thought of having to wait to have him fill her was agonizing.

chuckled, pleased that she was not upset. "Yes, my horny little angel, we
can still fuck." He knew he should have asked her permission before
piercing her, she could have safe worded her way out of it if she decided not
to go through with it. It was a liberty he didn't feel bad for taking though,
if she hated it she could remove it and the hole would close up. "We just
need to remember to keep this extremely clean for the next few weeks," he
told her. "After we have sex you have to disinfect it. I have all the
stuff we need to use here."

He laughed
as she blushed and quickly untied the scarves that bound her to the table. He
was eager to take her upstairs and test out his new gift and he moved around the
dungeon, blowing out the candles while Carla got off the table.

strange object between her legs grew less painful by the second, and she was
amazed that it didn't hurt more. Getting her ears pierced had actually hurt worse,
which surprised her. Standing at the side of the table she reached down to
gingerly feel the piercing. She could tell it was there, even when she wasn't
touching it, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

think my girl likes her gift." Jason joined her at the table.

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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