A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (21 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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her hair back roughly, while buried deep inside her, he whispered passionately
in her ear. “I’m giving you the chance to shun what society demands of you
because you’re a woman.” He bit the tender lobe of her ear quickly and then
inched out of her tightness, only to drive in again and again before pausing
once more, holding her hips as he forced her to remain still. “With these ten
nights you are getting to live out what most women only fantasize about. To
discover and expand the limits of your being, to become more than you once
thought possible, more than society believes you should be.” He pounded into
her again, pausing once more when he felt her on the edge. “It’s your choice, sweetheart.
The question is, do you have the strength to keep going? Or will you allow the
world to force you to hide your sexuality and your true self, to hide your
deepest desires out of shame.”

Sir,” she moaned as her body remained on the precipice, aching with need.
Shivers of longing moved through her; she needed to let go, to soar to that
place of ecstasy that only he could give her, but he wouldn’t.

“I’ve opened
the door, now it’s down to you.” Rolling his hips slightly he felt her silken
flesh hold him tighter than any woman had; he longed for his own release but
held back, needing to know if she was going to give in. “It’s only going to get
more intense,” he told her. “I’m going to challenge everything you think you
know about yourself, push you beyond what you think you’re capable of. Tell me,
are you going to give me the full ten nights?”

Her core
throbbed, hovering almost painfully on the edge of release. “Please, Sir,
please fuck me. I’ll give you whatever you want! Just please, I need it.”

“That’s my
girl.” Smiling, he rode her savagely, holding nothing back. She belonged to him
more than even she knew just then. As her body drenched him with passion he
felt his own release build within him; with one more thrust he withdrew quickly
and pumped himself with his hand. Two strokes and he came, exploding over the
flawless skin of her back.

She was
breathless with the force of his passion and the words he had spoken, and
surprised by the heat of his release on her skin. There was no doubt in her
mind that she was in far deeper than she’d expected to get, and wasn’t sure
she’d be able to find her way out.

knowledge filled her with a combination of fear and peace. He could crush her
soul, or take her higher than she’d ever imagined possible. She had never
expected another person to have so much control over her and she found the
thought of surrendering to another’s will exciting.

her into his arms Jason carried her into the bathroom, her head resting weakly
on his chest. It was more than just the physical exhaustion from their passion;
mentally she was so wound up she could barely think.

He washed
her body with a tenderness that had her on the edge of tears and then he
carried her to the bed. They made love twice more before she had to beg him to
allow her to rest.

“Sleep my
sweet, sweet Carla, tomorrow I will expand your mind even more.” Pulling her
into his arms he held her until her even breathing told him she was asleep.
With a smile of contentment he allowed himself to drift off as well, satisfied
that she would soon be willing to become his slave.







The next
morning the four of them enjoyed breakfast together on the veranda, basking in
the early morning sun as they ate.

When they
made their plans for the day Carla was surprised to learn that Jason and Daniel
wouldn’t be in meetings all day, like they had been the day before. The news
pleased her since it meant she got to explore the island with Jason.

They weren’t
able to explore straight away, Jason had to attend an early meeting, which he
assured her would only last for about an hour. While he and Daniel went off to
their meeting, Carla and Scarlett got changed into their bikinis and made for
the beach, where they took advantage of the time they had.

First off
they both went parasailing. Carla was extremely nervous as she was strapped up
and given the safety instructions for what to do if she encountered any
problems, but once the boat took off and pulled her up into the air she forgot
her worries.

couldn’t see all of the island, but the view she had was fantastic, as was the
ability to be able to see down into the water, which was so clear she could see
a manta ray as it idly made its way beneath the boat.

When the
ride was over, it finished far too soon in her opinion, Carla was exhilarated,
and a bit disappointed to have to stand on the beach and watch as her friend
had her turn. She promised herself she would do it again, just as soon as she
had an opportunity.

With the
parasailing out of the way the two of them returned to the hotel and the pool,
where they enjoyed a leisurely swim while they waited for their men to join

Neither Carla
nor Scarlett was surprised when the meeting ran over the expected hour, but
they didn’t have to wait too long before the men arrived at the pool. They
separated at that point, with Daniel and Scarlett going off to enjoy some time
alone, while Jason and Carla did the same.

To Carla’s
delight, Jason allowed her to select what they did and she took full advantage
of it. They started off by hiring a Jet Ski and racing around the bay, with Carla
holding on tight to Jason; soon enough she was enjoying herself so much she
wanted to get at the controls herself.

Since Jason
wasn’t willing to surrender the Jet Ski they compromised by hiring a second
one; and after a quick tutorial for Carla they were off. Driving the
Lamborghini she had been given was one thing, the Jet Ski was something else
altogether. It lacked the speed of the sports car, not that she had gone beyond
the speed limit in it, but the maneuverability of the Jet Ski, and the ability
to go wherever she wished with it without having to consider traffic
restrictions, made it infinitely more fun.

After an
hour or so they returned the Jet Skis and went on to the next bit of fun, an
exploration of the island. Where Scarlett had kept their exploration to the
beach and the resort, Jason took them out of the resort and around the rest of
the island, his long strides forcing Carla to half jog at times to keep up.

well defined paths through the jungle that covered most of the island Carla
lost track of the time, and had no idea how far they walked. During the course
of their exploration, which Carla soon realized Jason had done before, they saw
a variety of animals, most of which she couldn’t begin to identify, and Jason
didn’t bother to.

animals came in all shapes and sizes, from little rodent like creatures that
scurried across the path in front of them, to animals that made the undergrowth
shake with their passage. Some of them ran off at their approach, the movement
of the undergrowth the only indication they were there, while others ambled
into the path and stopped to eye them boldly.

Every time
their passage was blocked Carla wished she had a camera with her, the pictures
she could have taken would have made her friends back in Mississippi, not to
mention her college friends, green with envy.

journey through the jungle, and the animals they saw were amazing enough, but they
were nothing compared to what awaited them at the end of the path.

off the path onto a strip of sandy beach Carla was entranced by the beautiful
sight before her. The beach led down to a pool of deep blue-green water, and off
to one side a waterfall cascaded down from a rocky outcrop at the edge of the
pool. To add to the beauty of what she was seeing, colorful birds were flying
back and forth over the water; there were so many different varieties and Carla
wished she had a clue what they were, just so she could tell people she’d seen

A popping
sound drew her attention away from the birds and the waterfall and looking
around she saw that Jason hadn’t brought her out into the jungle just for some
exercise and to see the wildlife. Two members of the resort staff were standing
a short distance away, where they had laid out a sumptuous picnic just back
from the water’s edge.

describe it as picnic seemed to be an insult though, at least to Carla’s mind,
it was more like a banquet. A colorful blanket was covered with all kinds of
food, from dishes of freshly sliced fruit, to a platter of assorted meats and
so many other things she couldn’t see how they could possibly eat it all. In
the center of the blanket was a bucket of ice, in which resided a freshly
opened bottle of wine.

realized it must have been the sound of the bottle being opened that attracted
her attention.

“Oh, Jason!”
she sighed, when she recovered from the initial shock of the surprise. “This is
beautiful, thank you.”

for my beautiful girl,” he said in reply. “Thank you,” he dismissed the resort
staff, who turned and disappeared down the path as if they had never been

The sight
of the food made Carla realize how hungry she was. She hadn’t been aware of her
hunger during their exploration of the jungle, so distracted had she been by
everything around them. Now though, she was reminded that her stomach was empty
and she was starving.

they settled onto the blanket to enjoy the food and the wine. Conversation was
limited as they ate, but the silence was a companionable one, made all the more
enjoyable by the sounds of nature, which came from all around them.

long Carla was satiated from the food and relaxed by the wine, and without
realizing it she drifted off as the sun beat down on her, more content than she
could remember being.

with a start Carla found herself disorientated; she wasn’t sure where she was
or what time it was and she sat up quickly, looking all around as panic surged
through her body. She settled back, remembering where she was, when she saw Jason,
who was propped up on one elbow watching her, an amused smile on his face.

“You look
more beautiful than ever when you’re sleeping, sweetheart,” he said.

Carla blushed
in response as she pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked around
again. The view was as breathtaking as when she’d first arrived at the pool,
and so peaceful she wished she never had to leave there.

“Let’s go
swimming,” Jason said suddenly, pushing himself to his feet. “I need some

“But we
don’t have any towels or anything,” Carla protested. She immediately regretted
her words as a flash of anger passed across his face, but it was gone as
quickly as it had appeared.

“That doesn’t
matter, the sun will dry us off, now join me.” A note of command entered his
voice as he shucked the last of his clothes, dropping them onto the blanket,
and made his way toward the water, naked and unashamed.

Sir.” Carla nodded and quickly removed the loose-fitting top she’d put on to
keep herself cool. That left in her one of the G-string bikinis she’d bought at
Jason’s urging, which she was only wearing then because he had insisted on it
that morning.

She let
the top fall to the blanket and then approached the water. “Is it safe?” she
asked nervously as she took her first into the inviting coolness. She didn’t
know what sort of animals or fish might be lurking in the waters of the pool,
and some of those she had seen on the way there were enough to give her alarm.

course,” Jason answered with a laugh at her concern. “There’s nothing in here
but a few fish; nothing that’s going to hurt you, except maybe me.”

Relieved Carla
moved further into the water, feeling it get deeper as she went. When she felt
it was deep enough she dived forward, submerging herself completely before
coming to the surface alongside Jason.

“This is
gorgeous.” Turning so she was floating on her back Carla idly stroked away from

Before she
got too far he caught her by the ankle and pulled her back to him. “You’re
gorgeous. More gorgeous than anything on this island,” he told her. Letting go
of her ankle he took her into his arms and kissed her, his tongue delving
between her lips to wrestle with her own while his hands slid up her back.

The water
where they were wasn’t deep, but it was deep enough and Carla had to wrap her
legs around his waist and her arms around his neck in order to kiss him back.

It wasn’t
until he pulled her bikini top out from between them that Carla realized he had
undone it, she hadn’t felt a thing. With an idle toss he threw the top over his
shoulder towards the beach, following it a moment later with the bottom half of
the g-string bikini.

When she
was as naked as he was Jason gently pulled her arms from around his neck and
leaned her back so she was floating on the water, her legs still wrapped around
his waist. “Fucking beautiful, babe,” he said, looking down on her as he ran
his hands over her torso.

her nipples ever so slightly he drew a gasp from her; he leant forward then and
suckled her, moving from one peak to the other until both nipples were as hard
as erasers.

Sir,” Carla moaned as she rubbed herself against his length beneath the water.

what?” Jason asked, enjoying the feeling of her velvety lips against him. “Tell
me what you want.” He didn’t even need to run his fingers down to the silken
cleft between her legs to know she was ready for him.

Sir, I need you, I need to feel you inside of me. I want you to take me now.”

“What if
someone comes along?” he asked, an amused smile on his face as he lazily rolled
his hips, rubbing himself against her in time with her own movements. When his
head ran along her slit he felt her push forward, trying to capture him, but he
slid away, leaving her to groan in disappointment.

moaned again as she tried once more to secure him within her velvet prison. “I
don’t care, let them come, let them see us, just please, please take me, Sir.”

you desire, babe.” Holding her hips he rotated his own and in one quick move he
penetrated her, burying himself to the hilt in her.

He paused
like that for a moment, with them joined at the groin, and then he slowly
withdrew until just his head was inside her. Again and again he slid into her
and withdrew, his rhythm agonizingly slow as he drove her to the brink of
orgasm and then held her from it.

enough she was begging him to give her release but he held back, torturing her
all the more until finally he could stand it no more himself. Increasing his
pace until the water around their groins was being churned into a froth, Jason
drove Carla to first one orgasm and then a second, making her scream aloud,
startling the birds in the nearby trees into flight.

His own
release came soon after and he quickly pulled out of her to spray his cum
across her belly and breasts. His chest heaving he drew Carla up into his arms
and held her tight against him as she too recovered her breath. It took a few
minutes to do so, and when they had regained their composure he cleaned them

they made for the beach, where they sank onto the blanket with the remains of
their picnic to allow the sun to dry them off.

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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