A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (16 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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Chastised Carla
slid on the red dress and then stood there while Jason examined her. Unlike
with the previous two dresses he simply stood there, a cold look in his eyes as
he glanced over her. "That one will do," he said with a nod of his
head, gesturing for Delilah to return. When she did he looked pointedly at Carla,
waiting for her to speak.

please forgive me for my rudeness, it was out of place and I apologize."
She kept her eyes lowered, feeling ashamed of herself.

this changing can be stressful," she smiled warmly, showing no sign of
having been offended, "no need to apologize." She was used to dealing
with New York's elite and was no longer bothered by their frequent rudeness, in
fact she was surprised the woman felt it necessary to offer an apology, she was
the first one to do so.

think we'll try a few more," Jason smiled again, pleased that Carla hadn't
defied him.

trying on five more dresses, Carla decided she wasn't big on shopping. Jason
had reverted to his original pleasant demeanor, but she was getting bored.

could you pick out some lingerie and take it back to the dressing room? 34 B
cup size."

course, Mr. Portland." Delilah moved around the store selecting numerous
items of lingerie she was sure would suit her employer's tastes. Once she had
finished making her selections she put them in the changing room and walked
back out. "I think you will be pleased with what I have picked out,

you, Delilah, you have been a wonderful help. We'll call you should we need any
assistance." He smiled at her before holding out his hand to Carla.

Carla took
his hand and allowed him to lead her through the shop. She had no idea why he
was coming with her, the dressing rooms were discreet, but she had no
difficulty working out where they were.

When they
reached the dressing room he followed her inside, shutting the door behind him
and sliding the catch across. "Get those panties off; I can't wait a
minute more to have you."

She looked
at him in shock; she couldn't believe he was going to take her there, with
Delilah not far away. The thought embarrassed her, though at the same time she
found herself strangely excited. Slowly she slid off her panties, not quite
believing that she was going to go through with what he wanted.

on your knees, baby." He pushed on her shoulders until she was kneeling
before him. He undid his pants and lowered them, along with his underwear.
"Now give me that smartass mouth, sweetheart."

He guided
his already hard cock into her mouth and all thoughts about the saleswoman were
pushed from her mind. With a hand wrapped in her hair he held her head still as
he forcefully fucked her mouth.

She gasped
in air when he withdrew and sucked him hard as he thrust in again. Her throat
was beginning to feel raw from his forceful fucking when he finally pulled out.
She wasn't given much of a chance to recover however as he pulled her to her
feet and slid two fingers into her with little gentleness.

for me, like a good little slut." He grinned, lifting her up in his arms.
Positioning her against the mirror he thrust inside her, making her groan. His
hands gripped her heart-shaped ass firmly, holding her up, while her legs
wrapped around his waist as he pounded into her. The sounds of ecstasy pouring
from her lips egged him on.

does it feel to know she can hear how good I make you feel when we fuck?"
He paused in his fucking, his cock buried to the hilt in her, to whisper the
words in her ear.

don't care, Sir," Carla told him, all she could think of right then was
how close she was to coming undone, and how much she wanted him to finish what
he had started.

chuckled and lifted her slowly off him. She groaned as he did so, and then
again when he thrust her back down, burying himself to the hilt in her again.
"You like the idea that she can hear me making you cum, don't you,
baby?" He lifted her again, holding her there with just the head of his
cock still embedded in her.

It wasn't
enough, she wanted every inch of him as deep in her as he could get. "Yes,
Sir, I want her to know you're mine." She couldn't believe how much she
wanted that beautiful woman out there in the boutique to know she couldn't have
him, that Jason was hers and hers alone.

Smiling at
her words he rode her until her body clenched around him, doing its best to
milk him dry, and she moaned aloud in orgasm. Lifting her off him he set her on
her feet and immediately pushed down on her shoulders, telling her without
words what he wanted her to do.

She took
his huge cock in her mouth and sucked him deeply; wanting to give him the same
pleasure he had given her. Her core ached with his rough treatment but she
loved the feeling, and wished he hadn't stopped; she wished he would never

When he
finally climaxed, she swallowed every drop, loving the taste of him. The
knowledge that he came because she pleased him was thrilling to her; the
thought that she had that kind of power over a man like him was exhilarating.

you please me more than any other woman," he told her; pulling her into
his arms he hugged her tight.

She smiled
at his compliment and felt the glow of his pleasure move through her. "I
love you, Sir." She bit her lip when she realized what she'd said, wishing
she could take the words back.

He smiled
down at her. "Let's go home, sweetheart." Her words made him feel
like a god.

they left Jason took care of the bill, giving Delilah a large bonus for having
stayed after hours to take care of him. It wasn't necessary since the boutique
was his, and he already paid her a more than generous salary, but he believed
in being good to his employees.

Carla did
her best, but couldn't entirely conceal the blush that colored her cheeks as
she waited for Jason to finish up with Delilah, which caused Jason to smile.
She was fucking adorable, and his, he thought as they returned to the limousine
with their purchases.

They had
barely made it through the door when Jason lifted her into his arms and rushed
upstairs to make love to her again. After that he bathed her and carried her
back to his bed. She had never felt more cherished in her life.

when these ten nights are over, I want you to think about moving in with
me." He stroked her hair as she rested her head on his chest, exhausted.

All of a
sudden Carla was wide awake. Lifting her head she looked deep into his blue
eyes. "You want me to move in, Sir?" She was floored, his request
came out of the blue, and it had her heart jumping for joy.

think you and I are very compatible, and whatever happens on the rest of our
nights, I want you to be my slave." His smile faded when he saw a look of
sorrow enter her gaze.

want me to be your slave? To do this all the time?" She'd hoped he meant
that he cared for her as much she did for him, but it seemed as though he just
wanted to control her and have sex with her whenever he wanted.

sweetheart, you've proven how willing you are to learn, and I enjoy teaching
you." It was clear from the look on her face that she wasn't happy about his
proposal, though he didn't understand why.

need to think about it," she whispered, trying very hard to hide her hurt

baby, get some sleep, I know you're tired." He caressed her hair, baffled
by her reluctance.

Carla laid
her head on his chest once again and closed her eyes, willing the tears not to
fall. Living as his slave would mean never being able to have a normal
relationship with him. She enjoyed playing with him, it had been more fun than
she had ever expected to have with a man, but if that was all there was to it,
she wasn't sure she could do it.


When she
woke the next morning Carla found Jason was already gone, though he had left a
note for her on the pillow, thanking her for another wonderful night.

Her heart
ached as she drove home. Maybe Scarlett was right, she thought, and her
feelings were becoming too involved, but try though she did to turn them off
she knew it was too late for that.

By the
time she reached the campus she had decided only one thing, that she would put
off making a decision about his proposal until the ten nights were over. She
would enjoy the remaining nights she had agreed to, and then she would work out
what she was going to do.








Carla was
still in a state of emotional turmoil over his proposition when she made it
back to her dorm. The thought of walking away from him was painful, but was she
willing to be his slave, could she accept being that and nothing more to him?
She wasn't sure.

thinking," she told her, speaking aloud, "just live in the moment,
for a change." She had seven nights left out of the ten she'd agreed to,
seven nights in which anything could happen.

she put his proposition from her mind while she went to run a bath; she would
make a decision when the ten nights were over.

When a
knock sounded twenty minutes later, Carla knew it was another gift from Jason, Scarlett
rarely knocked. Dragging herself from the now tepid water she quickly wrapped a
towel around herself and made for the door.

thanked the UPS delivery guy, tipped him, and tore off the wrapping so she
could open the box the moment she had closed the door behind him. She was
surprised to find herself looking at an iPhone, the latest model, a note
resting on top of it.

the card out of the box she read it,
'Keep this with you at all times, I
worry about you.'
It was sighed R.H. and she shook her head. She already
had a cell phone, granted it wasn't as nice as the one in the box she was
holding, but it was still perfectly capable of doing anything she needed.

She was so
startled when the phone began to buzz, she hadn't even realized it was already
switched on, she almost dropped the box. Glancing down at the screen she saw Jason's
name; it didn't surprise her that he had already programmed his name into it.
Taking the phone out of the box she read the text.

can you get off work for a few days? I need to go to Mexico tomorrow night and
would love for you to come with me."

She was
floored by the text and stared at the words for a few seconds before she
don't know if I can do that, Sir, I only have two weeks left until the job
hit send and stared at the phone, waiting for his reply.

After five
minutes passed without a reply from Jason Carla decided to get ready for work,
figuring he wasn't going to respond. She had dressed, and was just pulling her
hair up into a ponytail when she heard the phone buzz again.

just wired ten thousand dollars into your account, sweetheart, and one of my
interns will finish up your two weeks. I really want you to take this trip with

Carla's jaw
dropped and her mouth hung open as she read the text; she couldn't wrap her
mind around how overbearing he was being. Ten thousand dollars was almost as
much as she had earned all year. She didn't really want to go in to work, and
the money would certainly be handy, she admitted to herself, but the entire
situation felt wrong to her.

She didn't
want his money, she wanted to earn her own money; it was damned presumptuous of
him to just transfer money into her account so she would go away with him, she
thought. How did he even know her account number to transfer the money? She

Not only
that, but the notion of him getting one of his interns to fill in for her
seemed more than a little wrong.

Pacing her
bedroom Carla resisted the urge to follow her first instinct; ring Jason and
tell him to go to hell. In the real world people didn't go around giving other
people ten thousand dollars just to go away with them. Then she thought of Scarlett,
and realized that that was exactly what some people did.

situation was slightly different, in her case it was her father, but Scarlett
still had someone who paid for everything for her. That wasn't what Carla
wanted for herself though, she didn't want someone taking care of her, and
certainly not in such a high-handed manner, taking decisions out of her hands,
or trying to.

In the end
Carla chose not to answer the text. Doing so was only likely to lead to either
her being annoyed, or Jason being angry at her.

Carla felt
as though her brain was going to explode from all the thoughts buzzing around
it, even doing every job she could find or create around the school store didn’t
help. Nothing she did seemed to help, no matter how many times she drove one
thought from her mind, half a dozen more were waiting to take its place.

The phone Jason
had given her had sounded several times during the day, but she'd ignored it.
Now her shift was over she knew she couldn't avoid him any longer. If she did
the chances were he would be in extreme Dom mode when she made it to the
mansion, if she went.

Taking the
phone out Carla spent a few moments thinking about what she was going to say,
and then she began typing.
"I'm not sure I feel comfortable with
you putting money into my account, and making decisions about my job,
She added her name and then sent the text.

The reply
came back a couple of minutes later.
"I wouldn't normally mess with
your work schedule, sweetheart, but I can't stand the thought of being away
from you for two days, RH."

Well hell,
what was she supposed to say to that? Carla wondered; all her steam disappeared
like a puff of smoke at his sweet words. The thought of being without him for
two days wasn't a pleasant one, and after a moment she had decided on her
want to be with you too, but please, Sir, no more messing with my work."
hands trembled as she sent the text, not because she was afraid of how he'd
take her message, but because his words made her think they had a chance at
something more.

you at nine, sweetheart, and you have my word, I won't mess with your career
again, RH."

Carla knew
she wore a goofy smile as she finished locking the shop up and then made for
the car Jason had given her, but try though she did she couldn't get rid of it.
He could be reasonable about some things she thought as she headed home.


wardrobe was much improved since meeting Jason, Carla thought with a grin as
she picked out one of the dresses he had bought her the previous evening. She
changed quickly and was just putting the finishing touches on her makeup when Scarlett
walked in.

Seeing her
friend in an expensive outfit, which she knew she hadn't owned previously, and
putting on makeup, Scarlett became angry. It was clear to her that Jason hadn't
broken things off like she'd expected. "You're seeing him again, aren't
you," she accused, barely keeping her voice under control.

Carla answered, not understanding her friend's tone. "I'm just about to
leave to head over there."

what happened the other night? After the way you were yesterday?"

I'm going to enjoy the rest of these ten nights, Scarlett, and after that,
well, whatever happens, happens," Carla told her, determined that for once
in her life she was going to live in the moment and do what she wanted to do,
without endlessly debating every angle of every decision with herself. A small
corner of her mind told her that she had been doing exactly that all day long,
but she quickly smothered it, not wanting to think any more.

is crazy, Carla. Think about what a nervous wreck you were yesterday morning;
you were in tears because of Jason and what he did to you. You can't handle
this lifestyle, not yet; he's pushing you into it too hard, and the longer you
stay in the harder it will be for you to get out.

you don’t get out now you're going to get hurt, and much worse than what he did
to you the other night." Scarlett couldn't believe her friend still wanted
anything to do with Jason after the state she had found her in the previous
morning. She was used to the lifestyle, and most likely could have handled what
happened with Jason, but Carla, Scarlett mentally shook her head, she just
wasn't ready for all it.

While she
was angry at her friend for the decision she had clearly made, Scarlett was
even angrier with Jason, whom she had thought was going to have the decency to
end things after their conversation.

won't hurt me, he cares about me."

"Has he
said that?" Scarlett asked. "Has he actually said that he cares about

asked me to move in with him," Carla said in answer, not bringing herself
to add that he wanted her as a slave.

Scarlett was so surprised she half expected to find herself on the floor; it
was a few moments before she could bring herself to speak again. Jason asking Carla
to move in with him was definitely not the outcome she had expected following
their chat. "So he's willing to have a vanilla relationship?" she asked,
not quite believing it, to the best of her knowledge, Jason had not had a
vanilla relationship since the moment he discovered the lifestyle of doms and

exactly," Carla admitted, her voice dropping almost to a whisper, as if
she didn't really want her friend to hear her.

dawned on Scarlett and she dropped onto the bed, not liking where things were
heading. "He wants you to be a full time submissive." It wasn't a
question, and she knew the idea was worse than Jason just stringing her along.

slave," Carla said, feeling less disgust than she had when the proposal
had been put to her.

know this is a bad idea, right?" She doubted her friend really understood
what that type of lifestyle involved, especially with someone like Jason.
"He'll destroy you, honey." She knew her friend better than anyone
else, and had seen the state she'd been left in just the day before. Jason
could be intense in small doses; living with him would be like giving up her
entire life, and everything she had ever wanted from it. "You'll never
have a job, never be able to do anything except what he tells you, that's what
he's offering, Carla. Your life will be his to control."

haven't said yes." Carla knew her friend meant well, and even agreed with
her on most of what she was saying, but the decision was hers to make.

it, Carla, think about this, you'd belong to him, without any conditions. I
know Jason, he wouldn't accept anything less." It wasn't her life, but
someone needed to save her best friend from herself, Scarlett thought angrily.

don't want to talk about this right now, Scarlett; I'm going to be late." Carla
didn't like that her friend was touching on all her own concerns. "I'm
going to Mexico with Jason tomorrow night; we'll be back in a few days. We can
discuss this, AFTER, I make my decision." Though it wasn't like her to do
so, she didn't give her friend a chance to speak again, she simply walked out
of her dorm room, headed downstairs to her car and drove away.


By the
time she made it to Jason's Carla was in control of her anger. She loved Scarlett
like a sister, but it galled her that she thought she knew what was best for
her. She hadn't said yes, yet; she was still considering the offer and she
didn't need her best friend trying to force her into making a decision she
might regret later.

When the
butler answered the door she followed him down to the dungeon without speaking.
Her mind was wholly focused on enjoying the time she would be sharing with Jason;
if she decided not to take up his offer then it would all be over in a week and
she wanted to make the most of it.

the foot of the stairs Carla came to an abrupt halt, gasping at the sight
before her. The dungeon had been transformed. Instead of the usual lighting,
the room was lit by a series of flaming red candles, set at regular intervals
around the dungeon. In the light from the candles she saw that all the
furniture had been draped with black silk coverings, hiding them from view,
with the exception of one table. The table was covered in what looked like
white fur.

As she
crossed the dungeon to the changing room Carla looked around at the new look,
wondering what Jason had in mind for their night together.

Hanging on
the back of the changing room door was a sheer white nightgown. It looked
almost medieval, Carla thought as she took it down to examine it.

undressed quickly and slid the gauzy material over her head. It had two straps
to cover her breasts, was snug at her small waist, and then fell to her ankles
in soft folds. It was almost completely see-through, but she loved it.

With the
gown on she decided her hair wasn't right and pulled it out of the ponytail,
shaking it out so it fell down her back in a long curtain.

She was a
little relieved not to be naked again as she re-entered the dungeon and knelt
before the cross, though she realized she was gradually becoming accustomed to
displaying her body. Since she had been given no indication of when Jason might
arrive, Carla looked around to pass the time, noticing the rose petals
scattered at various places around the room. The Gothic looking scene made her
smile, and she wondered again what Jason had planned.

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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