A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (14 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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defiant tone of her response gave him his answer, and it blew his mind; his
mouth hung open slightly as he tried to regroup. He had expected her to beg him
to stop and knew she'd have a hard time sitting in the morning if he continued.
His little girl was a hard case, he bit back a smile and decide to change
tactics. "Well I guess we'll just have to reinforce the lesson, little
girl. Don't move!"

to the cupboard he took out a video camera and tripod. He had stationary
cameras set up around the dungeon, but those just wouldn't do for what he was
after then. He wanted close-ups of her face so he set the camera up in front of
her, where it would capture her face and body. "I want you to have the
tape I am about to make, so you'll think twice the next time you consider
talking back to me, or doing anything else you know I wouldn't approve

He wasn't
about to paddle her anymore, he knew her tender flesh couldn't take anymore
without causing her more damage than she could recover from easily. There were
other ways for him to punish her though, ways that were more mental than
physical, and he doubted it would be long before she was demanding he stop.

record he collected a few more items from the cupboard. "Remember, girl,
you can stop this at any time." His tone suggested it would be a good idea
for her to remember that. He was impressed that she was holding out so well
when she was so clearly in pain, it proved to him that she was made to be a
submissive, even if she didn’t know it.

I'm not
bound to this stupid contraption, Carla thought; she could get up any time she
wanted. She knew she was being stubborn, unnecessarily so, but some instinct
told her that as much as he wanted her to obey him, he wanted someone who would
force him to dominate them, not someone who would submit to him easily.
"Yes, Sir." She imbued her voice with all the insolence she could
muster, determined to prove to him that she was worthy to be his submissive,
even if she didn't understand how she knew what he wanted from her.

While she
tensed her body, waiting for whatever he was going to do next, she wondered
just how far he would go. Would he go so far as to leave her with marks? The
thought sent a shiver through her which she did her best to ignore. She didn't
think he would go to that extreme, but she couldn't be certain.

Damn she
was feisty, Jason shook his head. He would never have expected it of her at
their first meeting. It made the challenge of taming her all the more exciting.

Lighting a
candle he held it above her. "Bad little girls need to learn to show
respect," he told her, tilting the candle he moved it over the top of her
already stinging ass so the dripping wax left a trail across her flaming skin.

gasped as each drip of wax struck her. The combination of the hot wax on her
paddled cheeks was almost too much to bear, but as the wax cooled the pain
subsided and she relaxed.

When she
didn't react the way he expected Jason lowered the candle closer to her butt and
dripped another trail of molten wax across it. Her soft whimpers proved to him
that tough as she was trying to be, she was close to cracking.

enough yet, little girl?" He really wanted to stop the punishment, take
her upstairs, and make love to her; after all, her infraction wasn't that bad.
He couldn't do what he wanted until she conceded though, if he gave in before
she did then he would lose all authority and control over her, and that wasn't
something he was prepared to do.

Sir," Carla forced out. Her body screamed at her to submit, to say what he
wanted to hear and end the pain and humiliation, but the stubborn streak in her
wouldn't allow it.

remember you asked for this, baby." He picked up a bottle of lube and
covered his finger before moving back to her. Spreading her ass cheeks he
drenched her tight bud with the oil.

Carla held
her breath as his finger touched her there, hoping he was just toying with her.
She knew she would break if he did what she thought he was about to. She tensed
as she felt his finger circling the tight opening.

you sorry for being a smartass?" he asked; from how tight her body was
strung he knew he was winning the battle of wills.

She wanted
to hit him at that moment, more than she had ever wanted to hit anyone, even
her father after the way he had treated her mother. She had no doubt he was
going to go through with it if she didn't submit, and it would hurt, but still
she couldn't bring herself to.

Anal sex
was something she'd never considered before; hell, who was she skidding, she
thought, she'd never even considered regular sex until she met Jason. The idea
of it turned her stomach slightly. Despite that, the words that came out of her
mouth were a denial, "N-no, Sir." It was the tone of his voice that made
her say it, she was sure, he sounded so sure of his victory over her. She
didn't like the idea that he could bend her to his will so easily.

He pushed
his index finger against her tight bud, barely entering her. "Are you sure
about that?" She was going to fold; he knew it. It took weeks to properly
prepare a submissive for what he was doing, to be sure she wasn't hurt, and Carla
was nowhere near ready. As much as he found the thought of her not folding a
delicious fantasy, he had no desire to hurt her.

squeezed her eyes shut, desperately trying to think of anything but the digit
invading her body. Again her mind screamed at her to give in, but she just
couldn't do it. "I'm sure, S-sir." Despite her words her voice
quavered and her body trembled.

His finger
pushed deeper inside her and he bit back a groan at how tight she was. The
thought of taking her that way had his cock rock hard and he slowly inched his
finger in and out.

rolled down Carla's cheeks at the strange sensation. She didn't like the way it
felt and her muscles automatically clenched in an effort to expel the intruder,
not realizing that by doing so she was only making things worse. When she felt
a second finger pushing in alongside the first she began to wiggle her butt,
trying to pull away. The stretching sensation was painful and she wasn't sure
how much more she could bear.

With his
free hand Jason grabbed her hip and held her still, preventing her efforts to
get away as he finger-fucked her ass. He increased the tempo until her cries of
distress filled the room. "Apologize now, or I'm going to fuck this
gorgeous ass," he told her, his fingers ramming in and out of her like a

thought of his huge rod stretching her and pumping into her was enough. Her ass
was already painful enough to make her think she would have difficulty sitting
for quite some time; she couldn't begin to imagine how much more it would hurt
to have his cock inside her. "I'm s-sorry, Sir," she whispered, tears
streaming down her face to fall to the floor as her body trembled. Her
stubbornness was over, she wanted it to end.

He pushed
his fingers as deep inside of her as they could go, and held them there.
"I'm afraid I didn't hear you." Twisting his fingers prompted a yelp
that made him glad things weren't going to go any further. She wasn't ready for
it, and he made a mental note to prepare her body so he could one day take her
as he wanted to without causing her so much pain.

was a b-bad girl, Sir, and I'm s-sorry." Her face burned in humiliation,
hating that he had beaten her.

Gently he
slid his fingers from her and sighed heavily. Things had gone further than he
had planned, and he was glad it was over. He helped her off the spanking bench,
lifting her into his arms when her legs collapsed under her.

session was over he decided, carrying her out of the dungeon and all the way up
to his bedroom, where he used his foot to shove open the door since his hands
were full. She was still sobbing when they got there, her arms wrapped tight
around his neck, and he felt a moment's remorse, thinking he had pushed her too

When he
reached the bed he carefully laid her down, and then made his way into the
bathroom to run a bath for her. He didn't want to leave her alone while the
water was running and hovered in the doorway, his eyes going from the bath to
the bed.

He would
have to remember not to push her so hard again, he though seeing her curled up
in a fetal position on his bed, tears still running down her cheeks, though her
sobs had subsided.

When the
water was ready he lifted her into his arms again, like she was a child, and
carried her through into the bathroom. Tenderly he lowered her into the warm
water. She winced at the pain in her ass, but managed to sit up and he stripped
quickly so he could join her in the oversized tub.

he bathed her, while she sat completely still, her beautiful eyes staring ahead
without really seeing.

He knew
she was still in shock from earlier and he felt more than a little guilt
because of it. He had never had things go so far so fast before and didn't
really understand why she hadn't submitted sooner.

After he
had washed her hair, he lifted her weak arms and bathed them one at a time. The
color was coming back to her cheeks as he carefully washed her legs and helped
her stand so he could wash her sore backside.

her to respond to him, to know that he hadn't taken things to the point where
she would have nothing more to do with him, he lathered his hands and washed
the smooth heat of her sex. He was relieved when her body flooded his fingers,
letting him know that she still wanted him physically, despite her emotional

her body responded to his touch, pushing back against his fingers, her eyes
closing in pleasure. For long minutes she'd been overwhelmed by the extent of
the Dom persona he'd revealed to her.

She could
have stopped him at any time, her weary mind told her; it had only gone as far
as it had because she allowed it to. She didn't understand why she had done so;
it didn't make sense to her.

As he slid
his fingers from her core she whimpered in disappointment. She didn't want him
to stop touching her. She wanted him to show her that he still wanted her, that
her defiance hadn't changed the way he felt about her. "Please, Sir,"
she cried softly as he helped her sit again and washed away the remaining soap.

does my sweet Carla need?" He caressed her hair, brushing it away from her
face, knowing he would give her anything she asked of him right then.

love to me, Sir." She hated the thought of him not liking her. It made her
feel empty; she needed the reassurance of his touch.

he stepped out of the bath and then reached down to lift Carla into his arms.
He lowered her to her feet and grabbed a towel, which he used to carefully dry
every inch of body. Once she was dry he toweled himself off and then took her
hand; if his girl wanted to make love then he would show her just how gentle he
could be.

Laying Carla
on the bed he pulled on a condom then joined her, placing small kisses all over
her face. She was so damn precious, he thought to himself as unaccustomed
emotions rose up inside him. Things were becoming more personal than he was
used to and it surprised him, why Carla affected him so, when none of his other
submissives had, he didn't know.

Gently his
hands caressed her shoulders, and then moved down to her breasts before
trailing down to her firm legs. He lowered his mouth to a breast and suckled
deeply as his fingers slowly stroked her tender folds.

He wanted
to show her a softer side of him, afraid that he had overstepped the boundaries
with his invasion of her body. She had come to him in all her innocence and he
had unleashed too much, too fast.

between her parted thighs he joined their bodies. This time it was about her,
not him, he reminded himself and he kept his rhythm slow and measured, wanting
to draw out every ounce of passion she possessed. Her soft whimpers of need
urged him on but he forced himself to control his own needs, to focus on what
was best for her.

Her legs
moved around his waist, her heels pressing into his ass, trying to pull him
deeper into her. He was making love to her with a slow pace that was driving
her insane with desire. She didn't understand the strange emotion in his eyes
but it was the warmest look she'd ever been given by a man.

Her hips
rose and fell with each tender thrust. She felt lost in his eyes and wanted to
tell him she loved him, but it was impossible to fall in love so quickly,
wasn't it? She couldn't bring herself to say it with words, afraid he would
laugh at her naïve emotions, so she showed him with her body everything she was

She came
undone around him and clenched him tightly with her silken glove. Only when she
had achieved her own pleasure did he increase his rhythm to find his own
release. He stayed buried to the hilt inside her, his arms wrapped around her,
until his cock softened. Pulling himself from her he rolled onto his back,
keeping her in his arm.

baby," he told her softly, his hands caressing her hair.

It was
only a couple of minutes before her breathing slowed and gentle snores reached
his ears, telling her she was asleep. He remained awake though, puzzling over
his feelings for the young woman in his arms as he stroked her hair. It was
some time before sleep finally caught up with him as well.

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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