A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (10 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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Once he
had finished with Carla he washed himself; they were both out of the shower
within fifteen minutes and dried off after another minute.

dressed, Sweetheart, before I forget I have a company to run and you need a
little time to recuperate." He smacked her ass lightly, and then turned to
his closet to pull out a suit.

Carla felt
the ache in her body with every movement, but it was a deliciously sinful pain
that she was more than happy to endure. She was no longer a virgin, she
thought, a happy smile covering her face. Not only had she lost her virginity,
she'd had one of the best nights of her life.

like seeing you smile." He adjusted his tie as he looked over at her. He
hated that she was dressed again, but realized it was probably a good thing, it
diminished the temptation he felt and helped him to concentrate on the things
he knew he had to do that day. "Let me walk you out." He took her
hand and together they made their way down to the foyer, where he gave orders
for his car to be brought around.

Carla was
startled by how abrupt he was with his servants, his tone more commanding than
it had been with her the previous night. She didn't have time to dwell on it
however as he walked her down the steps to the limousine that had just pulled
up. By the time they reached it the chauffeur was standing to attention to one
side of the now open rear door.

see you back here tonight, at nine." It wasn't a question, she realized, it
was an order, albeit made in a less commanding tone than he had spoken to his
servants in.

She nodded
her head but quickly spoke when she saw his eyes darken, "Yes, Sir,"
she whispered.

enjoyed you last night," he told her, lowering his head to plant a brief
kiss on her lips. "Now climb in, before I decide not to let you go."
He helped her into the car.

Carla was
a little surprised as the door swung shut without another word being said by Jason,
and without an opportunity for her to say anything to him. All she could do was
watch his back as he walked away, not even waiting for the car to leave before
he returned to the house.

What a
night, she thought, her eyes remaining on Jason's perfectly formed posterior as
the chauffeur settled behind the wheel and they pulled away. Jason Portland was
certainly more than she ever thought a man could be; she settled back in the
black leather of the rear seat, a broad smile of satisfaction stretching her








walked into her dorm room in a daze, her body still sore. She'd already had a
shower but thought a soak in the bath would do her good, with luck it would
ease the aches she felt in her muscles, and other places.

Making her
way into the bathroom she quickly dropped the plug into place and began running
the water. A laugh bubbled up out of her as she began stripping off the small
amount of clothes she was wearing, she was going to be the cleanest girl in the
world she realized after a shower and a bath within the space of a couple of

The hot water
stung as she slid into its heat, but after a minute or so she had become
accustomed to it and began to relax. She didn't wash herself, she simply lay
back and luxuriated in the heat, letting it seep into her muscles and ease the
ache within them. She moaned slightly in annoyance when she heard Scarlett
calling out.

here, Scarlett," Carla shouted; she wasn't about to get out of the bath
for anything short of a fire or an explosion, at least not until the water got
too cold to be enjoyable.

checking on you," Scarlett said, walking into the bathroom and plopping
down on the closed toilet seat. "So how are you feeling?" At Carla's
blush she laughed. "That good, huh?"

definitely something else." She was embarrassed but it felt good to have someone
to talk to.

spill it, girlfriend, and don't leave out a single detail." Scarlett was
smiling, pleased to see her friend happy and obviously okay with the events of
the previous night.

Carla told
her friend everything, leaving nothing out, as she had been instructed. It
wasn't something she would normally have felt comfortable talking about, but
she had never kept secrets from her best friend before, and a part of her was
desperate to talk about it.

talking about Jason made her desire him again and she was surprised by the
strength of the stirring within her.

"Oh, honey,
I'm so glad he treated you right." Scarlett had been a little worried that
Carla would be overwhelmed, but it was apparent that she had been concerned
about nothing. Jason had obviously given her a great night of lovemaking; just
what a virgin needed, and left the lifestyle mostly out of it. She mentally
applauded him for handling the situation well. "So when are you seeing him

She nibbled on her lip. "If I can walk again." She laughed and Scarlett
joined in.

a few times together you won't be this sore." It had been years since Scarlett
had lost her cherry, but it was something you didn't ever forget.

to know. I've got to work for a few hours today, have you got any plans?"
She wasn't looking forward to going in for her shift, but needed the paycheck.

going to go over to the condo and start moving some of my things in." She
sighed with distaste at the thought of giving in to what her father wanted for
her; even if it eliminated the worry of apartment hunting. "We need to get
you packed too."

off tomorrow so I'll get my stuff packed up then. How soon do you want to move

the place has a Jacuzzi, so the sooner the better I guess. Think you can have
all your stuff ready by next Friday?"

don't have much to pack up so yeah, I think I should be able to do that. As
long as we move during the day and not the night, I kind of want to keep my
nights free for a while." She hoped Scarlett wouldn't be upset about that,
but she really wanted to spend every night she could with Jason, for the time

remember what it was like, Carla." Scarlett frowned a little. "Just
remember, honey, you have to have a life outside of him. I hope things work out
and he wants to have a long term relationship with you, I know that's what you
want, but I don't want you getting hurt if he doesn't, okay?" She couldn't
imagine having the intensity of this type of relationship for her first one and
the look on her best friend's face worried her. It was clear that Carla had
already developed strong feelings for Jason. "I know it's great sex, and
your first experience, which makes it all the more special, but you have to try
and see it for what it is."

"Can we
worry about it when the time comes, if it does?" Carla asked a little
plaintively. "Honestly, I'm still overwhelmed by everything right
now." She didn't want to come down off her high, though she knew she would
have to eventually. Stupid or not, she wanted to bask in the memory of her
beautiful night with Jason for as long as possible.

now, Carla," Scarlett agreed, thinking that she was definitely going to
worry about her friend. "Are you going to sit in there until you turn into
a prune?" she asked to change the subject, before things got awkward
between them.

guess not, since the water has gone cold. Hand me a towel?" She waited
until Scarlett handed her an oversized towel and then stood; quickly drying off
she drained the bath and walked into the bedroom, followed by her friend.
"I'm going to cook, you hungry?" she asked as she dressed in a pair
of cotton shorts and a tank top before walking into the kitchen.

When Scarlett
nodded at the offer of food, Carla threw together an omelet for both of them
and made coffee. They ate in a companionable silence until a knock sounded,
startling them.

get it," Scarlett jumped to her feet, "you need your strength after
last night, eat up," she said with a laugh.

giggled and rolled her eyes as Scarlett made for the door, returning a short
while later with a bouquet of ten long stemmed roses, nine red and one white.

like you impressed someone last night." Scarlett handed over the card
before finding a vase to put the roses in, which she set on the countertop.

Blushing Carla
took the card and read it. "Dear, Carla, thank you for a beautiful night. Yours
truly, RH." Her body flooded with heat at the sweet gesture.

boy, you've got it bad." Scarlett shook her head. "Okay, sunshine,
I'm going to let you bask in your flowers and get ready for work. I'm going to
start sorting out the condo. See you tomorrow." She stood then bent to
kiss her friend's cheek. "Call me if you need me later." With a smile
she left.

sniffed the roses; glad her friend was gone since she couldn't seem to get rid
of the smile covering her face. She didn't have much time to enjoy the gift
however, much to her disappointment; she had to get ready for work.


The school
store was almost completely empty, since finals had just ended, and by five
o'clock she was bored out of her mind; she left as quickly as she could when
her shift was over.

had called earlier, saying she'd be out with Daniel, but had her cell phone
with her in case she was needed, so Carla took her time getting ready for her
date with Jason.  Date didn't seem like the right word for whatever was going
to happen that night, given the situation, but she didn't know what else to
call it, and thinking of it as a date made it easier to avoid any panic over
not knowing what was going to happen.

arrived at the house five minutes early, a little embarrassed by her old truck,
which looked completely out of place in front of such an expensive property,
and uncertain about her outfit. She didn't have a lot of dress clothes; there
had been little cause for her to buy fancy clothes over the past few years, and
even less money to spare for such things. The white mini-dress she had on was
the best she could come up with from her meager wardrobe.

If Scarlett
had been home she would have borrowed something a little sexier.

mini-dress was made of cotton and was really nothing more than a long t-shirt
with a cute neckline and hem. She'd slid on a pair of comfortable sandals, but
now she had arrived she regretted not going with a pair of heels. Heels would
at least have made her look a little more dressed up. It was too late to do
anything about her outfit though, she thought as she made her up to the door.

The butler
let her in, informing her that she was to go straight down to the dungeon.

she had been so excited at the thought of seeing Jason again that she could
barely contain herself, now though, hearing that he was waiting for her in the
dungeon she felt a nervous shiver run through her. She clasped her hands
together to try and stop it as she followed the butler.

When she
reached the bottom of the dungeon stairs Carla looked around, not seeing Jason
anywhere. Her hands clenched into small fists at her sides as she fought her
anxiety. "Jason, Sir?" she called out softly.

He walked
around the corner into view and smiled warmly as he saw her. She looked like a
frightened lamb in the white mini-dress, and too damn young, he thought.
"Hi, sweetheart." He held out his arms and she walked into them
quickly, eliciting a chuckle from him. "Did you miss me?"

wrapped her arms around him, breathing in his scent. In his arms she felt safe;
all the nervousness she had felt just a moment before was gone, she couldn't
even remember why she had been nervous. "I did, Sir, I thought about you
all day," she told him quietly.

He was
amazed, not just by her honesty, but by the way she didn't hesitate to admit
her feelings. "I missed you too, sweetheart." He squeezed her a
little before stepping back. "Are you ready to start your ten
nights?" He smiled as she nibbled on her lip at his question and then
arched a brow, letting her know she needed to stop.

realized what he wanted the moment he looked at her like that and stopped,
releasing her lip. "I think so, Sir." Her voice shook a little as she
thought of the things he might do with her.

he said with a smile. "Now, let me go over a few things with you. When you
walk down here from now on, I expect you to undress and leave your clothes in
the training room." He pointed to the small door at the back. "When
you have done that you will kneel before this cross, understand?"

Sir," she answered, not quite understanding why she should have to kneel
before the cross, she doubted it had anything to do with religion. She realized
there was no point in her asking for an explanation however, so she kept her
mouth shut. Instead she asked a question she thought he might answer,
"What are you going to do with me tonight?

nodded in satisfaction before he answered her. "Tonight you are going to
dance for me."

for you, Sir?"

Carla; I want you to strip and make me want you, without touching me at
all." He grinned as her eyes widened. "If you try your best, I won't
punish you." His voice deepened into a tone of command.

thought of him punishing her had her biting her lip again, before she
remembered he didn't like it and stopped. "There's no music, Sir,"
she said, not sure how she was supposed to dance without music. She wasn't sure
about dancing for him anyway, it was not a skill she possessed, never having
done what he wanted before, but without music it would be all the more
difficult. Nonetheless she was determined to do her best.

chuckled. "I can fix that, sweetheart." He walked over to a small box
on the wall and pushed a button. The room was immediately flooded with soft
sensual music. "Remember, dance like you mean it," he told her as he
settled on the couch, his arms spread across the back of it. His eyes on her he
wondered how Carla was going to handle her first task, the one which he
considered the easiest of those he had in mind for her.

knees shook as she moved to a position in front of him, where she stood,
uncertain what to do. She had danced with Scarlett on numerous occasions at
clubs, and even in their dorm rooms after a few drinks when the music got them
on their feet. Never before though had she danced with the intention of turning
someone on; dancing naked was a new experience for her as well.

After a
minute or so Carla began to move; she wasn't sure what she was doing, other
than responding to the music, but she tried to mimic moves she had seen Scarlett
do in the past. Unlike her, Scarlett did dance to get men interested, and she
did her best to recall how her friend had done that.

slowly she ran her hands up her body, moving up from her hips before lifting
them above her head and clasping them together. How she managed to stay on her
feet when her knees shook like they were made of jelly, she had no idea, but
she did, and she continued dancing.

dropped her hands to her ponytail and pulled off the band that kept it in
place. Tossing the band away she shook her head, running her fingers through
her hair to loosen it and make it cascade down her back.

Keeping to
the rhythm as best she could she wet her lips, while her hands lowered to her
dress. Teasingly she lifted it a few inches, almost, but not quite, revealing
the lacy red thong she had on underneath. Just when the thong was about to come
into view she let go of the dress, allowing it to fall back down.

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