A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (7 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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fingers lifted to her lips. "It would be a shame to damage such beautiful
lips, stop biting them." He smiled as she obeyed his command without
hesitation. "Since you have never been punished before I would probably
take you over my knee and spank you, unless the offense was so great that I
felt it warranted a stronger punishment."

Carla forced herself not to bite her lip, which wasn't easy since it was a
habit she had had since childhood. "What would be a stronger
punishment?" She wasn't sure she truly wanted to find out, but she
remembered hearing in one of her classes that knowledge was power.

have to introduce you to all my toys, but depending on the offense it might be
necessary to resort to a paddling, or perhaps a caning.

sure you will work hard to ensure such measures don't become necessary
though," he said when her saw her eyes widen in fear.

quickly nodded in agreement; being paddled or caned didn't sound like something
she would enjoy. "What would be a reason for a stronger punishment?"
She realized that if she was going to go through with things she needed to know
what was likely to prompt a punishment.

anything to hurt yourself would be a big reason for a stronger punishment. That
includes not taking care of your needs, or withholding how you feel about
something we are doing that makes you uncomfortable just to make me happy.

course, refusing to do something I've asked or told you to do without
implementing the agreed upon safe word would be another reason."

thinking what she was doing Carla bit her lip, the moment she realized she stopped,
remembering that he didn't want her doing that. "Scarlett mentioned safe
words, but didn't tell me what they are." She didn't want to talk about
the punishment aspect of things just then; it scared her to think of the big
man next to her taking a paddle or cane to her small body.

get back to the punishment aspect later; right now I think I should explain
about safe words. A safe word is a word you can use to slow down or stop
anything we are doing. It is your way of stopping something that is overwhelming
you to the point where you can't handle it.

expect you to be willing to try things, but if you get to the point where
you're ready to run from the room then you can use the agreed upon safe word
and things will stop." Jason paused for a moment to let what he had said
sink in, and then he continued. "You can slow things down if things are
moving too fast by saying the word yellow, and if you honestly can't handle
what we're doing then you can use the word red. The moment you use that we will
stop everything and talk about it."

knowledge that she had the control to stop things at any time gave Carla a huge
sense of relief, though it also confused her. "I thought you said if I
decide to walk away from anything during the ten nights everything would

He was
impressed with how well she remembered the previous night, given her
nervousness, both then and now, he wouldn't have been surprised if it was all a
bit of a blur. "I had to do some rethinking about my usual rules; given
your lack of experience with my world I don't think it is fair to expect you to
do things that a more experienced submissive wouldn't have a problem with.

this though, if I don't feel you are really trying to submit to me I will end
this immediately. So be sure to use your safe words with care."

back on the couch Carla attempted to take in everything he had said. "So
what you're saying is you expect me to let you do things to me that I may not
like at first, and I should get the feel for them before I tell you to

He shook
his head, chuckling at her definition. "You amaze me sweet girl, but the
best way I can describe this to you is that there are things your body will
enjoy, but if you think too much about them your mind will try and stop it; either
out of fear, or some feeling that it is wrong.

of what we do in the dungeon won't be centered around extreme pain, so you
needn't worry about that. Some pain heightens the senses however and can push
your body into new ways of experiencing pleasure. A strong stimulus can make
you feel things in a deeper way.

will say this, after a while it can take deeper forms of stimulus to gain the
same sensations."

night, the people I saw, they seemed to really enjoy the things they were

"If they
didn't enjoy it, you can be sure they would have given up this lifestyle. That
said, there will be times when I push you to the very edge of your pain
tolerance, just to see what you can deal with." He could see the confusion
in her eyes at his words. "There is a fine line between what people
construe as pleasure and pain, Carla. It's different for every submissive, and
it is something you have to gradually work up to and build a tolerance
for." He had been in the lifestyle for almost twenty years and still found
it hard to explain everything to someone new, some things just had to be felt
to be understood.

down at his watch Jason saw that they had been talking for nearly an hour
already. "Isn't there someone you need to call?" he asked of her,
smiling at the look of puzzlement that crossed her face.

you, I almost forgot," Carla said when she remembered her promise to her
friend. Reaching into her purse, Leach pulled out her phone and hit the speed
dial button for Scarlett.

me in the hall when you've finished your conversation." Jason stood and
crossed to the door so he could leave the study and give her some privacy.

voice was worried as she answered the phone and Carla quickly reassured her
that everything was fine. They spoke for a short while as Carla filled her
friend in on how things were going, and put her mind at ease by telling her she
felt perfectly safe. After being told to call again in two hours, sooner if she
was ready to go home, Carla ended the call.

did you know about the phone call?" Carla asked as she joined Jason in the
hall, a smile on her face.

would have been surprised if Scarlett hadn't told you to have a safety net in
place. Anytime you meet with a new dominant you need to have something set up."
The thought of her playing with someone else didn't sit well with him for some
reason and he pushed it from his mind just then, not wanting to dwell on it.

out his hand to her Jason took hers and led her downstairs to the dungeon. When
they reached the bottom of the stairs he turned to face her. "If you
decide this is what you want then I expect you to address me as Sir, or Master,
at all times. You don't need to call me that on this occasion, I want you to
feel completely comfortable with me tonight, but you need to understand
everything I will expect of you. Is that understood?"

The thought of calling him Master sent a strange shiver of pleasure through her
and she smiled.


For the
next two hours he took her around his dungeon, showing her all of the equipment
and toys that were there and explaining their uses. She was overwhelmed, both
by the sheer volume of different items he had to show her, and by his
descriptions of what some of them were used for. She had strong reservations
about a few of the items he explained to her, and in other cases his
descriptions were delivered in such graphic details that her face was bright
red by the time he finally paused.

that blush on your cheeks is the most enticing thing I've seen in my life. The
next ten nights are something I'd really like to share with you. Call Scarlett
again and then you can ask me any questions you have." With a smile of
anticipation he left her and went to put away the toys he had taken out while
introducing her to his world.

quickly called her friend, who interrogated her like she was a suspect in a
multiple homicide before finally being satisfied that everything was alright.
Before ending the call Scarlett told her to call when she was ready to come
home; if she still felt like she could trust Jason after three hours with him
then she felt safe in leaving Carla unattended.

over to where Jason was waiting for her, Carla smiled nervously. "I think
I want to try this," she said in a soft voice, a little surprised that
after all the things he had shown her she was still excited by it.

need you to be sure, Carla," Jason told her. He wanted to lift her into
his arms and tell her how glad he was that she was willing to explore his
world, but first he needed her to be completely certain.

Biting her
lip Carla saw the look on his face and remembered his stricture against her
doing so, she flushed hotly at that. "I'm sure I want to be here with you
and try this." Her heart raced at her admission and she found it difficult
to meet his eyes, though she knew he wouldn't be happy if she looked away from

He smiled
deeply and held out a hand to her, pleased to see her reach out readily and
take it. "I can't wait to introduce you to my world. Do you have anything
planned for tomorrow night?"

have to work during the day, but I am free after five." She wondered what
it would be like to kiss him again and felt her cheeks burn once more; was she
ever going to be able to stop herself doing that, she wondered.

as much as I'd love to answer that calling in your eyes, I think you had better
leave now." He was a little surprised at how aroused her innocent look was
making him; since she hadn't asked him to touch her he thought it best to get
her out of there while he still had control of himself.

wouldn't mind staying tonight." She said in a whisper, half afraid to say
it aloud; self-consciously she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

He almost
growled at the comment, which was sweet to his ears, but he was a man of his
word and she still hadn't asked. "Do you remember what I told you about
touching you tonight?" He allowed his eyes to roam over her gorgeous body,
generously displayed in her barely existent dress.

The look
in his eyes had her heart dropping into her belly and she thought back, trying
to remember. Nibbling on her lower lip it came to her. He told her he wouldn't
touch her unless she asked. Her face burned as she lowered her eyes to the
floor; did she have the nerve to ask him to do that? "I'd like to start
the ten n-nights now." Had she really just said that?

chewing on your lip and look at me." His voice grabbed her attention and
forced her to raise her eyes to his. "Are you asking me to touch you, Carla?"

instantly obeyed the commanding tone in his voice. "Y-yes." The
thought of him touching her was almost overwhelming and she worried if she
didn't give in to her desire right then she might never have the courage to do

Though he
usually expected more from his submissives, there was no way he was going to
ask for more from her just then, he would teach her to be more verbal at
another time. "The ten nights will start tomorrow, but before then I think
there is something we need to take care of."

that?" She had no idea what he was talking about, but the look in his eyes
told her it was almost certainly something that would make her blush again.

remember, from tomorrow you must always call me Sir or Master, my leniency will
only continue until tonight is over." He ignored Carla's nod of
understanding, it was not the time for him to be teaching her obedience.
"If you are going to be mine, then it is time you learned what you have
been missing in the bedroom.

you need more time, this would be the opportunity to tell me goodnight. If you
don't, then I suggest you call Scarlett and tell her you are spending the night
with me."

It only
took a moment for Carla to work out what he meant, and the thought of
discovering what it was that Scarlett so enjoyed about men sent a shiver
through her, part fear and part excitement. Just then she couldn't think of
anything she wanted more than to spend the night with him. "I think I need
to tell Scarlett not to wait up, Sir." It was a struggle to resist the
automatic instinct to bite her lip at her brave words, and she was proud of
herself when she did so.

girl." He smiled broadly at the thought of the beautiful angel before him
willingly putting herself in his hands, and hearing her call him Sir had his
cock swelling until it stood at attention. "Make your phone call, sweetheart,
and do it quickly.

Her hands
were trembling so bad she could barely hold the phone as she called Scarlett
for the last time. Several times Scarlett asked her if she was sure about her
decision; it was only when Carla told her for the third, or possibly the
fourth, time that she accepted she was telling the truth.

All the
time she spoke with her friend Carla had her eyes on Jason; the look in his
eyes had her weak at the knees. By the time she finally ended the call she felt
lightheaded, all the blood in her body seemed to have left her head for other
parts, parts that now pulsed with desire.

you okay, Sweetheart?" He was concerned by how pale she had gone while
talking on the phone to Scarlett and wondered if anything had happened, or been
said, to make her change her mind. He hoped that wasn't the case.

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