A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (4 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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like you to speak when I ask you a question, Carla."  He spoke firmly,
though he kept his tone quiet so as to not frighten her.  "And please look
at me; I'm not going to bite you." Yet, he thought to himself with a smile
as her eyes met his again.

Her body
trembled at the demanding tone of his voice; she couldn't understand why it
turned her on, she just knew that it did. "Y-yes, it excited me," she
whispered the words softly.

girl." He smiled warmly at her compliance.  "Would you like to
explore this more?" This was her moment of truth, he thought to himself,
she could decide to go further, or walk away and never look back. He tensed
slightly as he waited for her decision.

Her face
flooded with color but she looked him straight in the eye as she answered.
"I think I w-would." She didn't just think it, she knew there was
something here that had her longing to explore, and she just didn't know if she
had it in her to go through with it.

isn't knowing, Carla," he said patiently, glad that she was being honest
with him.  "Here's what I want you to do tonight, Carla." he paused
and sat forward in his chair, leaning across the desk toward her he spoke
quietly, "go home and think about everything you've seen here. Talk to Scarlett,
ask her questions, and make a decision."

I'm not really sure w-what I'm supposed to be deciding." She bit her lip.

at me, Carla." His voice was demanding; he refused to let her hide those
beautiful eyes from him. When she gave him her full attention again he spoke.
"Decide if you are willing to give me ten nights, ten nights in which to let
me show you my world, to find out if you are interested in becoming a part of

n-nights?" Her eyes filled with confusion. "W-what would we do during
those ten n-nights?" The intensity of his gaze made her voice break.

chuckled and stared at her without blinking. "You will surrender your body
to me, and I will show you pleasures like you have never known." He
watched her eyes widen and he sat back in his chair. "At the end of those
ten nights we will talk again and decide how far you want to go, if you are
still interested."

Carla was
shocked into silence for a few moments as what he had said sank in. Pleasure
like she'd never known before sounded interesting, but could she surrender her
body to him completely, she wasn't sure about that. She'd seen what some of the
people in the dungeon had been doing, and knew that she was way too insecure to
go that far, no matter how much the thought turned her on. "What if I
c-can't do the things you w-want?"

will give you a special word that you can use to stop anything I'm doing while
we're together; it's called a safe word. If at any time you want things to end,
you use that word and it's over. But understand this; if you use that word
during our ten nights, it ends there."

what?" She was so confused, just looking at the man sitting across from
her, she wanted to beg him to take her upstairs and make love to her. She
wasn't used to experiencing such desire and she shifted nervously in her seat
at the thought of belonging to him for ten nights, it sounded like paradise
right then.

my sweet Carla, that if you use your safe word to stop anything that happens
during those nights, I will no longer help you explore." He smiled to
soften the bluntness of his words. "You are new to my world, Carla, but
you have my word that I won't push you harder than I think you can
handle," he said, seeing that she didn't like the thought of him not
training her.

she whispered, "I'd like to try." She had no idea where the strength
had come from for her to speak the words, but the thought of never knowing what
it was she was missing left her aching inside.

He smiled
at how quickly she responded to his offer, but wasn't about to let her accept
that easily. "I think it best if you take some time to think about things
before you accept. Sleep on it, and talk to Scarlett in the morning. Tonight
was a new experience for you, an exhilarating one I'm sure, but you may see
things differently after a good night's sleep." He hoped that wasn't the
case, he wanted her to be completely sure that what he was offering was
something she wanted before he allowed her into his world however.

had sat quietly throughout the entire conversation, but when she saw how
quickly things were moving, she knew she had to intervene. "Master, may I
speak?" She looked at Daniel, hoping he'd understand and give her

turned to Jason, the decision wasn't one he and Scarlett were involved in, and
he wasn't sure Jason would appreciate the interruption.

let her speak, Daniel." Jason was curious to know why Scarlett felt the
need to step in.

I think Carla needs to explain some things about her experience with, well,
sex, before you agree to this." She didn't like bringing up her friend's
sex life, especially in front of people Carla didn't know, but felt it was a
situation where complete honesty was warranted.

Jason was
confused by her response and wondered what Carla's sexual experience had to do
with her being trained by him. "Her sexual history shouldn't be a problem,
unless of course you have a disease we need to discuss?"

Carla was
mortified that he would even think that and was quick to answer. "It's
nothing like that!" She understood Scarlett's concern, she was her best
friend and was only looking out for her, but she was still embarrassed.
"Well, the truth is," she stumbled over the words, "I've never
slept with a man." As she said it she wished the roof would fall in, she
was sure he must be thinking she was a complete loser to still be a virgin at
her age.

a virgin?" he asked the question incredulously; he had to admit, it did
amazing things to his ego to think of being her first lover. His cock stood to
attention at the prospect of being the first man to take her, but with the
desire came the worry that she might not yet know what she truly wanted in a

She could feel her cheeks burning at the admission and wondered if he thought
she was damaged. Her virginity had never bothered her in the past because it
had been a conscious decision on her part not to have sex, now though; she
wished she had lost it when others around her were doing the same, instead of
waiting so long. "I understand if that's a complete turn off to you."
Lowering her eyes she wished she could sink into the floor as she waited for
him to speak again.

you've just given me a hard on the size of Mount Everest, so I think it's safe
to say I'm not turned off, but I do think this will change how we spend your
ten nights if you choose to come to me." 

couldn't help it, her eyes went straight to his groin, or where she imagined
his groin was since the desk blocked her view. She licked her lips unknowingly
and smiled at the thought of what her admission had done to him.

Scarlett, you'd better take your friend home before I make this decision for
her." The thought of teaching everything he knew to such an innocent was
mind blowing, and it was hard for him to allow her to go home. He knew it was
for the best however. "If you decide this is truly what you want, be here
tomorrow night at nine." He stood up then, uncomfortably aware of how
tight his jeans were.

Carla rose
as well; her legs shook and she had no idea how she was going to force herself
to leave the room. She wanted to walk, no run, round the desk, throw her arms
around his neck and beg him to take her upstairs right then, she didn't want to
wait until the following night. For the first time in her life she knew what it
meant to desire someone. Her eyes met his and she quickly looked away, she was
sure the longing she felt was obvious to him.

When Carla
looked back at Jason he had moved from behind the desk and was in front of her.
"I hope you decide to come back," he said pulling her into his arms
and lowering his lips to hers so he could kiss her softly. "I promise you
won't regret it." Drawing back from her he smiled down into her beautiful
face. She was such a little thing and he towered over her from his height of
six foot three; he could envision her kneeling before him and knew he had to
end the meeting.

think you need to take her home now, babe." Daniel recognized the look in
his friend's eyes, and knew he was on the edge of losing control. He brushed
his lips over Scarlett's and smiled at her. "I'll see you tomorrow
night." He turned to Carla and winked. "Really nice meeting

to meet you too, Daniel." She smiled at him quickly before turning to Jason.
"I'll see you tomorrow night, Sir." She had no idea why she added the
Sir, but the way his eyes darkened in desire, it was clear that she had said
the right thing.

we need to leave." Scarlett smiled at Daniel, reading the intensity in Jason's
gaze. "Goodnight, Master," she whispered before grabbing Carla's hand
and leading her from the room. She didn't let go until they were out of the
house and had reached the car.


waited until they had left the grounds and were out on the road, and then she
turned off the radio, pausing for a moment to decide how to phrase things
before speaking. "Carla, Jason's a really great guy, but I'm not sure he's
the happily ever after type, if you get my meaning."

don't think I'm looking to head down the aisle just yet, Scarlett." Carla
giggled and shook her head.

know marriage isn't your thing, but well, you've waited a long time to have
sex, I just don't want you to get too involved and end up being hurt." 
She was glad that Carla had finally decided to explore her sexuality, but was
also worried about how intense she knew Jason could be.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm not out of my league here, but for the first
time ever, I want to explore." She loved her friend for trying to protect
her but thought Scarlett was reading too much into things, she wasn't looking
for a fairytale.

it's not just the sex and BDSM stuff you're out of depth with, you've never
really been involved with anyone before; I just want you to guard your heart,
okay?" She would never forgive herself for introducing Carla to Jason if
he hurt her.

it gets too intense I'll back off, promise." She knew she was doing her
best to convince herself as much as she was Scarlett. Jason made her feel
things she had never thought possible before, and she realized it was going to
be tough to remember that love wasn't the same thing as sexual gratification.

know you'll do the sensible thing, Carla, you always do."  Scarlett drove
on for a few minutes before she spoke again. "Jason is a very experienced
Dom, he's been in this lifestyle most of his life; you'll learn things with him
that most people can only dream about. If you can look at it as a learning
experience, I say go for it."

never even asked him how old he was," Carla said suddenly, she'd been more
interested in how handsome he was, and the feelings he brought out in her, but
now she found herself wanting to know more about him than the little she did

thirty-seven, and he owns two of the largest law firms in New York, one of
which Daniel is a partner in. Let's see, he's never been married, never even
been engaged to my knowledge, he prefers to take a submissive and enjoy her
until he is bored of her, at which point he replaces her. His father is still
alive, but his mom passed away from cancer about five years ago. Oh, and did I
mention he's incredibly rich?

only does he own two law firms, but he makes a bundle from property development
and his father is loaded. As an only child he's set to receive a huge
inheritance when his father passes on."

hell, Scarlett, you just gave me the man's full biography." Carla laughed
for a moment before stopping to wonder. "How do you know so much about

was my mentor when I first decided I wanted to explore this lifestyle,"
she turned to glance at her friend quickly before returning her attention to
the road, "but he set me up with Daniel as a trainer." 

"So did
you and he...," she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer to the
question, but felt she had to ask.

way." Scarlett laughed. "He intimidated the hell out of me in that
capacity, hon. I've watched him scene before, and let me tell you, he's intense."

if you are afraid to be with him that way, shouldn't I be running away?"
She shuddered nervously as she thought about how much Scarlett knew about men
and her fear of Jason.

Carla, I would trust Jason with you more than anyone else. Yes, he’s intense,
but after years of watching him, I know he's also one of the most perceptive
Master's I've ever met. I didn't know that much about the lifestyle when we
first met, so he scared me."

will those ten nights be like?" A part of her was so excited that she
couldn't wait to find out, while another part felt like hiding under her
bedcovers and not taking the risk.

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