A Life Plan Without You. (34 page)

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Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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I covered it with my mouth, I pulled my mouth back as it came
out slowly, running my tongue across the end, and he grabbed at my

“Shit, stop please Michelle. Please you can’t do that baby.” I
slid it to the back of my mouth. Sucking as I did, I pulled it out
again. Rubbed the tip of my tongue into the end, he watched what I
did. He cried as I sucked on his dick, shit was he not enjoying it?
I looked up, his face said differently. This it seems he would have
me doing all day and despite him not wanting this? I carried on
slowly, taking it out and licking the end, his fingers wrapped in
my hair pushing my head down on him. I quickened the

He cried, begging me to stop. He was thick and long that much
I knew from before, but having never been this up and close to
anyone ever, I had to wonder why he wanted me to stop, why when he
clearly he looked to be enjoying it? I hoped I had done this right.
He seemed to be enjoying it, God he felt nice having him totally at
my mercy. The feral cries, as he was licked and played with turned
me on too, his body started to stiffen and his legs he had wrapped
tightly around me.

“Baby girl this is so nice but please baby you’re going to
have to stop, I can’t hold it, please…” His eyes shut and his hands
had stopped trying to get me to stop, he threw his head back crying
out my name.

“Michelle Mi cielo, pleaseee, shit please argh God.” I didn’t
stop and I really liked the effect I was having on him, he was
falling apart at the seams. He shook and cried my name repeatedly.
In again, sucking harder this time and back to the back of my
throat again gagging as it went too far, but this had him moving
quicker and groaning deeper, his hands gripped tightly on the sofa
and then he wrapped them within my hair, as he cried out my

He begged me to stop one last time and then the groan came
from his mouth, I just looked up and sucked harder. Funny jerky
movements from Sam, shit this was why he wanted me to stop, erg his
stuff was warm, salty, and not at all nice, the girl she lied… I
swallowed the whole lot, pulling him free from my mouth and using a
finger to wipe what little there was away. He grabbed my head and
was about to kiss me when I reminded him exactly what had just been
in there.


Oh my God, she’s giving me relief! Has to be said the last
one was fantastic, and yes, I need it! She looks so hot and I want
her to do it again she gives great relief. Oh, that’s so nice so
gentle. God no, oh-hell-oh-hell-oh-hell…

“Michelle please you can’t do that baby oh God.” Shit, who
was I kidding this felt wonderful? Yes, yes, yes. She has me in her
mouth, I dreamed of this, not trusting anyone to do this but, well
one other. Oh wow I need restraint to stop myself from coming. She
really feels wonderful, oh hell yes, yes, yes this is fantastic. I
wondered what this would feel like, the number of girls who have
offered me this and I said no, with bloody good reason, I was
waiting for this from her.

“Mi cielo this is so nice please you’re going to have to
stop, I can’t hold it. Please.” I watch as she moves up and down in
and out, oh-God-oh-God she is so gentle, her tongue flips the end,
and I shudder because this feels so great. God please no this is
so, she oh help me she’s sucking harder. Please Mi cielo, yes
please. I have my hands wrapped in her hair and I push her down on
to him, I love the closeness. She feels so good and this feels
good, so intimate, so personal, and so unexpected again, she blows
me away, literally. Have I died and gone to heaven?

“Michelle Mi cielo, pleaseee, shit please argh yesssss.” She
sucks the end I can’t stop myself. I’m coming and boy I’m coming
this, is this is fucking great, oh hell I can’t stop it’s coming
arghhhh, yes oh wow yes she has me, I don’t want her to stop I
shake as I come and hard, oh hell really hard, I can’t look at her,
but I have to, oh she takes it all as I explode in her mouth, she
groans and continues to suck, as she looks up at me, I am in a
million pieces, rocked to my core! She wipes the small drop of come
left on her lips, hell even that looked so sexy I go in for a kiss,
but I’m stopped as she tells me what was there, umm. She has just
blown me away literally with the best thing, I have ever had done
to me ever.

The feeling of having her mouth wrapped around my very
satisfied dick, has blown me away, words can’t describe the feeling
when I looked down and she had me in her warm mouth. I can’t
believe that she did that to me, for me. She really has rocked my
world. Grinning fool, sod that loved up and hornie fool, shit I
need her, I want her and I mean really I want her. I want her in my
bed our bed I want to give her the world! I will give her the
world. We head out, after I contemplated doing it here in my bed
and now! I resist, but not for much longer. I can't, she's a drug,
and I need more… I'm hooked


“Upstairs Michelle, and get to the bathroom and clean your

“Did I do
something wrong Sam?”

“Err no,
did I stop you, did I look as though I didn’t like it? That was
amazing baby and not a one off treat?” I smiled as I was shown the

He followed me up to change, and I cleaned my teeth, I used my
finger, as I didn’t want to use someone else’s toothbrush. I ran
the water, spit and gargled with the toothpaste and spitting it out
again, he was behind me again. He handed me his toothbrush, kissing
my neck.

“That is what you do in future, spit it out.” I turned to face
a grinning Sam, who was busy washing himself, I did offer. I got
another kiss and told no.

He kissed me, his tongue searching out mine. I kissed him
back. I wasn’t sure if he liked what I’d done to him, I know I
enjoyed pleasing him. He had said next time, so perhaps he did like
it? He dressed in smart pants and a shirt asked should he wear a
tie? I laughed and said no, so he threw on a smart dark jumper, and
we set off. He hadn’t stopped smiling, since we left the house. He
held my hand, listening to my drivel, about Mum’s side of the
family. Smiling like an idiot. Before long, we were there and a
good twenty minutes early, he pulled me to him and against a wall,
he kisses me.

“That was bloody amazing, Mi cielo, my first ever blow job,
where can I ask was that learnt from? I don’t think they cover them
in sex education. Unless they were with Matt King, and he didn’t do
them justice at all, that was bloody amazing baby, amazing.” I
blushed he liked it.

“I listen well whilst I’m on the throne, girls take about all
sorts of stuff in the toilets, in the school loos, and girls brag
about it in pub toilets. If you're quiet, they don’t even know
you’ve listened to every word they say. A girl last night said
giving her fella one of them was better than sex, and he tasted
sweet. She was telling her friend what a blow job was, the other
girl thought you just picked it up and blew on it, has to be said
until she explained, that’s what I thought it was too.” He laughed
loudly and held me tightly. “She told her what she had to do, but
the tasting sweet erg was a lie, sorry Sam you taste of warm salty
water, did you really like it? I thought you didn’t, you said no so
I didn’t think you liked it?” He kissed me again as we turned the

“Yes, very much thanks. That, you can do to me any time
Michelle. I just didn’t expect it and well Michelle the end result
was what I was dreading the most even that was wow… Fantastic. Top
marks to the girl who did the explaining, Michelle you are indeed a
quick learner and give the nicest surprises ever.” He kissed me
again, his thumb stroking my cheek. “Michelle, I love you so much
it, hurts.” Result, I had been intimate with him and he liked it, I
must admit, I think I may be addicted to that now. I too loved it
and the power I had as I took him. Grandad was waiting for the bus,
he hadn’t expected me to walk, but it had been nice and I loved
walking with Sam. I waved to catch his eye and he dashed across the
road to meet us.

“This Grandad is Sam, Samuel Todd.” Sam was so nervous, his
hand left my waist, and he offered it to Grandad. Which Grandad
shook heartily, another true gentleman?

“Sam this is my Grandad, Robert Dunn.” Sam shook his hand

“Hello Sir, pleased to meet you. Michelle never stops talking
about her grandparents.” He smiled back at Sam.

“That’s because Sam, she spends more time with us old fogies,
than is good for her, and please call me Bob.” Grandad put his arm
around me and led me to theirs.

“I’m quite jealous of Michelle having all her grandparents
still here to give her advice. I often think I missed my out on
having my Grandfather’s wisdom. I would have gladly spent time with
my old fogies too, there’s nothing wrong with good manners. Mum
said you can tell Michelle has been raised with impeccable
manners.” He passed the test with Grandad, he listened to
everything Sam had said and smiled. He’s a sweet talking fella,
this Sam of mine. I did wonder if he had grandparents or other
relatives. I will be meeting the most important one today yikes.
Now enter Nana. I was more nervous than he was anyhow because he
didn’t have to come back again. I wouldn’t ever want to bring him
here again if she said anything off putting to him.

“This Sam is my Nana, Eloise Dunn, Nana this is Sam.” She was
going to play nice. I hope she does.

“I’m going to leave him in your hands, whilst I put the kettle
on and I’ll bring them through when they’re done.” Just then the
door sprung open, what the hell?

“That’s my Uncle George, who thinks this week he’s Les Grey,
the lead singer from Mud? This is Sam, do you want a drink, and are
you stopping for dinner? Why the fancy dress stopped out all
night?” Sam laughed, and shook his hand too.

“Yes to the drink and no to the dinner, cheeky sod this is
called fashion Michelle, like you’d know. I’m surprised you’re not
in your jogging bottoms and scruffs.” He was only fifteen years
older than me and a very large surprise addition to the shocked
ranks of the already large family six boys and my mother. He still
thinks he’s a teenager, and boy he’s not, but he’s the youngest and
spoilt rotten by Nana.

“Enough George, Michelle looks pretty and this is her
boyfriend so manners Son.” Thanks Grandad, this bit I’d love to
stop and watch, but I would have to make do with listening, I had
veggies and gravy and Yorkshires to make. Grandad had saved the
meat juices and the beef was wrapped in foil and rolled in a tea
towel, an hour’s rest before you eat. Kettle clicked off, two teas
and two coffees. I smiled as he took the drink touching my

“Enjoy, I will be back in a bit, just heating the fat in the
pans.” I quickly peeled the veg, carrots cabbage, and cut the beans
in thirds, I took the pre boiled spuds out roughed them up and put
them in the smaller of the two pans. I put them back in to fry
their white skins golden. I put the veggies on and put the meat pan
on the top, it heated through nicely, and I de glazed the pan with
a jug of beef stock and a spoonful of corn flour. Added a little of
the veggie water and a little of the potato water, add a small
amount of Worcestershire sauce and two drops of browning hopefully
it wasn’t salty? All I could taste was bloody salt, for some
strange reason…

“Uncle George?” He was in like a whippet. “Taste please.” He
added a small pinch of salt and a splash more of the

“Nice Michelle, he’s a bit older than you Michelle, but talks
a good talk. He has Mum eating out of his hand and apparently, she
knows the family well, through the Fairbrother Mills? You making
the Yorkshires now? You’re gonna have to show your Aunty Cathy how
to do them Mam won’t show her?” I nodded my head. I hadn’t a clue
how she knew his family, but Nana and her sisters all worked in the
Fairbrother Mills, as did most of their generation. It was the
biggest fabric manufacturing factory in the North West and closed
before I was born; it had been knocked down in the mid-seventies,
in the re-generation of Stockton, which to me was more like the
mass destruction of a once grand town. I nudged him out of the way
as this was Nana’s secret recipe and one I had been warned Cathy
was not to have nor any of the others.

So poor Judy, Violet, Pauline, and Tanya were left trying to
bribe it from me. Aunty June had it but couldn’t make them for
toffee. The daughter-in-laws were out to get the recipe, if just to
shut up my uncles about theirs not being as good as their mam’s!
They would never have it, well not whilst she’s alive they won’t. I
am lucky, she knew I was good for keeping it secret, and have done
for the past two years or so.

“So Georgie porgy move your big fat bum back in there or Nana
will come and remove you.” He was back in there quick as a flash.
All the ingredients in the bowl, the eggs cracked, quick check on
oil, red hot, quick mix, and add room warmed milk to the batter
mix, along with half the eggs mix well. Add the remainder of the
egg and the rest of the milk and the secret ingredients then beat
the heck out of them with a whisk. Perfection not too thick not
thin, quick out with the Yorkshire tins and pour the mix in, it
sizzled, back in the oven, quick shake of roasters and jobs a good

My job was nearly through, wash the stuff I’d used, wipe down
refill water to kettle quick check on vegetables, all done pan lids
on electric turned off. I collected the cups and ask if anyone
wanted another? Everyone was a yes, even Uncle George. Who was
going to end up stopping, he did this every week, so we always made
enough. Drinks handed out and I sit on my poof by the fire. I
looked over at Sam, he was chatting to Grandad about work and
stuff. Nana was looking at my hair again. It was killing her as the
longer it got the better it looked, the curls were doing her head
in, her need to comb them out was killing her. I smiled as that
look she had was in her eyes, she would shave it off and have me
bald rather than see the curls, live with it Nana I have

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