A Life Plan Without You. (36 page)

Read A Life Plan Without You. Online

Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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“They like their gravy this lot, I noted you’d made a lot,
Aunties you can stand a spoon in.” I laughed as he was speaking to
me nicely, would wonders ever cease? Filling them both and sent
them in. Finally, I removed the Yorkshires and roast potatoes
perfect, emptied all twenty-four in the last of the servers,
stacking all the pans in neat piles on the cooker and making sure
everything was off. I went to eat my second Sunday

They were waiting for me. I sat right at the side of Sam and
at the other side Jimmy. The table was massive, and expensive in
fact, everything was expensive I noticed and beautiful, not like
the Formica one we had thrown against the back wall. We ate off our
knees, the table always used as a dump spot for coats, keys,
schoolbooks and toys or JJ’s fort, when covered in sheets and
towels, we spent hours reading his story books under there
especially when there was a thunderstorm!

They all started helping themselves, I ate just a little bit,
one of these in a day is enough, but two? I prayed it was as good
as the earlier dinner. I breathed a sigh of relief as they ate with
smiles on their faces, I’d nothing to worry about it was going down
well. Emma had cleared her plate, and she was on extras, Sam
cleared his plate, as did Jimmy, the others ate as if they had not
eaten in a week, sooner than later it was all eaten, and they sat

“That my girl, was excellent, when you marrying her Samuel?”
My turn to blush, Sam looked at his feet.

“Her Grandad asked the same thing this afternoon.” I looked at
him and smiled.

“It’s really not on me to do list or part of the life plan yet
Aunt Allison.” I didn’t know her other name they only told me their
Christian names.

“What’s on the list of yours then, Michelle?” I explained
everything to them.

“In there will be time to sort out the frills and the flowers,
just I’m not that interested yet.” Sam smiled and grabbed my knee.
They got up and sat in the front room to allow their dinner to
settle before washing the pots.

“Sorry today everyone’s marrying us off, walk this way.” He
held my hand and led me to the garden.

“This is lovely theirs down the road, is downhill towards a
river I think? What’s with the marriage thing, and our relatives
marrying us off angel?” He looked different here, peaceful almost.
“Are you okay Sam? I’m always worried when you go quiet, it means
someone has said something to you, upset you. I don’t do drama very
well.” He sat down on the small back wall.

“Sit please, Michelle, You know I love you right?” I

“Listen, please Sam, I love you too, but this getting hitched
things way off. I have a little thing called the life plan. I quite
fancy you being an officer’s husband though, eventually.” He

“I live to serve you.” Oh you will Sam you can count on it.
His smile was massive his eyes sparkled crap I’d just realised what
I’d said he would be my husband. Is that what had made the

“We have an audience Sam, just kiss me please?” He again
obliged, as I melted into his kiss, a cool shiver shot through my
body as he held me tightly, then he shocked me.

“I will ask sometime, I think you may take some persuading
though?” I slapped my hands on his tight bum.

“I may even decide to say yes then, come on let’s get these
pots done. You you’ve been fed and watered twice by me today.” The
audience had disappeared.

you for feeding me twice, both were excellent, thank you baby, my
family like you, Aunty is quite taken with you baby!” He kissed my
neck as I attempted to wash the pots! Sam was doing his best to
distract me.

I washed as Sam wiped, he stood right behind me, his head on
my shoulder. This felt so normal, like slipping on a comfortable
pair of slippers. I loved the feel of his breath on my neck. He
turned my head to meet his and kissed me, I turned to face him and
kissed again, this time too passionately, he was so turned on as we
were interrupted by Aunty discreetly coughing, I looked over and
smiled, and she went to sit back down.

“This is going to take forever if we carry on doing that Mi

“You started it Sam, I just got swept along.” He flicked me
with the tea towel and we finished the mammoth washing and drying
task, Jimmy finally coming in to put things away, the dirty looks
he gave Sam made me smile.

“I need to pack, and get the address of your hotel. If that’s
what you still want?” He kissed me again.

“Yes if it’s what you want, I want it too, besides you’ve all
but decided anyhow.” I grabbed his behind again.

“I am going to rock your world Sam Todd and you’re going to
want me in your life forever. How do you get home from here then?”
He smiled.

“I want you in it forever already, Mi cielo. Aunt Allison
drives, badly but she drives, come on in and say your goodbyes, I
have packing and supplies to buy, lots of supplies.” I smiled

“I’ve got that covered dear.” He rounded back at

“You sort of hinted at that before, what’d you mean?” In at
the deep end, hope he doesn't think I'm a slut, or do the sex thing
a lot, or at all.

“I’ve been on the pill since I was thirteen, I have a shity
time with lady stuff, and I’ve been using it since then for that
reason only. As a side effect, its birth control, so it too is
sorted Sam.” He looked relieved. “Are you happy, with that?” He
looked deep in thought.

“Yes, I’ve never done it that way with anyone else, if you’re
sure?” He kissed my neck and we went back inside. He looked over
grinning at me all the time, wow it was happening…

“Are you ready to get back then? Michelle, it’s been a
pleasure to have you here. You can come and cook for me any day of
the week. Well, get in the car you lot. Samuel, your mother in the
front please, I mean it anytime, you’re welcome here Michelle.” I
kissed her cheek.

“That’s so nice, may take you upon that especially as I have
relatives across the road, The Dunn’s, the Policeman and the Judge
and my bratty cousin Tom?” She hadn’t quite got over the shock of a
cheek kiss, so I didn’t push and dropped into the back of her back
seat right in the middle of the two Todd boys, Emma was in the
front and Sam climbed in at the side, he kissed my ear and

“Use the belt please.” I did as I was asked, and put the lap
strap on and fastened it. He placed his arm around my neck and I
leant on his shoulder, he smelt so nice. I just held my head there,
until we arrived at mine. Sam helped me out of the car.

“Thanks for the lift Aunt Allison, see you after my holiday.
See you in a while, Mum.” Off she sped.

“Wheel spins starts, impressive, does she do motor racing?” My
Uncle Joe came out to see what car was making all the

“That’s Sam’s Aunty Allison, Uncle Joe, this is Sam, Sam this
is my Uncle Joe.” Sam shook yet another hand and Uncle Joe went
straight back in, after giving him yet another once over. We sat on
the wall in front of my house.

“What hotel Sam, before we get in?” He kissed my

“Michelle, it’s big one on the front, the Castle Hotel?” I
looked surprised now.

“That’s a bit posh isn’t it?” He laughed.

“The lads booked it not me, and I can afford the extra night,
don’t worry Missy, please, we’ll have a really nice time and you
don’t need to do anything you don’t want to, we can just spend time
together!” I grabbed his arm, and pulled him in.

“I do
want to do that with you, I know it’s quick but it seems right and
I want to give you my gift, can we see what happens if it happens
angel?” He kissed me again.

sure we have all the time in the world for gift giving, all the
time in the world baby!” I know I was going to cry, he really
wasn’t pushing me into doing anything!

“Would you like a drink Sam?” I took his jacket, popped my
head in the front room.

“Sit yourself down, I’ll make the coffee.” Nobody was in, so I
made coffee for my hunky boyfriend, and sat on his lap.

“We have us an empty house Sam, we better make this time
count, we're apart for a whole six days, and I don’t want to go
now. I’m actually going to miss you this week, feel free to come
over the ferry and over the sea to rescue me.” He put his cup on
the floor, and pulled me in for a kiss, his tongue was dancing with
mine, soft kisses and deep breathing I was lost in the

“You won’t need rescuing I thought you loved it there? Plus, I
don’t know where in Hambleton you’ll be?”

“I’ll write the address and phone number down. I do love it,
but you I love more.” I leaned in and kissed his neck, it was out
of sight, but I left my mark, small and indiscreet but he
absolutely had my calling card for the other bitches to see, not
that I was that worried anymore. He’d enjoyed every minute spent
doing it, his hands wandering, I gasped as he cupped my breasts as
I nibbled on his neck, I sighed as his lips kissed my very
responsive nipples, I stopped as he brought me to a shattering
climax, I sat in his lap and smiled.

“Is that your marker baby?” I laughed.

“Damn right. Nothing says you’re mine, than a hicky from
Missy. Well that and a ring, but let’s not go there yet, and you
have a wicked mouth of your own Mr Todd. I do believe I owe you
that was sooo nice.” The front room door opened. Mum had entered
the room.

“You all set for tomorrow, Michelle?” I sat back at his side
and as he smiled, nearly busted again.

“Yes thanks, I’ve just a few bits and bobs to put away, pity
Dad couldn’t have waited until tomorrow to take them back, it would
have saved me a coach ride. Thanks for washing the stuff from last
night.” Mum turned to Sam.

“Are you working through Easter, Sam?” Blast it

“No we have a few days off but Mum has a list as long as your
arm, of the jobs that need to be done.” With that she disappeared
to the kitchen with his cup, returning to ask if he wanted

“No thanks I’m fine, I’ve got an early start in the morning
and Michelle still has her stuff to sort, so will be heading home
in a minute, but thanks anyway.” With that she buggered

“I didn’t lie exactly she has loads of jobs that need doing.”
We both laughed. Grabbing a book from my bag, sheisk one with his
name scribbled all over, I ripped out the back page, and scribbled
Grandma's address on it and her phone number, and gave it

“Michelle do you not do any work in class?” Shit, he’d seen
his name scribbled all over my books. I was so embarrassed, written
on it too was Mrs Michelle Todd. Please, I hope he hadn’t seen that
too? Lord help me, shit it is my-to-do-Sam book, shit I’d crossed
some stuff out as Mum came in my room bugger. I could have sworn
that was under my mattress?

“Nice ring to that one Mi cielo.” He had, shit ground open up
and swallow me please. I changed the subject quickly my cheeks were

“If you feel like you’re missing me, phone.” He tucked it in
his tight jeans. I rushed to the loo. Coming back to see him sat
there he looked fantastic. Oh hell he looked like the man I wanted
to have mad passionate sex with, and soon. Downright too sexy and
he was mine, all mine. Well unless he met someone there, a holiday
fling thing, oh hell no, more than one visit.

“Look it’s getting late and I’ve still got packing to do,
thanks for today, especially this morning.” He winked. “I will call
every night and you could come over for the day too. I’m really
going to miss you too.” He pulled me onto his lap again, kissing

“I can’t wait until Saturday, Mi cielo.” Mum was on her way in
we were up and on our feet before her hand hit the door. “Right,
I’m off Susan, thanks for the coffee. I will see you when I fetch
Madam back from the coach on Sunday, if it’s all right, I’d like to
take her for a meal when she gets back, I won’t keep her long?” She
smiled saying it would be fine.

“Come on then I need to finish packing and I’m knackered, two
Sunday lunches on one Sunday, is some kind of record, even for me.
I’ve met your family, you have met some more of mine, we’ve been
told to get married, and now I’m saying goodbye for nearly a week,
how am I going to last that, long without you?” He stopped me
talking by kissing me, his tongue sliding in and mine meeting his.
Oh God yes again please, his simplest of touches had me tingling
all over. His kisses were a drug the more I had, the more I wanted,
needed even.

“I’m so going to miss a week without this.” I pushed him
against the lobby wall, behind the front door. I had my hands in
his hair, pulling him down to my mouth. I leant against his bits,
and the beast was rising. I slipped my hand down his pants. I had
my hands under his balls. I began massaging them. He unbuttoned
himself, then scooted down the wall his legs at my side, oh my God.
I took hold of him firmly, and he groaned as I started to move him
with my hand. Oh, he felt so nice, up and down his silken warm
length, it was so thick and long.

I worked my hand into a slow ache, with the continuing up and
down movements, his groans only muffled because of the biting of my
neck, his head at the back of my neck kissing hard, and leaving his
calling card, hidden but there. He groaned and then kissed my
mouth. Our tongues wrestling as our kisses became heated and
passionate oh carry on Sam. This felt so nice, the kisses, the
nearness, I kissed him back, he begged me to stop, but I didn’t… I
continued, moving my hand up and down him, slow then quick, he
groaned as I held it tighter.

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