A Life Plan Without You. (16 page)

Read A Life Plan Without You. Online

Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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“Welcome back, Mi cielo are you ok, baby are you alright,
speak to me baby please?” I murmured yes.

“What’s happened? What did you do to me? Err I ache.” He
kissed away a tear.

“I didn’t do that with you baby so please relax; I wouldn’t
not, without a damn thought for your needs too. Michelle baby, when
we do that it will be in a special place in a loving way and we
will be both be in it together, and one of us won’t be passed out
having been really crude, but you were beautiful to watch Michelle
just beautiful. That was I presumed your first orgasm?”

“Is that what it was? I thought, you were killing me, are you
sure you haven’t?” A quick check, my jeans are still done up,
everything intact, but I’m wet through.

“Did you, not enjoy that?” He smiled, though he did look
worried? Christ how stupid do I feel? I bet none of his other
girlfriends had passed out on him, with him just rubbing her

“Yes, really I did Sam, but shit is it going to be like that
every time?” I blushed. “Because hells teeth, that was err amazing
and you’re getting a big head Samuel Todd.” He smiled as his nose
touched mine sneaking in a kiss.

“I’m led to believe it’s different for everyone, but it gets
better when you know they’re coming. I can honestly say that was a
biggest turn on than anything I have ever experienced Mi cielo,
never has anyone done that before, we are going to be so good
together. You were fantastic to watch and you seemed to enjoy it, I
know I never wanted it to end. You are very responsive very err
vocal and very sensitive baby.” His lips touched mine again, he
sighs as he kisses me too.

“From where did you hear that then? I feel like a prize idiot,
you must think I’m such an immature girl?” Again, what did I

“No Mi cielo, you were and are very responsive and well your
right, I do feel big headed. I made you come just kissing you, you
were fantastic to watch and well playing with yourself turned me on
too, do you do that at home baby? As you came it was like nothing I
have ever done before, just watching you shake, as your orgasm
finished was a little frightening, you looked like you enjoyed it
and hell you’re very loud, I had to kiss you to muffle the screams
baby, now that was enjoyable, can we do it again, or have I put you
off? I swear, the things we will do later on, are going to be
fantastic. If you liked that as much as you looked like you

As to the learning… It wasn’t from a woman or girl in case
that’s got you riled? Well, I’m ashamed to say this now, after
watching you and really enjoying it, I don’t think I cared before
whether the girl enjoyed herself or not, just as long as I came, it
didn’t matter to me, but watching you, now that was, wow what was
that? It was better than any actual sex I have had before. I swear
baby I came hard in my pants, at the same time you did. I’d show
you, but well take my word for it? You baby hit the spot and didn’t
even know you had.

The learning part came when I listened and well, in the sex
education classes we had at school. Our teacher, Matt King was a
bit of a ladies’ man, hell that’s the wrong word he was well into
porn, he was and still is good at what he does he’s a mate of my
brother Andy, it turns out they attend meetings and parties, small
world apparently when your into their type of sex?”

“Shit, there are different types of sex! Crap do they do books
at the library? I need help. What sort of parties involve sex? I
know Mum and Dad had some strange parties over the years. Lots of
people used to come to our house, when Becky and I were little and
we had to shut the door, put the lock on and not come down until
morning. Heck, I’m a little bit naive to this malarkey, Sam I’m
sorry. So did I ruin it?”

“Fuck no baby, sorry I mean no, it was so wonderful to watch
and ruin what, that was a hell of a first for me Mi cello, watching
you come down, I came and wow you didn’t even touch me kiss me or
anything just watching means I have wet underwear, thank you for
the surprising orgasmic time you gave my soldier you gave me baby a
very loud explosion, my soldiers gun has been locked and loaded so
many times tonight he thanks you for the release!” I get it, enough
with the damn soldier jokes I feel like a right numpty…

“Sam I feel such a fool, I can’t… I don’t know… Do you want to
do more with me now, will I be good enough and how can we do the
full thing when I don’t know anything about sex, and pleasing you?
Do you want me to go?” I’m shocked again, because in the train
station that is running through my head right now, my brain is
three stops behind my bloody mouth, and my helpers are all sat in
the coaches screaming at me yes, no, don’t go there, don’t give up
on him, he’s the one, Michelle he’s the one, this angel is yours!
Thanks you can all shut up, but I do need a sex instruction manual
please, if you have one? I should have shut up he looks upset and

“Michelle Welles, you are the love of my life, of course I
want that with you again and a hell of a lot more that gift you
have is mine, just mine. Sex is a learnt thing baby and there’s no
right and wrong in all this, you are going nowhere Michelle Welles
you are mine, and yes I agree with you its forever, always and
forever baby. As to not pleasing me give me your hand please.” He
put it on the damp trousers and bloody hell he was ready again! “He
feels pretty damn pleased to see you again, you’re new to this and
yes I have had sex, but not done all this Michelle Welles, this I
am learning too. All I had before you Michelle Welles was straight
missionary sex nothing more than on off up down, crude sex a no
love involved sex, a quick fuck and that’s it. So quit it, as to
leaving me I don’t bloody think so!”

“You used my naughty name a lot there, sorry I didn’t want to
leave you I was giving you an out if you wanted one, I really said
forever? Who did you learn off then if all you have done is
missionary? Do missionaries have sex and are there more positions
to learn? Good job I pick up things quickly angel, tell me who I
need to go to, to know these things?” He laughed at me and the
missionary’s and he kissed me again.

Matt King baby, really he was wicked and dark, and a fountain
of porn knowledge, we got his life history, not sex education. He
was then mine and all the lads run to guy. He was our schools rugby
coach and games teacher. Every school has a school heartthrob
teacher and I bet yours has one? I’m betting he’s the games
teacher?” I laughed he was right!

“Mike Chance was ours and all the girls wanted to ride ‘The
Last Chance Pony’, and I’m sure Karen-Bloody-Manning had done the
deed with him, her sisters all had, I’m betting he had the full
set, of the Manning sisters much fucked bits as notches on the gym
doors!” Sam’s eyebrows rose and he smiled.

“All the girls fancied him and yes I’m pretty sure he did a
few in schools too as well as a couple of the sexy teachers, we
had. Yep I was a spotty, prepubescent, and very teenager. I know.
Hard to imagine that I haven’t always been this drop dead gorgeous
hunk sat here before you.” He laughed as I thumped his

“Who has
been telling you lies then?”

“You, you said I was hunky and gorgeous and that you wanted me
now, then sorry you passed out.” I oh-ed and blushed.

“Really, I said all that?” I thought it was all in my bloody
head, God did I actually offer up my virginity too?

“Umm, and you said you wanted me to fuck you, so sorry baby,
but not yet and I’d rather we made love not fucked. You are very
crude when you are having an orgasm, baby you’re very erm wordy?
Very detailed and umm sexy as hell too and yes Michelle, your
right… I am going to be the one who takes your gift, baby you
didn’t have to ask so forcefully, but it will happen, just not yet
though.” I blushed.

“Well… I will take your word for it Todd, continue, seems I
have a gigolo, under my head. Who will need to change his pants, if
in fact you did come in them, really Samuel you’re a very bad boy
you really came in your pants?” He kissed me again and nodded, he
continued to tell me about his hero, Matt King.

“He set about imparting his knowledge to we band of rampant
fourth year lads, the girls were taught by the resident nun, so
don’t think they learnt much, apart from it was a sin, God do I
like sinning with you Mi cielo.” He sat me up and kissed me again.
Shit if I ached this much from this, what would it feel like, to go
the whole way? Did I still want to do that? Lord, I love this

“Need a drink?” I nodded my head.

“Yes please, I certainly liked what we did, I can’t get my
head around the feelings you brought out in me, I liked them, but
in the same breath it was a little scary and I didn’t want to let
you down.”

“I like that too and the thing is Michelle, I’ve never had a
proper girlfriend before. Not one who I took out and did the whole
date thing with, or brought to see Mum, she thought I was gay if
truth be told, so seeing you today eased her worries that she will
be getting grandchildren someday. This side of things is all new
for me too, baby don’t worry, we can and will take things easy
because we have plenty of time to get to know each other and err
exchange gifts?”


Shit, shit did I really just say that, tell her she would be
giving me children or mum grandkids fuck! I do the drinks, putting
sugar in hers she needs the boost I drained her and it’s good for
shock too. I embarrassingly take her, her drink in and sit down and
pull her to my knee carefully, as we talk about my own Freudian
slip, it seems we are both giving out these slipped signals, wow
I’m a little flushed and flummoxed, as Aunty would say.


I was shocked did he just say he wanted me to have her
grandchildren have our children? Nah I looked at his face and yes
he’s red in the cheeks. How he had only had one other girlfriend?
That was stupid and there was no way he was bloody gay, thank the
Lord… I sat and hugged my legs. He disappeared into the kitchen,
taking the cups we’d used with him, returning quickly with a tea
and his coffee. He sat down at the side of me and pulled me onto
his lap, being careful not to spill our drinks and just put an arm
around my shoulder and boy did he look worried, what had I done

“Michelle, the baby thing was a slip of the tongue, I was
just saying…”

“Your mum wanted Grandkids I know, but you’d rather we waited
more than two days into this before I produce an heir and a spare

“Err well I was, erm I wasn’t thinking, oh hell…” I actually
laughed at the thought of him getting out of this easily because he
was digging a bigger hole for himself.

“Umm well we’ll see shall we? Maybe after a few years of this
you will have had enough of me and my grumpy morning attitude; so
can we just put it down to a slip of the tongue and agree that Mum
wants a Grandchild? Jimmy can give her one if he ever gets a girl?”
I want his children though, but not until I have been chef for a
while, and after I come out of the navy. I laugh he’s still not
settled so I kiss him and he smiles.


Morning attitude implies so many things; do I get to see her
after a night together? Hell yeah, it will be happening but not too
soon, I like the idea of kids too I do I really do with her, but
hell that’s years down the line, years of fun and travel first; I
wonder does she have a passport?


“I think my filters broke too, Missy I need it fixing!” We
laughed and I drank my tea.

“There’s sugar in it erg.” He nodded his head at

“Drink it baby, please it’s good for shock. Please for me, you
really worried me, for a while. I didn’t know it would do that to
you, Mi cielo as I said a first for me watching you enjoy
yourself.” We both looked towards the door as a key was turning in
the lock. I made a move to sit up but Sam whispered in my ear
kissing the back of my neck.

“No, please stay where you are Michelle.” We continued to
drink, me in his lap and his arm draped around my shoulder. My head
resting against him, when in he walked Jimmy.

“Oh you’re here still? I'm off to bed wouldn't want to
interrupt the after sex thing you have going on.” Sam was livid as
was I, but would he hit him? Nope, I had to do something before it
got to that.

“Had a nice time Jimmy?” Sam stared at me as I scooted of his
lap and gave him my cup, got up and walked over to him.

“You, you stupid idiot. If you ever do anything to upset your
mother like the way you did tonight, believe me I’ll kick you so
hard in your nuts, you won’t be able to walk for a sodding week,
are we clear? She went to bed ages ago because she was so upset and
had a headache because she thought I was mad at her. You I’m mad
at, not her. Thanks for that though, Sam and I had plenty of alone

No sex was taking place idiot, but that won’t stop you
reporting back to Karen that it has no doubt. Did you forget my
name James? James you immature little boy, fancy you my very own
personal pervert, fancy you forgetting my bloody name? Using your
mother to embarrass me in your stupid mind games, now that was low
James, so very low, a cheap trick James. Do it again and hurt me or
your mum again and I’ll have my hockey boots on when I do it are we
clear James? Now see I remember your name, remember mine, its
M.I.C.H.E.L.L.E. Are we clear shitwhit?”

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