A Life Plan Without You. (14 page)

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Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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Great Grandma Lilly spoke to me, which was strange, all my life she
had been asleep and she had never spoken in all that time, she
smiled and said my gift wouldn’t be there to help me, it was for
people who needed me. Then I was to tell Aunty Liz there was a
letter in the bible by her bed. Wow then the shit hit the fan as
they walked off together; the young man and the young woman held
hands and looked happy.

Aunty Liz though was so upset as the man said she would be,
they both turned and said my first love would be my true love! Yeah
like I knew what a love was at five? So yeah for me the rainbow
sherbet really my first and true love then? Uncle Joe helped Aunty
Liz to bed and I was placed next to her, that was when she stopped
being Aunty Lilly, she changed her name that night, I was then to
call her Aunty Elisabeth or Liz, she didn’t care but it had to be
anything other than Aunty Lilly Beth.

In the morning Uncle Joe he remembered me saying there was a
letter in a bible and Aunty Lizzy wept for ages as she read it, and
when I told her what the man said and showed her that that was him
in an old photograph that was in the bible. I was asked not to tell
anyone about seeing the man and lady; if I did they would say I was
strange and not like me, so I didn’t. I went instead with Uncle Joe
for some of my first love, from their sweet shop downstairs and sat
and ate the lot, I had free rainbow sherbet all day and a ton of
liquorish wands, erm after a lot of sherbet was eaten I decided
sherbet and liquorish was not my first love… It made me sick… Shit
I was in dream land again…

Sam just listened and smiled, as his mum would touch my leg,
then my cheek as she spoke, her soft voice so soothing and calm,
she was such a nice woman. Her eyes though, they were tormented as
too was her voice, she trembled when she heard a sound, when the
floorboards creaked upstairs, she would become agitated? She would
think before she said anything, perhaps thinking I would shout at
her? Sam often jumped in to answer a question I had asked of her,
she’d smile and then touch me again, like she couldn’t get enough
of me?

I waffled on and on about college and cooking, dance and my
grandparents, then she yawned, I was that interesting! She
apologised because she was tired and had a headache, so I carried
the tray through to the kitchen and helped her with the pots, where
we did some more talking, she is a very timid and shy woman and
there’s lots troubling her, but I like her very much. We sat back
down when I had finished, I gave my fella a kiss to his cheek he
looked like he needed it, it must have been worrying him that we
wouldn’t get on, hahaha well we did, so stop worrying! Sam sat
grinning like a fool. It seemed to be a big thing for him that we
had bonded, and then I realised… Had I just passed the Mummy

“Michelle it really was nice to meet you, I’m off to bed I
have a bit of a headache still. Your dad arrived home after you
left Sam and is out for the count in his bedroom hopefully for the
night? So you’ve got the place to yourselves for a while.” I gave
her a quick kiss on her cheek. She liked the kiss and her hand rose
to where I’d kissed her cheek.

“Will you come and see me again Michelle? I’d like that, very
much. It’s been so nice to meet you.”

“It’s been really nice to meet you too. Thanks for having me
and for the tea and I hope your headache goes, sleep well Emma. I
can come anytime you want.” I smiled. What had tonight got in store
for me? Doctors and patient perhaps, I giggled, that would be good.
Sam saw his mum up to bed and came down the steps four at a


God I love her, I smile, as I take mum to bed, and she takes
her tablets, she looks at peace almost.

“I like Michelle she’s nice, please go back down I can get
myself dressed for bed, look after her Sam, she’s a keeper, so
pretty so kind.” She smiled and looked so happy.

“I intend to Mum I really like her and well now you like her
too, I think I will keep her, night Mum and thank you sleep tight!”
I gave her a kiss and shut the door, bounding down the stairs to
get to my woman and do us some fooling around before the idiots get
back! She is sat relaxed on the chair feet up and hugging her legs


“Something tickle your fancy?” He smiled.

“No… Well not since a little earlier, now that really tickled
parts of me, including my fancy.” He moved his head to one side. He
was studying me, and then he smiled then leant in for a

“Thanks for doing that, I know it must have been awful for
you, but Mums not been well, hence spending time here tonight, I
don’t like her left too long on her own. Now let’s see about
finding your ticklish spot, I’m quite looking forward to the
adventure, Mi cielo.” My man is a Mummy’s Boy. Sweet, but is he
just too perfect? Umm, Grams always says a man who looks after his
mother is a good one you should keep.

“You’re, welcome, well, it was different, your mum is nice,
but the Karen thing was erg, a little awkward and I’m now going to
kill Jimmy when I see the little shit, fancy him doing that to your
mum? She looked so embarrassed and you looked a bit erg like, shit
Michelle’s going to spew. What’s his game angel?”

“He found out we were an item and he’s livid, well totally
freaking out, would have been a better word.” The grin across Sam’s
face said it all.

“You couldn’t wait to tell him then?” I was the one laughing
now, oh and blushing.

“No, because I’d waited long enough for yesterday and I wanted
him and everyone to know you are mine, just mine and off limits.
That’s all right isn’t it?” His smile was cute. He put a record on
and sat on the rug, his back was at the foot of the chair I’d
snuggled comfortably in, making myself at home.

“Yes I’m just yours Sam.” He smiled that killer smile of

“So, what’s on top of your to do list then Mi cello? Making me
a drink?” Think again Samuel.

“Oh so not funny, just for that I’m off, night.” I made a
feeble attempt to go.

“Don’t go please stay?” He was laughing at me again because he
knew damn well I wasn’t going anywhere. I sat back down.

“Back to the list, what exactly was on it again Michelle?” I
pulled his head back and kissed him gently on his neck. Small and
slow pecks, up his neck then onto his chin, following his jaw I
kissed my way to his behind his ear. Kissing the spot behind and
whispering his name into his neck, as I kissed him again. Sucking
on the ear lobe, I kissed all the way back to the other kissing
behind the ear again, sucking gently on the lobe, and laying kisses
across his face, my nose gently stroking his nose with mine, gentle
Eskimo nose kisses, he sighed.

I bit his bottom lip gently, pulling it between my teeth and
letting it fall, his groans let me know I was doing this right. My
lips touched his lips for the gentlest of kisses and my tongue
began searching for his, this was nice. I put my hands down the
front of his open shirt, playing with his chest hair and umm a
twist of his nipple, they were soft beneath my fingers and he let
out an almighty sigh. My kisses found the now hardened nipples; I
had been playing with tweaking and flicking. I then gently suckled
on them in turn, he groaned and as I let the last nipple playfully
plop from my mouth, he sighed again my feverish onslaught of his
lips began. My tongue stroking the wall of his mouth, searching out
his tongue. The kisses are more passionate, our tongues darting in
and out of each other’s mouths. The rhythmic pace I set, he matched
move for move, groans of pleasure from the both of us. I broke free
after an age and I’m thinking he’d enjoyed the kiss… As I broke
away from his lips, his eyes opened and they were begging for me to
continue the assault on his lips.

“You Michelle have an amazing to do list. Now get your bum
down here.” I slithered into the space at the side of him. His
hands ran up and down my thighs then, whoosh funny feelings
throughout my body. Some alien yet, some are repeating themselves
again, other new feelings added in all the time. Different parts of
my body crying for his attention at the same time.

His arms are around my waist, I’m still kissing him, and my
hand had found his soldier and he’s standing to attention, what to
do? I covered it with my hand and slowly begin to rub the already
hard area. Massaging it, he was groaning and it was growing. I
pushed him flat on his back, sending the chair to block the front
room door, handy if anyone comes in unannounced. I moved and I lay
on top of him, all the time his hands wandering my back, searching
for the hem of my top. He placed his hands under it, his hands now
touching skin. Oh wow, a sudden rush of feelings exploded
throughout my whole body, hot and needy, his hands moved to my side
and he rolled me over he was on top of me. Pulling away from his
lips I bit his bottom lip and pulled it smiling as I did and giving
the top one the same bite and drop as the bottom.

“Oh, no this is my list remember. No funny stuff… Yet.” He, I
think was a little miffed it hadn’t gone further, it has to be said
I wanted more, loads more.

“That was insane, you’re sure you’ve not done this before
Michelle?” He kissed me and slid off to my side.

“No, that’s a definite no Sam, I must just be a quick
learner.” The kisses were nice from Michael, but not as nice as
those. The record had finished, he got up and turned it over. He
turned looked down at me sat cross-legged on the fireside rug. I
stood replaced the chair, as he grinned.

“Fancy making me that drink now? For some strange reason I’m
parched.” He got my best Paddington Bear stare.

“What did your last slave die of then?”

“Oh, that’s easy she didn’t, I traded her in for a younger

“You really are a cheeky sod, come on then show me were stuff
is.” His arm got a slap for that.

“What, you’re actually going to do me a drink?” He looked
shocked and worryingly puzzled at my reply.

“Yes, and then we talk, just talk Sam. We both have questions
and me more than you, I think?”

“Okay baby, the kitchens is this way Madam, as you know from
earlier, the coffee and stuff are here, cups in there and milk is
in the big white thing.” I curtsied. I had my hand on his bum I
passed him.

“What does Sir want to drink?” He smiled, then laughed I was
actually making him a brew.

“Coffee two please.” I don’t think he’s looking forward to
question time.

“Is that black or with milk Sir?” He’s laughing

“With milk and stop with this Sir stuff please, you’re not in
work now.” I made myself a tea.

“Future reference I take mine black strong with no sugar
because I’m sweet enough.”

“You’re right; you are absolutely sweet Mi cielo. What, do you
want to talk about?” He placed his arm over my shoulder. “As if I
don’t already know. Now let’s sit and get this out of the way Baby
girl.” I headed for the sofa as he sat right at the side of

“Any closer Sam and you’ll be on my lap.”

“That’s my aim, and I always, always aim to please you Mi
cielo, always. Now fire away let’s get the questions started but
don’t be upset at the answers you get. My past is just that my
past, ok? Before you, I wasn’t an angel, far from it in fact, but I
promise things have been so different, since you danced into my
world.” He sat back and drank his coffee. I turned and put my feet
in his lap, so that I could see his face, yep nice. If I copped a
feel, well that was a bonus. He looked nervous and yet happy, his
eyes were looking straight into mine and he smiled, he licked his
lip and took a sip of his coffee, wow even watching him drinking
from his mug turned me on.

“Our future, should we have one, will be based on truth and
honesty at all times… I hate lies above anything else you always
have to tell me the truth. First questions a must, Karen and you,
what’s it all about?” This one was a deal breaker.

“Nothing has or will ever happen on my part, I promise you
baby I promise you I don’t like her that way or anyway.”

“What’s that meant to mean? She’s made a pass at you, is she
your type Sam?” He laughed. “Oh please don’t laugh Sam I’m totally
pissed at her now. She is the biggest bitch-troll-ho, I know second
only to Kelly Pepper.” Snake alert, in the lap area. He grabbed my
cup, I’m thinking he thought I was about to throw Emma’s prized
china mug.

“She had private lessons on the same nights as me she started
a few weeks after I did, with Samantha and Ellie helped, she was
trying to help Karen out too. She and Karen used to dance into me,
then when that didn’t work in doing anything other than in pissing
off Lana, she made a number of really stupid and childish attempts
to get me to notice her, from wearing lower tops, showing her fake
assets, skirts that were really more of a belt than a skirt,
dropping stuff so she had to bend to pick it up or as I said
accidently dancing into us. All it did was make me laugh she was
pathetic. Really, she is so not sexy or a very likeable girl, and
not the sort of girl I would ever consider bringing here to see
Mum, no other girl has been brought here by me to see Mum, not
until you baby not until you. I don’t have a type at least I don’t
think I do anyway? However, the girl I fell so hard for that’s a
different story…

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