A Life Plan Without You. (9 page)

Read A Life Plan Without You. Online

Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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I’m glad to know you thought I dance well, sexy works for me
too! I will ask Lee to put a record on and I will show you how sexy
I can be with the right dance partner, I’m humbled that you think
I’m a good dancer I may have watched you dance a little too, and
the dancing you did tonight was pretty damn near on

“Really she’s damn near Mother Teresa and I thought she was a
slutty woman of no morals, damn I was wrong about her and you!
She’s really seeing a biker boy? Wow I got her all wrong, we all
did it seems poor Lana, how come he doesn’t go to the presentations
with her?”

“He doesn’t do crowds, he’s all right if it’s less than a
dozen, anymore and he freaks out, shouldn’t we be discussing us
though?” More kisses given then realisation of tonight’s urgency,
was it that Jimmy was there, to ask me out? Bummer for

“Sam you said earlier it had to be tonight, so why is there
this do-or-die-get-me- to-go-out-with-you-at-any-cost-urgency,
having to happen tonight?” His arm wrapped tightly around me as he
tried to explain why he needed to ask me tonight!

“It seems Jimmy and a few others on a trip had seen you
kissing and making nice with a mate of his, Michael I believe was
his name? He and his other mate David, who had also seen you both
snogging… Well… They apparently made you think he had done it all
for a joke and it was a bet, am I right so far?” I nodded and
sighed. Shit, I was devastated by that, I really did like Michael,
and Sam knows I was making out with Michael.

“Carry on please, I was just thinking could this chat couldn’t
possibly get any more embarrassing after the bum and nipple thing
and yes it can it seems, just tell me please.” Just half an hour
ago, I had remembered that kiss, my head was going to explode,
implode, whatever.

“I don’t really want to, what if you choose him? Oh hell if
I’ve shot myself in the foot so be it, but I won’t take it lying
down baby, especially after these!” More kisses deep and
passionate, these are the cherry on top a warm hot fudge sundae, no
Sam I’m right where I want to be and with who I want to be

“Michael was and is going to ask you why you hadn’t done
anything about your kiss? He wasn’t part of their game and he
didn’t know anything about it, he’s apparently infatuated too.
Waiting for you to talk about it to him, but you’ve not thankfully
and he’s going to ask you on Monday why you hadn’t done

Jimmy was mad as hell and asked me what to do about it? He
said that Michael’s next visit it college was in two weeks what
should he do? I was stunned, that I might miss my chance and what
with Jimmy and him both plucking up courage. I well, I had to ask
you, but I don’t think I could have waited much longer anyway
Michelle. Just watching you wasn’t enough anymore, I wanted to get
to know you better, like this.” More kisses, as if I needed an
excuse for more.

“So I get a choice? My boyfriend drought is over, not one but
three fellas, two fantastically hot men and your Jimmy? Sorry, all
that wasn’t meant to come out, obviously the filters still broke?”
Snapback Michelle, he looked worried, at that reply.

“So yes, I had to get in first and with Michael about to make
his move on you again on Monday; it was tonight or never, because
Jimmy was there to do the same thing.” He sighed. “Michelle, have I
done enough explaining to get the definite yes, and will you please
consider going out with me?”

Oh, it rather made a bit more sense now. Though date lines and
times are a little blared, I had it seems been watched by Sam for
quite a while. He did like me, but I still don’t know why though? I
knew I liked him. He had been my secret admirer for months and
before I even knew he existed, wandering again, Michelle snap out
of it.

“How did you know my birthday was in February?”

“That one’s easy, Cynthia asked me if I’d got you a birthday
card, did I know you were coming of age, she’s a one!” Of course it

“That explained the sly wink when I asked about you, I sort of
told her I liked you, damn it that woman normally can’t keep a
secret either.”

“Oh she was sworn to secrecy, funny I half expected the lady
to spill too. I hope you liked the card and flowers, with my

“What card? What flowers, what message? ‘Meet me by the dance
floor I need to ask you out!’ That message?”

“Oh why didn’t I think of that damn it! No, I posted the card
on my way to uni, and had the flowers delivered to your house on
your eighteenth birthday, from the little flower shop at the end of
the road by your house? I wanted to bring them myself, but
chickened out.” I looked shocked.

“No, I didn’t get any card or flowers sorry. Oh wait but Mum
did! That was what Dad had been arguing with Mum about, on my
birthday. Who had sent her flowers, and why there wasn’t a card?
That one caused one of Dad’s more legendary rages.

Two weeks he spent at Aunty and Uncles until he calmed down.”
He looked worried, but I just laughed. “What I asked pray tell, was
on the card, that was missing from my beautiful flowers? They were
really nice, the prettiest white, pink, and purple roses, they are
my favourite colours and flower.”

“Well, I’m glad you liked them, I had to guess the flowers and
the colours you really liked them?” He was fumbling with his hands.
“The card it well… I wrote… It was soppy really, please don’t laugh
it was how I was feeling at the time, ‘one day you would be mine,
when that time was right for us to be together, I will come and
claim your heart, with all my love your secret admirer, for you
Michelle, I will dance with you, to heaven and back!’ I’m glad you
liked them, and I hope your mum wasn’t too mad?”

“Wow.” Now, I was laughing, well shocked and laughing. He
looked miffed at my laughing, after he had said not to too! “I
would have been flattered, but shocked Sam, a bit serious don’t you
think, to send that message to a stranger? No, she actually thought
they were from a secret admirer, but don’t worry I won’t tell her
they were for me and from my secret admirer, sorry for laughing, I
do crap like that when I’m nervous Sam, really thank you secret
admirer! You should have signed them from your Secret Super
Stalker! You also said ‘at the time’ have you changed your mind?”
More tiny kisses to my warm neck…

“It was and is how I feel, and I really want you to go out
with me, and be really greedy and get these kisses and hold you
like this more often? I don’t want to push you into anything
Michelle, but I really would love it if you gave us a try?” With
that my lips were about to get another mind blowing, tongue
involved kiss and this in his arms, so strong. I had one almighty
serge of body aching lust, with each and every tender touch, the
electricity pulsed straight to my sex, phew. He moved on to kissing
my neck.

Don’t stop you had me with the first kiss Sam. It was oh, wow,
I didn’t ever want it to stop. He actually did like me, I was in
seventh heaven and so, happy, Curly Shirley Geek Girl had her man,
and he wasn’t for letting go, I had to pull away there was a
strange feeling down there, and it was frightening and strange and
wow kind of wonderful?

“Shit, I’m going to be late. I’ve got to get home, now...
Please, oh shit you’ve got to stop… Please, I don’t want you to…
Umm Sam, please stop because, oh hell I have to be home…” His
onslaught, of my neck continued.

“This,” he whispered in my ear, gently kissing my neck again,
“I. Could. Do. All. Day. And. Right. Through. The. Night…” Each
word came with a kiss lower down my neck wow he was dangerously
close to my boobs! “You are my Shelly, right?” I don’t think that
I’d let that one stick, but I didn’t mind being his

“No Sam, I’m nobodies Shelly. I don’t actually like my name
shortened to Mish, Shell, or damn Shelly. Except, well there are a
few exceptions to my keep it long name, the kids in class call me
Mishy, my baby brother calls me My-isshy and one person only calls
me Missy, and that’s his name for me nobody else can or does call
me that.” He looked at me, he looked hurt, and confused.

“Who calls you Missy, him?” He looked worried. I needed to
explain and quickly.

“No, I can honestly say I don’t think he and I have ever
spoken more than a few words in all the time I’ve ever known him,
let alone long enough to call me anything other than Michelle, even
that kiss was an out of the blue thing to have happen and strange.
It was a good day out and we’d had fun and I was a little giddy,
and I hung around with him and we sort of got close, erm well hence
the kiss, but after he kissed me I thought he actually liked Sasha
and was doing it to wind her up, a joke and using me to get her

No Michael doesn’t call me anything other than Michelle! The
person who calls me, Missy by the way, you have every reason to be
worried about, he’s the number one man in my life, my darling, my
lovely Grandpa, my Gramps, the love of my life and he’s the one man
who I trust, love and adore, I love my Dad, but even he can’t hold
a candle to my Gramps!” He let out a sigh. I noted from this bit of
our chat he had a jealousy thing too. Laughing, he pulled me up,
put on his wet jacket and grabbed my waist close he wrapped his
arms around me and kissed me.

fool him using you, I am not using you to get any other girl
jealous, but I’m a little possessive of you already Mi cello,
really I am, so there’s nothing between you two?”

“No nothing, I promise. Only a kiss on a train back from
London, I was there to go to the national gallery and the Egyptian
exhibition at the museum there, and he went to photograph the
landmarks with the photography class, he attends college once a
fortnight, he’s an apprentice photographer! We had a fun weekend
spent in a cold youth hostel! I was busy drawing and sketching for
art class, to be honest I don’t even know why Jimmy and Dave even
bothered going, he missed all the exhibitions he should have gone
to? I think Jimmy only went with Dave to go to some clubs in Soho,
but I don’t think they got in any, they were too young!” He smiled
and as he did he pulled me in for yet more kisses, moaning my name
into the sweet kisses, umm!

“The winning kiss, for the race to grab Michelle’s heart, do
we have a winner?” I was the one laughing now.

“So you like to win then Sam?” He slapped my bum.

“I always do Mi cielo.” One more kiss, and a hug that stopped
my breath and we crossed the field, home. We had reached the road
when he asked again.

“Are you up for the pictures tomorrow then?” Oh, I’d forgotten
he needed a definite yes or no.

“Yes, that Sam is a definite yes, to the pictures and to being
your girlfriend, if you still want me?” I kissed him, returning the
kiss, which surprised him and I slapped his bum. He was smiling, as
I pulled back from his lips. “Shall I meet you there, and what

“Damn, Michelle… Err I mean wow... I’ll call for you at seven,
is that all right?”

“Shit, no my dad will flip, I’ll meet you here at the side
path please don’t argue, my dad’s still a bit over protective. I am
still Daddy’s-Little-Girl and he has a mean right hook. I will tell
him in a few weeks, if, you still want to be with a very
inexperienced and very nervous girl for that long?” He was laughing
at me again.

“No problems and you’ve only got a few weeks left at college,
your dad has a right to be protective, your beautiful and you are
past the age of consent baby, and damn right I want to be with you,
and you really do want to see me again?” Another hug and

“Umm I do want to be with you Mr Todd and yes I’m well past
the consenting thing, but still his little girl and yes I do
everything Daddy says. Beautiful, really do you need glasses?” He

“No, I’ve got perfect eye sight, so off home with you, before
I walk you to the door and sod the right hook.” He had watched me
disappear into the house and waited for a good ten minutes before
he left. I know, because I’d sat and watched him from behind the
curtain, before he turned and headed for home. All this was too
much, I wanted to jump up and down on my bed and scream his name. I
was seeing him again tomorrow, wow bed I have to be up for work in
the morning, yeah right, as if I’m going be able to sleep tonight?
Sleep I did though, and wow what dreams I had that


I didn’t normally stop to the socials after classes because
the need to get home to sort Mum out, had over the previous couple
of months been my priority, but tonight was a do or die night and
Aunty Allison has taken Mum to the opera, giving me enough time to
sort out the rushed mess I found myself in.

I’d been for a drink with Andy the day before and bumped into
Lana she asked me if I was any nearer asking my mystery woman to
the dance? I laughed and finally told her who the mystery woman was
and she was a little shocked and surprised hearing me tell her it
was Michelle Welles and I was going to pluck up courage to ask her
out On Friday after class, what did she think my chances were?
After she composed herself she spoke!

“What Michelle who helps with the classes upstairs, she’s a
bit young for you isn’t she Sam? I mean she’s not your usual love
‘em and leave ‘em thing. She’s a great girl though and nothing is
too much trouble for her. Lee rates her as a teacher too and she
loves her kiddie classes and has a whole lot of patience with them.
He’s giving her them because of that, we other teachers hate
teaching the brats!

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