A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (10 page)

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He was grateful when the tour was over and they returned to the main gaming room. Mikey, still moping over the prospect of becoming a father, threw himself into a poker game but Alex was more content to mingle with the guests, gaining public opinion on the Laws
’ acquisition of the casino. To his intense irritation, everyone seemed pleased. He spotted Strang the moment he came through the door but didn’t approach or even try to make eye contact. Instead he continued chatting with the other guests, drinking the free champagne and looking like someone who was enjoying himself.

He saw Strang go rigid the moment Franco Cipriani came through the door with a glamorous brunette on his arm. Franco walked straight up to Ryan, hand extend and Ryan clapped him on the back, shaking his hand heartily. Alex smiled at Strang
’s crestfallen expression. What did the idiot expect? He’d told him Ryan was friends with Franco. No doubt he’d paid off Sid’s debt for him, so all Franco would come here for now was fun. Strang had been convinced Franco would put the debt before his friendship with Ryan, the prat. Did he forget how loaded the Laws were? Two hundred and fifty grand was nothing to them. He couldn’t stand Strang, he reminded him too much of Richard Spencer for his liking; an odd combination of great business acumen and immense stupidity. He had bigger fish to fry. He’d just had some disturbing news and it seemed he might need Rachel on his side at some point in the future and in turn Ryan, so now he had to make nice. He could tell Rachel was eternally grateful to him just for turning up tonight, but Ryan would be tougher to crack.

Inevitably as the night progressed, Rachel made her way back over to him, appearing anxious for his approval.

“Are you having a good night?” she said tentatively.

Cracking Love,” he grinned, slinging his arm around her shoulder and kissing the top of her head. “You’ve done so well for yourself, I’m really proud of you.”

The delight in her eyes was almost pathetic.
“You really think so?”

Course I do. Soon you and Ryan will have taken over the world.”

I didn’t think you’d come tonight. You’ve been a bit distant lately.”

He sighed and made a show of appearing ashamed of himself.
“I know I’ve been a short with you and I’m sorry, but I’ve been short with everyone. I’ve had some business pressures but they’re sorted now and I feel much more relaxed.”

Oh, I thought I’d done something to offend you.”

No you haven’t. I’m sorry Rach, I’ve been an arsehole lately.”

It’s fine. I’m just glad you’re here tonight and we’re still friends.”

He gave her a big hug.

When she hugged him back the loathing welled up inside him but he was good at Poker too and kept his expression amiable. She kissed him on the cheek then skipped off happily. Alex watched her make her way back over to Ryan, saw them embrace and the loathing turned into hate. From her expression he knew she was telling Ryan how they were friends again and Ryan smiled, nodded and no doubt said how good that was. Ryan looked over the top of her head towards him, those hard grey eyes searching and a little cynical. Alex nodded at him and Ryan nodded back, but the mistrust didn
’t dissipate. It seemed he was going to be harder to convince. Fortunately he had a way to do that too.

Rachel was concerned about Mikey, who wasn
’t the life and soul of the party as he usually was, so she took him into the VIP bar for a drink and a quiet chat.

Still struggling with the prospect of becoming a dad?” she opened.

Yeah,” he said miserably. “It’s not how I planned my life. Yeah I want kids, but not yet.”

Sometimes things don’t work out the way we plan, but that’s not always a bad thing.”

When her eyes went soft and hazy, he knew she was thinking of Ryan.

“I’ve always been curious Rach, do you love Ryan more than Danny?”

Yes,” she replied without hesitation. She appeared horrified by what she’d said. “I mean…”

It’s alright. I kind of thought that was the truth. You and Danny were a good pair, but Ryan was made for you. He’d never hurt you like Danny did.”

Rachel was shaken by what she
’d said and took a swig of champagne to calm herself. She’d loved Danny the moment she’d set eyes on him, but she hadn’t with Ryan because they’d met on her wedding day and her head had been full of her husband. Her love for Ryan had been gradual, fuelled by an intense chemistry. Maybe that was better than thunderbolts?

I loved Danny, I always will.”

I know.” He patted her hand. “Don’t be ashamed of your feelings.”

But she was, she felt like she
’d betrayed her dead husband. She forced a smile.

Anyway, we were talking about you.”

Oh yeah. Jennie dumped me.”

I’m sorry Mikey, I know you liked her.”

She kicked me in the knackers too. Called me a tart then left me.”

Maybe it’s for the best. You’re going to have so much more to concentrate on for a while.”

What if no woman wants me because I have a kid with another woman?”

Don’t be daft. You’re rich, handsome and powerful. Trust me, you’ll still be irresistible to women and having a kid already didn’t do me any harm.”

I don’t think it would have mattered to Ryan if you’d had ten. I’d like something like you and him have.”

Am I hearing things? Mikey Maguire talking about settling down?”

Knocking up Amber’s been a bit of a wake-up call, made me reassess things.” He gave a faraway look before shaking himself out of it. “Anyway, Ken Sweeney’s taking the piss big style. He keeps trying to tap me for money.”

What for?”

Pram, cot, baby clothes, all that.”

But it’s far too early, she’s only just found out she’s pregnant.”

That’s what I said. I told him to wait a few months. There’s no way I’m paying for that bastard to have his kitchen redone.”

Rachel thought of the spare flat in their new development and was struck by an idea.
“There’s only one way you’re going to get him off your back.”

Please tell me what it is, he’s driving me barmy.”

There’s one flat left in the new block we’re building. Two bedrooms en suite, everything on one level, perfect for a young child and its got good security. It’s first floor but the lift is next to the flat, so she’d have no worries there. It’s perfect for Amber.”

Mikey visibly brightened.
“Set her up in her own place. Why didn’t I think of it before? Rach, you’re a genius. That would get that turd Sweeney off my back.”

It would. You can see the baby when you want without him breathing down your neck.”

How much do you want for it?”

It’s up for two hundred and five thousand, but as you’re family I’m sure we could give you a discount.”

I’ll take it. Don’t let anyone else have that flat, that’s if Amber wants to move. She might want her parents on hand with a baby.”

Or maybe she’s as suffocated by them as you are and she wants to get on with her own life?”

God I hope so.”

Have a word with her and I’ll get Ryan to hold it back for you, it’s his project.”

He kissed her cheek.
“You’re a bloody lifesaver. I’ll speak to her tomorrow and let you know.” He clapped his hands together and got to his feet. “Suddenly I’m in a party mood.”

I’m glad. Just don’t get so obliterated you don’t know who you’re sleeping with.”

I’ve learnt my lesson with that one Rach. No more shagging about for me.”

I’ll believe it when I see it.”

He gave her his cheeky grin, kissed her on the cheek and wandered off, whistling a happy tune. Rachel remained where she was to contemplate what she
’d said about loving Ryan more than Danny and knew in her heart it was true. But Danny would always be her first love and that was special too.

While Rachel was occupied talking to Mikey, Alex took the opportunity to speak to Ryan in private.

“Alright?” he said amiably, trying to ignore the hatred inside him rearing its ugly head.

Yes thank you,” replied Ryan politely, although his voice dripped ice.

Congratulations on this place by the way, I’m sure it’ll be a success.”

So am I.”

From Ryan
’s disdainful expression, Alex knew he was going to have to work to get back in his good books. “I bet you’re pissed off at me for that day in your restaurant with Strang?”

How astute of you but it’s not just that. You upset Rachel and I don’t like that.”

Ryan was speaking quietly and calmly, telling Alex he was at his most dangerous. He half-expected a fist in his face any moment. Not that it worried Alex, he was probably the one man in the world capable of taking Ryan on.

“I know I’ve been an arsehole lately but I’ve had a lot of work pressures. I’ve not just been a prick to you and Rachel, ask Mikey, Col and Jez. But it’s all sorted now and to be honest, I’m ashamed of how I’ve behaved.”

Rachel said you apologised. I just hope you don’t treat her like that again otherwise you and I will seriously fall out.”

I won’t,” he said sincerely. However all he wanted to do was put his fist through the pompous bastard’s teeth. His posh accent had never bothered him before but now it drove him crazy because Ryan was as Mancunian as himself.

What were you meeting with Strang about?” Ryan’s eyes were full of challenge.

Alex, realising this was a test of his sincerity, was prepared.
“He’s got a contact in the city planning department I’ve been interested in cultivating and he made the introductions.”

’s face was expressionless. “Go on.”

And that was that. I didn’t want to meet in your restaurant but he insisted, just to wind you up. He knows you and Rachel always eat there on Fridays. I felt really awkward. I thought it best to remain aloof, to try and rise above it all but it seems I fucked it up.”

Why didn’t you say anything before?”

I was worried you’d let something slip to Strang and mess up my chance of getting access to his contact. Maguire Construction has a lot of money riding on a new housing development and the planning department could seriously screw it up. But I’ve got the man in my pocket and the development is going ahead unobstructed.” He knew Ryan still wasn’t convinced of his sincerity. Rachel was just as smart as Ryan, but she was much more trusting, which would be her downfall. Ryan wasn’t so easily convinced.

And that’s why you’ve been such a bastard to Rachel? It’s not good enough.”

You’re right, it’s not and I have some information that I hope will make it up to you.”

Ryan raised an eyebrow.
“Do enlighten me.”

Strang’s got a spy in your camp.” Alex saw every muscle in Ryan’s body go rigid, his eyes narrowing and hardening, hands bunching into fists.


Alex nodded at one of the black-clad figures moving about the room with trays full of champagne glasses, smiling and chatting with the customers, the one who had served them when they met with Sid, the one Rachel had been considering promoting.

“How do you think Strang knew this place was coming up for sale in the first place?” said Alex. “I managed to pry it out of him after a few drinks, Strang can’t hold his ale.”

Bastard,” whispered Ryan.

Bet you’re glad of my relationship with him now?”

Ryan nodded once, slowly.
“Thank you Alex. We owe you one.”

Yes you do and you
’ll pay up.
“That’s what family’s for.”

His job done, Alex wandered off to continue mingling, confident he was back in the Laws
’ good books. Unfortunately it seemed he was going to need them.

What’s up with your face?” said a voice, rousing Ryan from his thoughts.

Jez,” he smiled, pleased to see his brother. “Glad you made it, I didn’t think you were coming. Hello Cathy, you look lovely.”

Thank you,” she said shyly, the bulge of her pregnant belly just visible beneath her black cocktail dress.

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