A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (14 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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“All that’s in the past,” he said gently, breaking the spell. “I know what your dad did but it doesn’t worry me and it shouldn’t worry you, I don’t want you stressing yourself out in your condition.”

“I don’t deserve your understanding.”

“Will you stop putting yourself down?” he said softly, as though he was afraid of startling her. “The first scan’s tomorrow, isn’t it?”

She nodded.

“I want to be there.”

She appeared amazed. “You do?”

“Course. What time is it?”

“Half ten.”

“I’ll pick you up at ten then.” He got to his feet. “I’m sorry but I really have to go, I’m meeting a business acquaintance for lunch.”

Amber nodded, although she appeared disappointed he was leaving. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

He smiled and nodded.

“I have to get going too,” said Rachel.

Amber saw them to the door. “Thanks for that,” she told Rachel quietly. “I would never have plucked up the courage without you.”

“Anytime. We’re a family and we always take care of our own. If you need anything, give me a call. I’ve left my card with my mobile number on the coffee table. Don’t be afraid to ring, I won’t mind. I’ve had three kids so I can offer you advice and help. In fact, I’m soon to have my fourth.”

“You’re pregnant?” smiled Amber.

“Just a month behind you.”

“Congratulations,” grinned Mikey, giving her a hug. “Ryan can’t leave you alone, can he?”

“I’m a lucky woman.” She squeezed Amber’s hand. “The first one can be daunting but you’ve got a lot of people around you who are willing to help. No doubt you’ll have Martina here soon spoiling you rotten.”

Amber looked as though she’d quite like that. Rachel guessed she hadn’t experienced much maternal love in her life.

Mikey and Rachel walked out of the flats together.

“So, what do you think of her?” Mikey asked Rachel.

“She’s lovely and absolutely gorgeous.”

“I know.”

“I caught that grin Mikey. You like her, don’t you?”

“I do but I think it’s just protective. She’s so sweet and helpless I want to look after her.”

“That’s because she’s pregnant with your child, it’s your natural instinct kicking in. The question is, do you like her because of that or is there more to it?”

“Put it this way, I’m not meeting a business acquaintance for lunch, I’ve got a date but I’d rather be in that flat with Amber and I didn’t tell her because I knew it would hurt her.”

“Then what’s stopping you?” she said, delighted by this turn of events.

“Because I’m scared it is just because of the baby and when she has it I’ll get bored of her, like I inevitably do of every woman.”

“Yes, that could make things very awkward, although I don’t think she’s the type to use the baby as a weapon.”

“You never know with those arseholes she’s got for parents, they might force her to do it.”

“Then just see how it goes, don’t rush into anything because if you hurt her, you’d break her heart.”

“That’s the last thing I want to do. I’ve got to play it carefully. I can’t just walk away from her if it goes wrong or I get fed up, I’ll have to deal with her for life.”

“You know, I’m really proud of you. You’ve matured so much these last few weeks.”

“I feel different inside, for the better. I’m more sure of myself standing up to Alex too.”

Rachel was alarmed. “Are you having to do that a lot?”

“No, just sometimes. Sorry Rach, I didn’t mean to freak you out. Everything’s fine.”

“You sure?”

He forced a smile. “Yeah.”

They bid each other goodbye and as Mikey pulled away from the flats he glanced up at the first floor, pleased to see Amber looking down at him. She gave him a coy wave, which he returned, smiling as he put the car into gear and drove away. He could barely remember the night they’d spent together, despite how hard he’d tried. Ever since she’d come back into his life he hadn’t been able to stop picturing what it would be like to be with her and he ached to find out.




Alex hung up the phone, furious, fighting the urge to hurl it across the room.

“Problem?” said Col.

“Fucking Jan Jordan,” he snarled. “She won’t do as she’s told and fuck off.”

“Why not?”

“She wants to meet with Rachel.”


“Because she’s fucking obsessed with her, the mad bitch. She’s also convinced she’s in on the family business.”

“Why would she think that?”

Alex bit his lip. “I might have hinted that Rachel’s still a part of it all, Ryan too, I thought it would scare the daft bint off.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Because all she could talk about was Rachel Maguire, although that’s not her name anymore,” he said bitterly. “I saw it as an advantage but now she wants to meet with her to discuss business.”

“Shit, what do we do?”

“I can either wipe out Jan and her pack of dogs or try and convince Rachel to meet with her.”

“Would she agree, especially now she’s pregnant?”

“It won’t be easy, but I’m guessing the hardest part of convincing her will be Ryan, whose conveniently forgotten his past. He seems to think he’s Mother Teresa these days, the two faced bastard. I’m sick of him looking down his nose at me. This might be the perfect way to teach him a lesson.”

“Wouldn’t it be simpler to take out the Jordans?”

“It would if there weren’t eight of them. They’re actually here in the city and Jan’s brought her two sons and five nephews with her. They’re holed up in a hotel, ordering stuff in, they’re being extra cautious on our patch and I’ve no wish to go into a busy hotel and start shooting. Plus wiping them out could cause repercussions, they’ve got relatives in Liverpool and Newcastle and I think Frankie’s still hoping to bring them in on the drug deal down south.”

“Even with Tony and Andy gone?”

“It’s better than starting a war, that’s bad for business. I’ve promised Frankie I’ll sort this.”

“But that’s not down to you, this is his mess.”

“And it’s on my manor. I’m hoping Jan will speak to Rachel then do one. She must know she can’t get what she wants.”

“And what does she want?”

“Some of our business.”

“Cheeky cow.”

“They’ve been run out of the south and want to start again here.”

“Does she seriously think you’ll say yes?”

“She can’t, it’s a bluff. But I’m not sure what she’s really here for, apart from Rachel.”

“Why is she so obsessed with her?”

“Because Rachel had power in a man’s world and Jan wants the same.”

“But Rachel doesn’t want that anymore.”

“We know that but Jan doesn’t and that’s the way I want it to stay.”

Col appeared uncomfortable. He hated Ryan Law for murdering his older brother to try and turn everyone against the Maguires but he quite liked and respected Rachel. However Alex had turned against her and Col knew he must have his reasons. He hoped he’d tell him soon, then maybe he wouldn’t have so much sympathy for her.

“I’ve got to convince Rachel to talk to Jan, there’s nothing else I can do,” said Alex.

“She’ll never go for it.”

“Yes she will because we’re friends again and she’ll be so grateful she’ll want to help. I just hope she stands up to Ryan because that wanker will object.”


Rachel arrived home completely exhausted, threw off her coat and shoes and let her bag drop to the floor, too tired to put it away. She’d only been out for the morning but it had taken it out of her.

Ryan emerged from the kitchen.
“You don’t look so good.”

I’m tired. This baby is draining me,” she said, rubbing her hands over her swollen belly. She was five months gone but it felt like more.

You need to eat. What do you fancy?”

Bread soaked in barbeque sauce.”

He winced.
“I meant something that won’t make me want to be sick.”

Sorry Babe, that’s all I want,” she smiled, planting a kiss on his lips. She grimaced and massaged her lower back. This baby was big, convincing them both it was a boy, although they were waiting until the birth to find out for sure.

Sore again?”

She nodded.

“How does a massage sound?”

Great, but I need barbeque sauce first.”

After eating he led her into the lounge and sat her on the couch. He unfastened her blouse and slid it off her shoulders, revealing her swollen belly.

“You’re so gorgeous,” he breathed into her neck, running his hands over her stomach.

It was so satisfying for him that it was his baby in her belly after the extreme jealousy he
’d experienced when she’d been pregnant with Danny’s. He knew it was irrational to be envious of a dead man but he couldn’t help it. He loved Leah, she was his own daughter but sometimes it felt like Danny was a ghost in their relationship, hovering on the periphery. He’d touched Rachel first, married her first, got her pregnant first. He was certain Rachel didn’t think that way, Danny was her past and he was her present and future, but it wasn’t so simple for him. He loved her so much he couldn’t bear the thought of her with any other man.

She moaned softly when he started to massage her shoulders, a sound that caused him to go hard with excitement. He pushed down her bra straps and kissed her bare shoulder as his hands moved further down her back.

“You feel tense,” he said into her neck.

I didn’t sleep well last night. Heartburn.”

Anything to do with the piece of chocolate cake covered in barbeque sauce you put away last night?”

No, it couldn’t possibly be anything to do with that,” she smiled, tilting back her head to kiss him.

I can taste barbeque sauce,” he said.

I hope it doesn’t put you off kissing me.”

Nothing could do that.”

His hands moved round to her front, pushing down her bra and caressing her full breasts, the nipples hard.

“That’s not my back,” she said.

This side’s more interesting.”

Rachel jumped and gasped.

“I know,” he smiled.

Not you, the baby,” she said, grabbing his hand and pressing it to the top of her belly. “He’s moving.”

Ryan felt the ripple beneath his hand and beamed.
“You’re sure it’s a boy?”

She nodded, eyes alight with excitement. He placed both hands on her stomach, sliding them around her belly, feeling the little flutters and kicks.

“You must be getting me too excited,” she said. “I came up with a couple of names today.”

Oh yes?”


I went to school with a Charlie and he was an idiot. I always think of him when I hear that name.”

Right, Charlie’s out. How about Harry?”

I had a business associate called that.”

Let me guess, he was an idiot too?”


How about Arthur?”

He just gave her a withering look.


What sort of name is that?” he said incredulously.

Don’t tell me you worked with a Bingham?”

I’d never do business with someone called Bingham and neither would anyone else.”

Well, have you any better ideas?” she asked him.


Nice but I don’t know.”


She hesitated.
“I like that. But we won’t know if it’ll suit him until he’s born.”

Then we’ll wait and see. Oh, looks like he’s stopped. Now I can get back to this area,” he said, his hands returning to her breasts.

Rachel heard a car pull up outside and glanced out the window.

“Alex is here.”

’s arousal evaporated in an instant. “Oh, what does he want?

I was looking forward to my massage,” she pouted.

There’s always time for massages,” he smiled, taking her chin between his finger and thumb and kissing her.

While Rachel adjusted her clothing, he got up to open the door to Alex.

“Alright?” said Alex, stepping inside.

’s heart sank when she saw how serious he looked and the tension radiating off him set her on edge. “What’s happened?”

Nothing, yet. Rachel, I know you don’t want to be a part of my world anymore but I really need your advice.”

Her face hardened.

Just hear me out. This affects us all and burying your head in the sand isn’t going to make it go away. I’ve protected you from it for as long as I can but I’ve no choice anymore. You have to know.”

Rachel’s pregnant and she is not to be upset,” Ryan said firmly.

I’ll be as quick as I can, just please, hear me out.”

Ryan looked to Rachel questioningly, who nodded and the three of them took their seats.

“Two weeks ago I was approached by the Jordans,” Alex began.

Who?” said Rachel.

Are you referring to the Jordans from Essex?” frowned Ryan.

I am, or at least what’s left of them. Tony Jordan and his eldest son Andy were shot to death two months ago by the Slatterys, a rival family.”

I heard about that,” replied Ryan. “It finished the Jordans.”

The rest of the family were hounded out of Essex by the Slatterys. Unfortunately Tony’s missus, Jan, is in charge of the family and with her two remaining sons and five nephews they’re still a force to be reckoned with.”

Then why are they here?” said Rachel.

They want to start over again and they think Manchester’s ripe for the taking.”

Have they never heard of the Maguires or the Laws?” she said incredulously.

Yes they have, which is why they came to me first and asked for a piece of the action, in short the coke and the nightclubs and I told them to piss off but they’re refusing to budge.”

Make them,” said Ryan darkly.

It’s not so easy. Jan Jordan is one hard faced bitch but she’s also very intelligent. She kept her family together after her husband’s death and all those boys jump to her every command and they are nasty bastards. On top of that, she’s managed to maintain her powerful contacts in Liverpool and Newcastle.”

Then why doesn’t she go running to them for help?” snapped Rachel, hating the way this conversation was going.

Because she needs Manchester. She can keep her coke businesses going by running through here, only we control it.”

Then go straight to her contacts and say you’ll run it instead. With your connection to Glasgow you’re a much more logical choice than she is,” she retorted.

Sensing she was getting agitated, Ryan gently ran his hand up and down her back.

“Because she’s related to both families and they’re tight,” said Ryan. “They’ll back her up here.”

Call on your own contacts for help then,” she said. “Just the mention of Frankie McVay is enough to put the wind up anyone.”

I’m reluctant to call him in on this after we’ve had to ask for his help so many times before. I don’t want him thinking we can’t take care of ourselves. But there might be a way out of it and leave all parties with their dignity intact.”

And what’s that?”

Jan Jordan wants to sit down with you Rachel and talk woman to woman.”

Rachel looked appalled.
“Absolutely not.”

I told her you’re legitimate, nothing to do with the businesses anymore,” he lied, “but she said if we want this resolved then you have to sit down with her.”

I won’t do it.”

She said if you don’t then she’ll come to you. I’m not going to force you Rach. You say the word and I’ll make her disappear.”

And have half of Liverpool and Newcastle charging down here on a witch hunt? It’ll be blood on the streets again, just like before.”

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