A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (5 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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He’s all about money and business now. Family’s taking a back seat.”

Not to us, no,” she said, shaking her head vigorously.

Ryan was touched by the hurt in her eyes. No one upset his wife. Elegantly he dabbed at his lips with a napkin before getting to his feet.
“Back in a minute.”

What are you going to do?” she whispered, grabbing his hand.

Don’t worry, I won’t hurt them,” he said, kissing her hand before strolling over to Strang’s table. “Hello Alex, you should have said you were having a business meeting, you could have had a private room,” said Ryan smoothly.

Oh, you’re here. How nice.” Alex spoke with a smile but Ryan caught the underlying sarcasm.

I wasn’t aware you two were in business together.”

There are lots of things you’re not aware of,” replied Strang, eyes twinkling with pleasure.

Ryan ignored him and looked to Alex, who stared back at him, clearly enjoying the situation.

“May I ask what you’re discussing?”

It’s private,” replied Alex, casually perusing the menu.

Ryan would have loved nothing more than to put his fist through that menu and straight into Alex
’s face, but he was better than that now. “Of course, do excuse me,” he said with all of his public school good breeding. No one would have guessed that beneath the calm exterior he was fantasising about inflicting extreme violence on them both. “May I recommend the risotto? Our chef’s is the best in the city. Alex, you must bring Beth and the children round for lunch this weekend.”

I’ll speak to her about it.”

Ryan returned to his table and sat down beside an anxious Rachel.

“Well?” she said.

They wouldn’t tell me what they’re up to, which isn’t surprising. I’ve invited Alex for lunch at the weekend.”

Why? I’m so furious I could hit him.”

I told him to bring Beth and the kids. I’m hoping if I ply him with enough drink he’ll get loose-lipped.”

Alex is too smart to fall for that.”

I thought he was too smart to get into bed with Stephen Strang.” He sighed in frustration and looked at the two of them whispering together. “What the hell is going on?”


“So, did they swallow it about the casino?” Alex asked Strang casually while he examined the menu.

They listened, but they don’t trust a word I say.”

That’s what I’m banking on.”

What are you up to Alex? They’re your family, why do you want to hurt them?”

I just want to bring them down a peg or two, that’s all. They’re getting too up themselves.”

I’ll say. They think they own this city.”

They practically do,” replied Alex, knowing it would annoy Strang.

Not for much longer if I have my way,” he managed to hiss through clenched teeth.

You look tense Stephen. You could use something to relax you. I’ve got some fresh merchandise just waiting to be broken in.”

He smiled predatorily, dazzling Alex with his teeth.
“I’m in the mood for something tall and blond.”

Alex thought of the woman who
’d smiled at him. “I’ve got just the one for you. Gorgeous, could be on the cover of a magazine.”

I’ll be there tonight.”


Rachel and Ryan left the rest of their meals untouched, Alex’s meeting with Strang having caused them to lose their appetites. As they left, the two of them were chatting like old friends, both giving them big smiles and raising their glasses in a toast at them on their way out. It took all of Rachel’s strength to muster a carefree smile. She was damned if she was going to show they were getting to her. It was a relief to climb into Ryan’s Range Rover and shut the door. Only then did she let her pain show.

Don’t let them get to you,” said Ryan.

I don’t care about Strang, it’s Alex whose hurt me. He’s been off with me for a while now. What have I ever done to him?”

He’s probably just under pressure.” Even as he said it, he knew there was more to it than that. Alex Maguire was changing and not for the better. “Why don’t we pay a visit to the casino?” he suggested, starting the engine.

Why not? It might be suitable for our hotel idea.”

The Crown Casino was enormous, an old converted warehouse spread over three vast floors slap bang in the city centre. As well as the main casino floor it had two bars - one for all the customers and a second swanky VIP lounge - plus a hundred seater restaurant, separate poker lounge and a function space. It was stunning in a big blingy Las Vegas sort of way and Rachel had to own she was impressed.

“Have you ever been here before?” she asked Ryan.

A few times.” Ryan enjoyed Blackjack and Poker, but only for the mental challenge. He approached cards scientifically and of course enjoyed beating other people but he simply didn’t have time for it anymore between his family and businesses. “It’s a good place, plays by the rules, no dodgy dealings.”

Well that’s a good start.”

It doesn’t have any hotel rooms.”

We could keep it as a casino,” she said, starting to get into the excitement of the place, which was already busy at two o’clock in the afternoon. “This is something we haven’t branched into yet.”

Her enthusiasm had dispelled the hurt at Alex
’s meeting with Strang and Ryan smiled. “Let’s see if we can find the owner, I know he spends his time here.”

You know him?”

He nodded.
“Sid Meakin. We got friendly when I used to come here. He’s alright.”

She planted a kiss on his lips.
“You never cease to amaze me.”

But they didn
’t need to find Sid because he found them wandering around the main casino floor.

Ryan, good to see you back,” said Sid, clapping him on the shoulder. He was a craggy-faced man of small stature with wiry grey hair and huge bags under his eyes. “Here for some poker?”

No, we’re here on different business. Let me introduce you to my wife, Rachel.”

Nice to meet you,” she said politely, extending her hand.

Sid suddenly looked a little nervous and both Rachel and Ryan were quick to pick up on it. Then he recovered himself and smiled, the apprehension melting away.
“Nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you Mrs Law. Would you like a drink and we can discuss whatever it is you’re here about?”

They followed him through to the VIP lounge, which was low-ceilinged and dimly lit with neon colours. The massive central columns supporting the roof were encased in plastic and similarly ambiently lit, creating a soothing atmosphere. The customers were richly dressed, sporting expensive watches and tailored suits, engrossed at the gaming tables, their every need attended to by waiters and waitresses selected for their good looks as well as their efficiency. Access to this room was invitation only.

The three of them took a seat at a table in the corner furthest from the gaming tables. A handsome waiter dressed in black shirt and pants seemingly appeared from nowhere and politely enquired what he could get them. Sid ordered a vodka and ice, Rachel a chardonnay and Ryan a fresh orange juice because he was driving. They talked about trivial things until the waiter had served them their drinks and evaporated into the ether again.

We heard you’re selling this place,” Ryan said quietly before taking a sip of orange juice.

Sid nodded and hung his head.
“Needs must. I’m drowning in debt.”

How did that happen? This places look to be turning over a good profit.”

It is. I created The Crown because I wanted to share my love of gambling, but that same love has landed me in dead lumber. It’s mortgaged to the hilt, as is my house. I’ve nothing left and no choice if I don’t want to end up on the streets. I’ll miss it though,” he sighed.

Is it on the market yet?”

It will be in a couple of days. You heard fast.”

Stephen Strang.”

That arsehole. I don’t know how he heard but he’s been sniffing around for a few days. Why did he tell you? I thought you were rivals.”

We are and that’s what’s bothering us, so we had to check it out,” Ryan smiled.

Yeah, I suppose. Are you interested in buying?” he said hopefully. “I’d rather sell it to you than him.”

Ryan took a sip of orange juice without replying, not wanting to commit himself just yet.
“So, what exactly has Strang been saying?”

Sid sucked in a deep breath before continuing.
“Well, he comes in on the pretext of playing Poker, although he never bothered before. When he sees me making my rounds of the place - I like to keep my finger on the pulse - he starts pestering me with questions.”

How good is he at Poker?” said Ryan.

Clearly it wasn
’t a question Sid expected because his eyes clouded with confusion.

He’s okay, no great shakes. Why do you ask?”

I want to know how good his poker face is.”

He’s a decent bluffer but he plays small, like his heart’s not really in it and that’s because he’s not here for the gambling.”

Rachel considered asking if Alex ever came here then decided against it, not wanting to show there was dissent in the family.

“I suppose it’s only natural he wants this place. He has two casinos already,” said Sid, knocking back his vodka and gesturing in the direction of the bar for another. A minute later the same waiter reappeared with fresh drinks for them all, giving them a polite smile but at the same time not intruding.

Excellent service,” said Rachel, thinking even if they didn’t buy this place she’d still poach some of the staff.

Thank you,” smiled Sid, pleased by her praise. In actual fact Rachel made him very nervous. He’d heard of her exploits and thought her a bit unnatural, despite how beautiful she was, how sweet her smile. In his mind she was the perfect partner for Ryan Law. They both scared the crap out of him.

So, what do you think?” Ryan asked Rachel once they’d climbed back into the Range Rover.

I think we shouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. There’s something weird going on. Sid was definitely jumpy.”

I agree. Strang would probably expect us to ask around discreetly first, not approach Sid directly. There’s something odd about it all.”

Rachel thought of Strang and Alex laughing together, the hurt returning.

“Definitely but I think I know someone who can help us out,” she said.


Dee. She loves poker, in fact she’s brilliant at it. Despite how clever you are, she’d kick your arse at it Mate.”

He appeared amused.
“I would love to test that theory. So you’re thinking of sending her in there to check it out?”

She nodded.
“Strang doesn’t know her and neither does Sid, she likes to go to the smaller, less pretentious clubs. I’m sure she’d be up for it if I gave her some stake money.”

Give her a couple of grand, nothing flash but enough to justify her being there.”

Knowing Dee she’ll come out with a lot more,” she grinned. “I’ll pop into Martina’s Bar tonight and put it to her.”

I’m not sure I want you going there until The Slasher’s caught.”

Those attacks were on the other side of the city and it’s Friday, he only attacks on a Saturday. I’ll be fine.” She planted a kiss on his lips when he pouted. “Tell you what, I’ll go in early, before it gets really busy. I’ll be back before ten, promise Sir.”

His eyes flashed.
“I like that. You can call me
more often,” he said, voice soft and seductive, making her tingle all over.

Maybe I will, if you’re a good boy and let me go to club tonight with no argument.”

Fine, as long as you’re back early. I have plans for you.”

I will.”

He gave her a long lingering kiss before starting the engine, adjusting himself as he experienced a tightness in the trouser department.
“Let’s go home, Adela will be bringing the kids back soon.”

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