A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (9 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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Yes, I’m sure. At least we’ll know where we stand.”

Be careful,” she said, worried for him.

I’m not afraid of Alex Maguire.”

She didn
’t doubt that he wasn’t, but she wondered if he should be.


Dolores couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed herself so much and wished she’d come to The Crown Casino sooner. It was classy in an over-the-top sort of way, the punters were loaded and behaved themselves and, best of all, she was winning, but then she always did. Already Rachel’s two grand had transformed into six grand and she’d attracted quite a crowd with her game and loud but likeable ways. Vince was watching on indulgently as everyone anxiously waited to see what hand Dolores would put down next. A royal flush once again obliterated her opponents and the watching crowd cheered. Hardly the subtle scout about Rachel had wanted but in a way it was good because she was getting the gossip about the casino from some of the regulars, who were happy to chat to the woman of the moment. Apparently it was a good place, popular too but there’d been a little trouble recently, but no one really went into details about that. From what Dolores could gather it involved some unpleasant people, although no names were mentioned.

When Dolores
’s winnings reached nine grand she decided to call it a day. In the past she’d made the mistake of keeping going and ended up losing everything she’d worked hard for. So she packed it in while Lady Luck was still on her side. It seemed she’d cultivated quite the fan club, who all encouraged her to have one more game but she politely refused and left the table, much to the relief of her opponents.

How about we book that Caribbean cruise we’ve always dreamed of for our anniversary?” she smiled, planting a noisy kiss on Vince’s lips. She frowned at something over his shoulder. “Hello, what’s this?”

Vince turned to see what she was looking at and saw Sid talking with two rather large gentlemen in expensive suits, Rolexes gleaming on their wrists. From their olive skin they appeared to be Italian or Greek. Dolores pulled out her mobile phone.

“What are you doing? What if they see?” said an anxious Vince.

They won’t. Smile for the camera.” She took a photo of Vince, the two men visible in the background. Then she got her husband to stand aside and took a discreet snap of the men from behind the shade of a potted palm. Her camera was excellent and the quality good. As she slipped it back into her handbag she glanced around to see if anyone had noticed, but they were all too engrossed in the activities at the tables.

Sid looks very nervous,” she said.

So would I if I had to talk to that pair.”

Do you recognise them?”

I’m glad to say, no.”

One of the men pointed a hand bedecked with gold bling in the direction of a back room Dolores took to be Sid
’s office and he reluctantly obeyed, head bowed, looking like a man on the way to his execution. Dolores hoped he wasn’t.


Rachel hung up after her conversation with Dolores then waited for the photos she’d sent her to arrive. The phone beeped and she opened the files to study the images of the men who’d been threatening Sid. She didn’t recognise them so she decided to show them to Ryan, who might know who they were.

It was a Monday, the kids were at school and Ryan had driven out to the site of one of their new housing developments on the edge of the city. They
’d bought an early nineteenth century shipping and packing warehouse that they were converting into twelve luxury flats plus two stunning penthouses, each taking up half of the vast roof space. The flats weren’t even finished and all of them were sold except one apartment on the first floor. Ryan was using the show flat on the ground floor as an office and as Rachel made her way through the entrance hall she admired the expensive veined marble and Art Nouveau stained glass. It was an excellent place for professional couples, in easy commuting distance of the city centre but just far enough away to enjoy a little peace and quiet. Although she and Ryan had planned this development together she’d left the running of it to him and the last time she’d seen it the building work was still going on. She had to own she was impressed, he’d done a fantastic job.

She entered the flat, which was bedecked in neutral creams, giving the buyers a blank canvas on which to paint their own personalities. They
’d decided to keep the original sash windows and double glaze them, making them real centre points of each room, the doors Regency style, modern and traditional merging perfectly.

She found Ryan sat at his desk, frowning at his computer screen.

“Looking good,” she smiled.

Yes its come along really well.”

What’s up? You look confused,” she said, dropping her handbag onto his desk.

I hate technology,” he replied, jabbing at the keyboard, causing it to bleep loudly.

Don’t do that you’ll break it. What are you trying to do?”

Get into the spreadsheets for expenditure on materials.”

She moved round the desk and sat on his lap so she could get access to the computer.

“We should work like this more often,” said Ryan, his arms sliding around her waist as he leant in to kiss her neck.

I don’t think we’d get much done. There you go,” she said when the spreadsheet he wanted popped up on the screen.

How did you do that?”

With patience and a gentle touch.”

Now you can put that gentle touch to better use,” he said, reaching inside her blouse and kissing her neck.

Rachel bit her lip and moaned at the feel of his fingers on her bare skin and of the stirrings she could feel beneath her that were originating in his lap.
“Are any hairy-arsed workmen likely to come in?”

No, they’re all busy,” he replied, hitching up her skirt. “And we’ve got a baby to make.”

We might already have, it’s too early to tell yet.”

There’s no harm in increasing the odds,” he said, sliding his hands inside her damp panties.

I suppose not,” she breathed.

Don’t move,” he said as he tore her panties in two and cast them aside, making her heart race. She heard his zip go down, there was a bit of fumbling then he pushed up into her.

After six years, you still feel amazing,” he whispered in her ear as he thrust into her again.

Rachel moaned, gripping onto his thighs when he started to move faster. She had to arch her spine and lean back against him to prevent herself from being thrown forward.

“Ryan,” she cried moments before she came hard, feeling him spill himself inside her.

They remained locked together for a couple of minutes, enjoying the post-coital haze then she climbed off him, her legs trembling slightly from being stuck in a kneeling position.

“Right,” he said, standing up to fasten his trousers. “Lie on the couch with your legs elevated. It’ll help the process.”

But I’ve no underwear on, thanks to you. My skirt will ride up.”

That My Dear, is the idea,” he said, giving her a kiss.

She knew how much he wanted another child, they both did. There was no harm in increasing the chances of her getting pregnant, not that they
’d had any trouble before.

Fine,” she sighed, lying back on the couch and stacking cushions beneath her to elevate her legs and hips, her skirt riding up her thighs, getting aroused again when Ryan’s eyes wandered up and down her exposed legs.

I did come here for a reason,” she said.

Oh, was that not it? Seemed a perfectly good reason to me.”

Pass me my handbag,” she said, indicating where she’d left it on his desk.

He handed it to her and she took out her mobile phone and found the picture of the two men talking to Sid.
“They were in The Crown Casino intimidating Sid. Do you know them?”

The big one looks like Franco Cipriani. Manchester born and bred but Italian parentage. He’s smart with a strong, organised crew behind him. That must be his brother Nico with him.”

So they’re serious?”

Oh yes.”

Any connection to the Maguires?”

No, they try to stay out of each other’s way. If the Maguires were ever toppled the Ciprianis would be serious contenders to take over. The question is, why are they interested in The Crown?

Are they into casinos?”

Franco does own one, he could be wanting to expand.”

Dee said Sid looked pretty intimidated.”

I’m not surprised.”

Well I think that shows our instinct was right. Don’t touch The Crown with a barge pole. Ryan?” she said when he looked thoughtful.

Me and Franco have done some business in the past, we’re on good terms. I could have a word, see how the land lies.”

We don’t want to get involved with people like that again.”

I know but I’m thinking Sid’s got himself into debt with Franco, no doubt through his gambling.”

And now he wants The Crown in payment?”

Perhaps, or perhaps he just wants his money before Sid goes under. Franco isn’t into places of that magnitude, he just likes a few legitimate businesses to keep up the front and concentrate on his illegal ones. Buying something as big and flashy as The Crown would only draw unwanted attention to himself. He likes to keep a low profile.”

That doesn’t look very low profile,” she said, gesturing to the phone in his hand. “Threatening someone in a public place.”

It goes to show that Franco is at the end of his tether with Sid. I’ll have a word with him and offer to pay off Sid’s debt. Then both of them will owe me.”

And what if we end up with The Crown and Franco continues his campaign on us?”

He wouldn’t, he’s a man of his word.”

Are you willing to trust his word?”

I’ve dealt with him before and he’s not let me down yet.”

I’m not comfortable with this Ryan, I don’t want to get involved with people like that again.”

No matter how legitimate we are, it is inevitable that one day we will have to deal with unpleasant people, it’s a fine line dividing legitimate and illegal.”

Okay, set up the meeting with Franco. Where shall we meet him?”

I think it’s best if I meet him alone.”


Don’t purse your lips at me Rachel Law, I have my reasons. Franco is a misogynist on a massive scale and will refuse to talk business with a woman.” He smiled at her black look. “I know you’ve a better head for business than even he does but that’s the way he is. He won’t open up if you’re there.”

Then meet him somewhere public, don’t go walking into any disused warehouses or basements.”

Yes thank you for that, I’m not an idiot,” he said, perching on the couch beside her and running his hand up and down her stockinged leg.

I mean it Ryan, keep safe. Please.”

Of course I will. Not even the devil himself could take me from you.”

It’s not the devil I’m worried about, it’s gangsters with guns.”

I’m adept at dealing with them.” He encouraged her thighs apart with his hand. “In the meantime, let’s increase our chances even more,” he said and she welcomed him in her arms.



Franco Cipriani had hardly aged in all the years Ryan had known him. He was well over six foot tall with massive shoulders, deep liquidy dark eyes, hair jet black with a perfect grey streak running back from both temples and a designer dark stubble. He was extremely good looking, his Italian heritage shining through, a fact he was tremendously proud of, sometimes even feigning an Italian accent when he wanted to impress a woman. He and Ryan sitting together at a table in the small Italian restaurant they’d agreed to meet at made a striking pair, and were drawing the attention of the entire hen night sat across the room.

I was pleased to hear from you Ryan, it’s been a while. I thought you didn’t associate with the likes of me anymore,” said Franco good-naturedly, eyes twinkling.

Its been hectic recently with the businesses and the kids.”

You knocked those out pretty quick, mind you so would I if I was married to Rachel Maguire, sorry, I mean Law.”

Ryan didn
’t take umbrage, it was just Franco’s way of paying a compliment. Besides, he needed him on his side.

So, what’s this meeting about? I take it there’s some business you want to discuss with me?”

Yes. Rachel and I wish to get another business under our belt.”

Have you something in mind?” said Franco, taking a swig of his bottled lager.

Oh yes. It’ll be our jewel in The Crown, so to speak.”

Franco picked up on what he was referring to immediately.
“I see. You’ve heard Sid wants shut then?”

I have. I’ve also heard you’re interested and I wanted to check first so I don’t end up stepping on someone’s toes.”

To be honest, I don’t want the business. It’s too big and showy for my concerns, you know I like to keep a low profile. But Sid is into me for a lot of money.”

Gambling debts?”

He nodded.

“Out of curiosity, how much does he owe?”

Quarter of a mil.”


The guy’s an arsehole. Now he says he can only pay up when the business is sold, but I’m getting impatient. I’m not usually so lenient, normally I would have broken his kneecaps by now but he’s a friend of my uncle’s. But I feel I’ve been generous enough.”

So, if Sid’s debt was paid, you wouldn’t have any more interest in The Crown?”

No.” Franco gave him a dazzling white-toothed smile, revealing two gold fillings. “You’re worried that if you buy it I’ll start causing mayhem?”

Concerned, yes.”

We go back a long way Ryan, you’ve done me favours and I’ve done you favours. I like and respect you and we understand each other. If Sid pays his debt all my interest in The Crown will cease, you have my word. But if it was to come under decent management I might pop in for the occasional flutter.”

And you would be most welcome. VIP treatment.”

I like the sound of that. I’d probably even be able to send a few high rollers your way.”

I could have the two hundred and fifty thousand in your account tomorrow morning.”

That sounds fucking fantastic to me,” he smiled, raising his bottle in a toast. “And the only time I’ll set foot in The Crown will be as a punter.”

Ryan clinked his bottle against his.
“You always were a good businessman.”

I’ve got my quarter of a mil back, I’m happy and it’ll be a relief not having to deal with that squinty-eyed prick anymore.”

Do you know Stephen Strang?”

The wank who’s always getting his ugly mug in the local rag? I know of him, don’t know him personally.” Franco gave him a cheeky grin. “I hear he’s a bit of rival of yours.”

Likes to think he is. He was the one who told us about The Crown going up for sale in the first place.”

Now why would he do that?”

Just what Rachel and I were wondering. He said it was because it’s no fun if he beats us and we don’t know about it, but I think there’s more to it than that.”

You reckon he heard I was interested in the casino and he was hoping you’d rush to buy it before he did and you’d be lumbered with trying to get rid of me and my crew.”

That’s exactly what I think.”

I’m sick of looking at his ugly mug every morning in the newspaper when I’m trying to eat my cornflakes. I want to help you tuck him up. I’ll tell Sid his debt’s paid but I’ll only forget about the insult he gave me by not paying up in the first place if he only sells to you.”

That would be great Franco, thanks.”

There’s not many people I like in this world Ryan. Fortunately for you, you’re one of them. Add the jewel to your crown and I swear, you won’t have any trouble from me.”

The pair shook hands before getting to their feet, the party of women appearing disappointed.

“The money will be in your account before lunchtime tomorrow,” said Ryan. “I’ll send you your VIP membership for you and your friends, on the house of course, when we’ve completed the sale.”

I look forward to it. It’ll be a good place to take a bird when I want to impress her.”

I’m glad I don’t have to go through all that anymore.”

I never thought I’d see the day you got yourself a ball and chain.”

Rachel’s a lot more than that. There’s quite simply no one else like her,” he smiled.


Sid handed over the keys of The Crown Casino to Ryan and sighed heavily. “Well, it’s all yours now. Look after the place, won’t you.”

Course we will,” said Rachel, feeling sorry for him. He’d just lost everything. Ryan had made him a knock-down offer on the place, taking into account the quarter of a million he’d already stumped up. To them, it wasn’t really that much money but to Sid it was everything. He’d been left with a nest egg, but he wouldn’t get to enjoy the retirement he’d no doubt hoped for. But then again, it was his own stupid fault for getting into gambling debt. At least the imminent threat of physical violence was gone. That alone must be a weight off.

So, are you opening tonight?” said Sid.

We are. Everything will continue uninterrupted. It seems to run itself pretty flawlessly,” replied Ryan. “We’ll be doing an in-depth study into the place over the next two weeks and as long as everyone pulls their weight they’ll keep their jobs, although we will get someone in to manage it full time.”

I can recommend a couple of people.”

Thanks but we already have someone in mind.”

Sid seemed unwilling to leave, not wanting to part with his beloved business.

Rachel pulled a slim white invitation out of her handbag and held it out to him.

Come to the launch party tonight. We’re laying on free booze and a buffet. It’ll be fun.”

Thanks for the offer Mrs Law but I don’t think I could set foot in the place knowing it doesn’t belong to me. I’m glad it’s in your hands, I think you’ll take care of it.”

We will, promise,” she said with an encouraging smile.

He shoved his hands into his pocket and took one last look around.
“Well, I’ve cleared out the office so I’ll be off then. Thanks for squaring me with Franco by the way Ryan. Appreciate it.”

No problem Sid. Now you can stop looking over your shoulder.” Sid looked so woeful even
was starting to feel sorry for him.

Only when he
’d disappeared out the front door did they both release a whoop of delight, Ryan pulling his wife into his arms for a deep kiss.

The staff were busy setting up for the party. They
’d changed the name of the casino to City 3107, which they thought had a much classier ring to it, the numbers the date of their wedding day. The huge lettering on the front of the building had already been altered. Leaflets had been distributed announcing the change in ownership but tonight’s party was invitation only. She’d enlisted Fletch and Leo to work the doors personally, who seemed immensely thrilled. Initially the present security had bristled against their authority, but Fletch and Leo had them bullied into submission in minutes. Rachel smiled as she watched them barking orders, like an embryo Battler and Bruiser. All the staff bustled about executing their duties with impressive efficiency and Rachel was already planning who she was going to promote or offer loftier positions in some of their other establishments. There were several employees with potential, especially the waiter who had served them their drinks when they’d met with Sid. She was very impressed by him, he was a natural leader.

Rachel had been granted a gaming and liquor licence with no hitches whatsoever. Despite her past, she
’d never actually been convicted of anything and her high standing in the city smoothed out any difficulties that might have been caused by her dubious past. However it was Ryan who was going to be the brains behind the business because Rachel knew absolutely nothing about gambling.

You’re going to have to teach me Poker,” she’d told him the night they’d signed the contract for the casino.

Oh I will, but we won’t play for money,” he’d replied devilishly.

You’re going to say strip poker, aren’t you?

Yes,” he said with his wicked smile, “and I’ll ensure you always lose.”

’d had their first game that very night and, even though she’d displayed a flair for it, she’d ended up stark naked while he’d been fully clothed and they’d once again increased their chances of getting pregnant.

The guests started arriving, dressed in all their finery. They
’d ensured only the wealthy and influential were invited, making for a glittering evening and giving the casino a big fat cash injection. Scott Barker, the A-List actor who opened their spa, even attended with his new girlfriend - a much sought after actress in her own right -  adding that extra dash of glamour. The press had gathered outside and frantically photographed them walking up the steps into the casino, the pair of them looking unspeakably stunning.

Anyone would think they were on the red carpet,” Ryan whispered in Rachel’s ear, making her giggle as they watched them pout and pose.

Scott greeted Rachel like an old friend, kissing her on both cheeks and grasping her hands firmly in his own.

“So good to see you again Rachel. You look beautiful as always.”

Thank you Scott and thanks for coming tonight.”

It’s no problem, as long as you have Blackjack.”

We do.”

Then I know it’ll be a great night,” he said, giving her his smile that made women all over the world swoon. “Have you met Ursula?” he said, grabbing his girlfriend’s hand. “Come here Honey, meet Rachel and her lucky husband, Ryan.”

Pleased to meet you,” she smiled, paying Ryan as much attention as her boyfriend was paying Rachel.

Instinctively Ryan and Rachel stepped into each other, their arms going around one another
’s waists, marking their territory before hastily moving on to greet more of their guests. Rachel was delighted when Alex walked through the door with Beth, Martina and Mikey and she hastened to greet them, bestowing an excited kiss on each of them. She’d been so sure he wouldn’t come.

Wow, this place is really…blingy,” ended Beth.

I know. Great isn’t it?” grinned Rachel. “I’m so happy you all came,” she said, giving Alex a meaningful look.

How could we miss it? This is a triumph for you,” he smiled back and she could have wept with relief, there was no antagonism in him whatsoever. Maybe it had just been business pressure after all? She recalled his meeting with Strang but refused to let it spoil her good mood. That was probably nothing to do with them.

Help yourselves to champagne and there’s a buffet in the VIP lounge, all on the house. Even better, I’ll show you around.”

Rachel linked arms with Martina and Beth and the three of them walked ahead chatting eagerly, Mikey and Alex following. Rachel pointed things out and described what was going on at each table, leaving Ryan to greet their guests at the door.

Alex endured the tour amicably, even hugged Rachel and congratulated her on her newest acquisition, which he had to admit was impressive, all the time inwardly seething. Why did she deserve such good luck? It didn’t seem right after what she’d done to his brother.

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