A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (8 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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As she strolled down the drive to the gates Ryan watched from the window with Leah, explaining to her what was going on and Rachel was glad she didn
’t have to have that conversation. They didn’t want her hearing it from someone else or seeing it on the television.

Rachel pressed the button on the inside of the gates, which swung open and the cameras started snapping, journalists calling out their questions.

“Rachel, how does it feel to be the hero for once?” asked a reporter with a cheeky grin. He was a seasoned journalist with a big mouth but in a funny way, she quite liked him.

I think that’s stretching it a bit Luke,” she replied with a wry smile. “There was an incident in Martina’s Bar yesterday evening involving The Slasher that my staff handled with extreme efficiency.”

So efficient there was a stampede for the exit?”

Damn Luke.
“That wasn’t their fault. The Slasher switched on the lights to cause panic. There was nothing we could have done to prevent it and they all went above and beyond last night in an attempt to help the injured and steer the rest to safety. Two of my doormen even chased the attacker on foot.”

But they didn’t catch him.”

Are you saying you could have done better Luke?” she said jovially, eyeing his pot belly, causing the other journalists to titter. “My thoughts are with those injured last night and their families.”

Why were the Police just here?” called out Zoe Westerly.

For another statement about last night’s events.”

Are charges being brought for the stampede that occurred in your club, almost causing the death of James Ford?”

No. CCTV footage of events in the club has been reviewed and the Police have said there are no grounds. My staff acted entirely appropriately. The panic was caused by The Slasher himself to aid his escape. Now if you’ll excuse me, I like to spend Saturdays with my family.”

Mrs Law, what does your husband think about the attack on you last night?” pressed Zoe.

Rachel suppressed an irritated sigh, just wanting to scurry back to the safety of the house and spend the rest of the day on the couch.
“Naturally he’s not very happy about it.”

Does he intend to exact revenge of his own on The Slasher?”

Rachel feigned innocence.
“I don’t know what you mean.”

Ryan Law is known for dispensing his own justice. I’d have thought he’d have started an investigation of his own.”

It seems to me Ms Westerly that you have watched one too many crime dramas and they have filled your head with melodramatic rubbish. My husband is a law-abiding citizen and will leave the investigating to the Police. That’s all I have to say.”

They called out more questions but they were only half-hearted, knowing that when Rachel said she had nothing more to say, she meant it. She shut the gate and strode back up to the house, Leah flinging her arms around her the moment she got through the door.

“Daddy told me what happened last night,” she said, looking up at her with Danny’s big blue eyes. “Are you alright?”

I’m fine, there’s nothing to worry about Sweetheart,” she replied, hugging her back for all she was worth. “It was just a naughty man who the Police are going to catch.”

You’re not going to the club again tonight, are you?”

No. It’ll be closed for a while anyway. I’m staying right here today.”

Good.” She clung onto her for a moment longer before saying, “I’m going to draw you a nice picture.” Leah ran over to the small plastic desk they’d set up in the corner precisely for this purpose. Leah loved to draw.

How did she take it?” Rachel asked Ryan.

Upset at first, but when she saw you put those journalists in their places she was okay. Do you know DCI Taylor is in Alex’s pocket?”

No I didn’t. Funny, I wouldn’t have thought he was bent, he seemed so conscientious.”

Apparently Sid isn’t the only one with a gambling problem and mounting debts. From what I understand Taylor’s no pushover, not one of Alex’s typical dancing monkeys.”

Does it mean anything that he’s been put on this case?”

Perhaps not. The club is on his patch and he has been working on The Slasher case.”

Oh.” She was a bit disappointed, she’d hoped Alex had pulled some strings for her, it would show he still cared. Although Beth had called, he hadn’t.

Ryan glanced out of the window.
“That lot seem to be packing up and going, your interview did the trick. Come on, let’s get back to our lazy day,” he smiled, holding his arm out to her.

She smiled back and nestled into him as they returned to the couch, feeling better already.


Alex sniggered as he watched Stephen Strang pound away at a very bored-looking Katia - the blond Slovakian girl who had smiled at him. She
’d quickly got into the routine, learnt it was easier and safer to just do as she was told. Stephen’s fetish was for dressing up as a baby, going as far as to wear a giant nappy, a dummy and a bonnet and Katia seemed to relish spanking him, getting a little of her own back. She was tough and Patti said she showed promise. Katia might be one of the lucky ones who got promoted and helped Patti keep the other girls in line.

Alex was sat in a secret little cubbyhole of his
‘gentleman’s club’, the room only he, Col and Patti knew existed that was filled with recording equipment and TV screens, linked to cameras in each of the club’s private rooms. He had tapes on each and every one of his clients, just in case they got too big for their boots or he needed to blackmail them into doing him a favour. That had been his main aim in setting up this club, as well as making a pile of money. He had some of the most powerful people in the city in his pocket, and not just men but a couple of women with exotic tastes too.

Look at that, she’s already a professional,” grinned Patti As Katia moaned and shuddered in response to Strang’s cry of pleasure, his scrawny body going rigid over hers. “She should be given an Oscar for that acting ‘cos he’s giving her nothing to work with.”

Patti took a deep drag on her cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke, causing Alex to grimace.

“Jesus, get that thing away from me. You might not care about getting cancer but I do,” he frowned.

Alright, keep your fucking hair on,” she scowled although she did retreat to the back of the room. Alex had heard she’d once been a great beauty and some of her clients had been famous actors and rock stars back in the seventies, but now she was just another haggard, overweight woman. To look at her she could have been someone’s benign grandmother with her flowery dresses, silvery hair pulled back into a bun and rosy cheeks. She constantly carried a patent beige handbag, Hyacinth Bouquet style, slung over her left wrist, complemented by a pair of pristine white gloves. However Patti was a formidable, foul mouthed woman who could floor any man with one punch. The girls were terrified of her, except for the blessed few who helped her run the place. To them she was benevolent and very generous, bestowing her years of wisdom on them and ensuring they weren’t short of a few bob. It seemed Katia was to become one of that elite. Alex loved to watched Katia on the monitor, her body was phenomenal. She was almost as tall as he was with the longest legs he’d ever seen, fully perky breasts and curvy hips. She brought in a lot of money, her beauty drawing men to her like flies. When Strang got to his feet and started cleaning himself up, she rose too and he couldn’t help but admire how lithe and supple she was, experiencing a twinge of lust but he’d never paid for sex in his life and he had no intention of starting now. Beth briefly flickered through his mind. He’d never considered cheating on her before but there was something about the statuesque blond Slovakian that drove him crazy.

Bloody hell, will you look at that?” smiled Col when Katia bent over to retrieve her panties, giving them a perfect view of her peachy backside. Alex shifted in his seat as he experienced a stirring down below.

So, have you got plans for this tosser?” said Patti, gesturing to the image of Strang, the fag dangling from her lips flapping as she talked.

Oh yes.”

What are they?”

Mind your own.”

But it wasn
’t Strang who was in Alex’s sights, he was only useful for winding up Rachel and Ryan. Right now it was the man in the private room next door to Strang’s who was beating a skinny black-haired girl, the ball gag in her mouth muffling her cries. The fat bearded creature with the dark eyes full of anger and glee was a city councillor, as were his two friends who were regulars at the club too. If he didn’t want the video of himself beating that girl to be sent to every TV station in the country as well as to the Police he’d do as Alex wanted. He wondered if Rachel and Ryan would still be so keen on playing by the book when they came across the first hitch to their grand plans.

Maybe we should get in there?” said Patti, getting worried as the man started to lay into the girl even harder, blood leaking from her nose, both eyes almost swollen shut.

Not yet,” said Alex.

He’s going to kill her.”

He’s just letting off some steam,” said Alex casually.

But Afrodita brings in a few grand a night. He’s going to ruin her.”

Alright, get in there Col.”

Col nodded and hurried out of the room and Patti breathed a sigh of relief. It was fortunate she knew just what made Alex Maguire tick - money. But there was something on his mind other than a profit, something that was eating him up inside. Woe betide whoever put that cancer there.



Rachel only gave the okay for the Maguires to visit when the journalists at the bottom of her drive had got bored and dispersed, which was the very next day. She was ashamed to admit that she didn’t want them seeing members of the most powerful criminal family in Manchester on her doorstep.

How are you Sweetheart?” said Martina the moment she was through the door, sweeping her into a maternal hug and Rachel felt guilty for being ashamed of her. She never used to be.

I’m fine, he didn’t actually hurt me.”

But he went for you,” said Beth, clutching Holly to her.

My doormen saw him off.”

Then he’s obviously a coward who can’t stand up to someone tougher than he is,” stated Martina firmly.

When Mikey hugged Rachel she held onto him, his presence had always soothed her. No matter what her relationship with the rest of the Maguires was like, in her mind he would always be the brother she never had. As she looked into his eyes she saw he was troubled; concerned for herself yes, but something else was on his mind. In response to her questioning look he just shook his head, indicating not yet.

“The Slasher struck again, the night after he attacked you,” said Martina.

So I believe but thankfully he only managed to hurt two people that night, he nearly got caught again by the doormen,” replied Rachel.

He’s getting sloppy, I bet the police catch him soon,” said Beth.

We can only hope. Brew anyone?” Rachel offered.

Please,” Martina and Beth chimed in unison.

Ryan emerged from the living room followed by the children, the boys hurling themselves at their adoptive grandmother, who laughed with delight. Leah was altogether much calmer and greeted her Aunt Beth and kissed Holly.

“Everyone sit down, I’ll bring the drinks in,” said Rachel.

As she bustled about the kitchen, Mikey snuck in and shut the door.

“Alright Love?” she beamed at him.

Not really,” he sighed, shoving his hands into his trouser pockets.

What’s wrong?” she said, afraid he was going to tell her something about Alex and the business.

I’ve knocked someone up.”

She blinked with surprise.

Amber Sweeney. She was a one-night stand after my last match nearly three months ago, when I knocked out Big Joe Denton.”

I remember.” He’d been elated because Denton had been pro, a bit big time and beating him had done Mikey’s boxing career the power of good.

Are you sure it’s yours?”

He nodded.
“I’ve asked around, she’s a good girl, doesn’t shag about like a lot of women off the Montford.”

She’s off the Montford?” she said, incredulous. She used to lived on the Montford herself, it was where the Law boys had been dragged up. They’d spent years warring with the people from the Henley, the Maguires patch, however since the truce all had been harmonious. But when Rachel had first met Danny, his dad Frank had taken exception to her just because she was from the Montford and she was worried Alex would think the same about Mikey’s child.

She’s agreed to a DNA test when it’s born,” he said. “She knows I have to be sure, we don’t really know each other.”

That was good of her, most women would have been insulted.”

She’s quite sweet and timid and her agreement tells me she’s nothing to hide.”

Do you remember sleeping with her?”

Vaguely. She’s really really pretty.”

Rachel thought hard, she was still familiar with most of the families on the Montford.
“Amber Sweeney, huge green eyes, long curly red hair, tiny with big boobs?”

That’s her.”

You’re right, she’s not a slag and she’s only nineteen.”

Oh crap,” he sighed. “At least she’s over age.”

Is she keeping it?”

She says she is, although she didn’t look too happy about it. Her parents were there when she told me and I got the feeling they were the ones encouraging her to keep it.”

That doesn’t surprise me. Ken Sweeney is a money grabbing arsehole. I reckon his gran didn’t die, he sold her. No doubt he’s seeing you as a walking talking bank. Be careful of him. Did you use protection?”

Obviously not.”

You could have used a condom that split.”

I can’t remember,” he shrugged helplessly.

Have you told Jennie yet?”

Course not, she’ll have my balls off.”

But you weren’t seeing her then.”

I know but she’s as jealous as hell.”

Rachel couldn
’t really blame Jennie for that. In his dual role as champion boxer and powerful gangster, Mikey was constantly surrounded by female admirers. “So what are you going to do?”

She’s determined to keep it so I suppose I’ve no choice but to support her.”

That’s very decent of you.”

I know what it’s like to be rejected by your parents, I wouldn’t wish that on any kid.”

Rachel hugged him.
“You’ll make a great dad.”

I’m not so sure.”

She hadn
’t heard such uncertainty in his voice since he was first released from the secure unit he’d been held in for years after his own mother set him up to take the fall for his brother. Only Rachel had believed that he was as innocent as he’d claimed he was, which had forged the strong bond between them.

You will. Trust me, when that baby’s born you’ll love it like nothing else on earth.”

I hope you’re right.”

I am right and with you and Amber as parents, think how gorgeous it’ll be.”

He managed to raise a small smile.

Just don’t let Ken Sweeney take the piss about money, because he will try.”

He nodded then kissed her on the cheek.
“Thanks Rach, I feel a bit better.”

You’re welcome.”

Will you be there when I tell Jennie?”

You can’t do that to her, think how humiliated she’ll be if you tell her in front of someone else. I’m sorry Mikey, you’re on your own with that one.”

But she’ll go mental.”

Probably but if she can’t deal with it then you’ll have to split up. If you’re serious about becoming a father then you have to put the child first. If she stands by you then you know she’s a keeper.”

I suppose,” he said, already looking nervous at the prospect.

She smiled and squeezed his hand.
“You’ve dealt with people far scarier than Jennie.”

You’re joking. Frankie McVay’s less intimidating.”

It amused her to see Mikey Maguire so disconcerted.
“You’ll be fine. Have you told anyone else?”

No, you’re the first.”

She was touched.
“I’m always here if you need me, you know that. You’ve got plenty of people around you who love you, we’re all here to help.”

Then I’m a lot luckier than most,” he smiled, squeezing her hand. “Do me a favour though, keep it quiet until I’ve told Jennie. I don’t want her hearing it second hand.”

Course but don’t hang about. No doubt Ken Sweeney will be broadcasting it.”

His face dropped.
“Shit, I hadn’t thought of that.”

Can I tell Ryan? I won’t if you don’t want me to.” She didn’t like keeping anything from her husband, it made her uncomfortable.

I suppose he can be trusted to keep it to himself. No doubt he’ll take the piss.”

No he won’t, he loves being a dad. You might find it useful to talk to him.”

Maybe,” he nodded.

Right, help me get this lot through to the others before they wonder what’s happened to us.”

Mikey exited the kitchen carrying the tea tray, looking a lot happier. However it was short lived. When his mobile phone rang half an hour later his face dropped. Even though he was sat opposite her, Rachel could hear the shrieking on the other end of the line.

“Jennie,” he said, his eyes connecting with Rachel’s and right then she knew exactly why she was ringing. Ken Sweeney had obviously wasted no time. Mikey dashed out of the room to take the call, everyone regarding him curiously. He returned five minutes later. “I’ve got to go, something’s come up.”

Nothing bad I hope?” said Martina. Since Danny’s death she dreaded any sudden, unexpected news.

No, just Jennie going off on one as usual. I’ll see you later,” he said, casting Rachel another meaningful look before leaving.

Oh dear, I don’t envy him,” said Martina, bouncing Aaron on her knee. “She’s a fiery one.”

She is that,” replied Rachel. “So, where’s Alex?” she asked, trying to sound casual.

Some business meeting,” said Beth, placing a bottle in Holly’s mouth, Leah sat beside her watching, completely fascinated. “He asked me to pass on his best.”

Rachel knew she was lying because she couldn
’t meet her eyes. “Really?”

Yes.” Beth kept her gaze on her daughter’s face and off Rachel’s, not wanting to see the hurt there. Despite what she’d told Rachel, Beth had realised her husband was turning against her best friend. She knew one day she would be forced to choose between Alex and Rachel. It would be easier if she knew why he’d suddenly decided he didn’t like her. All Beth knew was that it was something to do with Ryan because he wasn’t a fan of his anymore either, although his relationship with Jez hadn’t changed, which meant it was personal and not business. Whenever she thought about it she experienced a cold sense of dread because it could only end in tears and she had the feeling those tears wouldn’t be Alex’s.

After their guests had left, Ryan said,
“so what were you and Mikey discussing in the kitchen?”

Rachel realised he thought it was something to do with Alex.
“You might as well know I suppose, everyone else will before the day is out. Mikey’s got Amber Sweeney pregnant. It’s not funny,” she added when he burst out laughing. “He’s in a right state about it.”

Well it was only a matter of time, he’s shagged most of Manchester. The law of averages was against him. When did it happen?”

The night he won the Denton fight.”

I’m amazed he was up to the job, he was leathered.”

He can remember it, but only vaguely. Amber’s agreed to a DNA test when it’s born.”

Poor sod, Ken Sweeney will be onto him for cash every chance he gets.”

No doubt it was him who let it slip to Jennie. He’ll want to split them up in the hope Mikey will get with Amber.”

Is there any chance of that?”

Unlikely. They’ve only slept together once when Mikey was drunk. Hardly a great love story.”

Amber’s a sweet little thing and a bit scared of her dad. He might well have used her as a honey trap.”

Maybe. I suggested Mikey talk to you, I thought you could give him some advice about being a father.”

Aw, why did you do that? That’s not the sort of conversation men have.”

He’s scared Ryan, he’s worried he’ll be as bad as his own parents.”

His smile fell.
“I can understand that. Alright, I’ll talk to him, but only if he asks me first.”

Thank you,” she said, kissing him “You’re such a great dad I’m sure you’ll have lots of wisdom to impart.”

Alright, you can cut the flannel. I said I’d do it.”

Her good mood suddenly fell flat.
“I thought Alex might have come today.”

I know. I’m going to have a word with him, I’m getting fed up of this. If he’s got a problem why doesn’t he just come out with it?”

Are you sure that’s wise? It might make things worse.”

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