A Different Shade of Violet? (9 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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I instantly tense up. “Wait transported to a safety house? What does that mean? That I can’t go back to work? I have to stay in some random house with people watching me?”

“Yes, it’s for your safety. Once we have the bikers in custody, we can think about bringing you back into the public.”

“So, is this like witness protection or something?” I say starting to get annoyed.

“Kind of, it’s a step before that. It’s just a protective measure to make sure the Dogs don’t get to you to change your mind about testifying. It’s for your safety,” Denzel says.

I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be alone in some random house in the middle of nowhere with strangers watching over me. No, I won’t do it.”

Hudson looks at me furrowing his brows. “Vee, you have to. They could kill you otherwise,” he says sounding desperate.

“I don’t want to run, that’s not who I am, Hudson. I stand and fight, you should know that,” I say and he exhales abruptly and shakes his head.

“Vee, listen to me. They
kill you. You can’t fight if you’re dead.”

I tense up. I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to leave everyone behind either.

“No, Hudson I won’t do it.”

He groans loudly in frustration and runs his hand through his hair. “What will it take for you to do this?” he asks sounding anxious.

I stop and think for a second. I don’t want to leave everyone behind. I’m not stupid I know that if I go into protective custody there’s a chance I might not come back from it. I might have to be taken into witness protection and then I won’t be able to see or contact anyone ever again, including Hudson and I’m just not prepared to lose him yet. So, I say the only thing that comes to mind.

“You – if you come with me, I’ll go.”


Hudson looks at me while Denzel looks at Hudson.

“Vee, I can’t go with you. I have to stay here and bring Mad Dog down,” he says and I sit back in my chair and fold my arms across my chest in defiance.

“No, I’m not going without you. I need you to come with me because if they want to hurt me they’ll know how to get to you, and I won’t have them hurting you on my account,” I demand.

“How do you know each other, Stone?” Denzel asks finally catching on that I’m more than just a witness.

“She is my ex, sir,” Hudson says quietly and Denzel’s eyes widen.

“You know where she works, right?” he asks and Hudson nods while I sink further into my seat.

“Yes sir, hence the word, ex,” Hudson says cutting me right to the core.

“I don’t work as an escort anymore. I haven’t for years. I just run the books,” I say explaining to Denzel so he stops looking at me like I’m just another unreliable whore.

“Vee, you have to do this… please,” Hudson begs and I shake my head.

“You go, I go, it’s as simple as that. You don’t go with me then I go back to work and risk getting beaten again, or worse. The choice is yours, Detective Stone,” I say bluntly, sounding harsher than I meant. But I’m more than a little pissed off at him, but I also want him to come with me desperately.

“Stone, she may be right. If you have a connection with her, then you’re probably in danger as well. It wouldn’t hurt for you to go with her. You can be her guard on the inside. I can take the lead on the Dogs and keep you informed on how things are progressing.”

“I don’t know, Boss, you know I have a personal connection to this case—”

“Exactly, and it’s just become even more personal. I think you’re too close to it and it’s clouding your judgment,” he replies and Hudson stands up and huffs loudly while he paces the room.

“I need to be there when you take them down, Boss. You know that,” Hudson’s states in a frustrated tone.

“And you can’t do that if you’re dead along with Violet here, now can you? You know Violet, and you know how to protect her. So protect her, Stone. Do I need to order you to do this?” Denzel asks.

“Hudson, please. Protect me from them and protect yourself at the same time. I need your help, Hudson, please? I’m scared and I need you with me to keep me safe. You said you felt like you failed me, then make it up to me and come with me.”

He closes his eyes, huffs, shakes his head and opens his eyes as he moves to sit on the seat next to me.

“I did fail you. Look at your face, it has failure written all over it… my failure. I’ll come with you, but it doesn’t mean anything other than I want to right a wrong, okay?”

His answer makes me ecstatically happy and terribly miserable all at the same time. He’s coming with me. It means I get to spend time with him before I need to make a statement about the Dogs, but he’s made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t want me back, and that hurts more than anything.

“Right, it’s settled then. Stone you’ll take the lead on the protective custody of Violet and you can take a civvies team with you to stand guard on the outside perimeters. Are we clear?” Denzel asks.

“Crystal,” Hudson replies and he looks at me and nods. “I would hate for anything else to happen to you.” He stands and leaves the room.

“So, let's go and make a formal statement. Are you ready to do that?” Denzel asks and I nod as I look out the door to try and see where Hudson has gone.

“Don’t worry Violet, Stone is one of the best detectives on the force, he’ll look after you,” he says standing from his desk and walking across to me.

“I’m not worried, I know he’ll protect me,” I reply, standing up and shifting to the interview room with Chief ‘Denzel’ Thomas.

After what seemed like forever in an interview room with a detective asking me a million questions, some of them the same over and over again, I’m taken to the back of the police station and to an awaiting car. I haven’t seen Hudson for hours and I’m starting to wonder if he has somehow worked his way out of coming with me. I start to feel nervous and anxious about leaving to go into protective custody and abandoning all my employees. Who knows, me not showing up today to pay the Dogs after the twenty-four hour deadline could mean big trouble for my employees. I just hope the guards on the doors will keep the Dogs at bay. My business has suffered a great deal because of all the trouble and I’m hopeful that the guards will not put the clients off.

I’m ushered into a black SUV, the windows are tinted so much that I can’t see inside. When I slide in Hudson is sitting on the seat opposite me and I exhale and slump with relief.

“Where have you been?” I ask quietly, almost a whisper while all the other officers talk amongst themselves around us.

“Getting some of your things and organising where we’re headed,” he says facing forward and not looking at me at all.

“You seem angry?”

He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “You think?” he replies sarcastically.

“Right, sorry,” I say and turn away and look down at my hands in my lap as the officer shuts the back door.

“No, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault this is happening. I’m just angry because I won’t be there to take down Mad Dog myself, but I’ll sure as hell be at his sentencing trial, I can assure you. I can’t wait to watch that fucker when he realises he’s going away forever,” Hudson says as his eyes glaze over while his nostrils flare.

I can tell this means a lot to him. I don’t know what his connection to Mad Dog is yet, but I want to find out. I think he’s too angry to talk to him about it right now. Plus, there’s two more police officers in the front of the SUV and I don’t really need them listening to our private conversation.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted you with me. Once Mad Dog and the guys realise we’re tied together somehow, I know they’ll come after you to get to me because that’s how they work. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you, Hudson.”

He closes his eyes and turns his head toward me. He opens his eyes slowly and they’re glistening like he’s sad.

“I couldn’t stand it if anything else happened to you either. I’ve already failed you once, I can’t do it again, Vee…” he trails off and then looks out the window.

I swallow hard and bite my bottom lip. He still cares, I know he does.

The officer starts the car and suddenly we’re off to God knows where. We drive on the freeway and toward the hills. I have no idea where we’ll end up, but I know as long as I’m with Hudson, I
be fine.

After the most silent and awkward car ride of my life, we eventually turn down a dirt road that’s surrounded by greenery. It’s like a forest out here and I had no idea we were going somewhere so pretty. I just assumed it would be some hotel somewhere. We drive down the long driveway and I notice a couple of unmarked cop cars stop at the beginning of the driveway and let our car go on its own toward wherever it is we’re going. I look out the back window and watch as we drive away from them and I wonder why they’re staying out the front, I guess it’s another layer of defense. I look over at Hudson, who’s still staring out the window. I wish I knew what he was thinking? I wish I could reach across and touch him, but I think that would be inappropriate with his colleagues in the car. So I sit back in my seat and look out the window. I see a house coming into view, well it’s more like a log cabin, must be a special house the police have for protective custody cases. A safe house I guess.

It’s such a cute little house with a front porch and deck all made of wood, with a small staircase leading up to the front door. There’s a pebble stone driveway going around the entire house and the scenery is just lush greenery. It’s like my own little forest down here in… well, wherever we are.

The car pulls up to a stop and the two officers and Hudson all open their doors at the same time shocking me at their synchronisation skills.

“Stay here, we need to sweep the area first. Don’t get out of the car for anything. You understand?” Hudson states looking at me with a glare.

I suddenly feel extremely nervous, like I’m actually in danger. I guess since I met Mad Dog I’ve always been in a state of danger, but now that Hudson and another officer are walking around stealthily with their guns drawn, while the other cop stands guard in front of my door, well I’m feeling slightly on edge.

“Clear,” I hear someone yell out.

“Clear,” Hudson yells out.

I look up over the car seat in front of me to see Hudson coming out of the house with his gun in his hand but lowered to his side, he nods his head at the cop in front of my door and she opens it and gestures her hand like she wants me to get out.

“It’s all safe for you now, Mrs. Dyson,” she says while I nod and step out of the car and look at Hudson who’s placing his gun in his holster. I breathe out a heavy sigh. This is all starting to get a little too real. I never thought when I was growing up that in my early thirties I’d be a widow, a madam and running from outlaw bikers.

How the fuck did my life get like this?

Not to mention having a cop for a boyfriend… ex-boyfriend. I shake my head and take a step toward the cabin not knowing what to do with myself.

“You don’t like it?” Hudson asks snapping me from my self-pity party.

“No, it’s not that, this place is gorgeous. It’s just, I don’t know how I ended up here, you know?” I ask and he half-smiles at me sympathetically and nods as he walks across to me.

“I know, this is always the hardest part for those who are transitioning under protection but don’t worry, Vee, no one knows about this place. You’re safe here,” he says walking past me to the boot of the SUV and opening it.

I walk around to see what he’s removing and it’s a couple of suitcases that I recognise from his house. He must’ve gone home and packed us some things while I was being interviewed. I smile and he half-smiles back while he shuts the boot with a loud bang. He takes the two suitcases, one in each hand and starts to walk toward the cabin. I feel a little lost and a whole lot awkward as I follow him up the path and up the stairs onto the porch. I look down at the swing seat at the end and smile. I can imagine Hudson and I sitting there cuddling, it would be so romantic. Then I remember we’re not here on a romantic secluded vacation, and he most certainly is not here for romance. He’s here to protect my life and that’s bound to put a dampener on any kind of romance. He walks through the large wooden door and I follow closely behind crossing my arms over my chest. I’m about to walk into the place I’ll be calling home for God knows how long. I walk through the doorway and look inside. It’s so small but in a cozy way. Basically, it’s one big room with everything in it. To the right is the kitchen, then against the back wall is the bed. It’s a queen and I notice there is only one bed in here. I inwardly smile at the convenience of that. And then to the left is the sofa and a television. It looks exactly as I thought it might, like an old person’s cabin. There’s a nana rug over the back of the sofa which is circular and is knitted in various colours.

I smile at how much this place resembles my grandparents’ home, and then I’m reminded of all my losses, starting with my grandparents, then my parents, then Danny and Caiden and I sniff as my heart begins to constrict. I walk further inside while Hudson is talking to the other two officers and I make my way to the kitchen and lean against the sink looking out across the forest. I exhale with a sigh as I think of how much Caiden would love playing outside, riding his bike or just messing around with his dad and a football. I don’t go on many vacations, but if I did this place is exactly the type of place I’d like to visit. It’s just such a shame I have to come here under these circumstances. I’m lost in my daydream of watching Caiden and Danny playing with the footy outside when a hand touches my arm. I flinch and turn to see Hudson watching me intently.

“You okay? You seemed a million miles away?” he asks as the other officers head out and drive off.

I take a deep breath and decide to tell him the truth, lying to him now just doesn’t seem appropriate.

“I was just thinking about how nice it would have been to take Caiden to a place like this. He loved being outside and he would’ve loved it here,” I say and turn my back to the window to rid the image from my mind.

Hudson swallows hard and furrows his brows. “Caiden, that’s your son, right?” he asks quietly.

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