A Different Shade of Violet? (28 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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When we reach the end of the guard of honour, we turn back and they all crowd around and give three loud cheers for Hudson.

“C’mon let’s not make your ego any bigger than it is, it’s already filling this entire ward. Let’s get out of here,” Holden says making me laugh as Hudson rolls his eyes.

We turn and walk out the front of the hospital and toward a waiting van. We have to walk slowly, not only because of my leg, but because Hudson still needs to take it easy. Bill gets out of the van and slides open the door for us to get in. Hudson glides in, making his way to the back of the van while Holden and Flynn follow in closely behind. Fran is in the van at the front and I turn to see Angel smiling at me.

“Follow us back to Hudson’s, okay?” I ask and she nods walks off to the car park to get her car.

“See you there,” she says and I wave at the people who followed us out and get in the back of the van and sit next to Hudson.

He looks tired and I still feel sick, but we’re going home and that’s all that matters.

“We took Midas back to your place bro, so he’ll be there when we get home,” Flynn says and Hudson closes his eyes tight like he’s trying to stop himself from crying.

I hold his hand tightly and he opens his eyes with a sniff.

“I can’t wait to see him.”

“Me either.”

The drive back to Hudson’s is long and takes just over an hour with all the stupid road works going on. But when we arrive the house looks just the same as it always does. Bright and inviting.

“We’re here,” I say as Hudson opens his eyes. I think he’s had a little too much excitement for one day.

“Great, I can’t wait to just sit on my sofa again, or use my own bathroom, or lay in my own bed,” he says as the back door slides open and Fran and Bill wait for us to get out. The brothers move out first, taking our bags and things with them while I help Hudson out of the van.

Angel pulls up behind the van and gets out making her way over to us as we slide the van door shut.

“Hey, how was the trip?” Angel says and I shrug.

“Hudson slept for most of it,” I tease and he rolls his eyes.

“Recovering from being shot… remember honey?”

I wrap my arm around his waist for support. “I know, I’m only teasing. Ready to see Midas, Lizzy, Rock, and Spider?” I ask and he smiles brightly. It’s so refreshing to see a man so deeply in love with his animals, it’s how I know that he truly has a beautiful soul.

“I’ve been waiting three months.”

I smile at Angel and she follows us as we all walk toward the front door. I hear Midas barking while Fran opens the door and he comes rushing out and jumps straight up, placing his paws right on Hudson’s chest.

“Midas, down boy,” Fran says and Hudson smiles so brightly as he cuddles into his dog.

“I missed you, boy,” he says, hugging him tightly.

“Midas, get down,” Fran says again as I watch Hudson and Midas.

“Oh, let him go, Fran, he hasn’t seen Hudson in three months. Let them get acquainted again, they are excited to see each other,” Bill says and I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

I hear Hudson sniff and I look down and notice a tear run down his face. Which only makes one run down mine. I love seeing him so happy.

“I missed you so much mate, I promise I’ll never leave you for that long ever again,” Hudson says as Midas continues to fuss over him.

I lean down and pat Midas on the head and he looks up at me with his tongue hanging out and smiling that big old goofy grin that he always has.

“I missed you too boy,” I say and scruff his head.

“Okay c’mon let’s get inside, it’s hot out here,” Flynn says reminding me that when this mess all started it was the beginning of winter and we have fast forwarded through it, to come back into the world in the middle of September, which is spring. It’s nice to not have to be rugged up so much. It’s only now that I realise that it’s my birthday in a few days.

I smile wide knowing Hudson and I will be home to celebrate, with no worries to think about other than our recoveries. Mine is going quite well, but Hudson will still take some time, even though he’s still much better than he was originally. I’ll never forget the first time I saw him in Intensive Care. All those tubes and monitors. I sometimes have dreams about it, but I don’t tell Hudson because he has enough to worry about.

We walk inside to a beautifully spotless house. I know instantly that Fran has cleaned it. I would hate to have come home to a messy house and have Angel here for the first time. I’ll have to thank Fran later. Hudson walks over to the fish bowl and smiles at the two fish swimming happily and right next to each other just like Brige said they do. He then looks over at the tank where Lizzy is sleeping soundly on her heated log. He exhales, now knowing all his pets are happy and safe.

“Hey, don’t you have a little sister, rock?” Angel asks as I walk him to the sofa.

“Yeah, I think she’s at school, right Mum?” he asks and Fran nods as she walks in carrying drinks for us all.

“How come you call me, Rock?” Hudson asks Angel and she chuckles.

“I guess ‘cause that’s all Boss used to call you. Her nickname thing kinda catches on,” she says and he smiles.

“Well, I don’t mind, call me whatever you want,” he says and we all chuckle as he yawns.

“I need to go and pick up Brige, it’s getting close to three-thirty. She’s probably waiting at the gates for me. I’ll be back soon, okay son?” Fran says and he nods.

“Sure thing, Mum.”

Fran walks over kissing his head. “Glad you’re finally home my baby boy.”

Hudson rolls his eyes while his brothers laugh at him. “I’m not a baby anymore, Mum.”

“You’ll always be my baby, Hudson, so will you Holden and Flynn, don’t think you’re exempt,” she says and they all stop laughing and frown, which makes Angel and I laugh.

I hear her shut the door as she leaves and I move Midas from the lounge so I can sit next to Hudson. I take his hand in mine and I snuggle into his side. He yawns again and I look up at him as Holden and Flynn argue about what to watch on the television.

“You tired? Want to go for a rest in bed?” I ask and he looks down at me and opens and closes his eyes a few times. “Okay, that’s a yes.”

“Won’t it be rude if I go off to bed when everyone is here for me?” he whispers.

“No, absolutely not. We all know you’re not well. Just go have a couple of hours lie down, I’ll get you up when it’s dinner time?”

He exhales and looks around the room at the people closest to us, trying to make his mind up.

“Okay right, I’ll decide for you. Guys do you mind if Hudson has a nap before dinner, he’s exhausted,” I say loudly so everyone hears.

He frowns at me and I smile in return.

“Yeah sure, we’ll just raid your fridge and watch your cable television,” Flynn says and Hudson laughs.

“Okay then. Tuck me in?”

I laugh and nod. Standing up and putting my hand out for him to take, I feel slightly dizzy when I stand, but I don’t let Hudson know I’m still feeling like crap. I must be so worn down it’s not funny.

“I’ll be back, just putting the other half to bed,” I say to Angel and she smiles and winks at me.

“I’ll be here watching these two idiots fight over the remote,” she says and I laugh.

I take Hudson’s hand and we walk slowly down to the bedroom with Midas following closely behind.

“I wish I could sleep with you for the first time in your bed, but I better stay up to keep the idiots in line.”

“Yeah, it’s okay. And anyway it’s not my bed it’s
bed if you want it to be?” he asks and I look at him curiously as I open the door to the bedroom.

“What do you mean?” I ask and he smiles while I walk him to the bed.

“I mean, I want you here, permanently. I know what your house means to you and I know you probably don’t want to sell it, but I want you to be with me, all the time. And if you don’t like this house we can sell it and buy another one that we both like?”

“Are you asking me to move in with you, Hudson Stone?” I ask and he smiles brightly.

“That’s exactly what I’m asking, Violet Dyson,” he says and leans in moving some hair behind my ear as Midas jumps up onto the bed next to us.

I lean in and kiss his lips softly. Feeling his skin against mine sends a shiver up my spine and I love that he can do that to me with just a simple kiss.

“So, is that a yes?” he asks pulling away from me slightly.

I nod. “Of course, it’s a yes, Hudson. I can’t imagine living away from you… ever,” I say and he leans in kissing me gently again.

He pulls back slowly and rests his forehead against mine. “I think you should go into work with Angel. Do whatever you need to do to reassure your friends, so then you can come back home and be with me for a while before you have to go back and make the arrangements to sell. If that’s what you still want to do?”

“Yeah, that’s still my plan, but I can’t leave you here asleep with those idiots in the lounge room can I?”

“They may be idiots, but they are family and I know they’ll take care of me. Plus, you need to see your friends. You wouldn’t let them come see you in the hospital, so go and surprise them, but be back before dinner?” he asks with a smirk.

“Yes sir,” I reply and lean in kissing him again. “Are you sure? Shouldn’t I be staying here in case you need me?” I ask and he shakes his head and lays down on the bed.

“What I need is for you to be happy, Vee, and I know you’re dying to see them all. So while I’m asleep, it’s the best possible time. Go, have fun, and I’ll see you for dinner, okay?”

“Thank you,” I say honestly and he smiles.

“Now go, before I change my mind and make you stay in this bed with me, preferably naked,” he says sending a shudder right through me at the thought of having his naked body against mine.

“Okay, but I’ll have my phone with me if you need me, okay?”

He nods. “Now get out of here.”

I stand from the bed and pull the covers over him even though he’s still fully clothed. I feel dizzy again and stumble on the spot slightly catching myself before I fall.

“Shit Vee, are you okay?” he says immediately sitting back up.

“Yeah, sorry, I’m fine, just too much excitement for one day I think. Lay back down and I will see you when I get back. I love you,” I say and lean down kissing him gently.

“I love you too,” he says kissing me back and running his fingers through my hair.

I turn around and walk out as Midas snuggles into his dad’s side. I love how close they are. I pull the door almost closed, leaving it open just enough for Midas to get out if he needs to and I walk back down to the lounge room.

“How’s he doing?” Bill asks and I smile.

“Good, just needs some sleep. I’m going to head into work for a little bit. Will you guys be okay here on your own?” I ask and Angel looks up at me and smiles.

“Really Boss?” she asks sounding excited.

“Yeah, I need to see everyone. It’s been three months and I miss them all,” I say and she stands up, grabbing her bag and smiling at me.

“Yeah Vee, we’ll be fine. I’ll keep the boys in check and keep an ear out for Hudson. I have your number if we need you. Have a good time, you deserve a break,” Bill says patting me on the arm.

“Thanks Bill, I won’t be long. Maybe an hour at most. Just enough time to say hello to everyone, then I’ll be back, okay?”

“Take as long as you want, sweetheart. I’ll look after him,” he says and I lean in and kiss his cheek.

“Thanks so much.”

Angel walks over to me and takes my hand as we walk out to her car and head back toward Cupiditas, for the last time.



We pull up in the car park for Cupiditas and Angel has been filling me in on how she and Thor are going. Apparently she met his parents and things are going really well. I couldn’t be happier for her than I am right now.

We walk toward the doors at the entrance and it feels like a whole lifetime ago when I was here last. I feel nauseous as I walk up to the door and open it smiling at the security guard as I walk in. It looks exactly the same as when I was last here, except for the addition of all the security. There are cameras and monitors as well as the security guard. I feel happy knowing they’re all safe. Other than that it smells the same and it sounds the same. It is exactly as I remember, and a sense of home washes over me and I feel a little emotional. Angel wraps her arm around my shoulder and walks me through to my office.

“Did you miss it, Boss?” she asks and I simply nod.

“It feels so weird being back here. It feels right, but it also feels so wrong at the same time,” I say not really to anyone, in particular, mainly to myself.

I walk around and sit down on my white chair smelling the salty, clean smell of the sea as it wafts in through the window. The smell that used to calm and soothe me whenever I was here.

“Want me to bring you a coffee, Boss?” Angel asks and my stomach lurches into my throat making me want to gag.

“Umm… no thanks. I’m not feeling the best, to be honest. Maybe a glass of water instead?”

“Coming right up. Want me to get the girls if they’re here?”

“Yes please, I can’t wait to see them.”

She nods and walks out as I look around my office. This place, I used to call home. This place that for so long, was a sanctuary for me. It’s going to be hard walking away from here. I just hope whoever buys it from me is nice and treats my staff well, and keeps them safe and employed for that matter. One thing for sure I’ll be visiting as often as I can.

Angel walks back in with a tall glass of cool water and hands it to me.

“It’s great to see you back in that chair, Boss. I know you’re only here for an hour or so, but it is good to have you here,” she states and walks back out down the hall toward the rooms.

I turn and look out the window at the serenity of the beach. It calms my unsettled nerves. Why my stomach is fluttering all over the place, I’m not sure but it is. I take a sip of my water and just as I gulp it down I hear a squeal and then some running. I stand from the chair and walk toward my door as Rosie comes rushing inside. She stops when she sees me and then bursts into uncontrollable tears. She opens her arms wide and rushes to me. I laugh and take her in for an embrace while she sobs.

“I’m so sorry, Boss, that you had to go through all of that. It must’ve been so scary having those big ugly men chasing after you. Don’t worry, I’ve been giving Papi one hell of a bad time and totally telling him what a whack-job he was for bringing the Dogs to your doorstep. I can’t believe they hurt you so bad. How are you now? Are you okay?” she asks talking so fast I can’t get a word in edgeways.

I caress her hair as she continues to death grip me so hard I feel faint again. “I’m okay Rosie, thanks for caring.”

She pulls back at looks at me furrowing her brows. “Caring? Seriously, you’re like the mum I never had, and you think I care about you? I love your guts woman more than you know. So don’t say I care about you because it’s so much deeper than that. It’s like our souls are totally connectified or something?” she says making me laugh at her made up word. She always did make me smile, even if she is a little scatterbrained.

“Well, I love you too, Rosie Cheeks,” I say and lean in hugging her again. I hear more running down the hall and I brace myself for more squealing and excitement. Even though I really want to sit down right now. Shiela comes rushing in and as she spots me she stands with her hand on her hip and a frown on her face.

Not the reaction I was expecting.

“Well, fuck me,” Shiela says and I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Umm… hi Shiela,” I reply as Rosie nuzzles into my side like a child would their mother.

“Don’t you, umm… hi Sheila me. What the fucking hell were you thinking taking on the Dogs like that? You scared the fucking, absolute shit out of me, you fucking bitch,” Shiela says dropping her hand from her hip and walking across to me. I smile knowing this is her way of saying she’s missed me.

“I missed you too,” I say and she shakes her head.

“No, I’m angry at you! You left and went into witness protection without telling us where you were going. No phone calls, nothing. You may as well have been dead, Boss. Do you get how that makes me feel? Knowing you were out there with those mad cunts chasing you, not knowing from one day to the next if you were still alive. And then…
to find out you’re in fucking hospital all the way down south, and you were badly injured… and
you wouldn’t let any of us come and visit you, even though you know we would drop every fucking thing for you. Do you know how worthless and utterly useless I felt, Boss? Do you?” she raises her voice as she stares me right in the eyes.

I swallow a lump that has formed in my throat as Rosie looks up at Sheila and me staring at each other. I never thought of how badly this would affect them. I guess I was so wrapped up in Hudson, I forgot that these people right here are my family, and how this would be affecting them and just how worried they actually were.

“I’m sorry, Sheila. I really am,” I reply and she shakes her head, her nostrils flaring and her mouth pursed.

“Well, I don’t accept your apology. But, I am, thankful as fuck that you’re alive, you stupid cow. Now give me a fucking hug before I rip your fucking heart out like you did to me,” she says finally smiling and leaning in grabbing me forcefully and wrapping her arms tightly around my back.

I relax knowing she’s just happy that I’m here. I know she has a very weird way of showing her affections, but I’m used to it and I know how she ticks. And right now Sheila is beyond happy, although mightily ticked off.

“Don’t you fucking do that again, you hear me?” she whispers in my ear and pulls back looking me in the eyes. I see hers brimming with tears and my heart shatters. I can’t remember the last time I saw Sheila cry and knowing she’s breaking her walls down and it makes me emotional.

“I won’t, I promise,” I reply and she leans in kissing me quickly on the lips.

I laugh and she shakes her head. “Don’t laugh at me. I’m falling apart over here.”

“I am sorry, Sheila. I promise it won’t happen again. I’m safe from now on,” I say and she exhales as a tear runs down her cheek. She quickly swipes it away while Rosie smirks at her.

“Oh, piss off Rosie, don’t smirk at me,” Sheila says.

“So you are human after all then, hey Shiels?” Rosie asks and Shiela rolls her eyes.

“If you tell anyone you saw me cry I will gut you, get it?”

Rosie smirks and makes the gesture of zipping her mouth shut.

“Same goes for you, Boss. Tell anyone and—”

“You’ll gut me, yeah, yeah, I got it. Your human status is safe with me,” I say and she smiles slightly as Angel walks in followed by Star and Papi. They stop at the door and they both look terrible.

Everyone in the room is looking from them back to me and back to them again. I know I really should be angry at Papi. He is, after all, the reason all this started. And in a small way I am furious at him, but I now know how easily led he is. It’s not his fault, he wasn’t raised properly. Most of the people here come from broken and battered homes. But Papi has always been special to me and even though the reason Hudson is lying in our bed, weak as hell and with only one and a half lungs in his chest, I still can’t blame Papi totally. I asked, no begged and bribed, Hudson to go with me to the cabin. So his injuries are solely on me. If he wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have nearly have died. That is all my fault and I will never forgive myself, but right now, I’m staring at Papi and he has a river of tears running down his gorgeous face.

“I love you… both of you,” I say and Papi starts to sob while Star puts her arm around him and they walk to me. I wrap my arms tightly around Papi and hold him with as much strength as I have. He needs to know I don’t blame him.

“I’m fine, Papi. Hudson is fine, and I don’t for one second blame you. I know you feel like this is all your fault, and maybe in the beginning it was, but I made the situation a million times worse, and what happened to Hudson and I was a result of my mistakes, not yours, okay?”

“He hasn’t been the same since you went missing, Boss,” Star says with tears in her eyes.

“Papi, look at me,” I say pulling back so he can look at me. “Carlos,” I say and he looks up and I can see the utter devastation in his eyes and how distraught he is. “Trust me, we’re good. I love you.”

He nods his head and wipes his eyes. “I love you too, Boss, and I know you don’t blame me, but I blame me and I always will. I should’ve been the one they tortured, not a beautiful, kind hearted, loyal woman like you. You didn’t deserve what they did to you, Boss.”

“Papi, listen, they wanted Cupiditas. That’s why they took me, not because of you. They wanted me to hand over the business to them, take over and kick me out, so they could have a legitimate cash flow coming in. Mad Dog was crazy. Chops was even crazier, but they weren’t there because of you. They didn’t do what they did because of a petty drug deal gone wrong. They were there because they were greedy fuckheads, who only wanted a quick way to get rich. Nothing you, or any of you could’ve done to stop them from coming after me—”

“But if they didn’t know about Cupiditas, it wouldn’t have happened. I lead them here—”

“Stop Carlos! I won’t let you take responsibility for this. Their actions were of their own, not because of something anyone else did. They wanted the cash and that was that. Stop blaming yourself. Please, for me?”

“I don’t know why you’re so nice to me, Boss,” he says and I pull him in for another hug.

“Because Papi, you’re my family.”

I reach out and grab Star pulling her to me and hugging them both together.

“How are you holding up Star?” I ask and she smiles.

“I’m okay, better now you’re back,” she says and I tense up because I know I need to tell them sooner or later and maybe now is the time. I should probably just get it over with. I let go of Papi and Star and lean back against my desk.

“While you’re all here there’s something I need to discuss with you all,” I say and they all look at me raising an eyebrow.

“You okay, Boss?” Rosie asks and I smile at her.

“I’m okay, but I do need to change my life a bit. It’s been a hectic few months and I realise that maybe the things that used to make me happy, don’t anymore.”

They all stand up a little straighter. I start to feel lightheaded as that gnawing feeling in my stomach is back, even worse than before. I take a steadying breath as they all watch me sway. I take hold of the desk behind me to steady myself.

“You okay, Boss? You look pale,” Papi asks.

I nod. “I’m okay thanks. What I’m trying to say is that even though I have built this place from the ground up, it has some great and also some terrible memories for me. I have decided that even though I love you guys like blood, I can’t continue to be here. For the sake of my sanity and also for the sake of my relationship—”

“What are you saying, Boss?” Sheila asks abruptly.

I take a deep breath while everyone holds theirs. “I’m selling Cupiditas,” I say as I look at all of their stunned faces. It’s deathly silent for a few seconds and then suddenly it starts. They’re all talking at me and surrounding me.

“What do you mean you’re selling?”

“What does that mean for our jobs?”

“What are you going to do?”

Questions keep flying at me and it’s making me dizzy. They move in surrounding me and I feel like I’m trapped in with no way out. I feel hot and suddenly I can’t breathe. My stomach lurches into my throat and I start to see stars while darkness begins to cloud my eyes.

“Boss?” Angel says and then everything turns black as I fall to the floor.


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