A Different Shade of Violet? (24 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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There’s a quiet knock at the door and I turn to face it. I notice the same two policeman standing there assessing me.

“Is it okay if we come in and ask you some questions now?” one of them asks and I shrug and turn looking out the window. They walk in and pull up two seats next to my bed.

“I’m sorry this has happened to you. Can you remember anything at all?” he asks and I turn to look at him. He seems nice. They’re both good looking, but nothing compares to my Hudson. I bite my bottom lip to stop it from trembling. I want to tell them it was Mad Dog. I want to tell them everything. I won’t be able to go to Cupiditas, so my employees are all in danger or doomed anyway so telling them seems like the right thing to do. But honestly, I don’t have the energy or motivation to talk. So I just stare at them, occasionally blinking.

“Can you at least tell us your name?” he asks and I look back out the window.

They both exhale. “Can you confirm that you are Violet Dyson and you were in protective custody?” he asks and my head swings back to look at them.

I nod my head in confirmation.

“Great! Good work, Violet. I know what has happened to you must’ve been terrible, but if you could just give us a name or a description of the people who did this to you, then we can find them and lock them up. Wouldn’t you feel safer knowing they were locked up?” he asks and I shrug.

“We found the officers at the cabin,” he tells me and I open my eyes wide. “Two were pronounced dead on the scene and the other is in critical condition in intensive care. You can help put the people away that did this to them, and to you, Violet.”

My heart starts to race erratically and the machine starts to beep again.

“The officer who’s in intensive care. Who is it?” I ask and they smile looking relieved that I’m finally talking.

“Detective Hudson Stone. He was the one watching you, right?” he asks and I start to really cry. I make noises that I didn’t even know existed as my chest fills with something.

I’m not sure what it is.



Whatever it is it’s warming me up and I smile so brightly my cheeks hurt.

“Is he here? In this hospital?” I ask and they nod looking at me with creased brows.

“Hudson,” I call out loudly as I rip the blanket off me. I see my thigh all bandaged up, but I don’t care. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and move to stand up.

“Whoa, wait Violet,” the cop says just as I stand up, pulling the drip holder over onto the bed in my hurry. Pain rips through my leg and I collapse to the ground letting out a loud scream.

The police are by my side in an instant. I start to slide myself along the floor to get to Hudson, but the officers stop me and one lifts me up as I scream against him and fight to try and get to the doorway. My drip rips out of my hand and it hurts for a second, but it’s nothing compared to the pain of knowing Hudson is here in the hospital… hurt. He needs me and I
to see him. I scream as the officers’ fight to get me back to the bed. One of them presses the call button and a nurse rushes in. She grabs a needle while I flail about trying to get free as she stabs me in the arm while I scream in her face.

“I need to get to Hudson,” I yell and the cop lays me back down on the bed as my body starts to feel heavy. I feel dizzy and my head is swirling as I fight to try and stay awake.

“It’s okay honey, just rest,” the nurse whispers wiping the straggly pieces of hair out of my face as I go limp and my eyes start to close.



I feel so heavy, my entire body is aching so bad that I can’t think straight. I open my eyes when I hear someone walking in. I look toward the door and see a nurse with a tray of food.

“Hi honey, are you hungry?” she asks and I shake my head.

“Can you please take me to see a patient here? His name is Hudson Stone. I really need to see him,” I ask as I look down to the drip in the back of my hand.

“Sweetie, you need to stay in bed and rest.”

“No, I need to go and see Hudson. I don’t give a shit if I’m dying. Just please, I need to see him!” I say loudly.

“Okay, just calm down.”

I notice my breathing becoming short and shallow. I start to cough and I bring my hand to my mouth and cough into it.

“I need… to… see him,” I say through the coughing fit.

“Sweetheart, you need to rest and recover. He’ll still be there when you’re better. Just concentrate on yourself first,” she says placing the tray on the stand next to me and wheeling it over my bed.

“No, I need to see him, please.”

“Sweetheart you’re not listening—”

“No, you’re not listening. I. Need. To. See. Him!” I yell and then start coughing all over again.

“Okay, just take a deep breath, your lungs are having difficulty coping. So slow your breathing and try to take in long steady breaths,” she says raising my bed which forces me to sit up.

It is hard to breathe so I do as she says and stop struggling for a moment just trying to breathe. A tear runs down my cheek and she wipes it away.

“I’ll go and get someone to fill you in on how Mr. Stone is doing. Will that help?” she asks and I nod. “Okay, just relax and I’ll get someone for you. I think the police would like to interview you too, if you’re willing to see them again that is?” she asks and I nod again.

“Great, I’ll let them know,” she replies and walks out of the room.

I lay back and slowly catch my breath. I guess the water torture really hurt my lungs. I hate Chops so much right now! All I want to do is get to Hudson, but I can’t breathe and I can’t walk, so I’m going to have a hell of a lot of trouble getting to him. Even though every fibre of my being is calling out to him, and every inch of me is aching to see him, I stay put because I know Hudson, and he would hate the thought of me killing myself in the process of just getting to him.

A policeman walks in followed by Chief Thomas better known as Denzel. I sit up a little higher as I look at Denzel, who’s looking at me and shaking his head.

“Oh Violet, what did Mad Dog do to you?” he asks and comes in sitting by my bed.

“How’s Hudson?” I ask ignoring his question.

“Stone is stable, but he took some horrific hits. A bullet went into his diaphragm, another into his left lung and one more grazing his side just by his ribs. He’s lucky to be alive, and he is, but only just. If the shift change didn’t happen just after the Dog’s took you, then he probably wouldn’t have made it,” he states and my hand shoots to my mouth as I let out a sob.

“He’s going to be okay though, right?” Denzel shrugs.

“They think he will pull through, but it’s still early days and he’s had major surgery to remove the bullets and repair the damage. He’s going to be in the hospital for a long time, they’re estimating three months for recovery,” he says and I burst out crying.

“He’s tough, Violet, just like you. He’ll pull through.”

I nod and swallow hard. “Is he awake?”

“Not yet, he’s still in intensive care. They’re trying to keep him still. We know when he wakes up he’ll just want to get to you. Just like I hear you tried to get to him.”

“I’m just so glad he’s alive. I thought for sure he was dead when I saw his body. He was so cold and had lost so much blood…” I trail off at the memory.

“It’s okay. I know how traumatic this must’ve been for you and I apologise deeply that we failed you. I’m just glad Mad Dog let you go. What happened?” Denzel asks and the other cop pulls out a notebook and a pen.

I decide I may as well spill everything. If the cops can help me keep him away from Cupiditas and my employees, then I’m going to try.

“He wants me to hand over the ownership of Cupiditas to him and to retract my statement about the MC. He said if I don’t then he would kill all of my employees and their families. Please Chief, you have to send more guards to Cupiditas, I couldn’t stand it if he killed them all.”

He puts his hand out to rest on mine. “Don’t worry Violet, we have him and all of the Dogs in custody. No one is going to hurt your friends or their families. The lady that called the ambulance got a good look at Mad Dog from the back of the van. She has identified him, so there’s no way he’s getting out of this one. He’s going down for at least kidnapping and causing grievous bodily harm. Plus, anything else we can throw at him. He seems to be opening up and telling us everything we need to know, which is very unlike an MC member. They never… ever… rat, but he said something about you making him see some sense? Like he wants to pay for his sins? Trust me Violet, he’s going away for a long time and we’ve got something on all the Dogs. They will all be put away in one way or another. We raided their clubhouse and found enough drugs and guns to put them all in the slammer for as long as I can get them in there for. You’re safe. Stone is safe and your friends and their families are safe. But even though I am sure of it, we are continuing to guard Cupiditas and we have a guard outside yours and Stone’s rooms. We’re not taking any more chances. Your safety is our top priority and I’m devastated that they were able to find you. I feel personally responsible and I can’t apologise enough—”

“Stop, it’s not your fault, Chief. The Dogs are smart. They probably had guys following all the unmarked police cars or something. I don’t know how they found me, but I certainly don’t blame you for it at all.”

“He told us about a dirty cop who was working for him and told him where you were. I am sorry about that and trust me the dirty cop is being dealt with. Just know we intend to throw the book at the Rebel Dogs MC. They will all be sent to various prisons around the country so they can’t consort with each other. But we will have a guard with you for as long as you want one, so you feel safe again. We won’t fail you this time, Violet.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, shoot.”

“Papi, I mean, Carlos. Will he be in the same prison as any of the Dogs?”

“We’ve been talking with Carlos Rivera. He’s been very helpful and giving us plenty of inside intel. We’re pushing that his sentence be suspended and that he serves no jail time. He’s a good guy and we don’t want to see anything bad happen to him.”

I bite my bottom lip and suppress a happy smile. “Thank you so much. That means a lot to me and it will mean even more to Papi and Star. Thank you, Chief. Thank you so much!” I say as a tear falls down my face.

Once the floodgate opens, it doesn’t seem to want to stop!

“Don’t thank me yet. A judge may not be as lenient, but I will push for it, Violet. You have my word on that,” he explains and I smile for the first time. “Now if you’re up to it, I’d like you to tell us all about what they said and did to you while you were in their possession.”

I nod and sit up ready to tell them absolutely everything.



I’ve been in this fucking uncomfortable, annoying hospital bed for a week. My lungs got worse before they got better, and even though at one stage I could hardly breathe I was still fighting to see Hudson. But they keep refusing to let me see him. He’s too critical and me taking my pneumonia in there is a bad idea they say. Apparently they don’t want my infection getting anywhere near him, that plus, I still can’t walk without my leg or my lungs caving in. So I’ve stayed put, but I don’t know how much longer I can stand being away from him.

They say that he’s awake, but not completely lucid and that they’re trying to have him rest as much as possible, but I feel like I’m dying inside with the need to just see him. I hate that I’m not there for him every time he wakes up. I’ve been able to make some calls to Angel to check in on how things are going. Angel cried most of the time and I had to calm her down when I filled her in on what had happened. She said everyone misses me and to be honest I miss them too. She wanted to close shop for a few hours so everyone could come here to visit, but I said no. To be truthful, I just don’t want them all to see me like this. Angel was adamant that she was going to come in on her own, but I talked her out of it. I really just want to try and look human again before I go and see people outside of the hospital. I know how terrible I look. Practically my entire body is bruised or cut in some way and to be honest I haven’t been in the best of moods over the last week. Actually, I know I’ve been a complete bitch, but all I want, all I need, is to see Hudson and make sure he
actually okay.

A nurse comes in and I glare at her. “Don’t give me that look. I come bearing good news this time.” I’ve been a bit of a bitch to the nurses and they’ve been nothing but courteous to me. I just can’t shake this bad mood.

“Good news?” I ask sitting up a little higher in the bed. I do feel a lot better than when I first came here. I’m still a little weak in the chest, but it’s not as bad as day four, that was the worst! The crushing feeling in my lungs had me gasping for air. I had a fever which felt like an intense burning, but I actually had the chills, lots of muscle aches and pains through my entire body, an overwhelming fatigue, so much so I couldn’t keep my eyes open, a sore throat that felt like razor blades every time I swallowed and the pain in my chest was worse than any pain I’ve ever felt except, of course, when I thought I’d lost Hudson.

“I have pulled a few strings and I’m having a wheelchair brought in so I can take you to see Detective Stone.”

I squeal and jump slightly in the bed, then wince at the pain in my ribs and collarbone.

“Now you won’t be able to go in to see him, but I can take you to the door and let you look in—”

“I’ll take anything I can get. Thank you, Hilda. I love you right now,” I say and she smiles. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch—”

“Hey, stop that. You’ve been ill and you’ve been worried sick. Those two combined would make anyone cranky. I understand Violet. That’s why I’m making this happen for you,” she says and walks over to me.

I reach out and grab her hand. “Thank you,” I say through tears and she smiles caressing my cheek.

“You’re most welcome,” she replies as another nurse comes in with a wheelchair while Hilda helps me off the bed and into it.

I wipe my tear soaked face and breathe a lot easier as she wheels me out of this God forsaken horrible hospital room. I can’t help but notice the security guard out the front of my room who then follows closely behind. She moves the chair down a few corridors and she doesn’t say anything, but my excitement grows and grows.

I’m finally going to see Hudson.

He will still be out of it, and I won’t actually get to touch him, but at least I will see him. To know he’s recovering, but that’s all that matters right now. I swallow the lump that’s formed in my throat as we reach the doors to intensive care. Hilda presses a button and the doors swing open and she wheels me inside. I have to wash my hands and sanitize them thoroughly before we can go any further. It smells in here, like a sterile cleaning cupboard that’s been cleaned with bleach. I turn my nose up and frown. I stretch which makes me grimace in pain as it shoots down my collarbone and ribs. Hilda starts to walk and as I look in the rooms as we pass them, I notice in each one there’s a person lying on a hospital bed with tubes and stuff coming from them. I frown knowing these are people’s loved ones and they’re all so sick. It’s so sad in here.
I start to wonder if this was really such a good idea?

Hilda pulls up at a door and she positions me in front of it. I notice another security guard standing by Hudson’s door.

“This is him,” she says and I look in and gasp. The sight before me is terrifying. Hudson is laying on the bed with monitors connected to him everywhere. A ventilator is attached to his mouth and his chest is rising and falling in time with its pumping noise. There is also three distinct wound dressings across his chest. My hand shoots up to my mouth as I hold back my sobs. I move my hand to the window and press my palm against it trying to feel closer to him.

“He’s had a piece of his left lung removed, and that’s why it’s taking so long for him to recover. His body has to adjust. He’s a fighter, and boy is he fighting! I’m sorry I can’t take you inside the room, but maybe next week I can, when you’re feeling better yourself,” Hilda says and I nod continuing to stare at the lifeless body in front of me.

“Can he feel anything? I mean… is he in pain?” I ask and Hilda’s hand rests on my shoulder.

“No sweetie, he’s not in pain. He has pain meds and he’s asleep most of the time—”

“So, he’s been awake then?” I ask my head shooting back to look at her.

“Yes, but only for a minute or so at a time. He’s still recovering and they’re trying to keep him sedated because every time he wakes up he’s hurting himself trying to get to you. You two have been quite a handful for us. You must love each other very much,” she says and I look back at Hudson and nod.

“We do, so much,” I say and sniff as fresh tears come to the surface.

“Well, I’ll give you some time,” Hilda says and she and the two guards walk off to the nurse’s station. I rest my hand back on the window and his head moves slightly. My heart races and I open my eyes wide watching him, but he quickly stills. My breathing is rushed and with the lack of lung capacity that I have I’m feeling a little dizzy. I exhale forcefully trying to slow my breathing.

“I love you,” I whisper and he remains still as I lean my forehead against the glass to get closer again. I’m not sure how long I stay against the glass just staring at him, but eventually Hilda comes back.

“Okay, the doctors are going to be doing their rounds shortly so I need to get you back to your room. Have you had enough time with him?” she asks and I look at her and half-smile.

“Not nearly long enough, but at least I’ve seen him now. Thank you, Hilda, I really appreciate it. Can I come back later?”

“No, not today. I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day, but I will bring you back down tomorrow. How’s that sound?”

“Okay, great,” I say and turn back to look at Hudson one last time before I have to leave.

“I love you, Hudson,” I say loudly hoping he can hear me, even though I know he can’t.

“He knows sweetie, he knows,” she says and I exhale and nod at her. She smiles and steps in behind me and turns my wheelchair around to walk me out. The security guard follows and I don’t move my eyes from him until he’s out of sight. We turn a corner and I exhale. I feel great for seeing him. Knowing he’s fighting and holding on for me, but then seeing him so… incapacitated, well that broke my heart into a billion pieces.

“Will he live a normal life after this, Hilda?”

She exhales. “He will be mostly normal, but he will only have eighty percent lung capacity,” she says confusing me.

“Which means?”

“Which means, he won’t be able to push himself as much as he could before. Exercise could make him short of breath and any extra exertion could make him feel weak,” she says and I bite my bottom lip.

“What about… sex?” I whisper the last word which escapes before I can think about it. She chuckles.

“He will be fine. He may not have the same stamina he once had, but he will still be able to perform. It might just be at a slower rate.”

I nod and exhale. That’s good, just means we’ll make love slowly from now on and not the hurried fucking like normal, and I’m totally fine with that. Having Hudson any way I can get him is perfectly fine with me. Suddenly I realise that even with us both being okay, he still might not want to work things out between us.

What if he still doesn’t want to be with me?

What if he resents me for being shot? They were there for me after all, and I did force him into looking after me at that stupid cabin.


I need to prove to him that I have to be with him. I decide to do the only thing I can do to win him back.

I’m going to sell Cupiditas!

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