A Different Shade of Violet? (5 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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I inhale and roll my shoulder again. It really is aching and so is my lip, not to mention the incredible pounding in my head right now. I walk into my office and think about what I’m going to do. I know I have to call the cops, but I don’t want to exacerbate the situation. I sit down on my sofa and run my hand through my hair. Angel walks in and sits down next to me wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

“This sucks, Boss,” she says as she pulls me to her side.

“Tell me about it. I’m just glad Papi wasn’t here. Who knows what they would’ve done to him if he were,” I say and Angel nods. “How’s Thor? Are his knees okay?” I ask finally looking up at her.

“He’s fine, I’m more worried about you,” she says while she studies my sore and cut lip.

“I’m okay, just frustrated is all. I guess I need to call the cops I just don’t know if I can,” I say because the reminder of Hudson is so strong and present right now it’s burning a hole right through my heart.

“It’s okay, I’ll call them and get them to come out. Don’t worry about a thing, Boss, I got this,” Angel says.

“Thanks, Angel, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I reply and she stands up and walks out leaving me alone in my office to think about what the
just happened.

I lay down on the sofa and just rest my aching head. I figure all the damage is done, so I may as well take a short break before the cops get here. I rest my head on the soft cushions and hold onto my forehead for comfort. It isn’t soothing my pounding headache, but it’s a comfortable position so I stay like it. I can hear the employees talking in the reception area and everyone seems concerned about their safety, and I don’t blame them. I’m concerned about their safety as well and I have no idea what to do about it.

It’s about thirty minutes later when I hear the police enter. My door is open. I’m so comfortable lying here. My head is no more than just a dull ache now, but I can’t be bothered moving. If they want to talk to me, Angel knows where I am. I close my eyes and take in slow deep breaths wishing like fuck that Hudson was here to make everything better. I’m missing him so much that my brain is conjuring his voice in the next room. I wish I could turn it off. I wish I wasn’t pretending to hear him. It’s driving me mental. I clench my eyes tighter and bring my hands over my ears to block out the imaginary sounds coming from reception. There’s a knock on my door and I open my eyes to see Angel standing in the doorway looking at me like I might have lost my mind. I think maybe I have… slightly.

“You okay?” she asks and I take my hands from my ears and nod.

“Yeah, just my brain is playing tricks on me,” I say and sit up on the sofa.

“There’s someone here to see you, I hope you don’t mind. I called him because I thought you would like a friendly face,” she says confusing me.

“Who?” I ask and Hudson steps around the doorframe and I swear my heart thuds so fast I feel sick. A flutter of butterflies flitters around in my stomach just from seeing him. I almost forgot how absurdly gorgeous he is. He looks at me and his eyes are still as mesmerizing as they ever were. I get lost in them straight away while he checks over my body with his eyes and he frowns. I guess he’s not as happy to see me as I am to see him. Everything in me wants me to run and wrap my arms around him. But what’s the point? He obviously isn’t here to work things out. He has on his suit and I can see a gun in his holster. He’s here to work, not for me. My eyes leave his and I look down at my hands in my lap.

“I’ll ah… let you give your statement,” Angel says patting Hudson on the shoulder and he nods at her and walks in. My heart races so fast and my breathing is rapid. I can feel that electricity flowing between us and it’s making it hard to concentrate. I feel the sofa dip beside me and I instantly smell him. He smells amazing and I have to close my eyes to restrain myself from jumping into his lap.

“Are you okay?” His voice is like deep, smooth velvet and my entire body erupts in goose bumps. I swallow hard. I’m finding it difficult to even think let alone speak. “Vee, look at me,” he says and he places his hand under my chin and pulls my face up. My eyes betray me and open while I stare at his handsome face. He gasps and his eyes run down to my lips. His hand caresses my cheek as his thumb traces over my swollen cut lip. The feeling of him touching me is sending fire straight through me.

“Did one of them do this to you?” he asks as his thumb grazes over my cut.

I swallow and nod. I don’t know where all the courage I had with the bikers has gone. I wish I could be strong right now, but all I want is for Hudson to hold me. “Fuck,” he says under his breath as he furrows his brows and swallows hard. “I hate that they hurt you, Vee. Did they do anything else to you?” he asks as his eyes run over my entire body.

Somehow I find the strength to answer him. “They pinned my arm behind my back and my shoulder hurts a little, but I’m okay.” I shake my head. “Well, I’m far from okay, but that doesn’t matter…” I drift off while he frowns and exhales loudly. “I miss you,” I say as my hand reaches out for his, which is still holding onto my cheek.

He winces and pulls his hand away from me. “That’s not why I’m here,” he says dismissively.

I nod and bite my bottom lip to stop it from trembling.

“Okay fine! It was the president of the Rebel Dogs and his lackeys. They did this and they threatened to come back. He threatened to shove a stapler inside me Hudson, an—”

“What?” he interrupts.

“I know, he’s a sick and twisted fuck.”

“Did they say what they wanted?” he asks seeming somewhat frazzled.

“The drugs you guys took from Papi’s room. They want them back.”

“Okay. Do you have any security cameras inside the premises?” he asks starting to sound more like a cop than my caring ex-boyfriend.

I tense up and shake my head. “Not yet. Thor is on it though and trust me, he’s going to make it happen much quicker now.”

He exhales and looks away from me. “Are you in much pain?” he asks quietly looking down at his hands.

A shit load right now. He won’t even look at me and that hurts so bad, way worse than the physical pain of my cut lip, my sore shoulder or the headache I have.

“More than you know,” I whisper and his whole body tenses.

“I can’t do this. I’ll get another officer to take your statement. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I’m sorry you’re in pain. Maybe you should go to the hospital to get it checked out,” he says emotionlessly as he stands up and goes to walk out.

I start to panic. I don’t want him to leave and my mouth reacts before my brain engages, “I love you,” I say loudly. He pauses in the doorway and his chin falls to his chest which is heaving rapidly. He exhales, looks back at me and grimaces.

“It doesn’t change anything, Vee. I can’t even stand to be here right now,” he says and then walks out of my office. When he’s out of sight, it feels like the wind has been sucked from me. I can’t breathe and I’m gasping for air. My heart is racing a million miles an hour and thudding so hard I can feel it reverberate right through my entire body. I start to feel hot like I’m burning in an intense heat and nothing can save me from it.

I can’t breathe.

Oh God, I can’t breathe!

I claw at my chest to try and get it to work, to stop the thudding and to take in a breath, but nothing is happening. My body starts to shake as I pull my legs up and cradle myself into a ball. If I could cry, I would. Angel walks in and notices me panicking. She rushes to my side and pulls me to her.

“It’s okay. Violet, it’s okay, just breathe,” she says as she runs a caressing hand over my hair trying to calm me down.

“I can’t… I can’t breathe—”

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. I’m sorry I asked him here. If it’s any consolation he looks terrible too, he looks on the verge of having a breakdown himself. It’s okay you’re safe, nothing can hurt you now,” she says while I rock back and forth. I clutch at her arms trying to find some sort of comfort, but nothing is helping. I just want Hudson so badly and he… he doesn’t want me. He has made that abundantly clear.

“I love you, Violet. You’re a strong woman and I hate seeing you like this. Where’s the woman who stood up to Mad Dog, hey? Bring her back Violet, she needs to be here right now,” Angel states trying to calm me down as she caresses my cheek. My breathing starts to slow and I can finally inhale some air. My lungs are burning and I hate that one person can do this to me. I feel utterly broken, but Angel is right, I can’t let anyone see me like this.

I’m a strong woman!

I am The Violet Widow and
fazes me!

I sit up and close my eyes trying to pull my shit together.

“That’s it, you got this, Boss,” Angel says as she rests her hand on my knee.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes feeling like I’m calm enough to do what needs to be done.

“You okay?” Angel asks squeezing my knee. I look at her and nod.

“Thanks, I needed a wake-up call. I can always count on you. I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have had to have seen that—”

“Hey, stop it! You’re struggling and I thought bringing your Rock back would help, and I couldn’t have been more wrong. So, I apologise. He’s sitting in the patrol car now, so if you want to come out and make your statement then he won’t be there to distract you,” she says standing up and putting out her hand for me to take. I nod, take her hand, stand up and straighten out my clothes. I take in a very deep cleansing breath and walk with Angel to give my statement to the police.


It’s been two days since the Rebel Dogs came in and destroyed everything. They left the place looking a lot like a pigsty and it took us hours to clean it all up, not to mention all the money it’s cost me to have to replace all the broken computers and furniture, and the one-way windows. They really did a number on this place and the cops weren’t much help. They sent some officers over to the bikers to warn them to stay away, but I have a feeling that was not the last we’ll see of Mad Dog and his cronies. I just hope no one gets hurt in the process. I haven’t seen nor heard from Hudson since I saw him, and then panicked after he left. I was hoping that maybe seeing me might help him realise that he loves me desperately and that he wants me back, but I’m pretty sure that if it hasn’t happened by now, then it’s not going to. I’m trying to be strong and I’m always trying to make sure I am strong in front of my employees, but I still feel despondent and when I do that’s when I lock myself in the office and wallow. But it only lasts for a half an hour or so before I’m snapped back to reality.

It’s getting close to lunch time and Sheila has gone to get us all some lunch. Normally, I’m not here at lunchtime, but because I’ve been basically living here I’m able to join in on the group lunches, which in a weird way is actually nice. I walk out to the reception area and Angel notices me and smiles.

“Hey Boss, you doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay, just taking this shit day by day you know?”

“Yeah, you seem a little better today. Why don’t you clear out the spare room and make it yours, that way you don’t have to sleep on the sofa all the time?”

I raise an eyebrow. “That’s not such a bad idea.”

“See not just a pretty face,” Angel says and I half-laugh. I don’t have the energy to laugh a bellowing belly laugh, but a simple chuckle will suffice.

“So, when’s Sheila due back? I’m starving!” I ask and Angel looks down at the time on her computer.

“Yeah, that’s weird, she’s been gone for over an hour. She should have only taken fifteen minutes… twenty at most,” she replies and my body instantly tenses. Angel looks at me and I can see she’s just as worried as I am when a black van pulls up outside of the building. We both look out the window and she has her hand on the phone ready and waiting while we watch. The back door opens and Mad Dog steps out and smiles his cocky, lopsided smile right in my direction, even though he can’t see in through the one-way glass.

“Just keep calm, Angel,” I whisper and she looks at me with her eyes wide and bulging, but she nods. She looks terrified. And me? Well, if they want a fight, I’ll give it to them. I have nothing to lose. I just don’t give a shit about anything so they can do what they want to me, as long as they stay away from my staff. A couple more of his gang get out the back of the van and then another gets out carrying Sheila.

“Fuck,” I say out loud as they walk inside with her black and blue limp body.

I burn with an intense hatred that makes me want to shove that stapler up his arse so far it will come back out his mouth.

“Good afternoon ladies. Don’t you touch that phone, Angel darlin’,” one of the bikers says as he lowers Sheila to the ground making a thud noise. I race over to make sure she’s still alive. I put my hand over her bloodied mouth and she’s breathing.
Thank God!

Anger pulses through me, an anger that no matter how much I try I cannot contain it. I stand up and start throwing punches at the nearest gang member, who seems to be the youngest of the bikers. My fist connects with his jaw and he darts out of the way of the punches that follow, before grabbing my arms and pulling me to him tightly. The other bikers laugh while he restrains me.

“Let me go you fucking freak,” I yell. He laughs and holds me tightly to him grinding his cock into me. I frown and push back on him to get him off me, but he holds me securely.

“I swear to God, I’m going to fucking kill every last one of you arseholes for hurting Sheila. You better sleep with one eye open because I’m going to fucking—”

“Boss, shut it,” Angel yells at me stopping me mid-sentence.

“We don’t take too kindly to death threats, Boss lady. We take them very seriously, in fact. And you should know how serious we can get. Just look at your friend over there, lying lifeless and all bloodied up. She’s just lucky she’s a whore or her insides would be ripped open as well as her flesh,” Mad Dog asserts angrily and I race forward out of the young biker’s grip and lunge at him. He grabs my hair and kicks the back of my knees which, of course, makes me fall onto them right in front of his crotch. I struggle against him and they all laugh.

“She’s feisty, Mad Dog. Maybe we could keep her?” one of the bikers declares shocking me into submission.

“Hmm. We’ll see if she behaves herself or not. Now seeing as you’re in the right position, suck my cock and we’ll call it even,” Mad Dog says pulling my head so it slams into his cock inside his jeans.

I laugh and shake my head. “The only thing I’ll do with your cock is bite that itty bitty small excuse for a cock off, then I’ll spit it out and stomp on your pathetic excuse for a dick,” I yell back at him and he smiles and shakes his head.

“You have no idea how much of an enemy you have just made,” he says and lets go of my hair and slaps me across the face so hard I fall to the floor. The taste of blood is present again as I grab at my cheek.

“Fuck off! Get out of here, and if you touch my girls again, I swear to God—”

“You’ll what? Huh? You’ll come after us with a feisty attitude and empty threats? Good going little girl. You think you’re so tough? This, what we’ve done to Sheila is only the tip of the iceberg. You give us our drugs or the money for them, and this all goes away. It’s as simple as that.”

I stand up from the floor and straighten my shoulders showing them I’m not scared to get back up. “I’ll tell you what, you piss off and go get fucked. Ask the fucking cops for the goods. They’re the ones who took them, not us. Leave me and my business the fuck alone or next time
won’t be so hospitable,” I grind out through gritted teeth as I look back at Sheila, who’s lying on the floor lifeless.

“Boss, just give them the money,” Angel whispers.

I look at her and shake my head.

“I see you’re the brains behind this operation dear, sweet, Angel. Maybe we can turn you into a devil, hey? How’s that sound?” Mad Dog asks and I see red again. I run forward and slap him across his face. He pulls on my arms and stops me in front of him.

“You hit like a fucking, pathetic excuse for a girl, you know that? And I’ll tell you something else, if you don’t give us the cash for the drugs, one girl will go missing every day until you pay up. Got it
? Starting with little miss Angel over there. The thing is this time they won’t come back to you all bloodied up. No, this time they’ll be returned in a body bag and that will be
fault… Boss!” Mad Dog rants as the other bikers laugh.

I look back at Angel and she’s holding herself and crying softly.

I can’t risk it.

I can’t risk them killing my staff because I’m too stubborn to give them what they want.

I look back to Mad Dog and shake my head.

“Fine, I’ll give you the cash, but once I do, we’re done! You got me? No more visits… no more beatings. Done. Finished. Caput. You got it?”

“Sure, sounds fine to me. What do you think boys?” They all nod.

“Okay, so two-fifty should cover it,” Mad Dog says letting me go.

“Okay, two hundred and fifty dollars coming right up,” I say and walk toward my office to the safe.

They all laugh and I look back at Mad Dog, who’s shaking his head.

“No darlin’ that’s two hundred and fifty
you owe us,” he states.

“What? No way!” I say folding my arms over my chest.

“Right boys, let’s go,” Mad Dog says and one of the bikers reaches forward and grabs Angel by the hair. She screams as they drag her toward the door. My heart is racing so fast.

“Okay, fine, two-fifty K and then you fuck the hell off and out of our lives for good. You got me?”

The biker lets go of Angel and she rushes back toward me as Thor comes rushing out of his room. He pauses when he sees the bikers and then wraps his arm around Angel.

“Everything okay here, Boss?” he asks and the bikers all laugh.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I grit out. I move to my office, open the floor safe and remove the money then walk back and hand it over to Mad Dog.

“Now get the fuck out, you piece of shit.”

“No need for unpleasantries, Boss. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you,” Mad Dog says changing his demeanor. It unnerves me slightly. He puts out his hand for me to shake and I raise an eyebrow and huff.

“If you think I’m touching your filthy hand you have another think coming. I don’t know where your disgusting mits have been, probably up that guys arse for all I know,” I rant and Angel glares at me.

“I can see you’re not happy with the way we’ve conducted our business dealings with you, Boss, and for that I apologise. I hope you pass on our fondest apologies to Star and Sheila, and just know that they’ll not be hurt again. Thank you for your donation,” he says eloquently as he holds up the wad of cash.
This guy’s a freak.
Maybe he has multiple personalities? “We will be on our way now. Have a nice day won’t you?”

“Fuck you, you pig!” I yell at him as Thor notices Sheila and rushes to her side.

“Oh, and I’d probably get her to the hospital. Who knows what injuries she might have,” the guy that carried her in states and they all chuckle and move to walk out.

“If I see you back in here again, I
call the cops. We’re going to have an emergency call button installed, so if we see you out the front we
press it and it will inform the police to come straight away. I hope you understand
you dickhead,” I say and Mad Dog turns around and glares at me.

“Boss, it would be wise not to threaten us, and there is always a time period from when you press the button to when they arrive. Just know, that in that amount of time we could easily have slaughtered you all and taken everything we need before the cops even show up. I hope
understand that,” he says quietly, almost in a whisper and then walks out of the building with his gang members following closely behind.

I tense my body because I know he’s right. There’s a buffer of time and we don’t have any intentions of getting a safety switch, so he knows he has me over a barrel.

This is totally fucked up!

“Sheila, can you hear me?” Thor says bringing me back into the now. I rush over and caress her swollen cheek.

“Oh God, what have they done to you?” I ask and shake my head. “Angel, ring an ambulance now.”

“Do you think paying them was the right choice, Boss?” Thor asks while he cradles Sheila to his chest.

“I don’t know. He seemed to change once I paid him off, so hopefully, now they will fuck off and leave us alone,” I reply and I take hold of Sheila’s hand and hold it tightly. She moans and her eyes start to flicker open. She grabs hold of her stomach and moans out in pain.

“It’s okay, Sheila. We’re getting you some help sweetheart,” I reassure as I caress her cheek.

I’m so beyond angry right now. Why target my staff, when it’s me they're angry at? Bash me up, I don’t care, just not my girls! I support Sheila in my arms until the ambulance arrives. They ask plenty of questions and want to know how it happened, but I can’t be bothered with the police anymore because they’re absolutely no help at all. Hopefully paying the Rebel Dogs off, will get rid of them now and this bullshit will all stop.

So, I tell them nothing neither does Thor or Angel. I ride in the ambulance with Sheila while Angel stays back and Thor informs the rest of the employees to be cautious and extra vigilant, and not to walk anywhere alone for the next few weeks. Last thing I need is another bloodied up body on our doorstep. Although now, I have given them what they want, I’m almost ninety percent sure they won’t be back. But I guess that ten percent of my brain still thinks there’s more to come. And I don’t like that feeling one little bit!

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