A Different Shade of Violet? (6 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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Sheila is wheeled into the emergency department and she’s still completely out of it. I seriously hope there’s no brain damage or internal bleeding. I’m so angry at Mad Dog right now for what he’s done to her. She’s taken to an emergency bay and I walk along behind keeping my eyes on her face to watch in case she wakes up. The ambulance paramedic places an oxygen mask over her face and one of those heart monitors is clipped onto her finger.

Her heart is beating strongly so that’s a good thing, even though it seems a little slower than what I think it should be. Once she’s in her bay, a bunch of nurses moves over and they start talking to her and checking her over. I stand back out of the way and let them do their job as I quietly start to seethe with rage.

How could anyone do this to another human being?

She looks terrible. Her hair is all matted and messy, obviously from them pulling at it and her face is completely black and blue. She’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, but both are ripped and have blood oozing from them. She looks in a real bad way and my heart is pounding while all the nurses talk loudly in medical jargon that I can’t understand. I feel helpless like my entire life is falling apart around me and nothing I do can stop the walls that I’ve so carefully built from crumbling down around me.

Everything is going wrong. Nothing is right and I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take. It’s like one thing after the other, and even though I’m flicking the switch slowly on my unfeeling heart, it still hurts when my friends are involved. I know I don’t care about most things anymore. I certainly don’t care if I get hurt, or if the Rebel Dogs come after me, but coming after my staff, my friends, well my family – that’s where I draw the line and this shit has got to end!

I’m lost in my agonising thoughts when I hear a loud moan. I look over at Sheila and notice that she’s clutching at her stomach with one hand and pulling at her oxygen mask with the other.

“Layla, can you hear me sweetheart?” one of the nurses says.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

Who the hell is Layla?

Sheila moans and her eyes open.

“Layla, are you with us?” she says again and Sheila nods.

“I’m here, my stomach hurts so bad,” Sheila relays and that’s when I realise her first name must be Layla. I forget sometimes that the names I know my staff as aren’t their real names at all.

“Okay, I’ll get you some painkillers,” she says and then shines the light in her eyes and Sheila blinks a few times. “
Great equal and reacting just what we want to see.
Now whereabouts in your stomach is the pain?”

Sheila points to her ribs.

“Okay, we’ll send you down for an X-ray to check for damage because they may be broken. I’ll go and get you some pain meds now, I’ll be right back,” she states and walks out along with everyone else leaving me alone with Sheila.

“Hey,” she says looking at me while I slowly walk to her and take her hand in mine.

“I’m so sorry, Sheila, this should never have happened to you,” I say quietly and she shakes her head and then winces at the pain, which in turn makes me grimace.

“It’s not your fault, Boss. It’s totally Papi’s, but I don’t really blame him either. It’s those fucking Dogs. I don’t remember much, but they were fucking disgusting bastards,” she says as she rests her hand on her sore ribs.

“Sheila, did they do anything other than beat you?” I ask, not wanting her to answer, but knowing I need to know the truth.

“No Boss, they said because I was a whore they didn’t want to touch me
that way
. I never thought I would ever be happy to call myself a whore,” she says and I smile, my shoulders slumping with relief.

“You’re not a whore. But thank God,” is all I can say and I squeeze her hand a little tighter.

“Did they smash everything up at work again?”

I shake my head. “No, thankfully. I paid them the money for the drugs and they left. Let’s hope they don’t come back.”

Sheila sighs loudly and rests her head back against the stretcher.

“I’m sorry they hurt you,” I whisper.

She looks at me and shakes her head. “Don’t feel bad, Boss. I can look after myself. I’m a tough cookie. I’m pretty sure I just have a few bangs and bruises, nothing too serious. Maybe a concussion because I can see two of you right now.”

“Shit, really?”

She chuckles and then winces grabbing her stomach in pain. “No, just joking. You should’ve seen your face though, worth the agony.”

I shake my head and half-laugh. Even though she’s been beaten to a pulp, and I’m pretty sure she has broken ribs, she’s still cracking jokes. She really is a tough cookie.

“So, your name is Layla?”

“Yeah, sorry, I know you don’t like knowing our real names. They must’ve checked my ID.”

“It’s okay. But you really don’t look like a Layla you know? I think Sheila suits you much better,” I joke and she laughs and then winces again.

“You’re right Boss, Layla is too nice for me. Only my mum calls me that still. Even my dad and brother call me Sheila now.”

“Well, I’m glad you like the name I chose for you.”

She smiles and holds my hand tightly. “Thanks Boss, for being here. I know you probably would rather be at work right now.”

I open my eyes wide and shake my head adamantly. “Sheila, there’s no place I’d rather be than by your side making sure you’re okay. Work can wait. It moves along without me so for as long as you need me here, I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere until I hear the results of your X-ray anyway. You better get used to me being here, ‘cause we all know how long the wait can be. You’ll just have to put up with me.”

“Thanks Boss, I kind of love you, you know that?”

My body slumps at her admission. “Oh, Sheila honey, I love you too,” I say and lean down to give her a tight hug.

She moans slightly and I quickly let go. “Sorry.”

“I don’t mind, pain is my bitch,” she says. We laugh and she winces grabbing her ribs again.

“Shit sorry.”

“Stop saying, sorry. I’m fine, and I’ll be back at work in no time. Don’t you worry about that.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You take all the time you need to heal, Sheila. Go home for a while, and spend some time with your family. I know you miss your brother and really it’s not that far to Port Augusta to see him—”

“No Boss, I need to be here for you—”

“Sheila, take the time, please. Go and see your family and get better, no arguments—”

“But, Boss—”

“No buts. Just do as I say or I will beat you myself.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. You haven’t gone back up north to see your family since you started working for me and I know you miss them. Take the time Layla and recover. I’m not asking – I’m telling, okay?”

“But if you need me just call and I’ll come right back, okay?”

I nod as the nurse walks back in with a syringe.

“I have some Morphine for your pain, Layla. How are you feeling?” the nurse asks and I let go of Sheila’s hand and take a step back so the nurse can ease Sheila’s pain.

Eventually, she’s taken off for an X-ray and it was confirmed that she has five broken ribs and a fractured collar bone. No internal bleeding which is a relief and only a minor knock to the head, so no concussion.

I still can’t believe they did this to her.
Why not come to me and ask for the money before bashing her up? I will never understand why they did it that way? And I hope I never have to find out.

I stayed in the hospital with Sheila until she drifted off to sleep at about one a.m. I caught a taxi back to Cupiditas and as I made my way in through the front door, I was bombarded with questions from Angel and Star. Star was devastated, as no one knows what it’s like to be alone with the Dogs more than Star. She’s felt their wrath before, so she knows exactly what it’s like. Star’s a mess and I let her have the rest of the night off to go and spend it with Papi, but I know that she’ll go to the hospital first to check on her best friend.

This whole thing is so fucked up and I really want to call Hudson so I can tell him what’s been happening. To get his opinion on everything, but mainly just to hear his voice. If today showed me anything, it’s that life is too short and anything can happen at any time and everything you love can be taken from you in the blink of an eye. I of all people know that, but today just brought it home for me again.

I wish I was brave enough to pick up my mobile and just call Hudson. I wish I had the guts to try and make him see that he loves me. I wish I was good enough for him and that he wanted me, but we all know that wishing doesn’t get you anywhere. I spend the rest of the night cleaning out the spare room and making it more like a bedroom for me to sleep in when I stay at Cupiditas. I’d rather be here than at home, even though here is kind of a hell for me too. It doesn’t matter where I go these days, everything reminds me of what I’ve lost.

Home reminds me of my boys which makes me feel guilty about Hudson. Being here reminds me why he doesn’t want me. And Amor, well we all know that the place is now out of bounds for me. Every time I go there I sit on the barstool waiting and hoping that Hudson will show up. He never does, so I’ve stopped going.

It hurts too much to be there without him.

It hurts too much to
without him.

Everything in my life now hurts so much, I can’t stand it.

I take out a vodka bottle from my bottom drawer and move to my new bedroom and drink to forget.




I spent the night in my new room and
was it good to sleep in a bed again! I’ve been sleeping on couches for the last month. So to be able to spread my legs out and relax in the comfort of a soft as fuck mattress with a blanket pulled up over me was like floating in heaven. I’m lying in bed and it’s getting close to lunch time. No one comes into my new room which is great because it’s like my own personal space away from all the bullshit that surrounds my life. I like my new room and I can see myself spending a lot of down time here. Even though I’m technically at work, it still feels like a little retreat. I decide that I should probably get up and make my way out to see everyone, even though what I really feel like is to lay here forever. I know that’s not logical or possible, but a girl can dream can’t she? I get up from my comfy bed, put on some work clothes and head out to the reception to greet Angel. The girl only ever leaves the reception desk when she goes to bed. She practically lives here. But I know she loves it, so I let her.

“Morning,” Angel says as I walk out and stand next to her.

“Afternoon,” I reply with a smirk.

“Yeah, I get the times mixed up, it seems like the hours roll into each other. Heard any news on Sheila?”

“No, not yet. I’ll make a call and find out how she is,” I say and pat her shoulder as I walk past toward my office. I spend the day making calls and working on the accounts like I normally do. Sheila has been discharged and her brother is driving down to pick her up to take her back to their farm so she can recover and rest. I told her to take as much time as she needs and not to worry about us. Although Sheila is one of my main money makers, I want her to be well, healthy and fully healed before she comes back. Even though, it will mean, our books take a beating
I’m so sick of these Dogs injuring my workers. It gives me the shits! I’m sitting at my desk when I hear the roar of motorbikes. I look up and instantly my body tenses.

“Boss, they’re back,” Angel calls out.

I slam my laptop shut in frustration and storm out to the reception area to see the Rebel Dogs walk in looking like they own the bloody place. Instantly rage surges through me and I go on the attack without thinking.

“Our business is done. Get the fuck out or I
call the police, and then they can arrest me for kicking your ass,” I state walking across to Mad Dog.

“Oh, little Violet, you should know by now that our business with you will never be done,” he says menacingly and cocks his head to the side observing my rising anger.

“I don’t care what you think, Mad Dog, I paid you for the drugs and now we’re done. If you ever come back again, I won’t be so civil,” I yell in his face.

“Dear sweet Violet, the problem is that the two-fifty you donated isn’t quite enough.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I demand folding my arms over my chest while the other Dogs start laughing.

“Well, we thought the two-fifty would cover our costs, but it seems the drugs were worth double that. So, I’m going to need another two-fifty K, or I take another girl,” Mad Dog declares.

“Do you think I’m made of money? Get fucked! You’re not taking another cent from me or my business. If you want another girl then take me, but you sure as hell aren’t getting close to any of my other girls, and you sure as fuck aren’t seeing another red cent from me, you fucking prick,” I spit at him and he smiles that crooked smile.

He tilts his head to the side. “Okay,” he says politely and shrugs.

I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. “Okay?”

“Okay, that’s fine. We didn’t think we could get anymore from you, but it was worth a try. Thanks for your hospitality, Boss. Angel sweetheart it’s been a pleasure. Until next time, I bid you a fond adu,” Mad Dog says. He whistles and the other Dogs follow him to the door.

“There won’t be a next time, Mad Dog. Don’t you lay a foot inside these premises again, you hear me? Our debt is paid in full. Now you need to leave everyone at Cupiditas alone - you hear me?” I ask and he looks back at me and smiles.

“I promise Boss, we won’t step a foot inside your premises again. Thanks for the chat, have a nice day,” he says walking out of the building.

I look at Angel and she looks at me with her eyes wide and shrugs her shoulders.

“What the fuck was that?” she asks.

“I have no idea, but his mood swings are giving me whiplash,” I say and she nods.

“I know. How can he go from being so utterly terrifying one minute to being polite and courteous the next? Something doesn’t add up. I’d be careful from now on, Boss. I don’t trust them for one second,” she says.

I nod in agreement. “You’re right, it doesn’t sit well with me either. Tell everyone to be extra vigilant. I’m sure that’s not the last we’ll see of them.”

Something isn’t right. I don’t know what it is, but Mad Dog’s behavior is unsettling and unnerving. I don’t know what his game is, but I’m sure sooner or later it will come bubbling to the surface.

The rest of the night goes without a hitch. They don’t return and nothing seems out of the ordinary. I realise that I’ve run out of clean clothing and I want to get some more things from my house. So I tell Angel I’m popping out for a while to gather some more bits and pieces from home. I start the walk to my car and I notice the street light right above where it’s parked has blown. It’s annoying because around my car it’s so dark. I instantly feel the hairs on my body stand to attention. I rush faster toward my car while I check my bag trying to find my keys. I walk so fast I’d hardly call it walking. My head is down searching through my bag and I finally find my keys when I walk into something rock solid. I gasp at the contact and look up to see one of the Dogs smirking down at me. My body tenses and I drop my keys to the ground in surprise.

“Hi,” he says in his deep gravelly voice.

My heart starts to race and I look around and notice that I’m surrounded by the Rebel Dogs. My breathing quickens and then I turn around to see Mad Dog walking across to me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Intimidation tactics don’t work on me, Mad Dog,” I yell trying to be loud enough for Angel to hear, but in my mind I know I’m too far away for her to hear.

“Hush now little Violet, we don’t want to make a scene now do we?” Mad Dog states as his gang members step to the side to let him in the circle they have formed around me.

I can’t help it as my body reacts and takes a step back. I bump into the chest of another Dog and he grabs me by my shoulders to steady me.

“Get your filthy hands off me, you freak,” I turn and spit at him pulling my body away from his. He grins and puts his hands up in surrender. “Mad Dog, this is ridiculous. Stop this now or I will scream,” I demand.

He laughs and nods to one of his boys who grabs and holds onto me with force from behind. I can’t move, so I go to scream when another one takes a ball gag and shoves it in my mouth and then ties it around my head. I have to admit even though I don’t really care about my safety or what happens to me, I’m still a little scared as to what they might do to me. I struggle in the grip of the Dog and another one comes across and punches me right in the stomach. The pain shoots through me and I hunch over breathing rapidly out of my nose while I try to recover from the intense pain.

“Now Violet, this can all stop if you agree to give us the money that you owe. It’s as simple as that. Now will you behave?” Mad Dog growls and I straighten back up and shake my head slowly from side to side.

He chuckles and raises his eyebrow at me. “Seriously, you’re worried about giving us a measly two-fifty K when your life is in danger? Shouldn’t you be more worried about what we might do to you if you don’t pay us?” he hisses and I lean back in the grip of the man holding me and pull my legs up and kick Mad Dog as hard as I can in the shins.

He leans over and groans in pain as I try to suppress my laugh.

“If you won’t play fair, then neither will we. Just remember you brought this on yourself, Violet,” he grinds out through gritted teeth.

I tense my body waiting for the impending retaliation. Mad Dog looks at the young Dog and nods at him. He smiles widely and walks up to me while the others disburse, excluding the one holding me. I look at the young guy in the eyes trying to plead with him through mine for him to let me go.

“No one kicks Mad Dog and gets away with it, you filthy whore,” he says and then his clenched fist collides with my jaw. A jolting pain sweeps through my face as I inadvertently bite down on the ball gag and moan loudly. He pulls my body back up and punches me again on the other side of my face. I feel dizzy and nauseous while his fist connects with my stomach. I groan out loud as he continues to pummel into me all over my body while the other guy holds my limp body in place. I can taste the blood pooling in my mouth and my legs feel so weak that I’m not even standing anymore, they have given way and the only reason I’m upright is because of the guy that’s holding me.

He suddenly pushes me to the ground and then they both start kicking me in the stomach. My body contorts itself into a ball, but they continue to kick and then the young one leans down and starts punching into my head again. I moan loudly and try to cradle and protect myself from their beating as much as possible, but they keep landing hard blows, so much that I’m starting to fade in and out of consciousness. The taste of blood is overpowering and a thought enters my head that if I give up right now that maybe I could finally be reunited with Danny and Caiden.

“We’ll give you twenty-four hours to pay us. Don’t, and you’ll see what happens. This is only the beginning,” Mad Dog seethes coming back over as the two men stop beating me. My eye is half-closed and the other one is completely foggy. I look up at him through my dazed haze.

“Take off the gag,” he states and the young one bends down taking the ball gag out of my mouth. I cough and spit out the blood. I should scream, but I don’t have the energy or the willpower.

“Twenty-four hours Violet, or next time you won’t wake up after we beat you. You are lucky that you’re a whore because if you weren’t full of disease we would fuck you senseless in every orifice. We’d tear your insides apart. So think yourself lucky.” He spits on me and walks away. The other two men start to laugh and each lay another kick into me before they leave, forcing me huddle myself into a tight ball as I watch them leave, leaving me broken and bruised on the concrete.

I should get up. I should find the strength within to stand up and fight back. But right now I just want this to end. I close my eyes and I slip into the darkness. A darkness that’s darker than any sleep I’ve ever had.


I open my eyes and see Danny’s concerned face right in front of me.

“Lettie, you have to open your eyes,” he says as he caresses my cheek.

“You’re here?” I ask as I lay on the concrete bathed in a glorious white light.

“I am, but you can’t be, not yet. You have to fight, Lettie. As much as I want you here with us, it’s not your time. Get up. Get up now!” he demands staring at me with tears in his eyes.

“I don’t want to, Danny. I’m so tired. My life isn’t worth living anymore. I just want to feel love. I need to be loved and you’re the only one who has loved me unconditionally. I need to be with you, Danny. I’m ready,” I plead as I pull myself from the ground and wrap my sore and heavy arms around him.

He sniffs and I look up at him to see him crying.

“I love you, Lettie. I love you so much, and I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I know you want to give up. I know you want to be with us, but you can’t baby. You need to find the strength to live again. You need to go to Hudson and find a way to love again. You need this, Lettie. I miss you so much, and I love you every second of every day, but I can’t let your life end like this. Fight Lettie, fight!” he pleads while he holds onto me strongly.

“I have no fight left, Danny. I don’t care anymore.”

He caresses my sore, bloody head. “Then I have to fight for you. I’m sorry, Lettie. I love you, but this can’t be it,” he says and then he takes his arms from around me and I feel heavy like I’m starting to fall.

“I love you Lettie, but you need to fight. Fight Lettie… live. Learn to love again. You need to fight. Fight Lettie… fight!” he reiterates and then he leans his hands out and pushes my shoulders forcefully making me fall backward. I’m falling and the bright light fades, darkness closes in around me. I scream out to Danny as I fall and then I lose sight of him. My hands and feet flail about as I plunge down further and further into the darkness.

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