Authors: shameek speight

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Tanya and Lawana recognized the woman as the same one that pushed them into the room that they were now trapped in. Tanya looked at the woman like she had lost her mind.

“So you say we should appreciate this shit?

You’re fucking crazy. I would appreciate going home and taking my friends with me.” Tanya said while rolling her eyes and neck with an attitude.

The Spanish woman looked Tanya in the eyes and knew the young woman was high.

“You’re a stupid bitch and need to watch your mouth. I bet the only reason Black Ice didn’t kill your ass yet is because this bitch is protecting you and picking up your slack.”

Lawana looked at the woman and wanted to smack her. She could tell the woman was only twenty three or twenty four but looked older in the face from the abuse of drugs.

“How in the hell could you be a part of this and you’re a woman?” Lawana asked.

The Spanish woman looked at Lawana and sat on the couch and crossed her legs and stared at Lawana and Tanya sitting at the table filled with crack and weed on it. She pulled out a glass pipe from her cleavage along with a lighter then felt around her bra until she pulled out a small jar of crack. She stuffed the hard white crack into the tip of the glass pipe and held the lit lighter at the end of it. She inhaled deeply and held in the thick white smoke as long as she could then she exhales it out.

“I used to be like you bitches that’s why I’m here my fucking fake friends escaped and left me here so don’t worry about your friends sweetie them bitches would switch places with you in a heartbeat. You think this is hell trust me little girl you don’t know what hell is. I been to hell and lived there where there’s more men than you can count, fucking every hole on your body.

And when you think you can’t take any more they fuck you some more even while you’re pregnant. Oh you two don’t know what hell is.”

The woman said as she stuffed the glass pipe with more crack and inhaled it and held it in then began to speak as she talked thick white smoke escaped from her mouth.

“No little girl you don’t know what hell is hell is being pregnant by one of his henchmen not knowing or caring who the father is because it’s by one of them or having a miscarriage and watching one of them hyenas eat the fetus, that’s hell child.” The woman said while taking another pull from her glass pipe.

Lawana and Tanya looked at the woman with pity and shock. In no way would they ever have thought that she had went through what they are going through and still work for Black Ice helping to hurt innocent people.

“If you been where we were why help him?

Why not leave and get away?” Tanya asked.

“Hahahaha! Have you not been listening? There is no getting away from him, it’s either you leave here in a body bag or you’re so cracked out you can’t fix your life if he does let you go. You two get dressed and let me show you something.” The Spanish woman said while letting out thick crack smoke from her nose.

Tanya and Lawana looked at each other.

“Ummm Black Ice said where not supposed to leave this room and if we do he will kill us slowly.”

Tanya replied.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry about that for now, he won’t be back for a few days. He went to kidnap a few more women and take care of some other business that I’m not allowed to know of. So both of you get your asses dressed I’ll be back for you in an hour.” The Spanish woman said while laughing then punched in the code on the key pad then leaves the room.

An hour later Lawana and Tanya was out of the shower and fully dressed when the door popped open with the Spanish woman in the bright pink shirt standing there with two henchmen armed with machine guns.

“Follow me.” She ordered.

“So what is your name? I don’t want to keep calling you that evil crazy bitch now that I know you’re just foolish for helping him, knowing that you been through the same situation that we’re going through.”

Lawana said in a sarcastic manner.

“Trust lady, you haven’t been through shit I been through and my name is Yasmin, but you can call me the evil bitch if you like.” Yasmin replied.

Lawana studied everything as she walked down the hallway she noticed more metal doors that were locked. They walked up some stairs letting her know she was in the basement and entered another room filled with machines and equipment all around it and a Coca Cola sign hung on the wall.

I knew I was in a factory an old Coca Cola factory at that Lawana thought as she looked at naked woman cook and cut up crack cocaine. It looked like sodas used to be packed up at on an assembly line.

Tanya and Lawana watched the women be guarded by henchmen as they wrap bricks of cocaine into the plastic.

“What the hell is this?” “Where are we?” Tanya asked.

“I would say hell, but I think hell would be a little better than this place and you’re in an old Coca Cola factory and this is Black Ice’s doing. No matter how evil Black Ice is he’s about his money. What you are witnessing now is the preparation of cocaine being cooked into crack. Then he has his henchmen sell it to the drug dealers. And with the woman he turns into crack heads and their unborn children be children of a crack head, it generates more money and sales for himself and drug dealers. Shit on the real I think he has millions hidden away somewhere.” Yasmin replied.

“So what the hell do you get out of all this shit, I hope a lot?” Lawana responded with an attitude.

Yasmin looked at the woman and stared into her eyes.

“I can have as much crack I need and can move around as I please and most of all I get to live. You will learn not to take that shit for granted.” Yasmin stated and turned around and continued to walk with Lawana and Tanya following her and the two henchmen following them.

They left the manufacturing room and walked down a long hallway that had windows. Lawana looked through the windows and smiled. It’s been two months since she’s seen daylight from being locked in one room.

She looked to try and see where she was being kept but could only see trees after trees like some kind of forest.

Where the hell am I? I know I was brought here on a boat, am I still in New York? She thought to herself as she passed the window and was lead to a door.

“So you thought you had it bad, you don’t know what it means to have it bad and be in hell, this is hell.”

Yasmin said as she punched in a code and a big door opened.

A rush of thick crack smoke mixed with the smell of urine and sex hit them in the face.

“Come on.” Yasmin ordered as they stepped into the room.

Lawana and Tanya could barely see but used their hands to fan the smoke. Moans could be heard echoing through the air along with the screams of women. When the smoke cleared and their eyes adjusted to the dark room they couldn’t believe their eyes. There were woman of different races, Black, White, Chinese, Spanish, African chained to the wall naked. Smoking crack with a plastic plate filled with crack cocaine in front of them and henchmen walking around naked raping them, some seven men at a time on one woman.

Tanya looked around for her friends. She walked through the large room and could see a henchman holding one woman’s hair and another one pumping in and out of her as she screamed inside. And another woman was being held in the air with one man holding each of her hands and feet in the air and swinging her body into the man in between her legs that was thrusting in and out of her like a rabbit.

“Faster throw that bitch into me faster.” He groaned.

“Ahhhh!” The woman screamed. She felt her arms and legs would be pulled out the socket and the swelling of her pussy was a pain too agonizing for her to take.

A voice caught Tanya’s attention it sounded familiar. She listened carefully to it as she moved closer towards it. The moans came from between a group of henchmen having sex with a woman like a giant orgy.

She moved closer and her jaw dropped in shock as she recognized her friend LaShondra on top of a henchman riding him while another one fucked her in the ass with deep long strokes then another one in front of her as she jerked him off and took him into her mouth sucking the head of his dick.

“Mmmm! Yes!” She moaned as she deep throated his dick.

“Oooo!” The man screamed as his toes curled from her wet tight mouth.

“LaShondra!” Tanya shouted breaking all three of the henchmen’s concentration that was working on her.

LaShondra stopped what she was doing with the henchman’s dick in her and the one she was riding was still pumping and so was the one that was pumping in and out of her ass.

“Mmmm! Ahhh! She moaned.

“Tanya!” she said.

“Yo! What the fuck? Focus on making us climax bitch you’re not done until I say you’re done!” The henchmen said pulling his dick out of his hand and punching her in the jaw.

“Oww! Oouch! Oowee!” LaShondra yelled as the man she was riding pumped faster and harder so did the man behind her pounding on both her holes.

“Awww! Ouuuuch!” She screamed as the man in front of her shoved the dick in her mouth and down her throat.

He pumped three times.

“Yeah you like that don’t you, you crack head bitch?” He groaned then took his dick out of her mouth while holding the back of her head and looked at Tanya.

“Hmmm maybe your ass should give me my nut since you want to talk and call out this sluts name and shit.” He said while walking naked towards her.

He punched Tanya in the face knocking her to the ground then jumped on top of her.

“You fucking crack head bitch!” He yelled while pulling down her jeans and panties and used his knees to spread her legs wide open.

Tanya didn’t know how she ends up on the floor with this man now on top of her and her legs wide open.

Her jaw hurting and her head spinning.

“Owww! Stop! No please!” She screamed.

“Shut the fuck up bitch!” The henchman yelled as he forced his dick inside of her, and then heard the sound of a gun being cocked back making him flinch.

“You better get your dick out of her before I blow your head off.”

He heard a woman say. He turned his head to see Yasmin pointing a gun at his head.

“What is it to you? All the bitches in here are fair play, but your ass Yasmin!” The henchman shouted.

“She belongs to the boss, dick shit!” Yasmin shouted back.

The henchman’s eyes opened with fear and his heart began to race.

“Fuck! Fuck no!” He slid out of Tanya and hopped up.

“Yo I didn’t know they all look the same in here and its dark as hell. You’re not going to tell the boss right?” He said with his hands up in the air. Sweat dripping down his body and his heart racing.

“It’s too late you done stuck your dick inside of her and you know Black Ice see’s everything. The cameras in this room alone done fucked you. Hell yeah I’m going to tell him, it won’t be my ass on the line.”

Yasmin responded.

“No! No!” The henchman yelled as ran to the corner of the room and sat on the floor rocking back and forth.

“Now get your ass up and pull your jeans up and stay close to me. You’re not going to get me killed by Black Ice, because one of these pieces of shit men touched you!” Yasmin yelled while looking at Tanya.

Lawana was standing behind Yasmin and was stuck in a daydream as she looked around taking everything in and remembered the stories her sister had told her about what she had been through. “They do worst things than fuck you Lawana. There are more men inside you than you can count day in and night out, they beat you. All a woman can do in there, is smoke as much crack as she can to numb the pain and forget where you are. That’s what I did Lawana but you will never really forget. I can’t forget I wake up screaming and still can feel that man touching me. I hate them and scared that he will come and get me.” Lawana’s sister said.

Lawana snapped back to reality as she looked at Tanya stand up and pull up her jeans. So this is what she was talking about, she thought to herself.

“You two get off that smut for a second.”

Yasmin ordered.

The two henchmen pumped two more times before sliding out of LaShondra.

“Go talk to her and let’s get out of here. I hate this room.” Yasmin stated.

Tanya nervously walked over to LaShondra who was lying naked on the floor not moving.

“LaShondra are you ok?” Tanya asked while squatting down putting her friends head in her lap.

Tanya is that you? Where have you been?”

LaShondra said in a weak voice.

“Yeah it’s me girl, I been here in a different part of this factory with Black Ice.” Tanya replied.

“You were with him and still alive? I watched him kill so many people and feed them to those laughing hyenas of his. Do you know they laugh while eating you? I seen it? He made me watch it when I fought one of his henchmen off of me.”

“Don’t worry we will get out of here but where’s Pebbles?” Tanya replied.

“Hahahaha! We’re not leaving here and they took Pebbles away when we first got here. I heard rumors that the women over two hundred pounds and more they feed them to that big ass hyena and Black Ice and his men watch and laugh.” LaShondra said.

“No that can’t be true and Pebbles is thick boned she’s not that big.” Tanya responded.

“Your time is up we have to go.” Yasmin said grabbing Tanya by the arm and pulling her away.

“Wait I want a little more time!” she yelled while being pulled backwards.

“Hell no I hate this room I’m ready to get the fuck out of here!” Yasmin shouted.

Tanya looked on as three men surrounds her friend LaShondra, and turned her around and one started fucking her from the back, while another shoved his dick into her mouth, but the last thing Tanya saw as the steel door shut.

“Wait I wasn’t done talking to her!” Tanya shouted as she stood in the hallway with her arms folded, staring at Yasmin and the two henchmen next to her.

“Shhh! Child be quiet and lets go.” Lawana said hoping Tanya didn’t piss off Yasmin too much.

“Listen, I didn’t bring you here for a long visit.

So you should listen to that bitch next to you and just be quiet. I just wanted to show you the difference between how you two are living. The two of you live like queens compared to every woman in that room. I hate that damn room and now you done got one of the henchmen killed for touching you. Black Ice doesn’t like anyone touching what’s his. Now that poor asshole will be sitting in a corner getting high waiting for his death that will soon come!” Yasmin shouted as she thought about her time being trapped in the warehouse and how all the different men used and abused her body and soul.

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