Authors: shameek speight

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“Only a few people know the Hudson River is filled with over one hundred islands between the New York and New Jersey side. Some are small and others big with people living on them. But you know that already and so do I. Thanks to Google. You got to love smart phones I got the world at my fingertips.” Black Ice said and then laughs.

His laughter sent chills through Bill and Tiwan’s body. Tiwan stood behind Bill pointing his gun at his head as he stared at Black Ice, his stomach bubbled as he realized how truly evil his boss was.

“So Bill, do you see these three small islands right, I want your coast guards and police boats to stay clear from them. If I see anything out of the normal I'll do worse than kill your daughter I’ll chop off her hands and feet and then let thirty of my men fuck her every day and I’ll keep her on crack so she won’t die right away and send her back to you pregnant with no hands and feet and that’s just for starters. I'll come back and take her again after you get her back. I might think of something way worse to do to her when I’m high.”

Black Ice said and grinned.

Bill could swear he was now in hell and was looking at the devil himself as Black Ice looked him in the eyes.

“No! No! I’ll do anything you want, but which island out the three you really need the coast guards to stay away from and please leave my little girl alone, take my wife.”

“Bill please!” His wife Melonie said and looked at him as if he lost his mind but her pussy throbbed with the thought of getting more and more dick from Black Ice.

“Do you think I’m slow or do I look like a fool to you? If I tell you which island out the three to stay away from, then you know where I’m at. Like I said stay away from these three islands I know you will remember their names and you can keep your wife I’m done fucking her but your daughter’s coming with me, I'll have her call you once in a while so you know she's still alive. Don’t try to trace the calls, and so you know your every move will be watched twenty four seven of the day, your house is bugged. The first time I feel something is wrong she is dead. Tell everyone she went away for the break to your sister’s house like she always does in the spring and stay the whole summer. I been watching you Bill and will continue to watch you.

Hahahaha!” Black Ice said and his laughter echoed through the house sounding as cold and evil as he was.

He left with Tiwan following behind him with another henchman carrying Kristine, Bill’s daughter, passed out on his shoulder.

“You take her back to the hideout, if you fuck up and lose her, you’re a dead man.” Black Ice said to the henchman as he threw Kristine into the back of a van.

Then Black Ice hopped into a different van with Tiwan and drove off.

Chapter 12

Tiwan looked at Black Ice every once in a while from the corner of his eye as he drove down the I-95.

What the fuck is he thinking, how does he come up with the plans that he do. His madness always has a genius to it. He always finds new stash houses that no one would think of and make more money than I seen in my life, selling crack to all of the drug dealers in New York.

We’re pulling in $500,000 every week easy. I make so much money but I can’t spend the shit. He won’t allow anyone who works for him to be flashy and buy new cars and we all have to live where he says or he would kill us. How the fuck can I spend my money and enjoy life if I can’t ever get away from him and where the hell are we going now? Tiwan thought to his self then worked up the nerve to speak.

“Boss where are we going and what’s our next move?”

Black Ice turned his head and blew out smoke from a cigarette mixed with crack; his face was twist up in disgust as he looked at Tiwan as if he lost his mind.

“When the hell you start questioning me so much? Don’t you ever question me, do as I say. The last lieutenant that questioned me was Caesar and you see how he turned out in the belly of one of my hyenas. I learned when people close to you start asking questions it’s time to watch them closer. So Tiwan do I have to watch you closer?”

“No boss, no.” Tiwan quickly answered as he continued to drive and feel Black Ice eyes beaming on him.

Tiwan didn’t know why he was in Virginia putting on a ski mask and loading up a M16 riffle with two other vans filled with henchmen. He looked down the block and could see a small military base then looked at Black Ice cocking his M16 riffle and pulling down his ski mask.

“We only have a half hour to get the fuck in and out. Follow my orders to the “T” is this clear?” Black Ice shouted.

“Yes boss!” His fourteen henchmen shouted simultaneously as they hopped in their vans.

Black Ice climbed on the top of a roof of a van and stood straight up.

“Now!” He shouted.

The van pulled off. His legs shook as he fought to keep balance with his M16 riffle in his hands.

The guards at the front gate of the military base saw four black vans speeding toward them. They cocked their MP5 9 mm then start firing. Tiwan turned the steering wheel as bullets crashed into the front windshield ripping through the chest of a henchman in the passenger’s seat killing him instantly.

“Hold the fucking van steady!” Black Ice yelled as he almost fell off the vans roof.

Three guards firing at the van couldn’t see Black Ice on the roof because it was pitch black at night and because of all the black clothing he had on, but a red beam caught one of their eyes. He looked up at the top of the van and a burst of automatic fire went off into his face ripping it to shreds. The other two guards looked in horror and started firing at the top of the van.

Black Ice ran off the roof as Tiwan crashed into the gate. Black Ice jumped over the gate while firing in the air. Bullets tore the top of the head off of one of the guards tossing him backwards. The last guard fired in the air at Black Ice who looked like he was flying in slow motion.

“Oh shit!” The guard yelled as he lost sight of Black Ice.

He turned around to see a pair of evil eyes staring at him through a ski mask.

“Ahhh!” He screamed as his neck split wide open as Black Ice pulled out a 6 inch knife that curved at the tip and cut open the guard’s neck and watched the blood gush out as he tried to grab the womb in his neck.

Black Ice grinned, his evil smile and ran to the control booth and pressed the button that opened the front gate of the military base.

“Come on we have little time!” Black Ice screamed as five guards ran out of a building.

Black Ice’s henchmen jumped out of the van and sent hail of bullets into the five military guards bodies making them shake and holler as the bullets tore large chunks of their flesh away sending it flying into the air.

Black Ice stepped over two of the military guard’s bodies as he walked into the building with Tiwan and nine of his henchmen following him leaving four outside.

“Freeze!” A military guard yelled as he came face to face with Black Ice as he turned the corner of the hallway.

Black Ice hit the military guard’s gun up in the air while pulling out his six inch knife and shoves it through the military guards chin. The blade went straight through his chin and tongue then pierced his brain. Black Ice pulled the knife out and watched the military guard’s body slump to the floor, and then he grinned.

How the hell he move that fast Tiwan thought to himself as they continued to run down the hallway.

Black Ice saw the room he was searching for.

“This room right here.” He said as he opened the door. He saw boxes on top of boxes that read Military Steroids.

“Boss how did you know this was here?” Tiwan asked.

Black Ice lifts up his ski mask and stared at him as if he was a fool.

“This is a small military laboratory base where they conduct experiments. They test different kinds of drugs on animals and humans. And stop asking me so many questions and load the truck!” Black Ice yelled.

Tiwan and nine of the henchmen start grabbing boxes and running quickly to load the vans.

Black Ice looked at his watch and saw he only had twenty minutes left before more military guards would start to come from a different base as backup. He walked out the room as his henchmen continue to load the boxes. He walked down the hallway, the sound of dogs barking and multi screaming came from a door on the right. He opened the door to see a science laboratory filled with cages with different types of animals in it and two woman and two men in white lab coats hiding up under the table.

“Hahahaha!” Black Ice laughed and all the animals got quiet and ran to the back of their cages.

The four scientists closed their eyes praying he would go away.

“Ugghh!” Black Ice grunt in pain as he got pushed from the back and stumbled forward and hit the floor knocking his M16 riffle out of his hand.

“Freeze! Don’t move!” A voice demanded.

Black Ice did a push up and popped up to see he was surrounded by five military guards that have been hiding in the laboratory.

“Put your fucking hands on your head!” One of the military guards ordered.

Black Ice slowly raised his hands then placed them on top of his head then grinned.

“Why the fuck, are you smiling asshole?” One of the military guards shouted.

“Because I’m thinking of how good your head would look in a jar of water in my collection and how you would look with your guts hanging out and how you would look with no feet or legs.” He said as he spun in a slow circle talking to each one of them.

“You go get the gun off his waste.” One of the military guards said as he noticed the gun in a holster on Black Ice’s waste.

All five of the military guards swallowed the extra saliva in their mouths. They all had a feeling that something wasn’t right inside the mind of the man standing in front of them, that he was a little beyond crazy. One of the military guards cautiously and nervously inched towards Black Ice and stretched one arm out reaching for the gun on Black Ice waste. His hand shook as he pulled the gun from the holster. In a blink of an eye Black Ice swung his elbow backwards crashing into the military guards nose breaking it and pulled out his machete from the side behind his belt and sliced the military guards arm off with one blow.

“Ahhh!” The military guard screamed and Black Ice spun around and grabbed him putting him in a head lock using him as a shield.

“Fire!” One of the military guards yelled as Black Ice tossed the machete into his mouth.

The blade of it ripped the back of his head.

Bullets from the other three military guard’s guns shredded the body of the military guard Black Ice was using as a shield. He squirmed in Black Ice arms as he died. Black Ice kept the military guards body up and took the M16 from the now dead military guard and sent a spray of bullets in all three guards, making their bodies violently shake as blood and body parts flew everywhere.

“Ahhh! Ugghh! They screamed as they slumped over dead before hitting the floor.

“Hahahaha!” Black Ice laughed as he dropped the military guard’s body that he was using as a shield.

He looked down at his shirt and saw three holes in his chest area. He put his finger through one of the holes to feel the bullet proof Kevlar vest underneath then walked over to the dead military guard’s body that had the machete stuck in his mouth pointing up in the air.

Black Ice grabbed the handle and twists and snapped his wrist making the sharp double blade machete tear the top of the military guard’s head off, just leaving his bottom lip and jaw of what was left of his face.

“I told you I’d have a piece of every one of you as part of my collection.” He said as he walked over to the next guard chopping off both his legs by the thighs.

Then he walked to the next one and chopped off his head and fingers. Then walks over to the last one and smiled when he saw that he was still alive trying to crawl to his gun but was badly hurt as blood squirted from his wounds. Black Ice stepped on the military guards back stopping him in his tracks and raised his machete high with both hands and came down with all his might. The machete tore through the meat of the guards back severing his spinal cord.

“Ahhh! Ahhh!” The military guard screamed as Black Ice tore out the machete and chopped over and over repeatedly until he chopped the military guard’s body in half.

He stared at the guard’s legs as they were still shaking and kicking as if they were still connected to the upper half of his body.

“Mmmm!” That’s the first time I saw that and I like. Hahahaha.” he laughed his sinister smile as the legs stopped moving.

The four scientists hiding under the table screaming in horror at what they just saw.

Black Ice picked up his gun and squeezed the trigger twice and a wound opened up in one of the female scientist cheek and her left breast as a bullet filled one of the male scientist unexpectedly. He choked on his blood as he died. Black Ice walked up to the table and aimed down to finish the two remaining scientist when something caught his eye.

He looked up with a confused facial expression as he stared at four six inch tubes filled with water and an animal inside of them. His mind twisted around in his head. He grinned as he read the name on the machine.

“Yes, yes hahahaha!” He laughed as Tiwan and two henchmen came running into the room.

“Boss, are you alright?” Tiwan asked.

“Yes I’m good no thanks to you fool. Send some more men in here I want them to take one of these machines that’s filled with water and grab everything in here that these two will need.” Black Ice said looking at the two petrified scientist.

They already knew what he wanted them to do.

And after seeing the guard get chopped up in front of them they would do anything not to be his next victim.

The henchmen did as he ordered. Black Ice collected the body parts that he wanted from the dead military guard’s and hopped into the van as everything was now loaded.

The four vans pulled off. Black Ice ordered one of the vans to go in another direction on a different highway. Tiwan looked at him and wanted to ask why, but knew better. Black Ice smirked knowing what he was thinking.

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