Authors: shameek speight

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“You always say that shit Michael, but how do you really know if everything is going to be okay. How do you know that Black Ice won’t come for me and my child, how you don’t know that this baby, our baby growing inside me won’t be like him? Look at you and Mike!” Envy shouted as she broke there embrace.

“Baby, please calm down.” Michael replied.

She wiped her tears with her hands.

“I just need to spend some time with the children and I'll be okay.” She said as she hoped out the truck.

“You don’t want to finish talking about this?”

Michael asked, but Envy kept on walking and entered the center.

Mike knew he had to do something. He only had Tazz for three weeks and a half and the hyena was growing too fast. Mike looked at his finger and knew he couldn’t keep feeding him the way he was with his own blood. Tazz was getting hungrier more and more. Mike opened his North Face book bag and could see Tazz looking sad and about to whimper and cried.

“Shhhh! be quiet Tazz I have a plan.”

The baby hyena looked up at him and wiggled his tail as Mike zipped up the book bag and put it on his back.

Michael sat at his desk in his office with his hand on his forehead stressing over Envy. Damn this pregnancy is driving Envy crazy and I can’t wait for her to give birth. I miss my old woman, damn. He thought to himself as the sound of his office door opening made him look up to see Mike enter the room.

“Hey Mike, how are you?” He asked as he realizes he hasn’t really been spending that much time with him, because he was stressing over the center not having room to house new children and women, than his issue at home with Envy.

He looked at Mike take off his book bag and sat in the chair in front of the desk. The more he stares at him the more he sees more of himself in him. They share the same facial expression and cold dark eyes as their father.

“I know I haven’t been paying much attention to you lately little brother. I’ve just been so busy with so much on my plate.”

“It’s okay Michael I just came to see if you heard anything about Crystal and her mother yet.” Mike replied.

“No not yet but let me take a look and see if they signed in today.” Michael responded as he open his desk drawer and looked down at the intake paper work.

He never noticed Mike slip the keys off his desk and remove one of the keys and replace the rest back. He quickly tucked the key away as Michael looked up at him.

“Nope, they didn’t sign in for the day, I’m sorry Mike, but we will find her.” Michael stated.

“Okay.” Mike replied with his head down in disappointment.

Michael twisted his head slightly to the side as he looked at Mikes book bag on the floor and swear he seen it just move.

“Ummm! What’s in your book bag Mike? I thought i just seen that shit move.” Michael said as his eyes never left the book bag and wondering if it was just in his head.

“Ummm! Just my books that I write in, that’s all.” Mike said lying and praying Michael wouldn’t check his book bag. Thanks for the help big bro. I’m going to go play with the other kids.” Mike said while grabbing his book bag and heading for the office door.

“Okay, and oh yea I have something for you when we get home tonight and don’t leave the center, stay in the security guards sight at all times!” Michael shouted as Mike ran out his office.

“That was weird but what is normal in my life right about now.” He said out loud to himself as someone knocked on his office door.

“Who is it? Come in.” He said without looking from the papers on his desk.

When he did he couldn’t help but smile.

Standing in his doorway was a beautiful dark skin woman, skin that looked as sweet as chocolate, with a sixteen inch straight weave that flows down her back and a piercing on the side of her lip like a mole and one under her bottom lip. She had on a tan full body suit that fit her thick voluptuous body like a glove with a black belt and Gucci shoes with the matching purse. Her style reminds him of Envy right away but unlike Envy who style say classy this woman screams lust and classy all in one.

He licked his lips trapped in lust, mesmerized by her beauty. He normally wasn’t attracted to women his same skin complexion, but the woman in front of him was too beautiful and sexy.

“Hi, how may I help you?” He said as he got up from his desk.

“Hahahaha!” The woman giggled showing off a set of perfect white teeth.

“I see you’re always trying to help people huh?”

She replied in a seductive voice while staring into his eyes. Giving him that I'll fuck you look.

Michael had to look away as he felt himself getting aroused and his dick trying to break free through his jeans.

“My name is Angela, I’m you’re new counselor.

Tone hired me, I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you I’m happy to be part of the team.”

“Oh, okay nice to meet you Angela.” Michael said, sticking his hand out and shaking her hand.

Her hand was soft and she gently rubbed his hand in a sexually manner. Michael pulled his hand away.

“Umm I got some things and runs to do, it was nice meeting you.” He said as he left his office trying to get as far away from her as he could.

That woman is to damn sexy, and trouble. I could tell she was just flirting with me. I better keep my black ass away from her before Envy kills her and me.

She’s already more crazy as it is now. Michael thought to himself as he passed children playing in the hallway, heading outside of the gym.

Angela stood by his office doorway looking at him walk down the hallway. Hmmm I’m going to have fun. I didn’t expect his ass to be so damn sexy and handsome. It won’t take me long to break him. No man can resist all of my sexiness. Angela thought to herself.

Mike left the center out the back door and entered the playground. It was the end of May so the yard was full of children of all ages and races playing.

Some kids were playing on the handball court, others on the basketball court, and the little kids on the jungle gym and swings. There were six armed security guards watching the children play along with a few counselors.

Mike smiled because he knew everyone would be too busy to see him sneak off. He climbed through a hole in the chain link fence and walked down the block, to Rockaway Avenue and entered a key shop. He pulled some money out his pocket he had gotten from Envy and made a copy of the key he took off Michael’s key ring.

Mike then went inside a corner store and brought a Metro Card then hopped onto a bus heading to Flatbush.

From being in many different foster homes, he had learned how to travel and take care of himself along with a few other things. He sat on the bus with his blue North Face book bag on his lap. He unzipped it to take a look at Tazz.

“Are you okay boy?” The baby hyena looked up from the shirt he was sleeping on and started crying.

“Shhh! be quite Tazz, you will be ok, ill will take care of you boy, I have a plan.” Mike said feeling sad knowing Tazz was really hungry.

“Ewwww! That’s one ugly looking dog!” A young girl said as she walked pass Mike and look down in to his book bag.

Mike’s eyes met hers and a chill ran through her body as if she was looking at a boy who had eyes that belong to a grown man, eyes that were cold and evil, that screams I’ll kill you and I have killed before it would be easy to snap your neck. She turned her head in fear and continued to walk to the back of the bus.

Detective Tommy was mad that he had to follow Mike and had to ride the bus at that. While his partner Detective Roy Jr. sat parked across the street of the center, waiting and watching Michael’s every move. He knew that he didn’t blend in being the only white man on the bus and with his big pot belly a few people on the bus looked at him suspiciously but right away could tell he was a cop. Detective Tommy wondered why everyone else noticed him but Mike. He stuck out like a sore thumb. He looked at Mike staring into his book bag and talking into it. Tommy shook his head the whole fucking family is crazy down to the little one.

Mike looked out the window for any sign of anything that looked familiar. He was unsure of his stop, because where he was going he only been there once, but he remembered the stores, the houses and street when he did go. He seen a house that was familiar and press the bell, letting the bus driver know it was his stop. He zipped up his book bag and put it on his back and got off the bus with a few other people. He walked two blocks down until he realized he was walking in the wrong direction. Then he walked four blocks to the back streets. He stopped and looked at two houses. It’s this one he said to himself. He walked to the front door and used the key he stole from Michael on all the locks and the door opened. He walked in and a beeping sound went off. He tip-toed and reached the ADT alarm and punch in the code he seen Michael enter the night he took him there. The beeping noise stopped. Mike looked around the house. The living room was completely emptied along with the rest of the house.

“I know something’s here Tazz, I can feel it.”

Mike said as he walked around the whole first floor and seen nothing then walked up the stairs to the second floor.

There were four doors shut. He went to the first one and twisted the door knob and opened the door. A rush of freezing air hit him in the face and body, covering his arms in goose bumps. He walked in and couldn’t believe his eyes. There was a table with different size knives and a saw on it and shelves all around the room with glass jars on them. He got closer and looked in a few of the glass jars, to see body parts, from men's heads with their eyes open staring at him floating in water, two different sizes and races of hands floating in glass jars, even a man’s penis and an arm that belonged to a new born baby.

Then he saw a woman’s breast. Mike grabbed a jar to see it filled with different kinds of eye balls with different color eyes. He put it back on the shelf and picked up another one to see it was a woman’s foot. He could tell they belong to a woman because the way they were shaped and the size off them and the red nail polish on them.

“Could my brother Michael had filled this whole room up? When he always telling me to control the rage in me.” Mike said out loud to himself.

“Wait! No he wouldn’t kill women so this must be my father’s work. But Michael is like him and I’m like him.” Mike said to himself as he remember Michael chopping off Pooky's dick and then bring it to this house and how he kept Pooky’s ear in a jar up under his bed.

He felt movement in his book bag and took it off and let Tazz out.

“I’m sorry I almost forgot about you.” Tazz started whimpering.

“Don’t cry I’m going to find you something to eat. I can’t feed you what’s in these glass jars without my brother noticing. Come on let’s check the other rooms.” Mike said and Tazz followed him as he opened door after door to only see a room that was built into a giant freezer with different kinds of body parts stuffed in huge glass jars of dirty water.

He walked down the hallway to the last door and opened it. He smiled as he looked at the room filled with hooks and chains that hung from the ceiling with body parts on them. He walked deeper into the room. The cold air sent goose bumps on his back and arms as he passed a torso with no head or arms and legs just hanging there.

Then he saw a foot in a hook and three heads. Mike tried to lift a brown leg off the hook but it was too heavy. He tried once more and gave up. He then saw a few hands hanging on hooks and grabbed one and tossed it to Tazz.

He wiggled his tail then smelled the hand and start crying.

“Schmmp.” Mike sucked his teeth.

“What’s wrong now? That’s good it’s been freezing so it can’t be spoiled.” Mike said and touched it.

“Oh it’s too cold for you isn’t it boy, well we got three hours before we have to be back to the center. We could put it in the oven.” Mike said as he picked it up.

Detective Tommy knew he shouldn’t enter the house without a warrant but the door opened as soon as he twisted the knob. He pulled out his gun and looks around, the house was empty.

“What the hell is that boy doing in this house?”

Detective Tommy said out loud then heard a noise above him and walked to the stairs.

With his gun in his hand leading the way as he walked up the stairs he looked and saw four rooms. All with the doors slightly opened. He stepped into the first room and lowered his gun as his eyes opened up wide with horror. All his years as a police officer he had never seen nothing like what he was looking at and nothing prepared him. His stomach bubbled up as vomit fought its way up his throat and out his mouth.

“What the fuck!” He groaned as he vomited some more on to the floor.

For years there had been rumors on the streets about a trophy house Black Ice had filled with body parts that he collected from his victims but no one ever really thought it was true. It sounded like something out of a book or movie, not real life.

Detective Tommy stood straight up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he gained his composer.

“Fuck! Roy’s not going to believe this shit. He will now finally have something to lock that evil fucker Michael up. I bet my paycheck his finger prints are in the house along with Black Ice’s.” Detective Tommy said out loud to himself as he pulled out his cell phone from the inside of his blazer pocket and started to dial Detective Roy’s number as he was about to press send to complete his call.

“Ugghh!” He grunted in pain as he felt a knife go through the back of his thigh. He looked down to see the blade of a knife sticking through it. Then he turned around and looked down to see Mike behind him still holding the knife handle.

“Ugghh! You little piece of shit!” He screamed as he back slap Mike sending him flying across the room.

Mike popped straight up off the floor with the knife in his hand like a chucky doll with tears in his eyes.

“You’re not going to tell no one what you seen here and get my brother in trouble. I love him he's good to me and people.” He said with tears streaming down his face and stepped closer.

Detective Tommy leaned slightly down and held the wound in his thigh that was gushing out blood, while pointing his gun at Mike’s chest.

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