Authors: shameek speight

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“Listen I know you all are worried, but I can handle my father, I’ll protect you all. Tiffany and Star you’re like family to me and family is everything. The two of you could have lived anywhere with the money you took from Black Ice with Envy. But let’s keep it real you know on your own Black Ice will find you no matter where you go. So you two decided to stay with me and Envy and that’s good with me. You two were counselors at my center since I opened it, between that and all that we have been through in the past few months that brings us even closer. I won’t let anything happen to you all and your unborn children.” Michael said meaning every word.

“Michael I appreciate all you do for me but I’m scared shitless. I know he’s going to come for me and my baby he already told me he will kill me if I ran like Rocky did. He swore I was her, he did for months when he had me trapped in that room with him.” Tiffany said and bust out crying hysterically.

Envy wrapped her arms around her as she cried right along with her.

“Don’t cry. I got this, we will all be ok.”

Michael said trying to reassure the woman.

“How Michael, how are we going to be ok? You don’t know what he does to women, and how he lets more men than I can count rape us. How he force us to smoke crack. How he sawed our friends head off with a damn knife, because she refused to put that glass pipe to her lips!” Star shouted and cried.

“Listen, I told you to stop crying nothing’s changed since two months ago. We all knew he was still out there somewhere, it just so happened Envy and I actually seen him two days ago in the hospital. This house is fully loaded with weapons everywhere and there’s the panic room that you can lock yourself in and control the remote control guns all around the house. We will be ok my father don’t know where we are. Shit we’re deep in Long Island and even if he did he wouldn’t risk coming to the house. He’s no fool and know we will be too well armed and waiting for him. No he’s patient and every move he makes is like a game of chess. So we have to out think him and find him first.”

Michael stated.

“So what are we supposed to do stay in the house until he’s ready to come for us, stay in hiding until when? Until you find him and try to kill him, and I do mean fucking try!” Star shouted.

“Star, don’t be yelling at my man, he’s doing the best he can. You can’t blame him for how Black Ice is.”

Envy yelled in between crying.

Star lowered her head she knew she was wrong but just needed someone to blame.

“I’m sorry Michael and Envy I’m just scared, maybe we should go to the police and ask them to protect us. Or I should take the money I took from Black Ice and run. It’s over $250,000 and I can start a life somewhere maybe on some island.”

Envy, Tiffany and Michael all looked at Star like she had lost her mind.

“Listen Star, everyone in this room knows that sounds fucking crazy. First off the police don’t care about us. A few black people scared of a man that wants to get them hooked on crack. Shiiiiit they would want him to keep doing what he’s doing and if they were any good at their jobs they would have caught him years ago.

And that won’t happen. And next Black Ice doesn’t leave any loose ends and you’re a loose end and took his money and got away from him. Even if you did find an island to hide on he will find you. Maybe not right away, maybe a few years later but he will find you it’s what he does.” Michael stated.

Tiffany and Envy shook their heads in agreement.

“We just have to stay strong together.” Envy said then stopped and looked at Michael.

“Ummm what about Janet” Envy asked.

Michael just looked at her and was lost for words. By the living room doorway Mike leaned against the wall while sitting on the floor listening to every word they said. In his hand he played with a glass jar filled with water and a piece of Pooky’s ear.

Chapter 4

Tanya’s head was spinning. The last thing she remembers was coming from a party with her two best friends Pebbles and LaShondra. Then felt someone grab her from behind and smelling something sweet on a rag that was placed onto her mouth and nose. Then her world went dark. She could feel rocking and smell someone smoking a cigarette. She open her eyes to see a thick fog covering the air and then realizes she was lying down on a cold hard steel floor, she didn’t move as she tried to study her surroundings. She could see another woman in a blue blouse and black pants that looked to be in her mid-thirty’s, and her brown skin complexion was beautiful. The woman’s eyes were open and met hers right away, Tanya knew something was wrong. It was fear written all over the woman’s face and tears streaming down her eyes. Tanya opened her mouth to speak but the woman shook her head warning her not to.

With a confused look on her face Tanya looked around some more to see where she was. She didn’t move out of her spot from lying on the cold steel floor because she knew there had to be a reason the woman across from her hasn’t done the same. She moved her head and noticed there were seven other women lying down passed out and two of them were Pebbles and LaShondra.

A light skinned woman with brown hair popped up and looked around and saw six men around her and didn’t know where she was, she began to scream.

“Ahhh! Ahhh!”

“Shut that bitch up.” A man with a deep voice ordered that made Tanya’s heart skip a beat and race fast from fear.

One of the men in all black walked up to the woman screaming.

“Yo, shut the fuck up or you’re going to get me in trouble.” He shouted.

But the woman continued to scream only taking a break to catch her breath.

“Ahhh! Ugghh! Was the last sound she made as a man with a scar on his face smoking a cigarette walked up to her and swung what looked like a crow bar into the top of her skull.

“Ugghh!” She groaned then her white eyeball turned red as blood filled her eye sockets and leaked out like tears. She made a gagging sound and thick blood came out of her mouth. The man with the scar on his face looked at his henchman and exhaled thick smoke from his cigarette mixed with crack into his face. The henchman nervously stepped back.

“Umm I’m sorry boss I was going to shut her up.” He said.

Before he could get another word out, the man with the scar on his face pulled out a six inch knife that curved at the tip and stabbed him ten times in the chest and stomach in a blink of an eye. The henchman fell backwards onto the steel floor shaking as blood rushed out his body.

Tanya’s eyes opened wide as she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from screaming because of what she just saw.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” She mumbled repeatedly and closed her eyes praying this was just a bad dream. From the first time she could hear water all around her splashing against something and the rocking got worst.

“Wait I’m on a boat.” She said out loud then opened her eyes.

The lady across from her looked at her and said

“Shhh” telling her to be quiet. Tanya liked the woman she kind of reminds her of her own mother but prettier.

The rocking stopped as they hit something hard. Tanya and the other woman watched as the men in black lift up the other woman and carried them away. Then the man with the scar on his face grabbed the long end of the crow bar that was stuck in the now dead woman’s head and pulled it dragging her by it.

“Someone, grab that fool as well.” He ordered as he continued to drag the dead woman, talking about the henchman he stabbed up, who was still squirming in pain holding his chest and stomach.

Tanya closed her eyes as she felt a man lift her up. Fighting the urge to kick and scream but after what happened to the other lady that thought quickly left her mind as she was tossed into a van on top of another woman and the van pulled off.

A few minutes later it came to a stop where she felt herself being lifted and carried somewhere else. She opened her eyes to see she was on some man’s shoulders being carried and studied the room she was now in. She was now in a building that smelled at first of soda, then a smell that she was familiar with. The smell of crack she knew well because she was a child of a crack head. She had smelled the thick white smoke more times than she can count as a child from her mother always getting high in front of her or in the next room. The best days of her life was when her mother stopped smoking crack and got help. Tanya’s stomach turned in pain from the smell and fear of what would happen to her. She was dropped hard onto the floor in a large room. She dared not to move as she watched the man with the scar on his face take the ladies body with the crow bar still stuck in her head to a large door. He entered the room and then returned. Then he and all his men left the room.

Tanya cautiously popped up and looked around.

The room was huge and dark and filled with thick crack smoke. Out of the other eight women on the floor only she and the other woman, that told her to be quiet on the boat was up. Tanya crawled over to her.

“Where are we and who were those men?”

Tanya asked.

The woman looked at her with a frightened look on her face.

“We’re in serious trouble, have you ever heard the story of Black Ice?” The woman responded.

Tanya was only nineteen years old, but heard the stories of Black Ice and had seen him on the news, but thought it was all talk.

“Yeah, but I just thought it was all talk or the news trying to get ratings and besides, he was only kidnapping woman from Brooklyn. I live in the Bronx.”

Tanya replied.

“Well it looked like he spread it out because I’m from Harlem and was coming in from work I work nights when they grabbed me. Anyway my name is Lawana, not like it will matter now we’ll be lucky to get out of this situation alive.”

“I’m Tanya, how old are you Lawana? You seem to know so much, how?” Tanya asked.

Lawana smiled a little. “Don’t you know to never ask a woman her age but I’m in my mid-thirty’s, but I look twenty five. I know about Black Ice because I have a sister he kidnapped and then let go. It took her months before she told me what happened to her. She was scared he would come back and get her. She was cracked out and addicted and finally got some help from a center in Brownsville. It was the best thing she could do for her daughter Crystal. Listen Tanya, things are about to get way worse for us before it gets better but we have got to believe we could find a way out of here.”

Lawana said while letting tears fall from her eyes.

They heard noise around them Tanya stood up, so did Lawana. The room they were in was huge they used their hands to fan the thick white smoke and couldn’t believe what they saw. There was more than seventy woman chained to the wall by their ankles.

Some naked and others; only wearing a white t-shirt with glass pipes to their lips smoking crack.

Tanya gasped for air as she covered her mouth and wanting to cry then she heard someone call her name. She turned around to see her friend Pebbles sit up off the floor weakly.

“Tanya what’s going on?” She moaned.

Tanya rushed over to her and hugged her.

“Shhh! You have to be quiet.”

The other eight women on the floor started to come to and wake up. They all had a lost look on their face.

“Where are we one of them asked?”

Tanya quickly found her next friend and they hugged each other.

“Listen, whatever happens please don’t scream and as long as we stay together we will be fine.” Tanya stated.

“What are you talking about?” Her friend LaShondra asked.

Then a woman sitting next to her began to scream as loud as she could.

“Help me! Help me! Where am I? Help! Help!”

“Shhh! be quiet they will come back.” Lawana warned the woman, but it was too late.

The man with the scar on his face entered the room through a large steel door followed by twelve henchmen and a woman. He walked up to the screaming woman and kicked her in the jaw sending her flying backwards and screaming even louder. The man with the scar on his face then grabs her by the neck, choking her and picking her up at the same time. She squirmed and wiggled, and swung her fist punching and kicking him as she dangled in the air by his grip.

“Make the rest of them follow.” He ordered his henchmen.

They pulled out machine guns and aimed it at the other nine women.

“Don’t scream and follow him now!” One yelled.

The scared and nervous women looked at each other and began to cry. They slowly walked behind the man with the scar on his face as he held the wiggling, squirming woman up in the air by the neck like she weighed no more than a six year old child. He led them to the steel door, then he pressed a code and it popped open and then he entered, they all followed. The smell of feces and rotten flesh hit the women’s noses. Tanya held her best friends hand and with her left hand held Lawana’s, because some reason she felt safe with her as if she was a mother figure.

Laughing echoed throughout the room, some sound really tiny and the others large and deep.

“Hahahaha! Hahahaha!”

“What is that?” Pebbles asked in a petrified tone as the woman realized the laughter wasn’t normal or human.

The room was pitch black they could only see what was in front of them. Lawana and Tanya noticed the crow bar that was stuck in the woman’s head that was on the boat covered in blood and her clothes ripped to shreds in a puddle of blood then seeing the black outfit that the henchman had on that got stabbed up by the man with the scar on his face. The clothes was ripped to tiny pieces like some kind of animal tour it and him apart. Lawana wondered where the bodies had gone and her heart raced as she was about to get her answer.

In the darkness in front of them were thousands of red glowing eyes more than they can count in a direction of the laughter.

“Hahahaha!” The man with the scar on his face bust out laughing and the room got silent. Even the laughter from the direction of the red eyes seized completely. His laughter was evil everyone around felt it even his own henchmen.

“Listen the fuck up, because I will only say this once, I am whoever you say I am or think I am the devil, a monster, a bastard, but Black Ice for short. If you follow my rules you might live long enough to enjoy your piece of shit lives. The first time you don’t, this is your face!” He yelled while the woman he held by the neck swung and kicked, hitting him, but her blows did nothing at all.

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