The First Time

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: The First Time
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Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow





Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Marie Medina







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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and
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organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






It's only frightening if you allow it to be.





The Virgin
Auctions, 1


Jenika Snow


Copyright © 2013






The year is
2135, and young women are bid upon at the Virgin Auctions, a city-wide event
that allows wealthy men to purchase young brides for an exuberant price. These
females are prepped from a tender age to be the docile and submissive wives
that will please their future husbands. Once they are bought, they are at the
mercy of their owners.



Chapter One


Tonight Veronica Dubois would be rid of her virginity. For the
past three months, as she was primped, tweaked, tucked and pulled at, that was
the only thing she could think about. Since she was old enough to understand
what would happen to her on her twentieth birthday, she was prepared to be the
perfect wife for her future husband.

Tonight was the night when she would be displayed for a room full
of wealthy men. The robe the attendants were tying around her hips would be
slowly undone and she would be on display. There would be nothing on her body
that the prospective buyers wouldn’t be able to see. There would be absolutely
no touching, and she was glad for that. She might have been trained to be the
good little submissive, but she didn’t know if she could stand and allow
strange men to fondle her while she was forced to take it.

“You are quite the beauty, Miss.” The attendant who was as old as
her mother ran the brush once more through her brown hair. She set the brush
aside and went to the tedious task of twisting and wrapping her hair in a
dainty chignon that would showcase her neck and facial features. The attendant
left tiny wisps of hair framing her face, which only seemed to enhance her

The fact she would no longer be a virgin frightened her, but not
as much as whom her future husband might be. She tried to focus on the positive
aspects of this chosen lifestyle, one she had no say in but was expected to
follow. The whispered sighs and squeals of the females in the auction rattled
on around her. Was she the only one that was scared of what was to come? She
just prayed she was lucky enough to have a kind and gentle man bid on her.

“I think you are all ready, Miss. I can tell you will catch a fine
penny this evening.”

The sound of Veronica’s heart slamming in her chest seemed
deafening in the small room. Would the bids be high for her this evening? She
prayed they would be because her family was counting on that money. That was
why they spent so much of their own time and money throughout the years making
her the perfect female for tonight. If she married into the aristocracy, her
family would be looked upon as such as well. She looked at all the other
females that stood the same as her. Their hair was piled on their heads,
showing their delicate features, and they all wore the same silk white robe.
They would walk out in a single file line and face a crowd that they couldn’t
see. One at a time they would step forward and their robes would be removed,
their bodies put on display. The auction was silent, to Veronica’s
disappointment, and they would not be able to hear the bidder’s voices. She
would not be able to gauge their age or their personality.

She sent another prayer up that everything would work out and she
wouldn’t be stuck with an unattractive man or one far older than her. There
were horror stories of husbands four times their bride’s age.

“Remember, ladies, this is the night you were born for. This night
will shape the rest of your lives. Remember that.” The director of her city’s
virgin auction stood before them, her bun severe at the nap of her neck, and
her glasses thin atop her beaklike nose. She didn’t need to remind them about
the importance of tonight. Veronica’s mother, Kathleen, had drilled in her head
that if she failed tonight she would not only be a disappointment to the
family, but she also would not be welcome. If she didn’t bring a high enough
bid then her family would be disgraced and Veronica would forever be shunned by
her community. It was a harsh punishment for something she couldn’t control,
but she needed to make sure she made her family proud.

The girls started lining up single file, and Veronica was
sandwiched between a blonde and a redhead. The line began moving forward, and
Veronica’s heart started pounding fast, her blood rushing through her body. She
had never been as nervous as she was at this moment. The sound of low male
voices penetrated her anxiety-riddled body as everyone stepped onto the large
platform. The wood beneath her bare feet was smooth and polished to perfection.
She kept her head lowered, because that was what a good submissive did. As soon
as the male prospects realized they were on the block everyone became quiet.
Could they hear her heart pounding against her ribs? She could hear it in her
ears and feel it in her throat.

They stood there, waiting until the announcer informed the first
female to step forward. The urge to look up, to see what was before her was
strong, but she refrained because unless specifically directed a virgin was
always obedient. Girl after girl was called forward, and Veronica felt a bead
of sweat slip between her breasts.

“Veronica Dubois.” This was it. She stepped forward at the
announcement of her name, her head lowered, her hands clasped in front of her.
“Twenty years of age, five foot three, one hundred and five pounds.” An
attendant stepped next to her and untied the robe. The material dropped to her
feet and the chilled air brushed over her bared flesh. “This virgin has been
waxed and prepped for the winning bidder’s pleasure.” The attendant moved
behind her and cupped both of her breasts, showcasing them for all to see. “Cup
size thirty-six C, she might have a small frame but what she lacks in thickness
she makes up for in an ample bosom and a tight cunt.”

Veronica had seen and heard enough about the auctions to know
there were hundreds of eyes upon her right now, scrutinizing her body. Her face
heated, but she kept it lowered. No one aside from the female attendants had
ever seen her naked. The urge to cover up was strong, but she kept her arms by
her sides.

Every inch of her was announced to the bidders, and she was
instructed to raise her head. Bright lights blinded her and she tried to keep
from squinting. When he was finished she could hear the shuffling of papers in
the audience as the bids were being placed. Her heart slammed against her
chest, and she felt perspiration dot her body. Could they see that imperfection
on her? Would that affect her price? There were females that refused to be in
the auction, ones that demanded they be able to choose the man they married. If
their families were adamant they were forced to participate, and the girls that
were unruly disappeared. Rumors that those girls were shipped to a covenant,
trained to understand what their role in life was, and taught that as a female
of a high ranking family they were indebted to do their duty.
Those rumors were what brought fear into
Veronica. She loved her family and knew they loved her even if being auctioned
off was what she never had planned for herself.

Finding someone to love, choosing that man herself was more of a
fairytale than what her real life was. She just prayed she had an attractive
man as a husband. She knew he would most likely be older, for it was rare for a
younger man to have the income to waste on a virgin bride. She also hoped he
was kind and gentle. There had been horror stories of men so cruel, so
demanding in their sexual appetites that the wives were damaged physically and

After what seemed like forever the attendant helped her with her
robe and escorted her back to her rightful place in line. The rest of the girls
were called upon, their attributes on display, and when it was all said and
done they were led down the block to their future husbands. This was it; this
was the moment in life that Veronica had been trained for. She would meet the
man she would spend the rest of her life with and the one that would take her
virginity tonight. It scared the shit out of her.

Chapter Two


“Veronica Dubois.” She stepped forward, her head held in the
submissive pose as she awaited her cue to lay her eyes on her husband. “May I
introduce Master Kristoff St. Michaels for the St. Michaels Manor.” She lifted
her head, but what she saw was a very broad, very muscular chest hidden beneath
a snug white dress shirt. Craning her head even farther back, her breath
stalled as she took in the imposing and intimidating man before her. He was
quite possibly the biggest man she had ever seen, at least a foot taller than

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