Authors: shameek speight

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“Umm, Envy and Michael I’m hungry.” He said then smiles.

“Sure baby I’ll send Michael to get you some foods and call the doctor.”

An hour later after the doctor had ran all the tests he needed too. Mike sat up in his bed with his stomach now full feeling as if he was about to pop, still eating a strawberry sundae from McDonald’s.

“So how did I get in the hospital? And when can I leave? I don’t like it here. I want to go home with you and Michael.” Mike said and got sad while staring into Envy’s eyes.

She lowers her head in shame. Michael touches her shoulder reinsuring her that everything was going to be okay.

“Mike you don’t remember anything that happened” Michael asks.

Mike shook his head no.

“So what was the last thing you remember?”

Michael asks.

Mike lifted his head up and looked up at the ceiling as he tried to replay his memories. Flashes of a man chained to a chair with his legs and arms chopped off. Then Mike walking over to a large hyena setting him free and smiling as he watched the hyena rip and tear the man apart. Eating huge pieces of him even the bones.

“Nothing really” He replied. Lying not wanting to tell Envy and Michael what he did and have remembered.

“Well I’m going tell you everything and hope you remember.”

“You and Michael are brothers.” Envy stated.

“We are?” Mike asked with shock and a smile on his face as he looked up at Michael.

“Yes we are we have the same father.” Michael replied.

Then Mikes mind flashes back to Black Ice and how he told him he was his father and couldn’t have a weak son. When he wanted him to kill a woman but he couldn’t because Michael taught him over and over to never hurt a woman. There like flowers and always should be treated with a loving and gentle touch.

“Yes the man that’s our father is a very bad man Mike. He hurts people and gets joy and pleasure from it.” Michael stated.

“So he’s still our father Michael. I never had a father before. You and Envy been the only thing I’ve known as a family. All my foster parents beat me and wouldn’t feed me. Now with our father we will have a full family.” Mike said in a child-like tone.

Envy and Michael looked at each other then at Mike. His ten year old body frame sitting up in the bed looking so innocent but a look in his eyes that was cold and evil like Michaels and Black Ice, but behind it a young child, yearning to be loved.

“No Mike it’s not that way at all. Black Ice is fucking bad he hurts a lot of people.” Michael stated praying his words would get through to him.

“So you hurt people, I hurt people Michael, we’re no different. Like he told me it’s in our blood.”

Envy and Michael’s jaws dropped open in shock.

“So you do remember him taking you don’t you?” Envy asked as she looked at him suspiciously.

“Some parts of it.” Michael replied while lowering his head.

“Michael we’re nothing like him, we hurt people out of self-defense and anyone who hurts our family and loved ones. We never hurt woman remember I told you that. Black Ice don’t care he hurts men, woman and children. He’s a fucking monster. He beat my mother and me and made her smoke crack. I didn’t want to tell you this but he shot your mother in the head while she was pregnant with you. She didn’t die from a drug overdose but by his hands. That’s why I never knew I had a brother. It was a miracle that you survived at all.”

Michael stated.

“I don’t believe you I don’t believe you I don’t believe you.” Mike said closing his eyes and putting his hands over his ears and shaking his head from side to side.

“Stop it you got to hear this Mike!” Envy yelled.

At the sound of her voice he uncovered his ears and opened his eyes and looked at her with tears running down his face.

“If you don’t listen then you will be just like him. We almost lost you because he got inside your head. You shot Michael and was about to kill him. The only reason you didn’t is because I shot you Mike and stopped you baby.” Envy said and started crying hysterically, and Mike doing the same thing.

“I’m sorry Envy, I’m sorry Michael I can’t remember what I was doing.” He said with tears streaming down his face. Envy hugged him

“No baby I’m sorry we should have protected you better.” She said hugging him and rocking back and forth.

“Mike you have to learn how to control the blood inside you. Remember I told you I black out as well and lose control. There’s a part of me that like the evil, but I have to fight it. If I don’t I’ll be no better than him and you will be no better than him. We have to use what’s inside of us for good Mike or there will be more children of crack heads going through what we have because of him in us. Do you understand me?” Michael said firmly.

“Yes.” Mike replied while still crying with Envy and holding her.

Chapter 2

Two West African men drove a tractor trailer truck off the JFK Airport to a pier near the Hudson River next to abandon buildings.

“This man of yours must be a crazy ass American to want all these shits, but for two thousand dollars each we don’t care. That’s a million dollars we be set.” One of the African men said with a cheese smile on his face.

“Ali this man is not normal I been dealing with him for a long time. Please my friend, do not speak or look him in the eyes. We are making a deal with the devil himself and if we walk away from it alive it will only be Allah. Do you hear me my friend?” The driver stated.

“Yeah, I understand I just want to get this money, fuck this American. I don’t care what he does with this shipment Mohammed.” Ali replied.

Then they see a car flashing lights in front of them.

“That’s our signal.” Mohammed stated and got out of the large tractor trailer truck followed by Ali and walked to the back of the truck as two men hopped out of their cars, one with a large dog like creature on a leash. Mohammed knew right away it wasn’t a dog the man had by his side. He swallowed the extra saliva in his mouth out of fear. Every time he met with this man he prayed that he would make it back from the meeting alive. Ali and Mohammed now stood four feet from the two men.

“I see you’re on time Mohammed.” Black Ice said with a sinister smile on his face.

“Yes I’m never late with your order no matter how big it is.” Mohammed said, and was scared to make eye contact. The last time he did he had nightmares for months, they just recently stopped.

“Did you get all I wanted?” Black Ice asked?

“Yes I did but a few of them died from the trip here from Africa.” Mohammed replied.

“Enough small talk, do you have our money?”

Ali said in a strong African accent.

Black Ice leaned his head to the side and looked at Ali.

“Mohammed who is this man you know to come alone when dealing with me.”

“Umm, the order was too big for me to handle alone I had to pay many people in customs to get what you wanted. So I had my friend help me also.”

Mohammed said nervously taking a step back.

“Mohammed, do not explain shit to this American scum. Where’s our money?”

Ali said with his hand on his waist where he kept his gun. He was tired of talking and couldn’t understand why his friend was so scared of the American man in front of him. After all they have seen and been through in their country. He was ready to put bullets in both of the American men heads and take their money and try to sell the shipment all over again.

“Hahahaha!” Black Ice busts out laughing.

His laughter was cold and sent chills through all three of the men bodies. Even the hyena by his side began to shake. For the first time Ali began to fear the man in front of him.

“Fuck this!” he screamed and reached for his gun but never got a chance. And one swift move Black Ice pulled out a six inch knife that curved at the tip and stuck into him and chopped off his hand.

“Ahhhh!” Ali’s eyes popped open in shock as he screamed and lifted his left arm up and now seeing that his hand is now gone.

“You fucking talk too much.” Black Ice said as he rammed the knife into his stomach and chest repeatedly.

“Ahhhh!” Ali screamed in agonizing pain and fell back onto the ground. He coughed up blood as more of it gushed out of him.

“Get him.” Black Ice ordered.

The hyena attacked locking his huge jaws onto Ali’s head and crushing it, then ripped it off and began to devour it. The hyena wasted no time to rip off Ali’s chest then legs and swallowed it.

Mohammed screamed and took off running. The hyena stopped eating and jumped in front of him and began to laugh.

“Hahaha!” It blocked his path.

His long teeth; dripping with fresh blood, as he stared at Mohammed as if he was his next meal.

“Leave him and go finish your meal.” Black Ice ordered.

The hyena’s laughter echoed through the night.

He turned around and looked at Black Ice.

Mohammed could swear he seen the hyena shake his head in agreement as it ran back over to his friends corpse and began to rip and tear pieces of him away.

Black Ice walked up to Mohammed and grinned with his evil smile.

“You don’t have to worry Mohammed you’re good with me I still need you. I never know when I may need a shipment and you’re the only one that can get what I want.”

“Tiwan, give him his money.” Black Ice ordered.

Tiwan passed Mohammed a black suitcase.

Mohammed took it nervously as his heart raced and his stomach bubbled with fear.

“There’s a car a block away with the keys in it, take it and get out of here, and Mohammed make sure the next time you come alone or I’ll feed you and whoever you come with to my pets is that clear?”

“Yes.” Mohammed said and took off running.

Black Ice smirked as his hyena continued to devour Ali’s body. He walked to the back of the tractor trailer truck and opened it. A smile spread across his face as he looked at more cages than he could count filled with baby hyenas.

“Tiwan, call some of the men so they can start bringing my pets to the island.”

Tiwan shook his head and did what he was ordered to.

Chapter 3

Black Ice kept running through Mikes head he didn’t want to believe that his father killed his mother and doing so almost killing him and was the cause of his pain during the ten years of his life. From being in so many different foster homes and mistreated not fed or cared for. He was just another check from the government for them.

Mike looked up at the dining room table and couldn’t help but to smile. Envy was cutting into a beautiful well cooked brown baked chicken and Michael was putting macaroni and cheese with collard greens and yams onto the plates after she put the chicken on it and passed it out to the woman at the table.

“Boy you better put more on my plate.” Tiffany said with a serious facial expression, but bust out laughing.

“The same goes for me.” Star stated rolling her head and smiling.

“Damn you pregnant woman can eat, but that’s a good thing.” Michael said in a joking manner as he adds more food to their plates and passed it to them.

Mike looked at his plate and the three woman at the table and then at his brother and felt a since of belonging coming over him. I finally have a family a family of my own. The only thing missing is my father.

The things Michael and Envy said can’t be true, could it? His train of thoughts was broken by Envy’s voice.

“Everybody hold hands and say grace.”

Mike reached over and held Michaels hand, and Envy held Mike’s hand, and Tiffany and Star held each other hands.

“Everybody lower your heads.”

Michael said and began to pray.

“Our heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us together as a family and keep us safe. Thank you for bringing Mike back to us and all the other blessings you give us. Thank you so much for the food in front of us Amen.” He said and every one at the table said after him.

Tiffany wasted no time to put a few pieces of baked chicken off her plate into her mouth. Michael looked at Mike and they both smiled thinking the same thing that all three pregnant women can eat their ass off but never said it out loud knowing they couldn’t win a fight with three emotional pregnant woman.

After dinner Mike sat on his bed in his room he studied everything in it, it felt so good to be home. The life he lived with Envy and Michael felt like a dream too good to be true. It was his first day back from out of the hospital. He got off the bed and bent down looking under it to see a few shoe boxes of sneakers that Envy bought for him.

He pushed a few of the boxes to the side and dug way into the back and pulled out a black sneaker box and sat on his bed. He slowly opened it and stared at the objects inside of it. A four inch knife that Michael had given him and made him promise not to tell Envy, and next to it was a switch double bladed knife he had longer than he could remember to protect himself from the people from foster homes he had been in. Next to it was a clear glass jar filled with water and something floating around in it. He picked up the jar and stared at the floating piece of Pooky’s ear that he chopped off. He lay back on his bed holding the jar up staring at it and smiling.

Envy sat on her living room couch rubbing her stomach, with Tiffany and Star sitting beside her, rubbing their pregnant stomach’s as well. Michael sat across from them as the woman looked at him with concern and worry in their eyes.

“So what are we going to do Michael?” Tiffany asked?

“What do you mean?” Michael replied?

“Baby this isn’t the time to play stupid you know exactly what she meant. What are we going to do as far as Black Ice?” Envy responded?

“What can we do but be ready for him.” Michael replied.

“Be ready? How the hell can anybody be ready for that bastard? If you saw what I’ve seen and been where I been, because of him you would know there’s no such thing as being ready for no goddamn Black Ice.

He’s going to come for us now.” Star yelled.

“Star, lower your voice we don’t want Mike hearing this.” Envy stated.

“Shit maybe he should hear it Envy, because if Black Ice wasn’t going to come for us or me that’s carrying his child he damn sure is going to come for that little boy in the next room.” Tiffany responded.

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