A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (18 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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“All part of the plan,” Lena announced.

“But did Edna think I would bring you back with me? Is she going to help me return to Glendaloch?”

Lena thought for a moment. “Do you still have the backpack, Ashley?”

“Yes. It’s in my chamber.”

“May I see it?”

“Sure. Do you think there’s some sort of message in it, for you?”

“Maybe.” Lena stood up and held out her hand to Ashley. “Let’s go have a look.”



Cailin was frustrated beyond reason. He had lost his chance to truly make Ashley his. He was angry with his brother, and with Gavin, for dragging him away from what surely would have been a memorable night - but he was even angrier with himself. How could he have been such a fool? He cared deeply for the lass and given the way she’d distanced herself from him this morning, he wasn’t certain he’d have another opportunity to win her affections. He didnae want her to leave. Of that, he was very certain.

“Cailin, ye’d best get yer head back on the field.” Dougall announced casually, as he knocked Cailin’s claymore from his hands yet again. “What’s on yer mind, that’s causing ye to be so easy to disarm? ‘Tis not like ye.”

“Aye. Yer right. I got it in me head that ye might be tired of being knocked on yer arse, so I thought to let ye get the better of me this once.”

Dougall laughed loudly. “I dinnae believe ye. Yer saying ye took pity on me and let me best ye? Why would ye do that after all these years? Are ye not well then?”

“I be fine. Dinnae worry yerself, ye’ll be back on yer arse soon enough.” Cailin muttered testily. He retrieved his claymore and stomped away. He was met by Cormac, Robert, and Ewan, who had all been watching his exchange with Dougall.

“Surely I did not see Dougall beat ye?” Robert queried.

Cailin didn’t answer, embarrassed by his performance on the field this morning. Dougall was one of Cailin’s best men, equal in size and strength to Cailin, but in all the years they had trained together, Dougall had never been able to best him during training. Cailin knew the reason Dougall had managed it this time. Cailin had someone on his mind and it was a very big distraction for him. He was also still suffering the effects of the previous night’s drinking binge. Cormac had been smart enough to avoid putting himself on the training field - instead he worked with his men from the sidelines. Cailin wished he had done the same, but he’d really needed to work off his anger, disappointment and raging desires.

“Ye’d best get yer mind back where it belongs. We’ve a battle to plan,” Ewan warned.

“Come then, let us go inside. We have much to discuss,” Robert turned and walked away, with the three men following in his wake.

Cormac put a comforting hand on Cailin’s shoulder. “Dinnae fash, my brother, all will be well again.”

“I dinnae think so, Cormac. Ashley wouldnae even look at me this mornin’ when she walked away.”

“I’ve nae known ye to give up quite so easily on anything before. The lass is already yers. Ye know it and she knows it, but I think she nae be sure of yer intentions and mayhap a bit afraid of stayin’ here.”

Cailin shrugged away from Cormac’s hand. “What makes ye an expert on women? I dinnae see ye using that expansive knowledge tae find one of yer own.”

Cormac laughed. “The right lass hasnae appeared to me yet.”

They entered Robert’s private chambers and sat around the large wooden table in the center of the room. There was nothing warm and cozy about this place. It was strictly utilitarian, only used by Robert to meet with his men and for conducting clan business.

“Ewan has made a good point to me this morn and I wish to share it with ye. He suggests that rather than sitting and waiting for Richard to make his move, we seek him out and bring the battle to him,” Robert announced.

“Aye. I agree.” Cailin stated. “‘Tis been verra quiet these last days. We’ve had nae word from our scouts of any activity and they’ve found no sign of any more men aligned with Richard, travelling in other parts of the MacKenzie lands. I believe ‘twill be safe for everyone to go back to their homes soon. They should stay here a wee bit longer, for safety’s sake. Ewan is right; Richard keeps us prisoners in our own castle. If we take the fight to him, we are the ones in control.”

“‘Tis true. We cannae keep the whole clan here forever, while we wait on him tae make a move,” Cormac added.

Robert nodded. “‘Tis settled then. I expect each of ye to get yer men prepared. We ride in a sennight. We’ll leave Ewan’s men here, to guard the castle in our absence. I dinnae ken what game Sir Richard plays, but ‘tis done.”



Ashley and Lena sat in her chambers, carefully examining the backpack. They had removed every individual item in search of a message from Edna, but to no avail.

“She certainly was thorough in her packing,” Lena mused.

“I can’t believe there’s nothing here for you. She knew what she was doing when she sent me, and she had to know we would eventually meet,” Ashley continued to carefully scrutinize the backpack. She ran her fingers over the fabric, searching for any signs of a hidden note or object. She was about to give up, when she felt a small lump in the lining of one of the pockets.

“Hmmm. What’s this?” Ashley retrieved the scissor Edna had packed, and carefully cut away the fabric around the lump.

Lena watched anxiously as Ashley extricated a small parcel, wrapped in brightly colored tissue paper. They both sat motionless, staring at the object in Ashley’s hand.

“Here. You open it.” Ashley handed the small parcel to Lena.

“I suddenly feel like a child on Christmas morning,” Lena giggled. She gently opened the neatly folded tissue, to discover a note inside, along with a very tiny ceramic frog. Lena held the little treasure in her hand and began to sob.

Ashley went to Lena and wrapped her arms around Lena’s back, in an effort to offer her some small comfort.

After a couple of minutes, Lena inhaled a deep breath and read the note aloud through tear-filled eyes.


“My dearest Arlena,

I have hoped and prayed that someday, I might find you again and then the lovely young lady who brought you this note answered my prayers. She was sent to me, unbeknownst to her, to aid me in the search. I owe her a great deal, and I apologize to her for any dismay I might have caused.

I have missed you so much, my darling daughter. I know you are well and happy, for you have not returned to us. I have sent you messages in your dreams. Yes, it really is me visiting you. You have the same abilities I have, my dearest. Practice what I taught you as a child, and you too can visit me and send me messages. It would mean the world to me, to be able to see your face and hear your voice once more.

Your Da and I both want you to know how much we love and miss you. We hope to see you again one day, but until then, all our love to you and your family.

Mam and Da”


Ashley and Lena were both teary-eyed when Lena folded the note and tucked it into her pocket. She held the little green frog in the palm of her hand.

“My mother gave me this frog when I was a child. She told me, that as long as I kept it with me it would protect me from harm. I always kept it hidden in my pocket and if I was ever afraid or worried I would hold it in my hand and I knew everything would be okay.”

“Why a frog?” Ashley questioned curiously.

“I don’t honestly know, but I did have an odd fascination for them as a child. My mother told me that this little frog had special powers, and I believed her.”

Ashley smiled. “Was it charmed?”

“Maybe. Mother was always playing around with spells and magic. I didn’t think it was anything out of the ordinary, because I grew up around it.”

“Do you think she can help me get back to Glendaloch?” Ashley asked quietly.

Lena met Ashley’s gaze. “Is that what you really want?”

Ashley didn’t respond immediately. She hadn’t discussed her thoughts about leaving Breaghacraig with anyone, other than Irene. Maybe she should. Perhaps talking to Lena would help her work through the confusion she was suffering. Lena would understand. After all, she’d been there and done exactly the same thing.

“I’m not sure what I want, Lena,” Ashley admitted quietly.

“You know everyone here loves you and would like you to stay. They’ve already adopted you. As far as they’re concerned, you’re family.”

Ashley frowned, considering this idea. “Really? I mean, I know they like me, but Irene’s the only one who’s actually said she hoped I’d stay. I’ve become very fond of all of them, they’re good and kind people. My family is all gone. I’m alone at home, except for my friends, and they’re all too busy with their own lives to spend very much time with me.” Ashley offered Lena a watery smile. “On the one hand, I’m so at home here, and I feel an amazing connection to this family, but on the other hand, I’m afraid to stay. What if things don’t work out in the way I want them to? What if after a while in Breaghacraig, I discovered I wasn’t happy? Would I still be able to go back to Glendaloch, if I waited for too long? I’m so conflicted.” She sighed heavily.

“What about Cailin?” Lena asked gently. “You thought you were meant to find him, and you have.”

Ashley nodded sadly. “I know, and I feel so alive when I’m with him. Besides being the most gorgeous man I’ve ever known, he’s so sweet and caring. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. When I’m around him, there’s this magnetic attraction. I’m drawn to him, but I can’t seem to think clearly, when he’s nearby. I’ve been avoiding him today, because I thought it might help if I had some space to clear things up in my head.”

“And how’s that working out for you?” Lena smirked knowingly.

Ashley smiled and shook her head. “Not very well, I’m afraid. He’s all I can think about.”

“Sounds like you’re in love, Ashley dear.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” Ashley rubbed her hands over her face. “I guess I am. I’ve only known him a short time, though. I shouldn’t be able to fall in love so quickly,” she protested.

Lena chuckled. “Ashley, I fell in love with Ewan the moment I laid eyes on him. I tried to fight it, but it did me no good. I thought I wanted to go home, but I don’t think I ever really wanted it badly enough, and that’s why the fog didn’t appear for me. I was meant to be here and maybe you are, too. Talk to Cailin. Stop avoiding him. Tell him how you feel. You might be surprised at what you discover and it could clear up your confusion.”

“Thank you, Lena. I’ll take your advice to heart.” Ashley and Lena hugged warmly, with a new understanding of each other.

“Now, I’m going to leave you and take my treasures with me. The twins are likely to be tearing up the castle by now. I’d better go see what they’ve been up to, which is no doubt, no good. I’ll talk with you later.” Kissing Ashley’s cheeks, Lena gave her an encouraging smile and departed.

After watching Lena leave, Ashley decided she needed to get outside for a breath of fresh air. She grabbed a cape from her chambers and she was glad of it as she left the keep and a cool breeze blew in her face. Ashley wandered through the courtyard, exchanging greetings with those she passed, wondering what her life would be like, if she decided to stay in Breaghacraig. Approaching the stables, Ashley decided to check on Destiny. The horse had been sequestered in a stall since his injury and Ashley thought he must be getting fed up with no exercise or companionship. She’d taken an apple from the bowl in her room on the way out, with the intentions of eating it herself, but perhaps she’d share it with her new friend. She opened the stable doors and entered to the peaceful sound of horses lazily munching on hay.

As a young teen, she’d always loved the sweet smell of hay and horses and had found herself drawn to the peace to be found with these noble creatures. Things hadn’t changed in the ensuing years and she inhaled deeply, enjoying the experience again.

“Good day to ye, Lady Ashley.” Alan, one of the stable boys glanced up from cleaning a stall when she passed.

“Hello, Alan. I thought I’d visit Destiny and bring him an apple. How is his sore foot today?”

“‘Tis much better, m’lady. I took him out for a wee walk this morn, and he was hardly lame at all. He should be good enough to ride in a day or so. We’ll ride him for ye first. I don’t doubt he’ll be high spirited after bein’ in a stall these past days.”

“Thank you.” She scanned the area around them. “Do you have any brushes I could borrow? I’d like to groom him.”

“Aye. I’ll get it,” the young lad said eagerly. Ashley watched as Alan left the stall he was cleaning and opened a closet at the far end of the barn. He grabbed a brush and brought it back to her. “I’m right here if ye need me help.” Ashley smiled and nodded her thanks, before walking to Destiny’s stall. He saw her coming and nickered softly.

“Hello, my friend. I’ve brought you something.” Ashley produced the apple from her pocket and offered it to Destiny. He gladly accepted it and had the whole thing in his mouth in the blink of an eye. Ashley giggled as she watched him enjoying the juicy treat.

While she brushed him, Ashley cleared her mind of all worry and concentrated on enjoying the company of her horse and some quiet time.



Having finished up grooming Destiny, Ashley was handing the brush back to Alan, when a troop of children came through the door.

“Lady Ashley,” William said excitedly. “Have ye come to visit the puppies?”

“I haven’t seen them, William. Where are they?”

“This way, Lady.” He led Ashley, along with his brothers and sisters, into a stall near the door.

“Here they be.” He proudly extended his arm in the direction of the puppies.

The children plunked down in the straw and the puppies were all over them in a matter of seconds. Peals of laughter echoed through the barn, as the puppies knocked the children over, licking them and nipping them playfully. Ashley couldn’t control herself and burst into laughter. It was amazing how something as simple as puppies and children could make all seem right in the world.

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