A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (16 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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“It looks like ye all need to find yer beds, before ye end up sleeping here in the stables,” Kenna scolded. “Come, Gavin, I need ye to walk me back to our shelter.”

“Aye, me love. I’d be happy to take a beauty such as yerself back with me.” He winked at his friends and swatted Kenna’s behind. She gave him a look of mock outrage, but then put her arm around his waist and led him off to bed.

Cailin watched Cormac hoot at the couple as they disappeared into the darkness. Cailin, on the other hand was thinking how nice it would be to head to his chambers with Ashley by his side.

It seemed Cormac could read his mind - even in his disheveled state - and he wrapped his arm around Cailin’s shoulders. “Brother, come. Let’s be off to bed. Ye can see yer lass again in the morn.”



“Riders approach!” The cry came from high up in the battlements and a flurry of activity ensued, as everyone prepared for the worst. The men grabbed their weapons and hurried to their posts. Cailin, Cormac, and Robert came bursting outside from the keep.

“Who comes!” Robert demanded of Dougall.

“Too far off to tell, sir.”

The four men took the stairs to the battlement, two at a time. Dougall pointed to the east and several sets of eyes scanned the horizon, to see two dozen riders approaching. All eyes searched intently, for some sign of whether it was friend or foe. After several tense minutes, Cailin recognized the plaids as those of Ewan MacKenzie, Robert’s brother.

“‘Tis Ewan, Robert,” Cailin proclaimed.

“Aye, I see it now.”

They breathed a collective sigh of relief and sent Dougall to spread the word to their warriors to stand down.



At the sound of shouts and commotion, Ashley had left her bedchamber and flown down the stairs. Her heart was in her throat at the thought of the castle being under attack. She found Irene standing near the doors and joined her, awaiting any news.

Cormac burst through the door of the keep first. His bright smile told the anxious women all they needed to know.

“‘Tis Ewan and Lady Lena,” he announced.

“We’ll need to prepare rooms for their arrival. Cormac, please go to the kitchen and tell them we have guests arriving who will need a meal. They will be hungry after their journey,” Irene requested.

Helene had been standing nearby and she stepped forward, apparently having overheard the conversation. “I’ll see to bedchambers for our guests, m’lady.”

“Prepare Cormac and Cailin’s rooms for them, please.”

Helene was up the stairs and out of sight in a flash.

Ashley stood nearby, watching the activity around her. She was relieved to hear they weren’t in imminent danger. She’d been terrified, not just for herself, but for all of the MacKenzie clan, and especially Cailin. Last night had not ended the way she’d hoped, but in the cold light of morning, she was even more certain it was for the best that they hadn’t slept together.

Ashley was shivering from both the chilly air and receding fear and she was grateful when Irene took her hand and led her towards the fire. It seemed someone was always watching out for her in Breaghacraig, and Irene was no exception.

“Ewan is Robert’s brother,” Irene explained as she rubbed Ashley’s hands briskly to warm them, “and his wife is Lady Lena. I am so happy for ye to meet her, I think ye’ll enjoy her company.”

“Is Ewan Robert’s younger brother?” Ashley asked.

“Aye. He and Lady Lena reside in the castle I grew up in. Our home was in the foothills off to the east. After our parents passed, I married Robert, our properties were combined, and I moved here to Breaghacraig with my brothers. Robert sent Ewan to oversee our old home. He met Lena and they wed about five years ago. They have twin sons, Ranald and Rowan. I’m sure ye will enjoy playing with them, and I feel ye’ll have much in common with Lena.”

Ashley wasn’t certain how she could have anything in common with a sixteenth century mother of two, but Irene seemed excited about their arrival. “I look forward to meeting them. Is there anything I can help you with before they arrive?”

“Nay. Helene will see to the sleeping arrangements. Cailin and Cormac will sleep in the soldier’s quarters while they’re here.”

“I don’t mind giving up my bedchamber. I can sleep in the women’s solar,” Ashley offered. It seemed wrong to take up space that was obviously needed by others and she had no problem sleeping in the room set aside for the single women of the castle.

“Don’t be silly! You’re an honored guest here, Ashley. Ye will stay exactly where ye are.”

“But…” Ashley began to protest.

“I’ll nae hear another word.” Ashley knew further arguing would get her nowhere.

“Come, let us sit down, and wait for our guests’ arrival. Are ye warm enough now?” Irene asked.

“Yes. I’m fine.” Ashley was going to have to do her best to look warm and comfortable so they’d all stop worrying about her.

Irene picked up her needlework from the basket by the fire. She was working on a tapestry and she handed part of it to Ashley to work on.

“I’m not very good with needlepoint, Irene.” Ashley was quite craft-oriented back home. She enjoyed sewing, knitting, and crocheting. Of course, the tools were different here compared to what she was used to using in the twenty first century. No fancy sewing machines or craft stores to visit for supplies, but Ashley enjoyed the idea of learning an old world skill from an expert. “Maybe you could teach me. Not on this beautiful tapestry, of course. I’d hate to ruin it.”

“Dinnae fash, Ashley.” Irene picked up a small corner of the tapestry and a needle and some thread. “I’ll show ye a simple stitch and then you can fill this small spot here. If ye have any trouble, we’ll just pull it out.” She smiled reassuringly at Ashley, who watched carefully and then set to work, trying to duplicate Irene’s stitches.

Ashley hadn’t been at Breaghacraig very long and fortunately for her, everyone spoke English when she was present. Irene and Cailin had been making a point of teaching her a word of Gaelic here and there. She felt a bit inadequate in the language department. The McKenzie clan was fluent in Gaelic and English and they also spoke Latin and French. She was ashamed to admit to Cailin that she spoke only English, and some high school Spanish, which she rarely if ever used. He wanted to learn, so she was giving him a crash course in Spanish 101. He was picking it up a lot faster than Ashley was learning the few words of Gaelic they’d shared. She’d learned since her arrival, Cailin was not just a pretty face. He was very intelligent and his ability to strategize and problem solve was very attractive to her. In her time, he would be a successful executive, but Ashley had a hard time picturing him in a suit and tie. She preferred him in his tight fitting breeches or in his plaid - shirtless, of course.

From the sounds in the courtyard, their guests had arrived. Irene and Ashley waited at the top of the stairs. They were soon joined by Robert, who stood beside Irene, whilst Cailin and Cormac stood on either side of Ashley, shielding their eyes from the bright morning sunlight. They both appeared a bit hung over from the previous night’s drinking, and Ashley was about to tease them, when the gates opened and Ewan and Lena MacKenzie rode in. Their sons followed behind on separate horses, wrapped in fur and cradled protectively in the arms of two large highland warriors. The rest of their party rode closely behind on a range of horses.

Ewan dismounted first and helped Lady Lena from her horse. Taking her arm, he guided her towards those waiting to greet them.

“Robert!” Ewan reached for his brother and embraced him in a bear hug.

“‘Tis good to see ye, brother!” Robert clapped Ewan heartily on the back.

While the brothers reintroduced themselves to one another, Lena was greeting Irene. They kissed each other’s cheeks and embraced warmly, obviously good friends as well as sisters-in-law. The greetings continued and Ashley began to feel somewhat out of place as everyone talked, hugged, and reminisced.

Ewan was a carbon copy of his brother. Tall and handsome, he had a jovial manner and a winning smile. Lady Lena was a redheaded beauty, with sparkling, emerald green eyes. She looked vaguely familiar, Ashley thought. Lena’s gaze flickered over Ashley, just as two little whirlwinds threw themselves around their mother’s legs, capturing her attention. Cormac wrestled one of the boys into his arms, as did Cailin. Noticing he had left Ashley alone on the steps, Cailin went to her. He grabbed her hand and hauled her into his side.

“I’m sorry lass, I didnae mean to leave ye alone. Come meet everyone.”

As they approached the others, Ashley smiled shyly when all eyes turned to her. She thought everyone must know how uncomfortable she was, when a blush spread across her cheeks. She had never been at ease in these types of situations, never knowing what to say and feeling completely uninteresting.

“Ewan, Lena, I’d like ye to meet Ashley Moore.” Cailin kept a hand to the small of Ashley’s back, sensing her uneasiness as he made the introductions.

“We’re verra pleased to meet ye, Ashley.” Ewan took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, which only succeeded in making Ashley blush even harder.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Ashley murmured.

“Ye have a most unusual accent, Ashley. Where are ye from?” Lena asked curiously.

“I’m from America, Lady Lena.”

Lena stared at Ashley for a split-second too long, before she spoke again. “Please, it’s just Lena. No need for formalities.”

“Lena, I’d introduce Ashley to the boys, but I don’t see them often enough to tell them apart,” Cailin said with a roguish grin.

“Of course. Yer holding Rowan and Cormac has Ranald.” Lena laughed. “Yer not the only one who cannae tell them apart. We’ve given them wee bracelets, so everyone at home kens which is which. Ranald’s bracelet is blue and Rowan’s is green.”

“Let us go inside, ye must be hungry after yer long journey.” Irene hooked her arm through Lena’s as they headed inside, whilst Robert and Ewan each put an arm over the other’s shoulder and followed their wives. Cormac carried Ranald inside, tickling the little boy until he shrieked with delight.

Cailin kept his arm around Ashley’s waist, even as Rowan was tugging on his hair to get his attention. “Why are ye pulling me hair, Rowan?” Cailin winced in pain, but still smiled good-naturedly at the little boy.

Rowan giggled uncontrollably and hid his face in his chubby hands. Cailin tickled him, which produced even more laughter.

“How old are you, Rowan?” Ashley asked.

Rowan stopped laughing just long enough to hold up three fingers.

“Three? You’re such a big boy!”

Rowan nodded enthusiastically and then went back to pulling Cailin’s hair and laughing. Cailin was so sweet with him, just as he had been with all the children she’d seen him interact with. There was no doubt about it; she was falling hard for Cailin. She looked up at him and gave him an adoring smile, which was answered with a kiss on the cheek. She could feel her resolve rapidly melting away. She wanted him and didn’t think she’d be very successful at keeping her distance for too much longer.



It was still early morning and the great hall was buzzing with activity, everyone talking and laughing together as they caught up on news and gossip since their last meeting. The twins, now down on the floor, were running circles around the adults and playing peek-a-boo behind their mother’s skirts. Food was being served on the long tables and Ewan’s men entered the hall, adding more bustle to the already busy room.

“We were not expecting you so soon, Ewan,” Robert said.

“We erred on the side of caution, and rode through the night. I didn’t feel it was safe for us to camp overnight and risk possible attack from Richard and his men. ‘Tis why we’re here so early this morn,” Ewan explained.

“Ye must be verra tired after such a long journey and the bairns should sleep. Helene has prepared yer chambers,” Irene offered.

“Aye. We could stand to sleep a wee bit, but first we’ll break our fast with ye,” Ewan said, as he stifled a yawn.

Despite the threat of attack, the meal was filled with lively conversation and laughter. Ashley sat between Cormac and Cailin in what had become her spot. Both men were a little subdued this morning after the celebrations of the previous evening. While they had initially seemed fine when everyone arrived, the noise surrounding them inside seemed to be making them increasingly uncomfortable.

“You both look a little worse for wear this morning,” Ashley teased.

Two heads turned her way, and neither responded.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were both suffering from a hangover.”

Still no response. Maybe hangover wasn’t the right word in medieval Scotland.

“Do your heads hurt?” Ashley questioned.

They both nodded and winced in unison, as Ranald and Rowan shouted vigorously. Ashley hid a smile.

“Is the noise making it worse?” Again, they nodded with pained expressions.

“You need to hydrate and maybe take some aspirin. I still have some in my backpack.”

“Will that work, lass?” Cailin asked hopefully.

“It should. I can go get it for you, if you’d like.”

“We’ll come with ye.”

They excused themselves from the table and followed Ashley upstairs to her chambers where she rummaged through the backpack to find the remaining aspirin. She offered two to each man, along with the pitcher of water from beside the bed.

“You need to wash them down with this. Hopefully it’ll make a difference soon. You must have had a lot to drink last night,” she commented mildly.

“Aye. I’m sorry I disappeared on ye like that. It was nae my intention to do so,” Cailin apologized.

“No worries. It was probably for the best.” Ashley made a show of fixing the bedding and straightening the pillows to hide her embarrassment.



Cailin glanced up at Ashley’s cryptic comment, not certain of her meaning. Despite the pain of his pounding head, he was certain there’d been a shift in her disposition since last night.

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