A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (15 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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Cailin seemed so contrite, it was pulling at Ashley’s heartstrings, but the hurt she’d been subjected to would not allow for kind words. She wouldn’t let him off the hook that easily.

“I like Cormac, very much,” she began.

She watched as pain lanced Cailin’s beautiful grey eyes. “I think of him as a brother and good friend. You say you don’t want to share me with anyone, and yet I’m supposed to be okay with sharing you? I don’t think so.”

Cailin appeared very confused. “Who exactly would ye be sharing me with, lass?” he asked.

“Don’t act all innocent with me.” The anger boiled up in her chest again and everything burst out at once. “I went looking for you this morning. I hadn’t seen you for days and call me crazy, but for some reason I thought I missed you. I saw you in the courtyard, just as that, that
threw herself at you! I thought you might push her away, but no, you go ahead and put your arm around her and the two of you were laughing together and strolling out through the gates without a care in the world. I assumed
where you’d been spending your time, and that’s when I decided I wasn’t staying here and I was going to return to Glendaloch.”

Much to her disgust, Cailin didn’t even try to contain his laughter. “Yer jealous,” he chuckled.

“Don’t you laugh at me, you big jerk!” She swatted at him and he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. Ashley found herself nose to nose with the handsome highlander and she couldn’t wriggle out of his grasp.

“Ashley, dinnae fash like that,” Cailin ordered. “Ye have nae reason to be jealous. The woman you saw me with is Kenna. We’ve been friends since we were bairns; she’s like a sister to me. She’s married to my friend, Gavin.”

The anger left Ashley’s body in a silent whoosh. She felt like an idiot. She couldn’t even bring herself to face Cailin.

“Look at me,” he commanded, lifting her chin with his finger.

She lifted her eyes to his and all the anger and jealousy left her as she recognized the truth of what he’d said in his eyes.

“Ashley Moore, there is no one that I want more than ye,” he said quietly. He kissed her soundly and she melted into his arms. Ashley could feel his reluctance when he pulled away. “If we weren’t expected downstairs, I’d be showing ye exactly what I mean.”

“Maybe later?” she asked hopefully.

“Aye, later. Definitely.”



Ashley kept her eyes lowered as they entered the great hall. She was very aware that heads were turning as Cailin proudly escorted her through the crowd. He stopped momentarily and seemed to be searching for someone. He suddenly grasped Ashley’s hand in his and guided her to a table on the other side of the hall.

“Ashley, I’d like ye to meet Gavin and Kenna.”

Gavin got to his feet and took Ashley’s hand in his, raising it to his lips. He was as fair-headed as his wife was, and had sparkling green eyes. Gavin wasn’t as tall as Cailin and Cormac, but had a stocky, muscular build. Kenna was a petite woman with bright blue eyes set in an attractive face. She greeted Ashley warmly.

“It’s so nice to meet you both,” Ashley said. She was a little embarrassed by her earlier assumptions regarding Cailin and Kenna’s relationship.

She quickly discovered she had nothing to fear however, when Kenna smiled sweetly at her. “Cailin ye’ve been hiding Ashley from us,” she teased. “She’s lovely.”

“I didnae want to just tell ye of Ashley, I wanted ye to meet her, so ye could see for yerself why I’m so taken with this beautiful woman.”

Ashley saw Kenna and Gavin exchange knowing looks, while she blushed profusely.

“Ashley, we’ve known Cailin since we were wee ones and he’s never introduced us to any lass. Ye must be verra special,” Gavin said.

By now, Ashley assumed she was tomato red. She couldn’t seem to find her voice and she squirmed beneath their scrutiny.

Kenna came to her rescue. “Ye boys are embarrassing poor Ashley. Enough with this talk. Ashley, I look forward to getting to know you. I can tell ye lots of embarrassing stories about yer man here.”

“I’d like that,” Ashley laughed.

“Come, lass,” Cailin said. “They’re waiting for us at the head table. Gavin, Kenna,” he nodded to his friends. “We’ll talk more soon.”

As they walked to the dais, which held the head table, Ashley apologized. “Cailin, I’m so sorry for assuming you were seeing Kenna.”

“Dinnae fash, lass, it proves you care for me and I’m happy to ken it.” He squeezed her hand as he held her chair out for her. Once she was seated, Cailin leaned down and kissed her cheek before taking his seat on her left.

Cormac was seated to Ashley’s right and he looked at her with some concern in his eyes.

“All is well, lass?” he asked.

“Yes, and I feel pretty dumb at the moment.”

“I see ye’ve met the offending lass?”

“Uh huh, I did, and she is a very sweet girl.”

“Good. I’m happy yer worries have been put to rest.”

There was a festive atmosphere in the great hall, despite the circumstances that had brought them together. Goblets were raised and many toasts made throughout the gathering of the clan.

Irene and Robert were busy with their children, who’d been given permission to eat with the adults on this special occasion. Ashley watched the family and was happy to be a part of their lives, even if it was only for a brief period of time. Despite clearing the air with Cailin, Ashley was determined to leave as soon as possible. No matter how attracted she was to Cailin, she needed to return to her own life.



When the meal ended and the tables were cleared, space was made available for dancing. Soon musicians and their instruments appeared, and the room buzzed with excitement. In a way, it reminded Ashley of the wedding receptions she’d attended in the last few years. The only thing missing from this one was a bride.

When the musicians started playing a lively song, Irene and Kenna grabbed Ashley and drew her out onto the makeshift dance floor. The music was fast, the tempo quick-paced and the women whirled around, giggling and laughing. Ashley did her best to copy what Kenna and Irene did, but decided after a few minutes it really didn’t matter. She hooked her arms through Kenna’s, and then Irene’s and then with the other women who’d joined the dancing. The men stomped their feet and clapped their hands and eventually switched places with the women.

Ashley danced with Cailin, who whirled her around the room until she was dizzy. Cormac requested a dance with her next, followed by Robert, Gavin and a string of other men whom she didn’t know by name, but recognized as members of the clan.

Out of breath, Ashley stumbled from the dance floor. Cailin greeted her, offering Ashley a mug of ale to quench her thirst.

“Are ye enjoying yerself, lass?” he asked.

“Yes,” she agreed breathlessly. “This is so much fun!”

“Would ye like to get some fresh air?” Cailin suggested casually.

Ashley caught the seductive glint in his eyes. “I would,” she smiled.

Cailin took her hand and led her through the crowds. Once outside, Cailin strode towards the heavy stone stairs, which went up to the battlements. Cailin greeted the men on watch and guided Ashley to a concealed spot, where they could be alone.

“Wow,” Ashley gasped. “Look at the stars, they’re unbelievable.”

It was a clear, crisp night and the sky was full of stars. She had never seen so many before.

Ashley shivered as the cool night air hit her sweat-dampened skin and Cailin pulled her back against his chest and held her close. She sank appreciatively into the warmth of his body, aware of the telltale hardness pressing against her buttocks.

Cailin dipped his head to her neck and pressed soft, slow kisses from the base of her neck, working upwards until he was nipping lightly at her ear. Ashley tipped her head back to give him better access, and small, satisfied sounds came from her throat. Her breath quickened when Cailin’s hands found her breasts. His arousal pressed even more insistently against her and she wiggled against him, thrilled by his low groan of frustration.

Cailin turned her to face him and Ashley felt the stones of the fortified wall against her back when he captured her lips with his. His tongue invaded her mouth and tangled with hers. His hands were everywhere, stroking, caressing. He made it apparent he wanted her and Ashley definitely wanted him. Cailin slipped his hand into the bodice of her dress, exposing her breast and one pert, dusky pink nipple. He pinched the rosy nub, his mouth tracing a path across her upper chest. Ashley moaned at the exquisite physical contact and Cailin responded by sucking her breast into his mouth and grinding his hardened manhood against her with a rumbling groan. Ashley could hardly breathe. The throbbing ache of desire between her thighs had her mind in a fog. She wanted more, but this was not the place, no matter how exciting it might be.

Finding her voice, Ashley begged. “Cailin, not here.”

His breath was ragged when he stopped and nodded. His forehead met hers and he looked longingly into her eyes. It took him a minute to get himself under control, but then he adjusted Ashley’s gown and quickly kissed her lips.

“Come.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind him, as he headed for the keep and hopefully, his chambers.

Ashley was still enveloped in a sensual haze. She’d never been one to engage in casual sex, but this was definitely going to be the exception. She knew, instinctively, that sex with Cailin would be anything but casual.



They’d crossed the courtyard together, and were so focused on one another; that they almost ran right into Kenna and Gavin.

“There ye are,” Gavin winked at Cailin. “We were wondering where ye’d gone off to.”

Once again, Ashley was blushing. It was dark outside, so she hoped no one would notice when she put her hand to her face.

Receiving no response, Gavin seemed to decide it would be a good idea to tease them further. “Yer looking a bit off, Cailin. Is all well with ye?”

Cailin growled, “Aye, all was well and I dared to think it might continue to be well, until now.” He was squeezing Ashley’s hand so hard, that she yelped. “I’m sorry, lass,” he apologized, kissing the fingers he had just crushed.

“It’s okay, why don’t we go back inside and join the others?” Ashley sighed. She couldn’t see any way of sneaking off, not with everyone intent on enjoying the party-like atmosphere, which enveloped the castle this evening. Someone was bound to notice they were missing.

The expression on Cailin’s face spoke volumes and his two old friends read him like a book. Kenna took Ashley’s hand and pulled her away from Cailin, smiling sweetly back at the two men they were leaving behind. “I promised Ashley some embarrassing stories. Isn’t that right, Ashley?”

“Yes, you did.” She hated walking away from the promise of a night in Cailin’s arms, but this was the sixteenth century and she shouldn’t be behaving like the castle tramp. They’d have to wait until later… much later. With that thought firmly in mind, she followed Kenna back into the great hall.

The rest of the evening was spent with everyone but the one person she really wanted to be with. They exchanged longing glances when they spied each other across the room, but it seemed the castle occupants were determined to keep them away from each other. Eventually they won, when Ashley decided it was time to retire for the evening. Glancing around, she couldn’t see Cailin anywhere, nor did she catch sight of Gavin or Cormac. Irene and Robert had long since headed to their chambers.

“Kenna, I’m exhausted, I’m going to bed. I wanted to say good night to Cailin, but I can’t see him.”

“I’m sure he’s with Gavin and Cormac. They’re probably well into their cups by now, but I’ll tell Cailin you’ve gone to bed, should I see him.”

“Thank you, Kenna, and good night. I hate to leave you here all alone.”

“Dinnae fash, I’ll be fine. I will see ye in the morn.”

“Helene,” Ashley called across the room. “Can you help me get out of this gown?”

Helene nodded and exchanged a quick word with the handsome highlander she’d been sitting with. The man kissed her hand and Helene hurried to follow Ashley upstairs.

Ashley hoped Cailin would find his way to her chambers before the night was done, but if she were honest with herself, it was best if he didn’t. Should she really be encouraging his attentions, when she was going to be leaving soon?

Lying in bed, Ashley stared into the darkness. Fate had been a cruel master. The one man Ashley was convinced she was meant to be with, and he had to be from not only a different country, but also from
a different century
. A century to which she didn’t belong.



Cailin could not escape Gavin and Cormac, no matter how hard he tried. Every time he thought he’d slip away, they’d insist on filling his mug with more Uisge Beatha and propose another toast. The only thing he wanted to do, was finish what he’d begun with Ashley. He was having a hard time thinking of anything else and his brother and Gavin had taken advantage of his inattention, by seeing to it that he was in no condition to go searching for her.

“What are ye up to,” Cailin slurred as they distracted him once again.

“What do ye mean, Cailin? We’re nae up to anythin’.” Gavin laughed, and clapped him on the back. “I just wanted tae spend time with my friends. We’ve nae done this in a right long while.”

“Yer right, Gavin, but I think our Cailin here be wishing he were with a certain lass, who’s caught his eye.”

“Aye. She’ll nae be happy that I just disappeared without a word,” Cailin muttered darkly.

“Dinnae fash, my brother. She’s probably gone away to bed and is soundly sleeping by now.”

“Gavin,” Kenna called into the darkness. “Where are ye?”

“Here, by the stables,” he responded.

“Kenna, where is Ashley?” Cailin asked.

“She’s gone to bed. She said I should tell ye good night.”

Cailin cursed under his breath. He knew it would do him no good to seek her bed this night; he was so far into his cups he could hardly stand, without leaning against Cormac and Gavin. And by the look of his brother and his friend, they were nae better off.
he shook his head to himself,
he wouldnae do that to her
. He only hoped he’d get another opportunity.

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