A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (31 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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Cailin was at his wits end. He simply could not focus on anything and he was short-tempered and impatient with everyone who had the misfortune to cross his path. Time seemed to be dragging as he waited for the day when he would go to meet Ashley and bring her back to Breaghacraig to begin their life together.

“Cailin, are ye going to sit on yer arse all day, or will ye come with me? My horse needs to be exercised and I think ye do as well.” Cormac appeared from across the courtyard, chewing on a piece of straw.

Cailin had propped himself against the castle wall to whittle a piece of wood, but it had been whittled into nothing remotely recognizable. The scowl on his face had done a good job of keeping others away, with the exception of his brother.

“Why do ye bother me, Cormac? Can ye nae see I’m busy?”

“Aye. I see that yer busy murdering that piece of wood with yer Sgian Dubh. I thought ye might like to ride with me. Take yer mind off yer troubles.”

Cailin didn’t answer, instead continuing his assault on the stick in his hand.

Cormac tried again. “Come, brother, I could use yer company and me ears are waitin’ to hear of yer plight.”

Cailin growled, but reluctantly threw the stick away and put the Sgian Dubh in the side of his boot before he stood. “Aye. I’ll come with ye. I’ll take Ashley’s horse. I’m sure Destiny misses her as much as I do.”

Cormac raised a speculative eyebrow and slapped Cailin on the back. “I don’t doubt that the horse misses her company, but surely not as much as ye do.”

The two brothers made their way to the stables, where they saddled their horses in silence and walked them out through the gate before mounting.

“What troubles ye, brother? Ye’ll see the lovely Ashley soon, will ye nae?”

“Aye,” Cailin said grimly. “But I’m worried, Cormac.”

“Whatever for?”

“I’ve seen the world she comes from. It’s filled with wondrous things… like chocolate and coffee. Oh, and a delicious bread she called pizza. Mayhap she willnae want to give those up. What will I do without her if she doesnae come back?”

“Dinnae worry so, Cailin. I dinnae ken the things ye speak of and whilst they may be wondrous, I dinnae believe Ashley thinks them more wondrous than ye. She loves ye, brother, do ye nae ken that?”

“Aye. But what if she doesnae come through the fog?”

“Dinnae fash over something which hasnae happened, Cailin.”

“Ye make a good point, brother,” Cailin admitted begrudgingly.

“I only hope that someday I’ll find a lass, who will make me as miserably unhappy as ye are, when she isnae nearby.”

Cailin laughed and Cormac joined in his laughter, sharing a smile with his brother. They continued their ride and discussion and when they returned to the castle, Cailin had a lighter heart and a smile on his face.



Dr. Ferguson completed his examination and began packing up his bag. “Yer as good as new, lassie.”

“Thank you, Dr. Ferguson.”

“You’re very welcome, now I suggest you go find yer man. I can see yer itchin’ to do so.”

Ashley could hardly contain her excitement. She gave the doctor a quick peck on the cheek as he walked out the door and then started packing some belongings to take with her. She had gifts for everyone in Breaghacraigh. Nothing that screamed ‘2014’, but all things she was certain they’d enjoy. She had lots of chocolate, some for herself as well as small bars for everyone else. She had picked up a solar charger for her cell phone, and while she wouldn’t be able to telephone anyone, she could at least listen to music and look at her photos and videos from the twenty first century. Edna had helped her to find a medieval gown and cape at a store specializing in reenactments, but she was still going to bring some of her own clothes and her boots. The list of things to take was long and Ashley was hoping she’d be able to get it all into the leather duffel bag she’d purchased. Once she had everything safely stashed away, she picked up her cell phone and called Jenna one last time.

The phone rang several times and just when she thought it would go to voicemail, Jenna finally picked up.

“Ashley! Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you!” Jenna cried.

“I’m fine, Jenna. I’m still in Scotland, but I wanted to call you because I’ve decided to stay here permanently.”

There was a stunned silence at the other end of the line for a moment. “What? Why?”

Ashley grinned happily. “I’ve met someone. I’m getting married!”

“Oh, my gosh! Are you kidding me?”

“No. I’m perfectly serious. Do you remember the man I was having visions of when I was at home?”

“Yeah, but what’s that got to do with anything?”

“I’ve found him!”

She heard the disbelief in Jenna’s voice. “You what?”

“I found him, Jenna! We’re in love and I’m going to marry him and live with his family in their castle. It’s called Breaghacraig.”

“Ashley, I don’t know what to say. I guess I’m shocked. Are you sure about this?” Jenna asked worriedly.

“I am.”

“And you’re going to live in a castle?”


“Wow! If anyone had told me this would happen, I would never have believed it.”

“I know it’s hard to fathom, but Jenna, I’ve never been so sure about anything. I had to call you, so you wouldn’t worry about me. There’s no phone service in Breaghacraig and they’re about a million miles away from the nearest mail service. I didn’t want you to think I had fallen off the face of the earth. If you need to get in touch with me, you can contact Mrs. Campbell at The Thistle and Hive, in Glendaloch. She can get a message to me.”

“Okay. Let me write that down. Is there anything you need me to do for you?”

“No. Just be happy for me and know how much I love you and I’ll miss you so much.”

“Can I come visit?” Jenna asked hopefully.

“I’m not sure, but if anyone can make it happen, it will be Mrs. Campbell. She’ll help you if you decide to come.” Ashley hedged, knowing she couldn’t tell her the truth. She didn’t want to leave with Jenna thinking she had lost her mind.

They talked for a while longer, with Jenna catching Ashley up on all her friends and their dramas, and reminiscing about old times.

“You be sure to tell Cailin that I said he’s a very lucky man, and he’d better treat you right or he’ll have to answer to me,” Jenna warned.

“I will Jenna.” Ashley glanced at her watch. “I’d better go now. I’ve got lots to do before I leave for Breaghacraig.”

They said a tearful goodbye to one another and when Ashley disconnected the call, she had a peculiar happy/sad thing going on. She wiped away her tears and simultaneously, a huge smile lit her face as she thought of her beautiful man.

“Ashley,” Edna called from the hallway. “May I come in?”

“Of course, Edna.”

The door was pushed open and Edna, ever the whirlwind of energy, flew into the room.

“Just checking on your progress, dear. Did you speak with your friend?”

“I did, and I gave her your information in case she needs to contact me.”

Edna nodded. “No worries, dear. I’ll be happy to help her in any way possible.”

Ashley flopped onto the bed and clasped her hands together. “First thing tomorrow morning, I’m off to the bridge,” she announced happily.

“Now remember, it may not happen on your first attempt, so don’t get discouraged. I’m sending Teddy with you, along with some camping equipment, just in case you need it and have to stay for a day or two.”

Ashley chewed her lip anxiously. “The fog will come, won’t it?”

“Of course! But it can be a wee bit unpredictable and you both need to be there at precisely the same time, so you may need to wait for a little bit for the timing to be perfect.”

“Can’t you see what will happen, Edna?”

Edna patted her shoulder. “Not always, but I have a very good feeling it will all work out for you and Cailin. You’ll see!”



Cailin had been waiting at the bridge for days. Every morning he saddled up the horses and waited. There was no sign of Ashley or the fog.

What if she doesn’t come? How will I know if she’s changed her mind?
He told himself repeatedly to be patient and he knew he’d wait there forever if need be. He wasn’t going back to Breaghacraig without her.



Day three of Ashley’s vigil arrived and she was getting desperate. She was exhausted and beginning to lose faith. Not one tendril of fog had shown itself and she didn’t know if it ever would. She spent the entire morning throwing rocks into the stream becoming increasingly uneasy.

Teddy arrived as he had each day, to keep her company during her wait. She didn’t have much to say, but Teddy didn’t seem to mind. At around noon she had a little bite to eat and then sat on the bridge to wait. Her eyes drifted shut and she dreamed of a handsome gray-eyed man calling her name. She woke with a start when Teddy shook her urgently. He had her bags in his hands and motioned to the other side of the bridge, where the fog was moving in and out of the trees.

“Ashley, love, I’m here!” Cailin’s voice came from the fog, wavering and sounding like an echo.

“Cailin! I can’t see you.”

The fog grew thicker and then it suddenly cleared enough for Ashley to glimpse Cailin on the other side. He stood waiting for her, Cadeyrn and Destiny grazing just a few feet away.

“Cailin!” She ran as fast as she could, tripping over the hem of her gown in her haste. Cailin held his arms open to her and she almost knocked him over in her hurry. Cailin lifted her off of the ground twirling her around, as a look of sheer joy lit his handsome face. He put her down, lifting her chin and looked deeply into her eyes, before lowering his mouth to hers in a long glorious kiss.

Teddy dropped the bags by their feet and silently backed away from the fog. As Ashley and Cailin turned to wave goodbye to him, the fog cleared and Teddy disappeared from view.



Cailin tied the bags onto Destiny’s back and then lifted Ashley onto Cadeyrn. He mounted the horse behind her and pulled her close, nestled between his thighs. Ashley snuggled into his embrace, happier than she’d ever imagined she could be.

“Let’s go home,” she said. And they did.





The wedding had been as beautiful as Ashley had always dreamed her wedding day would be. While it certainly wasn’t the type of wedding she was used to, she thought it was better. She had a beautiful gown and a handsome groom and everyone celebrated into the wee hours of the morning.

And she had a new family. Robert, Irene, and Cormac were like the siblings she had always longed for and Helene was a trusted friend. She even had an instant parcel of nieces and nephews. She loved being in this big, busy household. It was her dream come true.

Everyone had been shocked to hear that Sir Richard ended up in Glendaloch, but happy to hear he had been arrested for what he had done to Ashley. They hoped never to be bothered by him again. Ashley had discovered on her return to Breaghacraig, that his men, who were much fewer in number than they originally thought, had returned to England without him. Nobody had any idea how he’d ended up in the twenty first century.



Cailin proved to be a most attentive husband. He doted on Ashley and brought her little presents almost daily. Fresh flowers, new ribbons for her hair, and once, when a merchant was passing through, Cailin purchased a bolt of the most gorgeous fabric in her favorite shade of turquoise, which the seamstress had used to create a lovely new gown. She was truly blessed to have found him.

Lying in bed one morning, Ashley spoke out aloud. “Thank you, Edna.”

“What are ye thankin’ Edna for now,” an amused Cailin asked as he poked his head into their bedchamber.

Ashley grinned blissfully. “For you. I am ever so grateful she brought me to you.”

“I should thank you as well, Edna.” Cailin winked at Ashley, apparently amused to think they were speaking to a woman who was centuries away. “Now, if she could just find someone for Cormac.”

“Maybe she will,” Ashley laughed.

Cailin strode across the room and slipped into bed beside Ashley. “Come here, my love.” He wrapped Ashley in his arms and then proceeded to tickle her senseless as she laughed and playfully swatted at him.

“This is pretty perfect,” she sighed, when Cailin finally stopped and cuddled her lovingly against his chest. “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”



Jennae was born and raised a New England girl, just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, where her imagination was always bigger than she was. Her large, extended Irish and Italian families were a great source of support, inspiration and humor. Laughter, love and food were never hard to find in her home. Jennae grew up surrounded by nostalgic, historical landmarks, which fed her love of history and creative writing.

She has worn many hats over the years. From owning her own typing service and horse training/boarding facility, to operating an embroidery/t-shirt business, her entrepreneurial spirit was strong and thriving. Determined to do something she truly loved, her vivid imagination took over again and she decided to follow her literary dream of writing stories that tapped into her love of magnificent people and places.

Jennae now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, where they’ve raised two beautiful and talented children. Along the way they’ve gathered a menagerie of pets, including one dog, three cats and 4 chickens to make the family complete.

You can contact Jennae at her website:






[email protected]



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