A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (23 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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As they lay in bed together that night, their arms and legs entwined, Ashley mused over her delight at having finally found her perfect match.


“Aye, love,” Cailin murmured, running his fingers languidly through her hair.

“I know we haven’t spoken about the fight with Sir Richard, but I’m afraid,” Ashley admitted quietly.

Cailin lifted his head to gaze down at her. “What are ye afraid of, love?”

A single tear ran down Ashley’s cheek and onto Cailin’s chest. “I love you so much and I’m so happy, but I’m afraid something might happen to take all that away.”

“Dinnae fash, love. I mean to return to ye, as quickly as I am able.” Cailin lifted her chin and gazed into her tear-filled eyes, his expression serious. “Richard willnae win this. We are well trained, well-armed and he doesnae know we’re coming,” he reassured her, brushing the tears away from her cheeks. “I dinnae like to see ye this way, mo chuisle. I dinnae wish to leave ye, but I must. Richard will be defeated and then there willnae be any more worries for either of us.”

Ashley nodded sadly. “I understand.” And she did, but she couldn’t rid herself of the nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. It had been plaguing her for days. The biggest problem was, that she simply wasn’t used to these sorts of circumstances. Now she understood and sympathized with women from her time, whose husbands and boyfriends were deployed to a war zone. She’d never really had to think about it before, but now she was getting ready to send her own man off to battle and it was the most frightening thing she had ever experienced.

Despite Cailin’s reassurances, Ashley wasn’t thoroughly convinced, so he took her mind off the subject, in the only way he knew how. Ashley was more than happy to let him and for a few glorious hours, she embraced her future husband and pushed her worries to one side.



The morning came much too quickly for Ashley’s liking, and she stretched and opened her eyes to find Cailin was already up and gone. He’d explained the night before that he would be busy all day, preparing for their departure. There was much to do and Ashley probably wouldn’t see him again until the evening meal.

Helene knocked on her door and entered. “Good morn to ye, m’lady.”

“Good morning, Helene.” Ashley had tried her best to get Helene to stop calling her ‘m’lady’, but old habits die hard, so she’d eventually given up.

As Helene helped Ashley to dress and braid her hair, they both talked about their fears.

“Are you worried, Helene?” Ashley questioned.

“Aye, m’lady. I’m very frightened for Dougall and the others. He told me I shouldnae worry. He said they would all come back safely.”

“Cailin said much the same thing to me.”

“But ye dinnae believe it,” Helene stated.

“It’s not that I don’t believe it, Helene. It’s just,” Ashley hesitated, choosing her words carefully, “it’s just that I have a bad feeling about it.”

Helene tilted her head to one side. “What do ye mean, m’lady?”

Ashley shrugged, twisting a length of ribbon between her fingers anxiously. “I can’t really explain it, and I haven’t said anything to anyone else, but it’s as if a dark cloud is hanging over my head. I don’t know what it means but it’s constantly there.”

Helene didn’t respond right away, and Ashley watched her as she turned the idea around in her head. “M’lady, the men are verra sure they will all come back to us, and we must believe that,” Helene finally announced firmly.

“You’re right, Helene. I’m going to concentrate on thinking positive thoughts for them.” Ashley smiled brightly at Helene, knowing she wasn’t alone in her concern. Irene, Lena, Helene, and many of the other women in the castle had exactly the same concerns. Ashley decided she would do her best to keep an upbeat attitude - even if she didn’t believe it deep in her heart.

The women broke their fast together and then went their separate ways to commence their work for the day. Lena was tasked with watching over the children today. Helene was to help the kitchen, putting together food and supplies for the men’s journey. When the two women had hurried away, Irene took Ashley by the arm. “Ye can come with me, Ashley. We’ll be checking to see that all the packing is being done properly.”

Ashley was happy to have something useful to do, hopefully it would keep her from spending the entire day worrying. Irene and Ashley made the rounds of the castle and the surrounding grounds and found that all was going according to plan. Everyone knew their jobs and were seeing to it that they got done quickly and efficiently. Irene seemed pleased and the two women helped out where necessary.

They joined up with Lena and Helene again for the noon meal. Lena was full of stories about the children, who had joined the women in the great hall to eat. The antics of the twins had everyone at the table laughing, and lightened the mood considerably.

In fact, Ashley was laughing so hard, she had tears in her eyes. Those little boys were just what the doctor ordered as far as she was concerned.

After they ate, the youngest children went off for a nap and Lena took the others to work on their reading and letters, whilst Helene hurried back to the kitchen, leaving Ashley and Irene alone with their mutual worries. They exchanged a worried glance and Irene grabbed Ashley’s hands in her own. “Let’s go for a walk,” Irene suggested.

Ashley offered her a weak smile. “Okay. Where shall we go?”

“Yer favorite place,” Irene suggested.

“Will that be safe?” Ashley questioned doubtfully. “Cailin doesn’t like me leaving the castle alone.”

“Ye won’t be going alone, I’ll be with ye.” Irene waited for a response and when none was forthcoming, she coaxed Ashley with a reassuring nod of her head. “We’ll nae be going that far. There’s been no word of trouble near the castle, and the beach is only minutes away. We’ll go for a wee walk and it’ll calm our nerves.”

Ashley smiled. “You’re right. Let’s go, I’d enjoy the fresh air.”

The sky overhead was beautifully clear as the two women made their way to the postern gate. The guard on duty greeted them as they passed, inclining his head in their direction. “M’ladies.”

“Malcolm,” Irene returned his greeting, with a regal nod as they swept past his position.

Strolling along the path that led to the beach, the same sensation of dread overcame Ashley once more. She just couldn’t seem to shake it. She scanned the area in front and behind as they walked. Irene was chattering away, oblivious to Ashley’s growing sense of impending doom. As they approached the path leading down to the beach, Ashley scanned the tree line. She thought she caught a glimpse of something shiny and metallic, but before she could focus on it, the object was gone.

“Lady Ashley, Lady Ashley!” an out of breath William ran up behind them, carrying a puppy in his arms.

“William,” Ashley jumped at the sound of his voice. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

“No, Lady. I just wanted to come along with ye.”

Ashley looked to Irene, who smiled and nodded, before she responded. “I guess that would be alright.” Ashley put a hand on his back and they started the walk down to the beach.

The sounds of the wind and the water brought Ashley a sense of peace, as they always did. Her thoughts turned to outings she’d enjoyed with her family when she was growing up, and how precious those memories were. It truly was the simple things in life that mattered most and created the best memories. A blanket in the sand, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, pails, and shovels to dig in the sand, and her family to share it. Those were the simple memories Ashley cherished. She was making new memories now, with her new family and she was so grateful for the opportunity. On impulse, Ashley hugged Irene and then William, who gazed at her with adoring eyes.

They walked along the shoreline together, enjoying the fine weather and the beautiful views. William put the puppy down on the sand and they laughed together when the puppy barked furiously and ran away from the incoming waves. William ran along the beach and the puppy chased him back and forth across the sand.

Irene and Ashley were so engrossed in the happy scene before them, they didn’t hear the sound of horses’ hooves pounding across the sand until it was too late.

Ashley became aware of impending trouble when she noticed William’s eyes widen. Ashley followed his gaze and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Men on horseback had rounded an outcropping of rocks further down the beach and galloped towards them swiftly. She tugged on Irene’s sleeve anxiously, too stunned to speak.

“Run!” Irene shrieked and the three of them bolted for the narrow pathway leading away from the beach. If they could get to it before the horses reached them, they might have a chance. The path was narrow and rocky. A man on horseback would never make it, and they could gain some distance before the men could dismount.

Ashley stole a glance over her shoulder and her heart stuttered in her chest. Their pursuers were nearly upon them and she grabbed Irene’s hand and dragged her along. “Faster!” she panted. “We’re almost there!”

William reached the path first and started the climb up, followed by Irene and Ashley. They had almost made it to the top and Ashley began to gain some confidence that they might get away. The horses had been drawn to a halt at the bottom of the bluff and the men didn’t attempt to follow them on foot. Instead, the men were watching their progress, looking up and apparently laughing as the three cleared the top. Ashley’s heart sank when she scrambled over the top of the cliff and came face to face with another group of men on horses, waiting for them.

Ashley shoved William and his puppy behind her body to protect them, as she quickly surveyed her surroundings. Her eyes came to rest on a familiar face. “Thomas!” she uttered, shocked to see him again.

“Lady Ashley. I’m so happy to discover that you remember me.” Thomas leered at her in a way that made her very uncomfortable. “And this must surely be Lady Irene? Sir Richard will be

He nudged his horse closer to Ashley and stared down at her coldly. “You, my little horse thief, shall ride with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Ashley knew it was futile to argue, but if she could keep them here for even a few minutes longer, someone from the castle was bound to see them from the battlements and sound the alarm. “I’m sorry about your horse. I didn’t steal it, actually, I just couldn’t risk leaving him there for you to chase after us. He’s at the castle. I can get him for you if you like and then you can let us all go,” she suggested.

“I’m not here for the horse!” Thomas snapped. “I’m here to retrieve you, and Lady Irene. Do not fight me on this, woman. You will not win.”

“I did last time. I’m sure you remember.” Ashley announced bravely, trying not to look as intimidated as she felt.

“I do, and you can be sure you’ll pay for it.”

Ashley turned to run, but Thomas swiftly reached down and grabbed her by the hair with a steely grip, nearly yanking her off her feet. Ashley cried out when searing pain shot through her scalp. Another man who had already dismounted reached her side and swiftly clamped a hand over her mouth, to stifle her screams.

“Get Lady Irene on a horse,” Thomas yelled, still gripping Ashley’s hair viciously, as she struggled against the heavy man holding her, his hand still covering her mouth. “I’m not interested in the boy.”

A second man led a struggling Irene to a bay horse and roughly lifted her to sit in front of the man riding it.

Thomas motioned to one of his men. “Tie the lad up and leave him here. We can’t have him running back to the castle for help and I don’t want to take the brat, or his damnable dog.”

Panicked at what was in store for them, Ashley bit her captor’s hand. The man wrenched his hand away from her mouth and slapped her hard across the face. Ashley’s knees buckled and she would have fallen, except for the tight grip Thomas still had on her hair. Fierce anxiety began to set in when she heard Irene shout out and William sobbing. The large man grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against Thomas’ horse, choking her. She couldn’t breathe and her vision began to get hazy. She tried kicking and thrashing to escape his assault but to no avail. He seemed intent on killing her.

“Thomas,” Irene shouted. “Stop him! He’s going to kill Ashley!”

“Roger, enough!” Thomas ordered, seemingly amused by Ashley’s distress.

Roger released his grip on Ashley’s throat and she sobbed, holding her hands to her throbbing neck.

“Put her up here with me!” Thomas said coldly. “We must get away before we’re sighted.” He glared at Irene who was still yelling and struggling and shouted orders to the man she was seated with. “Keep her quiet!”

Before Ashley knew what was happening, she found herself thrown unceremoniously onto Thomas’s horse and they were galloping off into the trees and away from the castle and any possibility of help.



After what seemed like hours of being jostled as they galloped across the fields, Thomas slowed their pace to a walk. Ashley did her best to avoid coming into contact with Thomas’s body, but he crushed her against him in a viselike grip. Worse yet, he was enjoying their close proximity and didn’t try to hide his pleasure. Ashley found wriggling and twisting in her futile attempts to get away only made matters worse. Her arms were pinned by her sides and she was powerless to free them. Thomas’s hand found its way into the top of her gown and he fondled her breast crudely.

“Don’t touch me,” she hissed between her gritted teeth.

Thomas merely laughed and pinched her nipple with so much force; Ashley had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

“You are a tasty piece. I shall enjoy having you later.” He leaned forward and licked her neck, chuckling softly.

Bile rose in Ashley’s throat. She needed to get a grip on her fear and go on the offensive. She couldn’t physically hurt Thomas, but surely she could mess with his head.

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