A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series (7 page)

BOOK: A Bridge Through Time: Book 1 of The Thistle & Hive Series
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Cailin did as she requested and sank back on the bed, shivering violently. It would take a while for the aspirin to kick in, but Ashley needed to get him warm in the meantime.

She searched through the backpack, looking for something she could use and located an emergency metallic blanket in the front pocket. It would help, but it would be nice to locate another blanket as well. She suddenly thought of the saddle packs, and went outside to check them. Luckily, Cailin’s had a length of plaid fabric she could use. “Welcome to Scotland,” she mused to herself as she tucked the material under her arm.

Back inside, the fire was beginning to warm the room nicely. Ashley threw a few more logs into the hearth and hurried back to Cailin. Climbing onto the bed beside him, she covered them both with the blanket and the plaid. She didn’t want to think about what might be crawling around in the straw beneath them and hoped the cloth covering would keep any creepy crawlies contained. She snuggled up next to Cailin to share her body heat.

Thinking back over the day, she was struggling to believe what had happened. Lying next to Cailin, she rested her hand on his chest. She was tempted to run her fingers over the hard contours of his well-muscled form, but controlled the urge. After all, he was injured and out of it currently - it hardly seemed the time to start groping him. He was definitely a gorgeous man though. The most gorgeous man she had ever seen. He put the guys she knew back home to shame. His long black hair hung loose past his shoulders… massive shoulders, which led to bulging biceps and further down to strong, beautiful hands. Thank goodness he was asleep, so he couldn’t see her examining what was undoubtedly an amazingly hot bod. Ashley was experiencing a sensation that had evaded her for years, and recognized she was totally turned on by this guy.
Get your mind out of the gutter. Once you get him back to his home, you have to return to Glendaloch.
Besides this was hardly the time or place to be thinking about Cailin as prospective boyfriend material.

Ashley had taken this trip to find her true self. Well, if she was honest with herself, she had come to find Cailin. Now that she had, second thoughts were insinuating their way into her brain. There had been too many disappointments after Dax dumped her. Ashley needed to find out what it was, that drew her to guys who were only interested in her for one thing. She laughed at her own naiveté. She always searched for the good in people; trusting them before they deserved her faith, and she’d paid the price for it. She wouldn’t let it happen again, and she shouldn’t be thinking of this man as anything more than the guy who’d rescued her from Teddy.
She shouldn’t be, but she was.
Ashley sighed and offered up a prayer for Cailin to be better in the morning, and then she fell asleep.



Ashley woke during the night and managed to rouse Cailin enough to give him more aspirin. He seemed more comfortable and no longer shivered. When she lay down again, Cailin wrapped his good arm around her back and drew her closer to his side. God, he smelled good… it was a smell she’d become familiar with, after seeing him so often at home. Pine, leather, wood smoke, and horses
. Don’t read too much into this,
she warned herself
. He doesn’t even know you’re here.



The sun shining through the windows woke Ashley the following morning, and it took a minute to remember where she was. When recollection came, she sat up and studied the room. It didn’t look much better in the light of day. She checked the fire, which was now just a bunch of ash and embers in the hearth. The morning was chilly and she was about to get up when Cailin’s arm coiled around her and pulled her back down to him. He was muttering something she couldn’t understand, but she certainly didn’t mind her head resting on his solid chest. She could hear his heart beating a steady rhythm beneath her ear, and she gave in to the urge to wrap her arm around his waist and for good measure her leg possessively over his thighs.
This is very nice. I could stay like this forever.

Ashley became acutely aware that Cailin was waking up in more than one way, and she silently cursed herself. What had she been thinking? The last thing she needed was an aroused Highlander on her hands, especially since she was lying next to him in a very suggestive manner. Realizing her mistake, Ashley tried to pull away. She really needed to get up, get the fire going again, and then find a place to relieve herself. Cailin tightened his grip on her and in a husky voice said, “Nae, dinnae go. Please stay.”

“I’m not leaving, Cailin. I just need to tend the fire and go outside for a minute,” she stammered. “Cailin, can you hear me?”

Slowly he opened his eyes. They were mesmerizing and she couldn’t look away. Her stomach did a little flip flop.

“Ye took care of me,” he said. “I thank ye.”

“You’re very welcome. It was the least I could do. Now, will you let me get up, so I can keep taking care of you?”

Instead of releasing her, Cailin pulled her closer and much to her surprise, he kissed her full on the lips. It was an amazing kiss, his lips were so soft and sweet. They lingered on hers briefly, before he deepened the kiss. Ashley found herself kissing him back, with more passion than she had shown for anyone in a long time. It felt so good, but she knew it was wrong. She hardly knew this guy, if you didn’t count all the times she’d seen him back home. As much as she wanted to go on kissing Cailin, she pushed away from him and ran out of the lodge like a frightened rabbit, forgetting all about the fire.



Cailin chuckled at the sight of Ashley running from the lodge. She was certainly special; he could see that. He’d be kissing her again soon, of that he was sure.

Where had she come from
, he wondered. She had a funny way of speaking, and he didn’t understand much of what she said. She spoke of many things he was unfamiliar with; she dressed in an unladylike fashion and yet didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed by it. Truth be told, he found it most attractive. He could see every curve of her figure very clearly and he enjoyed what he saw.

Cailin had been with many women over the years, and he had never been interested in getting to know any of them better than was required to bed them. He had a reputation amongst the women of the neighboring clans. There were many who wished to marry him, but none held his heart and not one compared to Ashley Moore. She piqued his curiosity. She was bonny, smart, and brave, but he could tell she didn’t think of herself as having any of those attributes. He’d been aware of her beside him all night and when she had thrown her leg over him, it had been all he could do, not to climb atop her and make her his own. He hadn’t wanted to frighten her though, so he’d had to be satisfied with a kiss.



Once outside, Ashley had to lean against the side of the lodge, because her traitorous legs had turned to jelly.
Get it together, Ashley. It’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever kissed a man.
But it
the first time she’d ever imagined she could drown in a kiss. It took a few minutes to get herself under control, and then, taking a deep breath, she took care of the necessities and returned inside. She grabbed the medication and water and brought them across to Cailin.

“What magic do ye give me?”

“Magic? It’s not magic, only aspirin for aches, pains and fever and antibiotics for infection.” She explained how Mrs. Campbell had packed a bag for her, somehow including everything she had needed. “It’s like she’s psychic.”

Cailin latched onto the only thing she said, which he’d understood. “Are ye one of the Campbell clan then?”

“The Campbell clan… no. I’m just a tourist, travelling through Scotland. The Campbell’s are the owners of The Thistle and Hive. That’s where I’m staying.” When Ashley glanced up, he was examining the plastic water bottle she held in her hand. “You look like you’ve never seen a plastic bottle before.”

“Nae, I havnae. I dinnae ken yer language, lass, or yer ways. Yer nae like any woman I have ever known.”

“I’m a bit confused by you as well.”

He smiled and she melted yet again. At this rate, she was going to be nothing but a puddle on the floor. He had to be the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He was well over six feet tall, had a body like a Greek god and she thought his jet-black hair would be soft and silky to touch. And those eyes, she could get lost in them. They were the color of clouds on a stormy day, with a hint of blue to soften them. He truly was the man of her dreams, come to life. She was still having a hard time believing it and had no idea how it had even happened, but living proof was right in front of her. Was it fate, which had brought them together? Confusion was causing her brain to have crazy thoughts of the two of them building a life together in a quaint little cottage here in the Highlands. A home filled with children, laughter, and most of all love. She forced herself from the daydream, knowing this was not the time or place for those thoughts. Her main objective had to be getting Cailin home.

“Do you think you’re up to riding today, or should we stay here for one more night?”

“I’ll be fine, lass. Dinnae fash.”

“That means worry, doesn’t it? Do not worry.” Ashley smiled, when she figured it out.

“Aye. Can ye help me up, lass?”

“Sure. No problem.”

Ashley suspected that he didn’t really need her help, but she wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to touch him again and slipped her arm around his lean waist.

Ashley gently helped him into a sitting position and watched him for a minute, fearing he might feel weak or dizzy. He sat with his legs spread wide and his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands.

Concerned, she took a spot next to Cailin on the bed and placed her hand against his forehead, checking for a fever. She was relieved to find no sign.

“Are you okay? Do you think you can stand?”


She assisted him to his feet and guided him towards the door. “Wait here for me.” Ashley quickly gathered their belongings and ensured the fire was out. Turning back to the door, she took his elbow and guided him outside.

“I should have gotten the horses before I made you get up. I’m sorry.” She searched the surrounding area frantically. The horses were nowhere in sight. “Speaking of which, where are they?”

“Cade!” Cailin called out and then whistled loudly. Ashley heard the sound of horses running towards them and the two horses quickly came into view.

She rapidly saddled both horses, while Cailin leaned against the lodge wall. When Ashley looked his way, she could have sworn he was enjoying the sight of her working so hard. He didn’t look too bad this morning, but then again, she couldn’t imagine him ever looking bad. She couldn’t expect him to help in his condition, so she did her best to prepare everything for their journey to Breaghacraig.

Ashley saw the desire in his eyes and it touched her very core, causing her to flush red with the heat, which suddenly coursed through her body. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she demanded.

“I’m sorry, lass. I’m nae used to seeing a woman as bonnie as ye are, dressed in such wee breeches. Do ye nae have a gown to cover yerself?”

She was baffled and irritated by the commentary over her clothing. “No. I wear these all the time back home. I didn’t realize there was a dress code in Scotland.”

A smile played at his lips as Cailin tipped his head to the side and let his eyes wander over Ashley, from head to toe.

“I think we’re ready to go.” She tucked the plaid back into Cailin’s saddlebag. “Are you hungry?”

“Aye, I am.”

Catching the roguish smile on his face and the way his eyes were glued to hers, Ashley blushed as she realized he wasn’t referring to food.

“Here, have a granola bar.” She opened the wrapper and handed it to him. Distraction was her friend.

Examining the bar, Cailin looked at her for a moment before he took a bite. A smile lit his face as he chewed. “‘Tis good,” he announced, examining the wrapper.

Oh, God,
she thought.
He’s never had a granola bar before.
Something wasn’t adding up here. Perhaps she’d stumbled on some Scottish religious sect, which lived a simple life without modern conveniences - like the Amish. Or maybe they were all living history re-enactors, like those she’d seen at the Plymouth Plantation. “Are you for real?” she questioned disbelievingly.

Cailin raised an eyebrow. “Real? I’m a living, breathing man, as ye can see, lass.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Ashley shook her head impatiently. “Never mind, we should go.”

They mounted the horses, eyeing one another uncertainly. Travelling along in silence, each was lost in their own thoughts.

Ashley had the strangest feeling, which she kept pushing to the back of her mind. How could anyone living in the 21st century, be so clueless about so many things? Cailin didn’t know where America was, he’d never heard of a bike or a hospital, and he’d examined the bottle of water and granola bar as if he’d never seen them before.

Maybe he wasn’t from the 21st century. Maybe he was a time traveler.

She shook her head at the notion. It was completely ridiculous. No one could travel to another time, and she was definitely losing it. And what about Sir Richard and Thomas, where had they come from? They knew Cailin, but had wanted to kill him. All parties had commented on her clothing, or in their eyes, her
of clothing. Ashley didn’t like the conclusion she was reaching, so she decided to stash it away in her head and see what would reveal itself when she got Cailin to his home.


“Aye, lass.”

She loved the way he called her ‘lass’. “Why did Sir Richard and that Thomas guy try to kill you?”

“They’re nae fond of me clan. Thomas has hard feelings towards me, for reasons that make nae sense and Sir Richard is a vengeful man. He’s sent raiding parties onto our lands, which slip in and out before we can stop them. I was tracking them to see what they were about. We must stop them, before they kill someone. When I get back to Breaghacraig, we’ll ride out against them.”

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