Wonderlust (7 page)

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Authors: B.L Wilde

BOOK: Wonderlust
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“Your first paparazzi experience can be a little daunting.” Alex took his sunglasses off and gave me a reassuring smile. “But you did great.”

“Where did they all come from?”

“Word gets out fast,” Shane commented before going to liaise with the security in the store.

“And none of this fazes you?” I asked Alex, astounded.

“It’s been this way for the last fifteen years. I’ve had to learn to adapt.”

“You could shop in less known places, you know.”

“I could, but I like the attention,” he winked, walking away from me. Of course he did.

It surprised me when he walked over to the women’s department. I had thought he’d head over to the suits first.

“Are you thinking of treating one of your bimbos?” I teased, following him.

“No, you actually.”

“M…me?” I stuttered. “I don’t need clothes from

“It’s not that I don’t dig your denim shorts and T-shirt look. They’re fine around the mansion. But we have some important events coming up and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“I don’t need an Armani dress.”

“Try a few on at least. If you don’t like them, I won’t buy you one, and you can wear whatever you want.” That wasn’t fair. How could someone
like an Armani dress? “Out of curiosity, do you always wear shorts and T-shirts?”

“You remember the English weather, right? Or has it been that long since you went home? We hardly ever have shorts and T-shirt weather.”

“I left Britain when I was ten. I can’t say that I really remember the weather.” He was still aimlessly looking at dresses on the rack. “This one is nice.” Pulling out a short, black backless dress, he spun it around so I could see it.

“Where is the rest of it?” I gasped. That thing would barely cover my butt!

“This is
. Maybe I need to send you shopping with Diego.”

“This is better,” I muttered, showing him a long black evening gown.

“I’m not taking you to the Oscars. Do you have any idea how much that dress costs?” Shit, I hadn’t even thought about that. I turned the tag around and swallowed hard looking at the price.
Twenty thousand dollars for a dress?

“I’ll get my own dress, it’s fine. There’s a Wal-Mart around here somewhere, right?” He shook his head, laughing at me.

“Try this dress on at least. It might not be as short as you think. The material stretches.” He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, I could tell.

“Just one dress?”

“Yes.” His eyes were dancing with humor. “You really are unlike any woman I’ve ever known.”

“What do you mean by that?” Glaring, I took the dress from him.

“Most women
dress shopping, Straight Lace.”

“I like shopping, I just don’t particularly like shopping with you.”

“Ouch! You like wounding me, huh?” His lips curved into a smile.

“Maybe,” I giggled, unable to keep a grin from my face as I darted into the changing room.

The dress
short, and extremely revealing in the back. There was no way that I was letting him see me in this. He’d made me put this dress on purpose.

“Straight Lace, are you coming out?” he called from behind the red curtains.

“No, it doesn’t fit,” I lied. I heard one of the assistants tell him they could get another size for me.
“Wait,” I sighed, pulling the curtain back. It was better to just get it over with.

Alex’s eyes widened at the sight of me. It looked as if he was memorizing every single curve that I had as his eyes traveled up and down my body.

“You should wear dresses more often. You have an amazing figure.” His eyes were hooded when they met with mine. Wow, was it getting hot in here?

“I wore lots of dresses at my last job.”

“Your last boss was a
lucky man.”

“He didn’t perv on me, though. I felt safe wearing them.”

“So that’s why you always wear shorts and T-shirts that don’t reveal anything.”

“You’re learning fast.” Maybe he wasn’t such an idiot after all.

“That doesn’t stop me from perving, though. I used my imagination, and looking at you now, I wasn’t far off.” I rolled eyes and pulled the curtain closed. Alex had seen enough. I didn’t want to encourage him anymore.

“Thank you for the dress,” I whispered as we left the store.

“You’re more than welcome. Don’t forget to put your sunglasses on,” he muttered, touching the small of my back again as he guided me out. It felt wrong, but I liked his protectiveness toward me. I managed to put my sunglasses on just before flashing lights came from every direction. How did he live with this on a daily basis? He walked through the crowd of paparazzi with his head held high. I had to admire his strength. I wouldn’t be able to do that.

Chapter Seven

“Darling, it’s so lovely to see your face,” my mother cooed while we were Skyping. “How is the new job going?” My parents were amazing. I was an only child, but had never been spoiled. I was simply loved. They taught me to be independent at an early age by having me help out with the family business. They were both retired now, but had owned an antique shop in Soho, London all my life. My childhood was full of memories of that shop. After finally selling, they’d decided to take a world cruise and had been gone for almost six months now.

“It’s going great,” I smiled. My mother looked well. She was Italian, but had met my father over forty years ago while on holiday with her family in London. When the holiday was over, they wrote letters to each other every week for a year. The rest is history.

I looked a lot like my mother. In fact, people quite often mistook us for sisters when we were together.

“I really hope we can meet up in Malibu.”

“I’ll speak to my boss about getting a few days off. I’m sure he’ll be okay with it.”

“We need to talk about this
of yours.” I was wondering if she’d worked it all out yet. My face had been all over the papers since my shopping trip with Alex a few weeks ago. “He has an uncanny resemblance to that rock star you had a crush on years ago.”

“That’s because he
that rock star, Mum,” I snorted, shaking my head at her.

Oh, mio Dio!
Martin, you were right. She is working for that drug addicted rock star!” I couldn’t see my father, but he must have been somewhere in the room. He was probably sitting in a corner somewhere reading a book, trying to have some alone time.


“What? Are you being safe?”

“I’m not sleeping with him, if that’s what you're implying. He’s my

“Darling, you forget, I remember what you and Liv were like when his band split up. That little shrine you had in your room to help mourn them. Oh, it was so sweet.” God, how could she remember all this stuff?

“I was

“You never forget your first love.”

“I was
in love with him!”

“I think you’re in denial. You quit a job that you loved to fly halfway across the world to be with this man. Promise me that you’re at least being careful. He seemed very protective of you in the paparazzi pictures, though. That’s a good sign.” Great, she thought Alex and I were

“Sophia, leave the poor girl alone.” I finally heard my dad speak before he appeared on the screen.

“Hi, Daddy,” I beamed. It was safe to say that I was a daddy’s girl. My dad was calm and quiet, and a true gentleman.

“Ignore your mother, Sweetheart. She hasn’t taken her medication yet.” I couldn’t help but snigger at the look my mother gave him. “You’re enjoying yourself. That’s the important part. You’ve done so well getting a job with Rock Records. We’re so proud of you.”

“Thank you.”

“We’ve got to get ready for dinner now. We’ll call you soon. Love you, Natty.”

“I love you, too.” I blew them both a kiss before the call cut off.

It had been a busy few weeks. Alex had done a couple of media circuits in New York, promoting his new song that was part of the movie soundtrack. Gina was right about him coming to life when he was in the public eye. He hadn’t performed the song live, though. Apparently his vocal coach had advised him against it, but I didn’t quite believe that. The rest of the media promotion had been local, and it was the premier of the movie next week in LA that I was excited about. I’d never been to one before.

We’d also be heading to Macon, Georgia to do a private show for a friend of his next month. It was a surprise for his girlfriend’s birthday. From what I understood, Oliver Kirkham was a rich businessman, and an old friend of Alex’s. He’d helped Steel Roses out in their very early days by sponsoring their first ever tour, which happened to be a university tour.

Alex and I seemed to be getting on a little better, too. He was still a man whore, but I was learning to handle him. Gina had been right; his bark was worse than his bite. I was becoming accustomed to his routine and had met most of the people he socialized with now. From personal trainers and publicists, to bimbos and music producers. His mansion was never empty.

It was early, but I couldn’t sleep after talking to my parents. Knowing that no one would be up yet, I decided to do a few laps in the pool. It was becoming a routine of mine.

I still couldn’t quite believe my luck—that I got to live in a place like this. The pool water was warm as I slid in and began my first lap. I lost myself, gliding through the water, lap after lap. It wasn’t until I stopped to catch my breath a while later that I noticed a shadow. Someone was sat on one of the sun loungers near the pool.

Tightening my hair in its bun, I looked over to see who it was. It was Shane.

“You’re up early,” I called out as he got up to walk toward the side of the pool.

“I went for an early morning run. You’re up earlier that usual for your swim.”

Taking in his jogging clothes and sweat covered hair, I shrugged. “My parents called me and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I was going to get some breakfast. Are you hungry?”

“Are you going to make those Scotch pancakes again?”

“I can if you want,” I laughed. He nodded keenly. “Help me up then.” Shane reached his hand down and pulled me out of the water with one arm. “Jesus, you’re strong,” I gasped, stumbling into his arms. “Shit, sorry! I’m getting you wet.” I pulled back to see an imprint of my body on his clothes.

“It’s fine.” Reaching out, he handed me a towel.

I made myself busy in the kitchen once I’d dried off. I’d wrapped the towel around my body, tucking it in place around my chest. Now that I was used to this kitchen, I loved it. It was nice to be able to help Mary out, too. She had been having a few problems with her daughter lately and needed some time off.

“How many pancakes do you want?” I called over my shoulder, waiting for Shane to answer.

“Is this a private pancake party, or can I join, too?” Alex’s voice surprised me. It was
early for him. He’d gotten high last night, which usually meant he didn’t surface until sometime in the afternoon.

hungry?” I questioned, giving him a quizzical look.

“For your pancakes, yes.” Alex
ate breakfast. If anything, he’d have a shot of whiskey or do a line of coke. “How was your run?” he asked in a sharp tone, turning toward Shane.

“Good.” Shane replied while I turned back to finish making the pancakes.

“Did Steve do the night shift?”

“No, Jimmy did.”

“The new kid?” he fumed. “You left the mansion in the hands of a
” What the hell was wrong with Alex? He was losing his temper for no reason.

“I was gone for forty-five minutes.”

“I don’t fucking care how long you were gone. You are head of security. It’s your job to keep me safe, and you fucking didn’t!”

“Alex,” I turned, frowning at him. “Don’t you think you’re over reacting?”

“This doesn’t concern you, Natasha!” Whoa, he’d used my full name. He was seriously pissed about something. “I suggest you go and do your job, Shane!” What? He hadn’t even had his breakfast yet.

“Whatever you say,
.” Shane sighed, getting up and storming out.

I slammed a plate full of pancakes down in front of Alex moments later. “Try not to choke on them, will you?” I fumed, storming off, but Alex grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks.

“Security is important to me. Don’t be angry with me.”

“You were out of line, Alex. Shane does so much for you. You had no right to talk to him like that.”

“I’ll speak to him. I’m not in a good mood this morning. These pancakes look great.” He was still holding my arm, but let me go when I took a seat on the stool next to him.

“You don’t even eat breakfast.”

“I felt like giving it a try this morning.” He shrugged, putting a forkful of food into his mouth. With what I can only describe as an orgasmic expression on his face, he took more mouthfuls. Jesus, he had sexy, pouty lips. “These are amazing,” he groaned.

“And they’re healthier than whiskey or coke,” I pointed out, pulling the towel tighter around me. It had loosened a little as I was cooking.

“I could get used to eating breakfast.”

“You should. It’s the most important meal of the day.”

“Is there anything going on between you and Shane?” Where the hell did
come from?

“What? Why would you…?”

“I was watching the two of you by the pool.” It was all starting to make sense now. “I know it’s none of my business, but if my employees are dating, I’d like to know about it.”

“There’s nothing going on, Alex.”

“Nothing? Really? It didn’t seem that way to me.”

“You’re still high. You shouldn’t trust your own judgment. It makes you paranoid.”

“If I was clean, would you see me differently? Could you look at me the way you do Shane?”

“What do you mean? I don’t look at Shane in

“My lifestyle, is that why you keep your distance?” He was losing me. What was he talking about?

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“You respect him.” Yes, I did. Shane was a good man. “You don’t respect me.”

“Why is my respect so important to you? I’m your PA, it shouldn’t matter.”

“I don’t know, it just does. I’m trying so hard with you, but I feel it may be for nothing.”

“You’ve stopped making me a conquest. That’s why we’re getting on better. Or at least, I
we were.”

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“What question?”

“If I didn’t have this lifestyle, would you be interested?“


“Would you want to have sex with me?” Really? He was bringing this shit up again. I thought we’d moved past it.

“Jesus, Alex. Let it go,” I laughed. “We are
going to have sex.”

“No, I’m not trying to hit on you. I’m just curious.”

“If you were just a normal guy. Not a rock star?” Alex nodded, his red, blotchy eyes watching me closely. “Would you still have all the tatts?”

“Yes, if you want,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, maybe,” I mused, looking at the time. Shit! I needed to have a shower and get to my office. “You’re going to make me late for work.”

“I’ll tell your boss to go easy on you today.”

“Thanks.” I snorted, rushing to get ready. Alex and I had the weirdest conversations. I often wondered if it was the drugs and alcohol talking, but today, I had no idea what was going on in that head of his.

“How do you manage to braid your hair so neatly?” Diego asked. He was playing with it while I sat behind my desk.

“Years of practice,” I muttered, trying to concentrate.

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