
Read Wonderlust Online

Authors: B.L Wilde

BOOK: Wonderlust
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B.L. Wilde

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and events are fictional, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © B.L. Wilde 2015


The right of this individual to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, nor stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the authors.


Cover Design by Laurynne Gouws

Cover Model Jason Estes

Photograph by Golden Czermak - FuriousFotog

Cover Image © B.L. Wilde 2015

Edited by Jo Matthews

Interior Formatting by Jo Matthews, Written Elegance 2015

Interior Image ©


For my brother, Dane. I wouldn't be the rock chick I am today if it weren't for you.


My thanks, as always, go to my amazing editor and friend, Jo Matthews. I couldn’t do any of this without you.

NeeNee and Lynsey, thank you for helping me mold
rock star into the fine specimen that he is today.

Andrea, thank you for always being able to do that final read through. Jason, Golden, and Laurynne, thank you for all your help with the cover.

And lastly, thank you to my readers for starting this new adventure with me.


Best Wishes,




Life can feel like a stage to some people,

but that doesn’t apply to me.

I’m always the fucking rock star.


Alex Harbour, Steel Roses, 2005


Wonderlust: it’s not an alternative spelling about the desire to travel like I first thought. It’s the stage when you’re not sure if you’re in lust or in love with someone. I’d never even heard of it until I moved to Los Angeles.

The events that unfolded still leave me breathless, but I don’t regret any of the decisions I made.

I never expected my teenage fantasies to come true—for an egotistical rock star to crash into my world and turn everything upside down—but they did.

Now I’m left with one feeling
. Either way, he’s going to destroy me. Lust
love, it doesn’t really matter. I’m already in too deep.

Chapter One

I sat scrutinizing the eight absurdly beautiful women sitting next to me. Why did I even bother to attend this interview? Getting through to the second round this afternoon was going to be impossible. It was a job working for
Rock Records
, though. This was the chance of a lifetime.

“Are you nervous, too?” the blonde next to me asked. Jesus, how long and tanned were her legs? She looked like she could be a supermodel.

“Yeah, I’m feeling the pressure.” I smiled nervously, making sure my dark brown hair was still securely fastened in its clip.

“Who do you think they’ll call next?”

“No idea.” I shrugged just as the sound of clicking heels echoed through the room. My body tensed, hoping my name wasn’t going to be called. I needed a little more time to prepare.

“Melissa Franks,” the professional, dark-haired woman called, looking at the red clipboard in her hands. Thank God! I had a little longer to wait. Apparently, it wasn’t the woman sitting next to me, either, because she slumped back down in her chair.

“These interviews don’t seem to be lasting long,” blondie mused.

“They’re probably going off first impressions to get to the second round of interviews this afternoon. From what I’ve heard, they don’t like to waste time at Rock Records.”

“You seem really smart. Do you have a job right now?” she asked, looking down at her red nails.

“Yes. Actually, I’m a Personal Assistant for David Barclay at Flavour Records.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. You’ve pretty much got this job in the bag then, don’t you?”

“I wouldn’t say that.” Yes, Flavour Records was a strong rival, but Rock Records controlled the market with their artists. That was one of the reasons they wouldn’t disclose any details of this job—apart from the location—until the second round of interviews. It should have unnerved me that I didn’t know anything about the position, but if I could work for David Barclay, I could work for anyone. Plus, who wouldn’t want a job based in LA?

“I have
experience. I’m a model, though. In fact, I just got back from a bikini shoot in Miami. I love traveling around the world, but I’d give anything to have a job in LA.” Blondie chuckled, tossing her hair behind her shoulders. She was a

“Well, you must have
going for you to get this far,” I commented. She nodded, but didn’t say anything else.

“Maddison Lily,” a female voice called a while later. I looked up to see clipboard woman standing there again. I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t heard her approach.

Blondie’s eyes shot up. “That’s me. Good luck.” She gracefully waltzed down the corridor, looking as if she were on the catwalk. Being here was a waste of time. I wouldn’t get this job.
I had my reasons for applying. It could be a fresh start. I’d come this far already; I had to see it through. It wasn’t like me to give up.

Taking deep breaths, I began to calm myself.
It’s just a job. I can do this
. I chanted that over and over in my mind until I finally heard my name.

“Natasha White,” clipboard woman called, smiling at me as I stood up. Brushing down my best grey suit, I smiled back shyly. “Please follow me. Gina is ahead of schedule. We’re hoping to move into the second stage of interviews within the next hour.”

“Gina?” I questioned, trying to get more information.

“Gina Rosewood,” the woman grinned.
Alex Harbour’s manager!
Gina managed other artists as well, but Alex was the rock star she was legendary for. I’d had a crush on the guy since I was twelve. When his band, Steel Roses, split up in the nineties, he went solo and destroyed his career with drugs and alcohol. It was such a waste of talent. I stopped following his career a few years after his band split up.

Luckily, he’d had the same PA for the last eight years, so I couldn’t see this job being for him. Milly Crown was a celebrity in her own right. She went to all the A-list parties with Alex and his entourage. That certainly wouldn’t be the job for me. I was too structured and organized to
be his assistant. I didn’t do parties that often, either. They were too out of control for me.

“Natasha White for you, Gina,” the woman called as she led me into a function room just past reception.

“Thank you, Claire. Can you get some fresh coffee please? I’m jonesing for a cup. Take a seat, Natasha.” Gina stood up, shaking my hand in greeting.
The woman was legendary, and I was standing right in front of her! She was petite but looked fierce. I was in awe of her. She was British like me, and was someone I aspired to be. I could be her in twenty years if I fought hard enough for it. “I must say, out of all the women I’m interviewing today, you’re the one I’ve been the most excited about. I hand picked you myself. You’re one of the reasons we brought the interviews to London, too.”

“Oh, wow. Um…thank you. I don’t know what to say.” What could I say back to that?

“How long have you been working for David Barclay?” she asked, running her hands through her short, styled black hair as she gazed down at my application.

“Almost four years.”

“I can see that you’ve done a variety of media events with him and his clients. You don’t seem to be afraid of hard work. How is your working relationship with him? I’ve heard he can be quite…difficult to work with. ” Gina didn’t like to waste time with small chat, but I didn’t want to talk about
kind of relationship between David and I. Things were complicated enough. That was why I needed this job.

“We work very well together on a business level. I enjoy working with the media and have a good repertoire with most of them.”

“They can get a little pushy.”

“I can push back just as hard.”
That’s it, Nat. Sell yourself. You can do this!

“That’s good to hear. This job is on a more personal level than the one you have with David Barclay, though. Would that bother you?”

“If it’s a PA job, no. I’m capable of adapting to any situation.”

“How would you feel about live-in accommodations?”

“I wouldn’t have a problem as long as I have my own space. I would need somewhere to stay in LA, if I got this job, anyway.”

“Oh, you’d have plenty of space, trust me. This job wouldn’t be too different from what you’re doing now. It’s basically organizing calendars and acting as a liaison between the media team and myself.”

“That doesn’t sound too difficult,” I beamed. It seemed very similar to the role I had now.

“Then there is the personal side. You may feel like a babysitter at times. He’s not easy to live with, and well, truthfully, I need someone that can handle him. You’re part Italian, correct?”

“Yes.” I frowned, unsure why my heritage had anything to do with this job.

“Can you take care of yourself? I need to know that you’re not a pushover.” What an absurd question. “I’m only asking because I need those qualities in whomever I hire for this position.”

“Miss Rosewood, if I can handle David Barclay, I can handle any man. Being half Italian
a bonus, though. I have a fiery temper if someone goads me.”

“You do seem to have fire in your eyes, but you’re also extremely pretty. You have the most amazing brown eyes, and that may cause a problem.”

“You flatter me too much, Gina, but I can’t see how my looks could interfere with a job.”

“We’ll see this afternoon.” She was thoughtful as she looked at me. “I like you, Natasha. There’s something about you. You could be exactly who I’m looking for. Do you have plans this afternoon?”

“You’re putting me through to the next round of interviews?” I was gob smacked. It wasn’t like I had really talked much yet.

“Yes. Claire will take you to the waiting area.” Clipboard lady suddenly appeared, scaring the crap out of me. Where did she sneak in from?

“Follow me, Miss White.” Claire smiled sweetly. “They are bringing your coffee now, Gina.”

“You’re a diamond. Thank you.”

Claire and I took the lift to the top floor of the hotel. I’d never been in the penthouse suites of the Dorchester in London before. I was hoping I could take a look around at some point.

“So the second round of interviews is in the penthouse?” I mused, following her as the elevator doors pinged open.

“It’s for security purposes. The press will be arriving later today, so we’ll need the space. It gets a little crazy.” I quickly followed her as she opened the grand, double doors in front of us. “You can wait here. Help yourself to anything you’d like.” She gestured toward the corner of the room where tea, coffee, and delicate pastries were on display. With a quick glance at me, she left me alone in the room.

It intrigued me that I was the first woman to make it to the second interview. From talking to Gina, I’d gathered this PA job was for a man. Now my mind was racing, wondering who it could be. I walked over to the corner of the room to pour myself a cup of coffee while I pondered that thought. Maybe it was a new and upcoming artist. It would be exciting to witness everything first hand.

I heard a door open and close behind me a few moments later. Did another woman make it through to the second stage already? I hadn’t even been upstairs for ten minutes.

I turned, almost dropping my coffee at the sight of the person in front of me. Alex Harbour was across the room, frowning at me. The teenager inside me took charge, and I stood there drinking him in. Christ, the man was sexy! He was a walking orgasm. Clearly, it wasn’t Photoshop that made him look good, either. He was seriously just
hot! His jeans hung low off his hips, and I tried to stop my eyes from lingering on his
bulge. I’m not sure I completely succeeded, though. His legendary white V-neck T-shirt clung to his well-defined torso, and revealed part of the crucifix tattoo on his upper chest. Most of the skin on his arms was covered, but I knew every detail about his tattoos, anyway. They were forever embedded in my memory. His light brown hair was much shorter but still unruly, and as he drew closer toward me, his piercing, clear blue eyes began to make my heart race.

Shit! Was this job to be his PA? I couldn’t do that! I was on the verge of an orgasm just looking at him!

“How did you get in here?” he finally asked, tilting his head while giving me a panty-ruining smirk.

“I…I…” Jesus, why couldn’t I speak? My mind was in a haze, thinking back to my earlier years when this man and his voice meant everything to me.

“You shouldn’t really be in here, Gorgeous. We’ll need to make this quick,” he tutted. I frowned, trying to snap out of the ridiculous daze I was in. I didn’t even register what he meant until he began to undo the belt on his jeans. “Start stripping. I don’t have time to take your clothes off, too. We only have a few minutes at the most.”
Was he for real? “Gorgeous, clothes…now. I literally have five minutes before Gina arrives. If you want a piece if this, you’ll need to move fast.”

“Excuse me?” I spat, finally coming out of my daydream. Alex’s eyes widened at my outburst. It didn’t matter that he was sexy as hell. This man was clearly a complete asshole. “You think I’m going to have sex with you?”

“Isn’t that what you groupies sneak up here for? Who let you in? Was it Steve? He knows my type well. You’re really cute.”
A groupie!
Anger raced through my veins. Oh, this dickhead was going down. Who the hell did he think he was?

“I’m not a fucking groupie, and you can put
back in your pants!” I roared, motioning toward his junk. I didn’t care how magnificent it looked! I’d always put his bulge down to extra padding when I’d followed his band, Steel Roses. Clearly I’d been wrong. It was
natural. He was still a total douchebag, though, even if he was blessed with an impressive tool.

Realization hit his face. “Who the fuck are you then? Are you a reporter? You shouldn’t fucking be here yet! I’m going to call security!” he glared, doing his jeans back up.

I was going to answer him, but someone called behind us.

“This is your new PA, Alex,” Gina smirked, watching us with her arms folded.

Like hell I was!

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