Wonderlust (10 page)

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Authors: B.L Wilde

BOOK: Wonderlust
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“You wouldn’t have a fling with me behind my girlfriend’s back, but you’ll happily get it on with a washed out rock star.”

“I wasn’t going to be your mistress!”

“Nothing ever stopped you before. You were always begging for it.”

“You fucking asshole! I can’t believe that I
had feelings for you! Wish Sarah luck for me, because she’s going to need it marrying a womanizing prick like you! Goodbye, David!” I hung up harshly, wincing when I turned back around. Diego had obviously heard everything.

“Girl, you need to tell me
. Who is David?” He looked way too excited, clapping his hands together.

“It’s nothing. Can we just drop it?”

“Oh, come on!”

“Diego! Just fucking leave it!” I lost my temper, storming outside. I needed some air. David had riled me up, but it was wrong to take it out on Diego like that.

Leaning against the wall outside, I looked up at the sky, watching the clouds slowly glide over the city. What was David playing at? He wasn’t supposed to keep hassling me. He had Sarah. For a split second, I wondered if he’d discovered that he cared for me, but that would be ridiculous. What man would want me over Sarah Greaves?

“Nat?” Steve’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Sorry, but Alex is asking for you. He’s finished with the interviews.”

“Tell him I’ll be right there. I just need a minute.” Steve nodded, leaving me to collect my thoughts. David was not going to get to me. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and walked back in.

“Where did you go?” Alex asked, slipping into his leather jacket.
Men in leather…it did things to me.

“I needed some fresh air. It was getting hot in here. The car should be here soon to take us to the airport. I’ll go and check with reception.”

Touching the side of my face gently, he studied me. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Diego said…”

“Alex, I don’t want to discuss my personal life with you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

We made it in plenty of time for our flight to London. Diego gave me the cold shoulder the whole ride over. I’d need to apologize to him later. We were on a private plane, so I couldn’t do it until we landed. I didn’t want everyone to hear our conversation.

“Do you have any chocolate left?" Alex asked, moving to sit across from me. Searching in my bag, I found a few packets of Maltesers and some Cadbury Freddo bars. “You’re a life saver.” He was such a big kid when it came to his chocolate and candy. “What?” he asked with a mouthful of chocolate.

“You, Mr. Rock Star, eating chocolate like a five year old.”

“This is good shit. It’s the one thing I’m
ashamed of being addicted to.” His words apparently stunned him. Maybe he hadn’t meant to let that slip. “Chocolate doesn’t fuck me up after I’ve had it, that’s for sure.”

“You just enjoy the sugar rush,” I grinned. “My parents used to ban chocolate and sweets after five o'clock when I was younger because I’d be too hyper before bedtime.”

“They sound like caring parents.”

“They are.” I smiled fondly, thinking about them. “They’re on a world cruise right now. They had an antiques shop in Soho, London for almost thirty years, but they’re both retired now.”

“You’re a proper Londoner then,” he smirked. “My parents split up when I was ten and I moved to the states with my mom. I wasn’t given a choice.” He opened a pack of Maltesers, offering some to me before diving into the bag himself. “I remember all the arguing before they split. Mom used to spend most nights crying. It was better once we moved to the US. Destructive love, that’s what my parents had. It’s the worst kind.”

“You wrote a song about that when you were in Steel Roses—Slay Me.” Why did I let that slip out? How did I remember all this crap? It was
ago. He stopped mid chew, looking quizzically at me. “I remember my best friend, Liv, telling me about the song years ago,” I rebuffed, looking toward the window to avoid his gaze.

“Did you like the song?” His voice was so tender that it made my eyes snap up toward his. It was my favorite song, but I couldn’t tell him that.

“The song is beautiful. I never get tired of listening to it.” I had to be honest. It was a work of art, like pure poetry.

“Wow! Another compliment. Easy, Straight Lace.” Blushing, I looked away. What was this man doing to me? He was breaking my damn defenses; that’s what he was doing! I liked him; I couldn’t deny that to myself anymore. His ego didn’t even seem to bother me as much as it used to. I loved our banter that came with it. “Are you excited to be going home for a few days?”

“Yeah.” Sighing, I looked out the window. I’d be more excited if David wasn’t hassling me.

“That doesn’t sound very convincing.”

“I’m just tired, sorry.” I forced a yawn and stretched. This conversation would lead to David if it carried on, and I didn’t want that.

“I’ll leave you to take a nap.” Alex got the message and moved to sit with Diego.

Resting my eyes, all I could think about was David. I really hoped he didn’t know that Alex and I were coming to London. If he showed up, I had a feeling things might get messy.

Chapter Ten

“Hey, wakey, wakey. We’re here.” Alex was shaking me gently as I fluttered my eyes open. Crap, I’d fallen asleep. Gathering my things quickly, I followed everyone out onto the tarmac.

“Diego, I’m sorry about earlier,” I whispered, grateful that he was even letting me walk next to him. “It’s complicated with David and I.”

“Did he finish with you? Or was it the other way around?” I scanned ahead of us. Alex was out of earshot, which was good.

“It never really started. It was an on again-off again fling.”

“I see. Are you in love with him?” He was so blunt. “You can’t run away from your feelings, Nat. It only makes things worse.”

“He’s getting married.”

“Jesus, you were seeing an
engaged man
!” Everyone turned to look at us as Diego screeched. Great!

“No, I was seeing him before they got together,” I stressed, rushing into one of the two waiting cars. I expected Diego to get into the back seat with me, but my eyes widened when Alex joined me.

“What are you and Diego arguing about?”

“It’s nothing. He overheard a phone call of mine that he shouldn’t have.”

“Nat, if you’re being coy about your relationship with David Barclay, you don’t have to be. I’ve known about it for a while.” My mouth fell open. “He’s been hassling Gina with calls since the first week you started.” Oh no!

“He has?” I gasped. “Alex, I’m so sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? He’s the asshole that can’t let go.” Putting my head in my hands, I took a deep breath. “Don’t sweat this, Nat. You made the right choice leaving his sorry ass behind.” I looked up, frowning. “You’ll see the world with me. David can only show you a desk in London.”

“It wasn’t just a working relationship, though, Alex.”

“You love him?” Tears were brimming in my eyes as I nodded. “Why did you apply for this job then?”

“To get some distance. He’s engaged to Sarah Greaves.” Realization spread across his face. “We didn’t do anything behind her back. Our fling stopped once he started seeing her.”

“Was that his choice or yours?”

“Mine. I don’t do any form of cheating. None of this matters anyway. It’s my personal life.”

“You said we were friends now. I’m just looking out for you.” Alex’s smile was so sincere. I took my time to admire his fine features. He was such a good-looking guy. He’d become even more attractive to me in the last few weeks, if that was even possible.

“Thanks, but I’m fine, really.” The car pulled up outside the back entrance to The Dorchester Hotel. I was relieved to have the evening to myself because I felt emotionally drained.

“Are you coming to the bar for a nightcap?” Dustin asked once we’d all been checked in. Shane was liaising with the concierge, making sure the bags went to the correct rooms, and Alex had already been shown to his suite with Steve.

“No, I’m going to lie down. I’m exhausted.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning,” Dustin called. Diego gave me a sympathetic smile as I walked past him to the elevator.

Once I’d messaged Liv to let her know that I’d be in town tomorrow, my head hit the pillow and I fell asleep. Exhaustion had taken over.

“Alex, give me that smolder one more time when Maddison jumps on the back of the bike,” the director called. They’d been shooting the commercial for a few hours now. I would have been more enjoying if Maddison Lily wasn’t Alex’s leading lady. If I thought she’d been annoying when I first met her at the interview stages with Gina, that was nothing compared to watching her gush all over Alex. She was still stunning, but in a completely fake way. From blonde hair extensions to blood red nails, it made me wonder if any part of her was natural.

“Do you think I should open another button on my shirt?” Maddison asked innocently, thrusting her chest in Alex’s direction.

“Darling, I don’t think that’s my decision,” he chuckled, gazing down at her breasts. “But if it was, I’d say yes.” Ugh! Why was he flirting with her? Was she really the kind of woman he liked? She was just like all the other bimbos!

“You should have given me the job, Alex. We would have had so much fun together,” she giggled, moving to get on the back of his Harley. Alex riding a motorcycle was hot to watch. It reminded me of a Steel Roses music video back in his early days. I may have had to wipe a little drool from my mouth when I first saw him ride it onto the set.

“I don’t think we would have gotten any work done, Maddison,” he winked suggestively. I slammed my clipboard down before storming off, making them both look in my direction. Fine! If he wanted Madison as his PA, he could have her!

I was a ticking time bomb today, and had no idea why. As I sipped a cup of coffee near the catering van a few minutes later, Alex walked over to me with a perplexed look on his face. “What was all that about?” he questioned.

“What was what?”

“You’ve been in a strange mood all day.”

“Sorry, it’s being back home. Can I go and see my friend Liv for a few hours? I don’t think you need me here.”

“You don’t have to ask my permission. I’ll meet you back at the hotel later. Bring your friend with you,” he smirked, teasing.

“Call me if you need anything. I’ll think about bringing Liv. You’ll need to promise to be on your best behavior if I do, though.”

“Am I

“Yes,” I snorted. We both turned when Alex’s name was called. “Looks like you’re needed again so I guess I’ll see you later. You don’t want to keep Maddison waiting, after all.” He nodded before making his way back to the set.

Liv was still working for a few hours, so I headed back to my apartment to try and collect my thoughts. I’d been so stressed these last few days. My conversation with David had affected me more than I realized. He’d hurt me with what he’d said over the phone. Dwelling on things was a trait of mine, but I needed to know if he’d said what he did out of spite or jealousy. Had getting some distance worked? Did he realize he felt something for me? Then there was Mr. Hot Head Rock Star. What was even going on between us? He hadn’t changed that much from the first day we met, but I was beginning to understand how he ticked. I’d be lying if I denied that excited me.

Working with your first celebrity crush…how did anyone even deal with that? I was attracted to Alex. I had been for years. The man was a walking orgasm, but I’d been able to keep those feelings at bay because he’d been an asshole toward me. Now that I liked him, things were changing.

Searching for my old CDs at the back of my wardrobe, I found a few Steel Roses albums and decided to play them. A trip down memory lane, listening to their music, seemed like a good idea until Liv got back from work.

“Nat!” She was shaking me uncontrollably. I must have dozed off. “You’re here. Oh. My. God! Is Alex in London? Is he?” She was jumping up and down with excitement.

“No,” I lied. Now didn’t seem like the right time to introduce them. I needed to talk to my best friend about David. “He’s still in Paris. We fly out to…Berlin tomorrow. He gave me the evening off so I flew over.”

“You are the luckiest cow in the whole world!” She slumped down next to me on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder. “You will let me meet him, won’t you? When he has the time.”

“Of course. It’s a new job, though, so give me a few months.”

“I’ve missed you like crazy. You look fantastic. You’re all tanned and shit!” Liv rolled her sleeve up, putting her arm against mine. “I’m pale as fuck!”

“You look fine. You are your usual beautiful self.” Liv giggled, nudging me. “Are we going to the pub then?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she snorted. “You can get the first round in,” she winked, throwing my coat at me.

“He said that to you?” Liv gasped, choking on her glass of wine. “What a fucking dickhead!” It felt so good to be back in our local pub. It was quiet tonight. A few people were sat at the bar talking to the landlord, but other than that, it was just Liv and me here.

“I’m worried he’ll find out that I’m in London. I can’t see him…not yet.”

“You’re still not over him? Nat, you’ve got to let this crap go! You always do this to yourself—fall for the men you can’t have.” It wasn’t always a good thing to have a best friend that knew you inside and out. “Anyone would think you were scared of relationships.”

“Like you can talk. You haven’t had a proper boyfriend since high school.”

“I’m waiting for Alex,” she sniggered. “You haven’t spoken much about him. Come on, spill.”

“There isn’t much to tell.” Her clear blue eyes widened in disbelief. “He’s your typical rock star with a massive ego. Working for him is…challenging.”

“But you’re enjoying it, right?”

“God, yes. I’ve met some amazing people. Diego, his stylist, is hilarious. Oh, and I’m good friends with the head of security, Shane.”

“I see. So you’re meeting lots of men, then?”

“Yes, Liv. Jeez, could you be anymore obvious.”

“You need to get laid by someone other than David. I’ve told you this before. I can’t imagine he’s even
good in bed.”

“LIV!” I cautioned.

“Oh, no, wait. You never fucked him in a bed. It was just on his desk.” I was about to smack her arm playfully when my phone rang. Her eyes zoomed in on the ID caller. “Holy Fuck, it’s Alex! Please, please, please let me answer it! I can say you’re at the bar or something. Please, Nat!” What harm could Alex do over the phone? I couldn’t disappoint my best friend.

“Go on then, but behave!” I grinned, watching her squeal and clap her hands before grabbing my phone.

“Hello, Natasha’s phone. How can I help you?” I held in a giggle at her posh telephone voice. Clearly, she was trying to seduce Alex with it. “Yes, this is,” she giggled, blushing. What the hell did he say to her? She never blushed! “It’s lovely to speak to you, too, Alex. No, she had to go and pee.” What happened to me being at the bar? I gawked at her, but she turned away from me with a smirk on her face. “Well, that would be telling. Yes, I’ve been a fan of yours since Steel Roses. I think you’re amazing.” She did another girly giggle listening to him. “Oh, I could tell you lots of stories about Nat!” That was it; I took the phone off her.

“Stop charming my best friend,” I scolded down the phone at Alex.

“I knew you were listening,” he chuckled. “Are you going to bring your friend to the hotel? We’re in the private bar. I just got here.”

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