Wild Nevada Ride (8 page)

Read Wild Nevada Ride Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Wild Nevada Ride
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“I wanted to say goodbye.”

“You’re leaving?” She sounded disappointed, even to her own ears.

“Yeah. I’ve got things to do at my place, but I needed to apologize too.”

“Apologize for what?”

He ran his hand through his hair. “For what happened earlier. Things got out of control, and I’m sorry.” She dropped her gaze from his until he put his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look at him again. “I’m not apologizing for wanting you. I’m just sorry things can’t go the way we would like them to.”

“You’re awfully sure of yourself.”

He smiled, and the dimples in his cheeks peeked out, making her warm all over. “I’m used to taking what I want.”

“And what is it you want?”

“You.” He took a piece of her hair between his fingers, rubbing it like it fascinated him with its texture.

She stiffened and pulled the hair away from him, flipping it over her shoulder. “I’m not for sale.”

“I didn’t say you were—I just said I wanted you.” He stepped closer and took her lips with his in a gentle kiss with just enough pressure against her mouth, she wanted to wrap her arms around him and deepen the kiss. She could feel a moan building in her chest even though she tried to hold it in. When he released her mouth, she slowly opened her eyes as his warm breath whispered across her lips. “Until we see each other again.”

He smiled, before he turned around and quickly disappeared into the house. She shivered at the loss of his body heat, not realizing she watched his departure with rapt attention until she turned to find Mark standing not far away with a frown on his face.

Chapter Seven

“What the hell was that, Jamieson? That was about the stupidest maneuver you’ve done in a long time. Where is your head, Major?” The voice crackled across the headset in her ears, and she sighed.

“Sorry. I’ll do better next time.”

“There wouldn’t be a next time in combat, Major. Fucking get your head on straight.”

“Yes, sir.”

She blinked back the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.
I need to pull my head out of my ass. I just need to get Justin off my mind or make a trip out to his place, so I can get laid again. Either way, something needs to happen soon.

The training mission continued. She banked left when she should have banked right, and she cringed when she heard the colonel’s voice crackle over her headset again.

“Get your ass down here, Jamieson, now!”

Several minutes later, she taxied in toward the hangar with Smitty sitting behind her in the weapons officer’s seat.

“Good luck, Kat. You’re in deep shit this time.”

“Thanks. You’re a lot of help.”

“Hey, it’s not me you need to worry about. The colonel’s got your number today. Not that it’s any of my business, but you seem really distracted. You wanna talk?”


“Don’t say I didn’t offer.”

“Thanks anyway. This is just something I need to get over. How about a beer later?”

“Sure. Call me when you’re done getting your ass chewed.”

The cockpit canopy lifted, and she unbuckled her harness before she slipped her helmet off. The colonel stomped in her direction from across the hanger.
Ah, fuck!
Climbing out of the jet, she jumped onto the tarmac just as the intimidating man reached her side and she saluted.

“Major, would you care to explain your actions up there?”

“No explanations, sir. My actions were careless and not becoming of an Air Force pilot and officer, sir.”

“No, they were not, Major. Follow me,” he said before he turned around. Katrina followed reluctantly, knowing she would probably get one hell of a reprimand once they reached the office. Reaching the hangar, he continued into his office with her close on his heels. The door shut behind them, effectively blocking out any ears who might be listening to their conversation.

“Sit down, Major.” Katrina took a seat while the colonel walked behind his desk and sat in his own. “What’s going on with you, Katrina?”

“I don’t know, Dad.” She sighed heavily and looked across the desk. “I wish I did. I just can’t get my head around this right now.”

“You haven’t been concentrating well the last month or so.” His penetrating gaze met hers across the desk. He made it very difficult to keep their professional distance when he looked at her like that. Right now, he stared at her like a father, not as her superior officer. “Does it have anything to do with the young man I saw you with at your grandmother’s birthday party?”

She tipped her head back on her shoulders, unable to meet his all-knowing look. It wouldn’t do any good to deny it; he could read her like a book. “Yeah Dad, I’m afraid so.”

“You haven’t talked about him at all. Do you want to now?”

“Not really.” Her eyes met his again. “There isn’t much to tell.”

“He kissed you before he left. I would think by those actions, there was something going on there.”

“I haven’t seen him since.”

“Well, that would explain your lack of concentration.” He stood up and moved toward the window. “You need to get out of this funk. The mistakes you’re making up there could get you and your weapons officer killed.”

“Maybe I need a break. I haven’t had a real vacation in about two years.”

“Good idea. I would suggest you do something, young lady, before you ruin your career.”

* * * *

Stepping into the sunshine, she slid the aviator sunglasses on her face and headed back toward her jet. Grabbing her helmet, she started back for the hangar, but stopped when she heard her name called.

“Yeah?” She squinted, trying to figure out who walked toward her.

“Hey, sweet thing. How about you and me go out tonight? Some place cozy and intimate.”

She rolled her eyes even though she knew the man couldn’t tell. “Not interested, Parker.”

“What’s up with you, Kat? We used to be good together.”

“Used to be—optimum word there indicates past tense.”

“You know, since you came back from Iraq, you’ve turned into a real bitch.”

She made a smooching sound as she pursed her lips and said, “Thanks, lover, but I’ve got other fish to fry these days.”

“Well, if you ever get tired of whomever you’re doing, call me. I’m sure I can warm up the block of ice between your legs.”

“Trust me, it’s warmer than you ever made it.” With a wicked smile, she turned on her heel, and headed straight for her locker, whistling softly.

Three hours later, she hurried out to her car with her leave paperwork in her hands. Sometimes it helped to have your father in an administrative position to push things through. The smile on her face was genuine when she thought about having the next couple of weeks off to relax and recuperate.

Slipping inside her car, she put the top down and unpinned her hair while she revved the engine, loving the purr that met her ears. Putting the car in reverse, she had to be careful not to peel out of the parking lot as excitement rolled down her arms.

When she parked at her townhouse about thirty minutes later, she almost couldn’t contain herself when she took the stairs two at a time. Before she opened her front door, she heard a soft feminine voice call, “Well, hello, Katrina. You’re home early.”

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Abraham,” she said, smiling at the elderly woman standing on the grass below her. She loved the old lady even though she did tend to be a busybody sometimes. Right now, Mrs. Abraham stood looking up while her little dachshund sniffed the ground at her feet. “Yes, I am early. I managed to get a few days off this week so I’m going to enjoy it early.”

“That’s nice, dear. You work awfully hard, I’m sure.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“What you need is a nice man around.”

Kat laughed before she answered, “Yes ma’am, but most men are a little afraid of a woman like me.”

“Very true my dear. If they only knew how soft you really are underneath, I’m sure there would be a flood of them at your door in no time.”

She had heard this little speech more times than she could remember since she had returned from Iraq. “Thank you for the advice.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Now go relax for a while. I’m sure you’ve earned it.” The little old woman grabbed her small dog in her arms and started to walk away while Katrina watched with a smile on her lips.

Opening the door, she almost sighed as the soft pastels of the walls met her eyes. She loved having things in her home more feminine. Being tough at work took a lot of energy and her apartment gave her the chance to be a woman.

Reaching for the stereo system, she flipped on some soft music and began to take off her uniform.
Bubble bath, that’s what I need.
She peeled off her clothes as she went and once she reached the bathroom, she turned on the water in the sunken tub and splashed in some honeysuckle scented bubbles. She headed back for the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of wine, before walking back to the bathroom and sinking into the warm water with a heavy sigh.


* * * *

What the hell am I doing here?
He raked his fingers through his hair while he stood outside her apartment complex.
She’s obviously home since her car is here.
It was the first time he’d seen her car without the banged up door and he loved it. It fit her personality to a T, sporty, sleek, and fast, but he’d seen the soft woman under the façade.

Managing to find Katrina’s address from information the night before, he stood there now, wound tighter than a spring, anticipating seeing her again. He frowned when he thought of Mark. Her cousin had made it perfectly clear after their dinner meeting with Mr. Toyoshima last night that he didn’t like the fact of Justin and Kat being intimate.
I suppose Mark is only trying to protect his cousin, but damn it, he needs to butt out. What happens between Katrina and me is between the two of us.

He slowly walked up the stairs, his gut twisting into knots.
One twenty seven.
Soft music came from the apartment, and he wondered what she was doing right then.
How will she react to seeing me again? Only one way to find out.
He knocked softly on the door and waited.

After a couple of minutes and no answer, he knocked again. Hearing no movement inside the apartment, he tried the doorknob.
She is obviously engrossed in something and can’t hear me.

Pushing open the door, the sight meeting his eyes had every nerve ending in his body on high alert. He knew his mouth must be hanging open when he looked at the inside of her space. It was so unlike the Katrina most people, except those close to her, knew. The walls were painted a soft yellow, bright and sunny, capturing the light from the windows and muting them to softer tones. The furniture looked soft and plush, the fabric bright white with throw pillows scattered over the surface with pink and yellow flowers. Softly closing the door behind him, he almost tripped over the chunky black boots sitting by the door. He had never seen her wearing them, but they were obviously her work boots. His gaze moved over the plush beige carpeting on the floor, searching for the source of the music until he saw the elaborate stereo system.

Standing in her foyer, trying to decide where to look first, his stare picked up the crumpled clothing on the floor. Her green jumpsuit lay in a pile about halfway to the arched doorway. Like breadcrumbs marking a trail, next came her brown T-shirt and black socks lying in the hallway. The trail further intrigued him when he saw her bra several feet away and her lace panties sitting by the bathroom door. Picking them up off the floor, he crushed them in his fist as he felt his erection pressing insistently against the fly of his jeans.

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