Wild Nevada Ride (5 page)

Read Wild Nevada Ride Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Wild Nevada Ride
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He grinned. “It didn’t last night. I’m sure you don’t scream like that using your vibrator.” He let his eyes focus on her lips, adding, “Next time, bring it along. I’m sure we could have a little fun with it if you so chose.”

“There won’t be a next time.”

“Mmm…somehow, I think there will be.”

“When hell freezes over.”

“Well, they may be calling for snow soon then.”

“Go to hell, Justin.”

“They say the Nevada desert is the gate to Hell, so I guess I’m halfway there.”

Deciding she wasn’t going to win this battle of words, she swung around with her clothes in hand and retreated to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Bracing her hands on the sink, she closed her eyes as rage whipped through her.
What the fuck was I thinking? Figures—save a horse, ride a cowboy. Wasn’t that the saying? Well, the hell with that. One particular cowboy could rot before I’ll ever ride him again.

Slipping on her dress and shoes, she finger-combed her hair as best she could before she peered at her reflection in the mirror.

“Shit!” Turning her head to the side, the purple mark on her neck just pissed her off more.
It’s a good thing it’s Saturday. I won’t have to try to explain it to anyone.

She heard the door slam and hoped he’d left her alone in the house until the cab came because she really didn’t want to face him again.

Opening the door a crack, she peeked out into the living room before stepping into the short hall and looking around. Justin was nowhere to be found. Quickly grabbing her cell phone out of her purse lying on the couch, she dialed the number for a cab, but when they asked the address, she paused. Closing her eyes she grumbled, “Never mind.”

She really didn’t have a clue where his house sat in comparison to town. Chewing her lip nervously, she tried to decide how to handle this.
I can either try to find Justin, go through the drawers in the house and look for a piece of mail, walk back to town (yeah, like I can do that in heels), or sit here and wait until he comes back in the house, which could be hours from now.
“Damn it to hell!”

Pacing the room for a moment while she weighed her options, she realized she’d forgotten one very important thing. “Mark. I can call him and see if he’ll come pick me up.”
But, if I do, he’ll surely figure out Justin and I slept together last night.

“Well, it’s either that or face Justin again,” she grumbled for a moment before she flipped open her phone, found Mark’s number and hit talk.

The phone rang several times before she finally heard a groggy, “Hello?”


“Yeah—who’s this?”

“It’s Kat.”

“Kat? What’s wrong?” His voice sounded nervous when he realized something wasn’t quite right.

“I need your help. I need you to pick me up and take me back to the Bellagio to get my car.”

“Pick you up? Where the hell are you?”



She forcefully exhaled before she said, “I’m at Justin’s.”

“Wait a minute. Did you say, you’re at Justin’s?”

“Yes, Mark, and don’t start with me. I’ll explain later. Just get your ass out of bed and come get me.”

* * * *

Nervous footsteps clicked on the tile while she paced the living room. It seemed like hours until she finally heard a car pull up in front of the house. Peeking through the curtains near the door, she could see Mark step out of his big black SUV and she sighed in relief.

She grabbed her purse before she pulled open the front door, trying to head Mark off so he didn’t actually reach the house. All she wanted was to get off Justin’s property quickly.
The last thing I need is a confrontation right at this moment.
Avoiding the disturbing man she’d had wild sex with the night before had become her first priority.

Stepping into the sunlight, she didn’t see the object of her avoidance until she had already pulled the door shut behind her and turned around.
He obviously hadn’t been too far from the house the whole time. Damn!

Two sets of eyes watched, one curious and the other raking her whole body while a lopsided smirk rested on his lips. He stood next to Mark, his elbow resting casually on the top of the truck, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Let’s go,” she snapped, grabbing the handle of the vehicle.

“What? You aren’t even going to kiss me goodbye? I thought you were a little more gracious than that.”

“Kiss my ass,” she hissed.

“Anytime, baby, anytime.”

Snapping her jaws shut before she said anything else, she glared at Mark who still stood next to the car with a dumbfounded look to his face. “Can we go, please?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, popping the locks on the truck before he moved around to the driver’s side. “Justin, I’ll call you later.”

“Sure.” Justin stepped near the passenger door before she could pull it shut and said, “Later, sweetheart. Call me.”

Mumbling obscenities under her breath, she yanked the door shut, but not before she saw Justin flash his dimpled smile and wink.

The long driveway finally met pavement and she sighed in relief. Mark’s gaze bored into her with each passing glance. She looked at the ceiling of the truck before she turned to him and said, “What?”

“Care to tell me what that was all about?”


“Come on. You can’t drag me out of bed at this god-awful early hour to come and pick you up at one of my best friend’s homes, whom you hardly know, and not expect me to ask questions. Never mind the fact that you left the restaurant last night alone, and then you ask me to pick you up at his house the next morning?”

A sigh left her lips in a rush before she answered, “All right. I had a run in with someone at the hotel last night who thought I was a hooker. Justin managed to dissuade said gentleman from his pursuit. I guess, I was a little out of it after it happened, and he brought me to his house.”


“And what?”

“Don’t give me that, Katrina Anne. I’ve known you most of your life, and I’ve seen you around plenty of men. The hickey on your neck and the whisker burn on your chest suggest something happened last night, even if Justin hadn’t said what he did right before we left.”

“You aren’t my brother.” Her eyes narrowed, and she stared out the windshield.

“No, I’m not, but I care about you, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I’m not going to get hurt.”

“You will if you think sleeping with Justin is going to get you anywhere.”

“Don’t read more into this than there is. Yes, we had sex, all right? It meant nothing. I have my career, and it’s all I want. I don’t want or need a man in my life, especially on a permanent basis.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

“Why?” She glanced to the other side of the truck, trying to read his expression. The last thing she wanted would be for Mark to feel like he had to choose between her and his friendship with Justin.

“I’ve known Justin a long time. He likes women, loves them in fact, but he’s not the settling down kind of a man.”

“The last thing I need is someone like him. Trust me, it meant nothing.”

“If you say so.”

“I do,” she answered as they pulled into the pull through in front of the hotel. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“No problem. I guess I’ll see you at Gram’s next weekend.”

“I’ll be there.”

“I love you. Be careful, huh?”

“Of course, aren’t I always?”

He laughed. “No. That’s why I said it.”

Letting a smirk ripple across her mouth, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Shaking her head, she opened the door and slipped out of the truck, shutting it firmly behind her.

She handed the valet her parking ticket and watched Mark pull back out onto the street with a heavy sigh.
It meant nothing. It meant nothing. I just have to keep telling myself that.

Chapter Five

Whipping her car into the driveway, Katrina wasn’t surprised to see tons of cars parked nearby. After all, turning ninety years old only came once in a person’s lifetime, and having her family close meant everything to her grandmother.

She pushed the car door open and stepped out. A family get-together meant hundreds of the Jamieson clan. This party wasn’t any different. All eight of Gram’s children, their children, and grandchildren as well as friends of each came to celebrate.

After looking over her attire, she nodded; satisfied she’d dressed appropriately for the company present. A pink tank top and white shorts adorned her form and she smiled at the pink toenail polish on her feet, peeking out from the flip flops she chose to wear. Wouldn’t the guys at work be surprised to know how feminine she dressed sometimes? They rarely saw her in anything but her flight suit or her BDUs.

Locking her car, she walked purposefully toward the front entrance. Knocking softly, she pushed it open and saw her mother.

“There you are. I thought maybe you weren’t coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Where’s Gram? I need to give her a big hug and kiss before she gets too wrapped up in the festivities.”

“She’s out on the patio near the pool. Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’ll get it. You have enough to do with all of this other company. Good grief! There must be a hundred people here.”

“Hundred and fifty to be exact, but you know Gram loves a party.”

Katrina chuckled. “Isn’t that the truth? I’ll be back in a bit to help you.”

“Don’t you dare. I’ve got this under control, and besides, I hired some people to help me. You go enjoy yourself. I’m sure there are several people here you haven’t seen since you’ve been back.”

“Very true.” She kissed her mother on the cheek. “I’ll see you in a bit then. Don’t overdo it.”

“Stop worrying. I’m fine.”

Katrina smiled, looking at the striking woman before she headed for the kitchen. Annabel Jamieson could turn many a man’s head even at the ripe age of fifty-five. Standing at least five foot seven inches in her bare feet, with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail that hung nearly to her butt and hardly a gray hair to be found, she could easily pass for Katrina’s sister.

Katrina shook her head and walked toward the sliding glass doors. Sliding the door open, she walked out, pulling it shut behind her before she moved toward a large container where the drinks sat buried in ice. Grabbing a cold soda, she spotted her grandmother sitting under a large umbrella, chatting with several people.

As she made her way to her grandmother’s side, she heard, “There she is, my beautiful Kat. Come here, sweetie. I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“Hello, Gram,” she answered. Stopping next to the stately woman, she bent down and kissed her on the cheek before she wrapped her arms around her grandmother, she hugged her tightly. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too, sweetie. I’m so glad you are home and away from all of that over there.”

“I know, Grandma, me too.”

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