Wild Nevada Ride (3 page)

Read Wild Nevada Ride Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Wild Nevada Ride
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“Actually, not Las Vegas itself, but close by. My family moved here some years ago from Los Angeles.” She studied the man, her eyes sweeping over his features, noting the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes.
“What about you, Mr. Wilder? Your slight accent puts you as a non-native of Nevada, too.”


“Tired of the snow?”

He laughed softly. “Just a little. I like heat.” His gaze moved over her face and she could feel the warmth spreading to her cheeks.


“Two brothers, one sister, and my parents. One owns the family ranch in Wyoming and one settled in South Dakota. My sister lives with my parents currently.”

She tilted her head and said, “No one special, I assume, since you came alone.”

“Get right to the point, don’t you, Katrina?”

Her name rolling off his tongue sent shivers down her spine again.
I’ve never heard anyone say it like that before.
“I don’t believe in mincing words. I’m a straight shooter.”

“Then let me ask you this—is there something between you and Mark?”

“Now it’s my turn to wonder at your motives for your question.”

“I’m curious.” He pulled her a little closer, his hand resting on the bare skin of her back where her dress dipped. He splayed his fingers, encompassing every bit of exposed area, scorching her with their heat. Warmth spread through her, settling low in her belly when their gaze collided.

Her voice came out a little breathless, at least to her own ears when she replied, “Mark and I are actually cousins. His mother and my father are siblings.”

Tucking her hand inside his own before placing it on his chest, his tempted lips lifted in a sexy grin, sending her heart into a rapid tempo. The warmth of his breath caressed her lips, and she parted them slightly on a sigh when his gaze slipped down. “No kissing cousins?” he whispered.

“No,” she murmured in return, her lips tingling in response to his nearness. “I have very little time for relationships of any sort, but family means everything to me.”

His gaze returned to hers. “A woman after my own heart.”

“Hardly, Mr. Wilder.”

He frowned. “You wound me. I thought we were past that.”

“Past what?”

“I thought at least we were on a first name basis now. After all, I still have chips of baby blue paint on my truck.”

Anger flared, making her cheeks flush and her eyes burn as the hand resting on his chest balled into a fist.

He grabbed the fist and held on tight. “Uh-uh, no violence.”

Her jaw clenched tight, and she hissed between her teeth, “Let me go.”

“As you wish.” He slowly let loose of her fist and slipped his hand from around her waist. His hand purposely ran high enough to brush just under her breast with his thumb. She sucked in a ragged breath at the contact, her eyes going wide when desire raced along her nerves. She stepped back and smoothed her skirt with her hands in a vain attempt to hide the trembling. Leaving him standing in the middle of the dance floor, she returned to the table and grabbed her purse.

“I’m sorry, Mark, but I need to get going. I have to be at the base bright and early.”

“Of course.” His gaze moved over her flushed face. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. It’s just warm in here,” she said and then kissed his cheek. “But thank you for bringing me along. I’ll see you next week at Gram’s birthday party.”

“Yeah, sure.”

She turned and headed for the door of the restaurant, flashing one last look over her shoulder at the dark haired man who had turned her night upside down, before pushing her way into the crowd.

The cooler air inside the casino calmed her heated skin as she rushed toward the bathroom several feet away. Once she reached the richly adorned ladies room, she took a seat on the gold brocade chair in front of the mirror. The pretty blush of color splashing across her cheeks just made her mad. “Damn him!” Grabbing her purse, she ruffled through the contents. Searching for what, she wasn’t sure.

She sighed heavily, setting the small bag aside and looked at the beautiful woman staring back at her. The bright sparkle to her green eyes hadn’t been there before, neither had the color high on her cheeks that made her look like she’d just gotten laid. “Shit, don’t I wish.”

Grumbling to herself, she grabbed her purse again and headed back out the door of the ladies room. Winding her way through the crowded casino, she finally reached the front doors and made her way toward the valet to retrieve her car.

Rough hands grabbed her around the waist, sliding them along her ass before whispering in her ear, “Hey, baby.”

She turned around quickly to find a man she didn’t know, obviously drunk, getting way too familiar.

“Excuse me.” She pushed against his chest and slapped at his hands.

“How much for tonight?” He groped again, his hand sliding along her breast, before squeezing one tight. Pain shot across her chest as she struggled.

Her jaw dropped.

He thinks I’m a hooker?

“Get your filthy hands off me.”

“Playing hard to get, eh? I like games, too.” He pushed her against the wall, his hands sliding up her thighs while he attempted to bunch her dress up around her waist.

This can’t be happening. Oh, God! Please don’t let this be happening.
Think Katrina. Self-defense. Sliding her thigh between his, she lifted her knee to jam it into the man’s balls when the deep timbre of a vaguely familiar voice met her ear.

“Hey, buddy.”

“Get your own mister. This one’s mine,” the man murmured against her neck.

“I think you’ve got the wrong girl there, mister. Now just let the lady go.”

“Back off shithead,” the man growled, but when he turned around, he was grabbed by the front of his shirt and hauled away from her.

Justin pushed the man forward and signaled for security. The uniformed men handcuffed the loudly shouting man, before Justin walked back to where she still stood plastered against the wall. Their eyes met for a brief second, before she launched herself into his arms. He wrapped them around her, whispering, “Sshh. It’s over now.”

Chapter Three

After a few moments of holding her while she trembled, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked her to the door. He handed the valet his ticket and within a few moments, they returned with his truck. Opening the passenger side, he gently pushed her forward to slide in before he shut the door behind her.

As he drove out of town, he realized she hadn’t said a word since the attack. Her face appeared drawn, and her eyes held the sparkle of tears on her lashes.

First glances are obviously deceiving. Strength and determination seeps from her pores, but she’s not as strong as she appears.
Oh, she put up a good front. He had almost been convinced when they sparred with words in the restaurant, but right now, her vulnerability shone bright in her eyes.

He had no idea where she lived, and he wasn’t sure it was a good idea for her to be alone, so he headed for his place. At least there, he could give her something strong to drink and hopefully snap her out of this before he took her home.

“Where are we?” The question hung in the air when he pulled up to the front of the house.

The two-story farmhouse with its large wraparound porch fit in perfectly with the desert landscape. Large windows graced the front and a huge double door adorned the entryway, its inviting etched glass sparkling with the lighting from inside.

“My house.”

“You live here?” Her voice sounded small, nothing like the Katrina he’d met over the last twenty-four hours.

He chuckled softly. “Yeah.”

Moving around to the passenger side, he opened her door, but she hesitated.

He held out his hand and said, “I won’t hurt you, Katrina. You can stay as long as you like—no strings attached.” The trust in her eyes made his breath catch in his throat. She slipped her hand into his and stepped out to stand beside him.

Sweeping the front door open, he swept his arm aside, saying, “After you.”

Her heels clicked on the tile floor of the entryway, echoing in the vast foyer encompassing the room in front of them.

“Wow. This is really nice.”

“Thanks,” he answered, setting his keys on the table near the door. He pulled off his jacket and removed his tie before unbuttoning the top button of his shirt.

“You live here alone?”

A wry smile crossed his lips. “Yes. You were correct in your assumption at the restaurant. I’m not attached.” He motioned to the living room. “Please, have a seat, and I’ll get you something to drink.”

Moving toward the liquor cabinet, he poured her a glass of whiskey.
Something strong should break this weird funk she seems to be in.
Handing her the glass, she studied it for a moment before swallowing the entire contents in one gulp. She coughed for a moment, and her eyes watered, but she handed the glass back to him, silently asking for more.

Cocking an eyebrow, he smiled before he headed back to refill the tumbler and returned to her side. This time she sipped the amber liquid as he took the chair across from her.

“I’m sorry about the way I’ve acted since that jerk attacked me. I’m usually not like this.”

He chuckled. “I bet you aren’t.” He caught her glare from across the small area separating them.

“I’m used to being in control, and he caught me off guard. If I would have had a little more time, he would have been holding his balls, writhing on the floor.”

“If he would have had a little more time, sweetheart, he would have had your dress up around your hips and his dick between your legs before you could say stop.”

Color splashed across her cheeks. “Don’t mince words, Justin —give it to me straight. I can handle it.”

Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on him. “Now that’s the Katrina I know.”

“You don’t know me at all. Don’t presume anything.”

“I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better.” He caught her surprised gasp when their eyes met. “You seem surprised.”

“Well, it’s not like we met on the best terms.”

“You think I’m not attracted to you? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t, and I don’t lie.” He sat back in the chair, lacing his fingers over his stomach, watching her gaze fix on his hands. “You are a very beautiful woman with a fiery temper and enough self-confidence to keep
man interested, myself included.”

“I don’t want or need a man in my life.” She took another drink, and he wondered what it would feel like to have those luscious lips wrapped around his cock.

“Every woman has needs and even though I’m sure you get some thrill from zipping amongst the clouds at forty-five thousand feet, sometimes there is only one way to fulfill those needs.”

“Those needs, as you put them, can be taken care of in the most basic manner. It doesn’t require a permanent fixture in one’s life.”

A half smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “Who said anything about permanent?”

* * * *

Rarely partaking in anything stronger than wine, her head started to swim from the alcohol.
Why did I accept whiskey from him?
Feeling safe with any man was a new feeling for her. For some reason Justin made her feel protected.

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