Wild Nevada Ride (11 page)

Read Wild Nevada Ride Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Wild Nevada Ride
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She reached for him and wrapped her hand around his hard length. His eyes closed, and a groan rumbled in his chest. She loved the way he responded to her touch. Hopping down from the counter and dropping to her knees, she took him in her hand again.

He sucked in a sharp breath and rocked his hips toward her when her tongue found the tip and licked the pre-cum. Silk over steel, that’s how she thought of him. He, too, maintained the hard shell of a man protecting his heart, but he really cared about those around him.

Her mouth slipped over the head of his cock, sucking as she wrapped the entire length with her tongue. Her hand cupped his balls, kneading and rolling them between her fingers while he hissed above her.

When his balls started to tighten in her hand, she wasn’t surprised he forced her to stop with a tug on her shoulders. Standing in front of him, he lifted her back up on the counter. Her thighs cradled him when he stepped between them and slipped his hard length deep inside her. She closed her eyes and rested her hands behind her as she moaned.

“God, you feel incredible, baby,” he whispered against her neck. “I love the way you surround me.”

She whimpered and wiggled. “Move Justin—now!”

He chuckled as he began to slide in and out, his rhythm slow and steady, not hard and fast like she craved. She squirmed, grasping at his hips until he stopped. Her wide eyes met his and a slow, sexy smile rippled across his mouth

Trapping her hands behind her back, he held her in place, preventing her from moving.

“I can’t touch you like this,” she whispered.

“I know.”

His hips rocked, returning to the same slow rhythm as before.

“Stop torturing me.”

“Trust me,” he murmured against her lips.

God help her, she did. She trusted him more than she ever trusted a man before and the thought terrified her.

After what seemed like a lifetime, his movements increased. His jaw clenched tight while he fought for control before he finally released her hands and grasped her hips. The desire rolled inside her, curling through her body like fog hugging the curves of the rolling hills, shifting and churning until she thought she would go crazy. When her climax finally hit, she moaned his name as warmth rippled along her veins before it spilled from her pussy in hot, wet cum.

His own groan of satisfaction followed shortly behind hers when he let the tight rein of control he held slip, taking his own release.

As their breathing returned to normal, he let his head rest on her shoulder and she ran her hands down his back. With a hefty groan, he pulled out of her and stepped back.

“You have the next several days off, right?”


“Come back to the ranch with me.”

Chapter Ten

Her mouth hung open in shock. “You’re serious,” she said sliding off the counter and grabbing for her clothes, uncomfortable now with her nakedness and the fact that he stood in front of her just as nude.

By the time she had her own straight and turned around, he managed to slip into his jeans.

“Yes, I’m serious. What’s wrong with wanting to spend some time with you?”

She shrugged and grabbed the refrigerator door handle before she pulled it open and peered inside. Picking up two bottles of beer, she handed one to him. “Nothing, I guess.”

“You can stay as long as you want, whether it’s an hour or several days. I’d like to show you my place.”


“Why what?”

“Why do you want to show me?”

“Because I thought you might be interested. Didn’t you say your parents had horses when you were small?”

I am interested—too interested.
She frowned. “Yeah.”

“So come out and go riding with me. How long has it been since you’ve been on horseback?”

“Too long. A couple of years at least.”

He set his beer on the counter and slipped his hands around her waist. “Humor me.” He nuzzled her neck. “I haven’t gotten enough of you yet.”

She couldn’t tell him no, not when he seduced her the way he did. “All right, I’ll go, but I can leave when I want to.”

He lifted his head and smiled. “Any time you say.”

* * * *

Soft candlelight lit the dining room, reflecting the crystal overhead as she watched the man across the table. She had been at his house for five days—five days of pure bliss. He catered to her every whim, making sure she had everything she wanted during the day and things she didn’t even know she needed at night.

They spent the days riding along his property, picnicking under the few scattered trees while he told her stories of his childhood, his siblings, and his parents. He laughed, but didn’t elaborate when she mentioned how they had ridden so far, she knew they must have seen every corner of his property.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, watching her over the rim of his glass.

She blushed and dropped her gaze.

“You’ll get dessert shortly,” he murmured. The blushed deepened as heat fused clear to her ears. His rich laughter sent goose bumps flittering across her skin and released butterflies in her stomach.

“You love making me blush.”

He stood and came around the table. Taking her hand in his, he brought her to her feet in front of him. His lips dropped to her neck, and she sighed, tipping her head to the side.
Damn! Why can he turn me on with little more than a look?

“Only when you blush all over. I love to make you want me,” he whispered against her skin.

“You don’t have to do anything but breathe for me to want you.”

When he lifted his head, he took her hand in his and pulled her into the middle of the living room. Placing her hand on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her waist, and brought her up against his chest. He led them in a slow dance around the room. They swayed to the music flowing around them while his cheek resting next to hers. They danced together for several minutes before he pulled back in her embrace. His chocolate eyes sparkled with a heat and need so strong, it took her breath away.


He put his finger on her lips, forestalling her words. “Let me love you.”

His lips took the place of his finger, his tongue dipping inside her mouth, tangling with hers. A moan slipped out of her mouth only to be swallowed by his.

A knock sounded at the kitchen door.

He grumbled and lifted his head, putting his forehead against hers. “I’m going to personally kill whoever is on the other side of that door.”

She smiled when he stepped back.

Justin left her side and met Keith when he pulled open the screen and stepped inside. “What is it, Keith?”

“Oh—sorry, Justin. I didn’t realize you were busy.”

She had met the other man several days ago on an official basis and liked him immediately, though at the moment, Justin seemed obviously perturbed at his foreman.

“I wanted to let you know the other mare is getting ready to foal, but I think she’s having a bad time of it.”

Justin raked his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily. “Okay. I’ll be out in a minute to check her.” The other man retreated out the door, and Justin turned back towards her. “Sorry.”

“What for?”

“The interruption.”

“It’s fine. This is your life and your business. I’m only a guest.”

He quickly walked to her side and ran his fingers down her cheek while the other arm slipped around her waist. “You aren’t only a guest. You’re so much more.” His mouth swooped down, taking her lips in a consuming kiss, sweeping away her senses to everything, but the man who held her. When he finally lifted his head he said, “Care to join me?”


He smiled and took her hand in his, leading her out toward the large barn in the distance. She had been inside on several occasions since her arrival at his ranch, but the expansive enclosure still awed her with its size when they walked through the door together. They continued down the long corridor with the dirt floor until he stopped in front of one of the stalls. She peered through the wrought iron bars to see a beautiful palomino mare lying on her side, her abdomen rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

Justin slipped the lock on the stall and moved to the mare’s side. “Easy, girl.” He ran his hands over her silky coat, and Katrina thought she would come right there. She loved his hands and when they stroked the animal, murmuring soothing words, it felt like he stroked and whispered to her.

After several minutes, he stood and moved back to her side. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’ll be fine. The foal is large, and she’s having a hard labor, but she’s a big mare, so she should do all right.”

She shook her head in amazement. “All of this blows me away. I thought I knew about horses and stuff like that, but I could never fathom the knowledge you hold in your mind.”

He grinned and moved to her side. “No big deal. I’ve just been doing it so long, I guess this all comes naturally. Kind of like you flying a jet. I can’t even think of the things you know to be able to do what you do up there.”

Heat crawled up her neck and splashed across her cheeks at his compliment. A moment later, she tipped her head and moaned softly when his lips found her neck while he whispered in her ear, “Ever made love in a barn?”

She giggled. “No. I can’t say that I have.”

He licked her earlobe before he whispered, “First time for everything.” Bending down, he swung her up in his arms and headed for his office. Once inside, he kicked the door closed with his boot and slid her onto his desk.

“This isn’t exactly the barn.”

“Close enough. I don’t think you would be too comfortable with hay poking you in the back,” he murmured while his hand snaked up her shirt before his palm slid against her already hardening nipple. “Besides, I’ve dreamt of having you on this desk.”

“Have you?”

“Oh, yeah.” He lifted her shirt over her head. She realized several days ago it did no good for her to wear a bra unless they went riding. He usually had it off her within a few moments anyway.

His mouth found her nipple, his teeth grazing the hard nub, making her hiss in response. She wiggled her hips when his hand slipped up her jean-clad thigh, working his way to the button at her waist.

The cell phone in her pocket rang.

He removed his hands, framed her face with them. “Obviously forces are working against us here.”

She chuckled and pulled the phone from her pocket. “I need to answer. It’s my dad.”

He stepped back and raked his fingers through his hair. “Okay.”


“Kat, it’s your mother.”

“Why are you calling from Dad’s cell?” She got a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“You need to come. Your dad is in a bad way.”

“Wait, no. That can’t be. I just talked to him yesterday.”

“Katrina, listen to me. He’s at University Medical Center. You need to get here quickly.”

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